Though Malekith could make no inroads towards the Inner Kingdoms, his armies remained poised on the far side of the Annulii Mountains, ever ready for a moment of weakness.[1k]. The size and force of the combined Dark Elf and Chaos attack swept aside all resistance. Particularly in the freezing winter months, travelling under the surface proved much safer than overland or across the storm-wracked Sea of Malice. Dark Strand mobs (Level 14) around the Tower of Anthalaax. By bridging between the two realities, the Dark portal turned into red. Amidst the thrashing of the sharks, engulfed by waves and the screams of the wounded, the High Elves and Dark Elves butchered each other, fighting up to their waists in water, hacking at each other with primal fury. Great raiding fleets, their sails black against the night sky, bring woe and destruction to all the shores of the world often because there is simply no one who can stand against them. To serve the Witch King Malekith is to serve the greatest ruler the world has ever known. You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! Craft Hall 7. They were brutal and stupid, but the Dark Elves did not care, for humans also bred quickly and were physically strong.[1k]. Level 90 players can teleport from their faction capitals to a phased version of the zone, which is part of the. For all the strength of the Naggarothi host, such was the cunning artifice of the defences and the resolution of the High Elves that Malekith's army could make no headway and the siege ground on for many years.[1k]. They embrace Chaos with open arms and much of their debauched society is given over to worship of Khaine, the Lord of Murder. He was heard of no more, and it seems likely that Malekith's Assassins succeeded in their attack. Their natural grace steeled with the discipline of Aenarion, the armies of Ulthuan grew in power year by year. The Black Guard led the relief, charging with their cruel halberds into the twisted Chaos-men and hacking them down. The Witch King proclaimed himself a mortal incarnation of Khaine, his merciless instrument in the realm of the living. Sorceresses and Hag Queens cavorted in dark rituals to summon their power. This was to change dramatically when the Dark Elves of Hag Graef mined further into the mountains. The baying and roaring of their beasts could be heard for miles and the bitter cold did not slow nor turn their headlong attack.[1k]. The Dark Elves unloaded what they wanted and then set fire to the ships and sent them back into the harbour, destroying dozens more vessels. Anderhol Ruins. Weakened by a lack of supplies, the army of Naggaroth was forced from the fortress by Mentheus phalanxes of spears.[1k]. However, Chaos has not changed all the Elves in equal manner. Malekith unleashed his own sorceries, driving the mystics insane and boiling the blood in their veins. Though Malekith was not slain by Teclis' spell, it seemed that he wandered the Realm of Chaos for an eternity. Dark Elves, in particular, are adept at the art of twisting speech to serve their cause and can gleefully manipulate the emotions of another to whatever end best suits their own interests. She has been defiant of Morathi ever since, but ultimately it is Morathi who controls the fate of the Hag Queens, not Hellebron.[1k]. Knowing that to fail was to invite disaster, the High Elves sold their lives dearly.[1k]. Led by the new Phoenix King, who had taken the name Caledor to honour his grandsire, the armies opposed to Malekith fought a cunning campaign of ambush and counterattack. Never again would Malekith be allowed free passage to ransack and burn the shrines and cities around Ulthuan's Inner Sea. Yet for all her foresight and cunning, Morathi could not locate all of the strands of fate that would lead to ultimate victory over Ulthuan.[1k]. From beneath the Blackspine Mountains, the Dark Elves ventured further and further into Lustria to the south. The Black Ark that had once been Malekith's own fortress beached itself upon the stony shore, fusing with the slate and iron-rich rocks of the foothills bordering the water. Malekith's wizards unleashed bolts of black energy and called down terrible storms to ravage the lines of the Phoenix King's army. He sent his riders to every city in Naggaroth, and recalled the greater part of the Naggarothi fleet. Seven Phoenix Kings had now died, and Malekith had seen them all pass, his life eternally sustained by the dark energies of Chaos. Yet a glimmer of hope remained for the High Elves, despite the darkness that had engulfed their lands. [1k], It was not long before news began to spread across Naggaroth that cheered the cold hearts of the Dark Elves and stirred in them their old desire for slaughter and mayhem. With a defiant shout, Caledor snatched up Mirialith -- the Spear of Midnight Fire -- from the dead hand of Finudel, and cast it into Sulekh's open maw. In order to have the renewal cancelled, please reach out to, If you have an active Premium subscription (with or without automatic renewal), we will refund you. Now the Witch King sits within his chamber atop the highest pinnacle of Naggarond and gazes out upon the world. Guided by captured High Elven masons and carpenters, the slaves began to build a city around Malekith's citadel. The Daemons vanished, no longer able to maintain their forms in the mortal world, and Ulthuan was spared. None would dare to ever defy the Witch King and his rule, for all those that have no longer live within this world. Nearly all the humanoids drop wool in here at a good rate. [1b], There are no Druchii craftsmen, workers or farmers -- such menial roles belong to slaves; each and every Druchii is born, bred and trained to be a heartless warrior. The next years have brought yet another danger towards Azeroth's very doorstep when the history itself came full circle. Malekith now turned his gaze from Ulthuan, and set his sights on the wider world. As news spread across Ulthuan, the High Elves rallied to the call while the Dark Elves melted away into the shadows and returned to their vessels. The Dagger Hills. In Naggaroth, Malekith's domains spread ever further. Download the client and get started. You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! Daemons howled and gibbered as the titanic magical forces opened breaches into the Realm of Chaos, while upon the field Dark Elf and High Elf blood matted the grass and turned the ground into a crimson quagmire.[1k]. At Warcraft Tavern were huge fans of World of Warcraft. In due course, Morathi gave birth to a fine and strong son that Aenarion named Malekith and took as his heir. The Farmers, Footmen and Peasants (Level 24) [(33,49)] West of Tarren Mill. Go inside and use the stone on the altar. In a final act of defiance, the army of Ulthuan drew what little strength remained at Finuval Plain. While Aenarion rode forth once more atop Indraugnir, Caledor resolved to enact his plan for the magical vortex. Magic that leaked through the Dark Portal warped the Blasted Lands, leaving an infertile desert landscape. In the cracked and cratered remnants of Nagarythe, Anlec grew ever larger as the Witch King moved more and more of his people back to Ulthuan, until the cities of Naggaroth were empty except for the slaves and their keepers. The earth heaved and cracked, and so great was the magical explosion that it was noted in the halls of the Dwarfs, thousands of miles to the east. Deadwind mobs GroshGok Compound, SE Deadwind Pass; Most of the humanoids around Karazhan. [1k], While in 1487 IC the fleet of galleys that would usually defend the approaches to the harbour of Remas were all at sea, and the Dark Elves took advantage of an unseasonal mist to reach the harbour entrance. For all his power and skill, Tyrion was wounded and easily smashed aside by N'kari. Malekith's warriors battled bitterly, out of hatred for their cousins and fear of their lord. Malekith swore undying devotion to the Lord of Murder in the shrine of Naggarond, and poured a goblet of his divine blood into the braziers where the Witch Elves burnt the hearts of their sacrifices.[1k]. Through almighty strength of will, he lived through the punishment of the cleansing fires. When the armies of the Dragon Emperor arrived, the Dark Elves had already returned to sea. Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed. The caverns were not deserted; all manner of strange animals made their homes in the dark beneath the world. Atop cruel Sulekh, the Witch King commanded his army, launching them in an all-out attack against the serried ranks of spearmen and archers mustered by Caledor. It was Morathi who turned consternation into opportunity. In desperation, Aenarion went to the sacred fire of Asuryan, lord of the Elven pantheon, and offered himself as the ultimate sacrifice. This is a complete episode listing for all the animation produced for One Piece (, Wanpsu) based on the manga authored by Eiichiro Oda. It seemed for all the world as if the High Elves would be obliterated by Malekith's vengeance. The orcs' arcane magic was so strong it consumed the swampland and left dry red clay. i agree on the felwood, and Feralas points, the mobs don't spawn fast enough to really be worth farming. The other Great Gates of the Annulii followed in the coming years, and soon the passes between the sundered lands and the Inner Kingdoms of Ulthuan were separated by ramparts hundreds of feet high, held by stalwart defenders, ingenious war machines and powerful spells of protection.[1k]. Fighting against madness and driven by a heartfelt paranoia, Morvael emptied the Phoenix King's treasuries to rebuild the High Elf fleet. [1c], "Another year has passed in exile, another debt of blood for the usurpers in Ulthuan. He tasked Tethlis with driving the kin of Naggaroth back from the walls of Griffon Gate. Nagarythe became a land obsessed with war and death and Caledor departed to found his own kingdom in the south, much to the anger of Aenarion. By the light of the burning ships the Corsairs laughed and offered sacrifices to their evil gods and goddesses.[1k]. As word of her success grew, Laithikir sold her charts to other captains, and within a decade dozens of Dark Elf fleets were attacking the settlements of the mysterious Far East and bringing back tens of thousands of slaves and holds full of exotic wares such as witch jade, ivory, tigerfire, silk and spices. Forewarned by Morathi's Daemonic messengers, Malekith chose to strike first, before the weight of Ulthuan's hosts could fall upon Anlec a final time. Invigorated by the purity of Asuryan, Aenarion waged his war with ever greater zeal. Any such creature hit by it not only feels the sting of weapon, but also has a chance of being simply blasted from existence. Mentheus gathered together an army in a desperate attempt to relieve the siege at Griffon Gate. Mine is the will that has stripped all weakness from your hearts, mine is the vision that has poured strength into your bodies. As night came, the stars obscured by flickering witchlights and coronas of magical energy, the Witch King and his coven exerted the last of their strength. Blasted Lands: The Other Side of the World, When he awoke from his fever, Malekith's eyes burnt with a new light. Messengers were sent to the east and west, declaring that the Queen of the Elves would handsomely reward any who would fight for her.[1k]. Behind Malekith, those Druchii nobles who had proven their dedication advanced. Realising his peril, Malekith turned all his art and power to deflecting the deadly blast, but was too slow to divert it entirely. The mountains trembled and the seas bucked and heaved as dark and light waged a mystical battle for control of the swirling power at the heart of Ulthuan.[1k]. They sent word to sympathisers and agents in Saphery, a realm renowned for its mages. The princes dispatched heralds to locate Imrik and inform him of their decision to elevate him. They constantly assailed the High Elf settlement of Arnheim on the eastern coast of the New World and the city is now in a state of almost constant war. Yet with his dying breath, the last Assassin sent forth a Daemonic familiar to bring word to the Witch King of the Everqueen's location. Nethergardes mages tell that the ogres serve Lord Kazzak. Resurgent again, the warships of the High Elves attacked the supply routes from Naggaroth to Anlec, cutting off Malekith from fresh warriors, food and weapons. Here, the Dark Elves turned and faced Mentheus, determined that Anlec would never again fall. The bolts from the crossbows on the cliffs were relentless, hitting friend as often as foe, for the warriors of Malekith knew only that they had to drive their enemies back into the seas where the Black Arks awaited them. Malekith sensed that dark times would soon be at hand and he would be ready to strike at the hated High Elves. Malekith's screams echoed throughout the chamber, silencing the fighting. With prayers upon his lips, Aenarion hurled himself into the white-hot flames. This foul desert was once the southern part of a dark fen of marshlands called the Black Morass; the northern part being the Swamp of Sorrows. If youre leveling tailoring you should also check out our WoW Classic tailoring guide! From these blood-soaked rituals arose the cult of the Executioners -- guards of the temple who became so gifted with their blades that they could decapitate or eviscerate a captive with one swift strike. So, what are you waiting for? Gone was the raging anger, replaced now by a harsh coldness that pierces the soul of any who looked upon the Witch King.[1k]. WebThe Fallen Hero of the Horde is in Swamp of Sorrows, just before the entrance into Blasted Lands. A second run gave me 133 mageweave and 73 silk. Few can match the Dark Elves in sheer cruelty, sadism and hubris. As magic swirled through the world, Caledor set the priests of the smith-god Vaul to bind the mystical energies into weapons with which to fight the Daemons.[1k]. Ulthuan was in ruins, but the vortex drew away much of the magical energy corrupting the world. Malekith asked the Phoenix King to convene Ulthuan's council of princes. Panic swept through Ulthuan as these crimes grew in boldness and horror, until Aethis finally acted.[1k]. Some of the princes of Ulthuan asked for a cooler, steadier head to guide the Elves in the rebuilding of their civilisation. [1c], Indeed, some of the more capable barbarians can even be wielded as weapons in their own right, manipulated by threats, trinkets and empty promises into assailing the shores of hated Ulthuan or else wreaking havoc upon the high seas. Now steeped in the blackest of magic, Morathi sought further means to increase her mystical power. His army was all but shattered by the unending fighting, and with the resistance of his foes showing no sign of breaking, the Witch King made one last, desperate bid for victory.[1k]. Gathering his most fell warriors -- Assassins of Khaine, Sorceresses of the Convent and battle-hardened Corsairs -- Malekith marched out to meet the host of Tethlis.[1k]. After the Battle of Maledor, with the jeers of the victorious Elves loyal to the Phoenix Throne -- increasingly called "High Elves" -- still burning in his memory, Malekith's patience utterly snapped. WebTurn in Dark Storms. Swathed in magical shadows, they prepared their ambush. Many of the raiders who travelled back from across the ocean first put in to Hag Graef, to unload a portion of their slaves and spoils before Malekith took his share. From the north came a great host of savage humans riding upon vicious dogs and in war chariots drawn by giant predatory cats. Some rode in other chariots, others upon the backs of yet more Cold Ones. The Dark Portal since the invasion of the Iron Horde. Well, maybe. Hidden from the eyes and spells of the High Elves, a cabal of Assassins lay in ambush around the Shrine of Khaine. WebLatest breaking news, including politics, crime and celebrity. In battle against brutal greenskins and warped monsters, Malekith perfected his fighting skills and rose to become a great leader. Menreith was determined not to suffer the same fate as his forefather, and the Battle of the Waves is remembered as one of the most closely fought and bitter naval battles between the two nations of Elves. US Blue Post: ENCOUNTER_START not firing in ulduar, probably related to cooldowns not resetting, US Blue Post: Patch 3.4.1 PTR Development Notes - Updated for Ulduar Raid Testing 12/08/22, US Blue Post: WoW Classic: The Joyous Journeys 50% Experience Buff Returns, EU Blue Post: WoW Classic: The Joyous Journeys 50% Experience Buff Returns, EU Blue Post: Wrath of the Lich King Classic Hotfixes - Updated 8 December. This information in turn allowed the Dark Elves to infiltrate the courts of such realms. Four Assassins of Khaine pledged their lives and souls to bringing Alarielle to Malekith and then set out on their quest. Upcoming Class Tuning for Dragonflight, Dec 13th: Tank Nerfs. While the Marauders were left to burn and plunder as they saw fit, the vanguard of the Dark Elves speared into the woodland realm of Avelorn -- the home of the Everqueen of Ulthuan. To him came the most warlike and vengeful Elves, to serve in the army of the Deathbringer. High Elf fleets patrolled the coasts and made raiding more perilous year by year. Southsea mobs (Level 45) [(73,46)] East Tanaris, on coast. [1c], "The blood of the druchii belongs to me. West of Har Ganeth, the tribes gathered under the shadow of the Black Pillar -- a towering shrine to the Chaos Gods carved from obsidian and studded with the skulls of sacrifices. [1b], Thus do the dread hosts of Naggaroth spread across the world, their fell banners dancing grimly on the wind, each warrior alert to the prospect of wicked joy that every battle brings. The fumes from their pyres swathed the city of the Witch King, and bloodthirsty mobs ran rampant through the streets, killing and maiming in mindless bursts of violence. It was an accursed weapon and the moment Aenarion drew it from the altar he doomed both himself and his line.[1k]. There was betrayal all across Ulthuan. He returned his sword to the black altar and there breathed his last; the first and greatest of the Phoenix Kings was dead, lying atop the corpse of his loyal Dragon. This WoW Classic cloth farming guide will help you through all levels to round up linen, wool, silk, mageweave, runecloth, and felcloth. Where the armies of the Witch King advanced, the warriors of Caledor fell back, only to outflank the soldiers of Nagarythe and strike back from unexpected quarters.[1k]. As Malekith's followers fled north with his remains, war erupted. Black-cloaked horsemen rode down those that tried to flee and hunted for survivors escaping across the barren tundra. In temples filled with beating drums, haunting pipes, and narcotic vapours, they danced and feasted and sang blasphemous praises. They blended in with the High Elves and assumed normal lives as carpenters and smiths, as farmers and poets. Outraged by the actions of Malekith's agents, Morvael gathered a war fleet and sent it to Naggaroth to exact revenge for the murder of Aethis. [1k], Seeing his attack lose momentum, Malekith intervened directly. The raiders' tales of cities paved with gold and immense, prehistoric ziggurats filled with riches beyond counting lured more and more Dark Elves into the rotting jungles and raids into Lustria now take place every few years. The results of these clandestine attacks proved to be far greater than Malekith had ever hoped. [1c], Elves are cunning of mind and clever beyond the ken of mere mortals. "There are not enough words in your simple tongue to express our hatred for them, Human. The debauchery lasted for a whole month, and culminated in a massive hunt during which a thousand slaves were let loose into the forests and the Dark Elves chased them down over the following weeks. So, what are you waiting for? [1l], This honour is not granted out of filial regard, but because the Hag Sorceress can be trusted only when kept in plain sight. Though his mother, Morathi, ranted and railed against the iniquity heaped upon Malekith, the son of Aenarion was the first to bow his knee to Bel Shanaar and swear fealty.[1k]. Their ships and crews were more disciplined than the bloodthirsty Corsairs of Naggaroth, who were used to raiding human and Orc settlements and fighting against unwitting and unsubtle opponents. Malekith's aim was twofold: to sow panic and dismay with the Everqueen's death and to corrupt the powerful magic that she wielded. Malekith rode to battle astride a Black Dragon, raised in secret in Nagarythe away from the prying eyes of the Caledorian Dragontamers. They were within a few days march of the Shrine of Asuryan but their attack could go no further. Nearly all the humanoids drop Runecloth around here at a good rate. Malekith had another reason to be confident. [1c], For the Dark Elves, all of the world's bounty is theirs to do with as they wish -- provided that they have the strength to claim it. It was perhaps untimely, then, that Caledor chose to heap pressure upon Malekith by launching an offensive against the Shadowlands in a bid to reclaim the Blighted Isle for Ulthuan.[1k]. Within a decade, the High Elves came again, launching attacks from the Annulii Gates to strike into the heart of the Shadowlands.[1k]. One run through the dungeon gave me 131 pieces of mageweave, 70 silk, and a bunch of greens for disenchanting or selling. Jadefire mobs (Level 53) [(43,20)]- Jadefire Run, North Felwood. His departure was seen by the scrying spells of Morathi and she called down a storm to sink the High Elf fleet. Even the mighty Black Arks, once invincible, met their match. The broken domes of shrines and the walled steps of the great pyramid temple still break the waves at low tide, an ominous reminder of the Witch King's power. Sensing that this cauldron of dissent might prove rebellious in future years, Malekith at first thought to crush the dissidents and punish them for their insubordination. From here they embarked upon their fleet and followed the Black Arks across the Sea of Chill.[1k]. Sounds like Khorne? Those we take are privileged to join something far greater than they ever wouldve been able to if we left them to lead their pathetic little lives. Those cultists who surrendered were sent to the castles of Nagarythe to be released from their delusions. Aenarion himself slew four Greater Daemons of Chaos, with the help of faithful Indraugnir. Nearly all the humanoids drop silk in here at a good rate. Killers, despoilers, slavers and thieves we name them, but not one of these oft-earned titles begins to describe the depths of their depravity. Aenarion called to the Elven gods to aid him, offering sacrifices to them for their intervention. Naggaroth will rise, Ulthuan will fall, and a vengeance thousands of years in the making will finally see its bloody conclusion. It was a masterful stroke, for the Dark Elf nobles of Hag Graef were soon gathering their power and took to fighting amongst themselves. O' Keeffe, 1891 Papal Bull: Quo Primum, the Tridentine Mass for all Times Why the Mass is in Latin Catholic Worship, Explained God the Teacher of Mankind: The Holy He brought down storms of lightning upon his foes and engulfed armies with conflagrations of white flame. There are no mailboxes for Horde players in this zone, while the Alliance has two. As he led the remnants of his army northwards again, Malekith cursed Tethlis' name and vowed to see the Phoenix King dead. A Genestealer Cult is a xenos-worshipping secret society made up of and controlled by Tyranid Genestealers that thrives in the dark corners of the Imperial underworld across the galaxy.Secretive, stealthy, and utterly malignant, Genestealer Cults are the cancers is the leading news source for Long Island & NYC. From across Ulthuan, the hosts of the Witch King marched to Finuval Plain to crush the last resistance. The High Elves' offensive was utterly unexpected, and a column of glittering knights charged from Griffon Gate and Dragon riders soared overhead. Can they not see the madness that lies within the Witch King? Find the latest business news on Wall Street, jobs and the economy, the housing market, personal finance and money investments and much more on ABC News When the Alliance destroyed the Dark Portal, the spread of the taint stopped, but the Blasted Lands still cannot heal themselves. He now had a new weapon to unleash upon the High Elves of Ulthuan. On the second occasion, Malekith drove his warriors onward in a vicious pursuit, dogging the steps of Tethlis all the way to the Griffon Gate.[1k]. Their every word conceals a depth of meaning that is altered wholly by the slightest change of inflection or stance. The Blasted Lands and the Dark Portal as seen by the humans during the Invasion of Draenor. The short, ugly Dwarfs and his effete kin on Ulthuan would never be able to unite against him.[1k]. It lists the location and mob to get the best drop rates for whichever one you need. The Age of Endless Glory (-4500 to -4419 IC), The Age of Restless Spite (-2723 to -692 IC), The Age of Hateful Peace (-692 to 1123 IC), The Age of Glorious Torment (1503 to 2300 IC). Not for five thousand years have the Dark Elves known peace.[1k]. [3], The area was also invaded twice by the Scourge in the years leading to the war against the Lich King.[4]. Advised by Morathi, Malekith poured support into the many cults and sects that the Dark Elves participated in, openly supporting High Priests and High Priestesses like Hellebron, Aegethir and Kherathi. The huge drain on the fleets and armies required to watch for Dark Elf attack seriously undermined the support Ulthuan could lend to the colonies across the other continents of the world. Download the client and get started. , , . The Elves worship a wide variety of deities of varying power and temperament. The city was named Hag Graef, the Dark Crag. The original tan color was transmuted into the unearthly crimson by searing heat and chaotic energies when the Dark Portal was destroyed. At the head of a black fleet, he travelled the far reaches of the world, wreaking ruin and bringing dismay wherever he went.[1k]. When they came upon Ulthuan, the Daemons found an island steeped in magical energy. Malekith channelled ungodly energies to bring down fire and ruin upon his foes, whilst wrestling with the counterspells of Teclis. Arrows and spears pattered harmlessly from the Witch King's armoured body and the scales of his Dragon alike. For centuries the might of Ulthuan and the Dwarfs were pitched against each other. With all of his prayers behind it, Teclis unleashed a bolt of energy directly at the Witch King. Comment by Erethzium - While he tanked Nezir, I blasted Anshal as quickly as possible. When they were ready, these agents travelled, one at a time by hidden routes, to the shores of Ulthuan. Driven mad by his dreams, overwhelmed by the terrors unleashed by the Dark Elves, Morvael committed suicide. His kingdom lay beneath the waves and his army was all but destroyed. These forces can be landed on the coast of an unsuspecting kingdom, perform a lightning raid, and be off before any of the local defence forces are able to react (the raiders do not do well in stand-up fights). This continued for many months, until she had mustered a horde of tribesmen tens of thousands strong. Despite the best efforts of Malekith's assassins to hasten his demise, Caradryel reigned for just over six centuries, during which Malekith continually tested the defences of Ulthuan. The High Elves for the most part would fight to the death rather than be taken in battle, and so Malekith's labour force did not grow quickly. This is an indefinite decision. As the months passed, they began to age once more and needed to bathe again to reclaim their beauty. Caradryel, Prince of Yvresse, was elected as the most stable of the candidates, and his first decree was to recall all loyal High Elves to defend Ulthuan. The Blighted Isle swiftly fell and once again the Naggarothi held the Altar of Khaine. Elsewhere, the armies of Naggaroth advanced without pause, Malekith's generals eager to outdo their rivals. We've discontinued servicing users from your location and are thereby preventing access to any of the websites owned and operated by ZAM Network, LLC DBA Fanbyte (the owner of This decision is ultimately one we were forced to make due to the number of visitors from your region when compared to the operational costs necessary to continue providing access there. The Witch King did have one final revenge. When news reached Malekith of this development, he scorned these new troops, dubbing them cowardly bakers and farmers. The Blighted Isle had been lost, and with it all Dark Elf presence had been driven from Ulthuan for the second time. Seeing that the strength of Ulthuan could not prevail against the might of Naggaroth, Teclis sought to destroy the Witch King. Even the stones from which it was built were melted or ground down so that no trace of Anlec remained to stain the lands of Ulthuan. Only the High Elves have no hope of survival under the yoke of Naggarothi rule, for every Dark Elf dreams of the day when their ancient enemies will at last be scoured from every corner of the world. Misery. Caledor and Malekith finally met at the field of Maledor. Three Elven princes -- Tithrain, Carvalon and Finudel -- fell beneath the wicked blade of Malekith and the claws of Sulekh.[1k]. Such measures were not needed, as Caledor II and High King Gotrek Starbreaker were now utterly committed to the destruction of each other as grievance built upon grievance.[1k]. The backlash of so much raw magical power tore Ulthuan asunder. The captives were taken back to Naggaroth; to whatever unholy end none can say. They whispered about the darkness that had beset the realm of Nagarythe, and of the manner that had been raised in the Court of Aenarion. There are only the Druchii, the Dark Elves, those renegade kin from Ulthuan. Enraged that Alarielle still lived, Malekith turned all of his fury upon the High Elves. [7], Magic that leaked through the Dark Portal warped the Blasted Lands, leaving an infertile desert landscape. Clad in a rune-etched skin of black steel, Malekith could once again lead his armies. If Tethlis attempted to draw the Sword of Khaine, they would strike at once, cursed to sell their lives to prevent the Phoenix King from drawing the Murderer of Gods.[1k]. Though all Elves can broadly be accounted equal, the Dark Elves deem that only they make full use of their natural gifts, for they alone of Elvenkind do not allow such concepts as mercy and tradition to shackle their deeds. Sapped by this constant hit-and-run warfare, the Naggarothi advanced, faltered, regrouped, and attacked again. - Gamlial @ Altar of Storms Get the latest international news and world events from Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and more. They have the unenviable task of watching the Dark Portal, guarding the rest of the continent from the demons in the south and protecting themselves from the ogre tribes that roam the desert.[6]. As the deluge swept down upon the realm of Malekith, his followers used the last of their sorcerous power to hold back the storm. Pleasured by concubines and given gifts of gold, silver and gems, the chief of the tribe quickly swore an oath of fealty to the "Elf Queen." Its a boring instance, but the mobs have a good respawn rate. While Malekith fought upon Ulthuan, control of Naggaroth rested with his mother, Morathi. Directing every assault are the black-hearted Dreadlords of Naggaroth, who expend the lives of their followers as easily, and with as little compunction, as they order the destruction of the foe. In the centre of Har Ganeth Hellebron raised up a great temple to Khaine, reached by an iron stairway of a thousand and one steps. The dark forests to the south and east, and the forbidding mountains to the west, held many fell beasts and hundreds of Naggarothi were devoured in the night as they made camps in the wilderness.[1k]. All Elves speak a single tongue called Eltharin, but the language has since splintered into different dialects, each representing one of the three factions of Elves in the world. Malekith took the Circlet of Iron and resolved to unravel its secrets. The Black Arks Citadel of Ecstatic Damnation and Jade Palace of Pain beached amidst the ruins of Nagarythe. For decades, the most powerful Witch Elves indulged themselves in this bloody manner, realising too late that Morathi had ensnared them with an addiction to eternal beauty. Jadefire mobs (Level 53) [(43,20)] Jadefire Run, North Felwood. Waves of despair and anger flowed through the miasmic vortices of raw magic, bringing scenes of death and destruction that both thrilled and chilled the onlookers. Several fortresses fell within the first month and isolated garrisons were slaughtered or taken captive. Any such creature hit by it not only feels the sting of weapon, but also has a chance of being simply blasted from existence. In the ravaged lands of Nagarythe, in the north of Ulthuan, Aenarion set his capital and established his kingdom. After the terrified Tileans had gathered up all of their wealth and stores, the Dark Elves stormed ashore and slaughtered everybody. [2d], These gods are not openly worshipped on Ulthuan by the High Elves, though they have small shrines that are usually shunned except during essential ceremonies for the sole purpose of appeasement. Under his reign the arts rose in prominence, and under the cover of this the cults created by Malekith expanded swiftly and struck without warning. With the advantage of surprise well and truly gone, the Dark Elves' morale collapsed. Morathi nursed her son for a year, pouring all of her vile magic and malice into his soul to revive him. It is this, more than anything else, which renders Dark Elf society so opportunistic and impetuous. This region does not welcome life of any form. After Caradryel died peacefully in his bed, Malekith's spies returned from the Inner Kingdoms to bring word that the council of princes had elected Tethlis as his successor. They held noble families hostage and allowed the rulers to remain in power only to enact the will of Malekith. Three of the nobles snatched up goblets without hesitation and downed their contents. A tidal wave a thousand feet high crashed upon the northern coasts, engulfing Nagarythe and Tiranoc. Until the day dawns when the Isles of Ulthuan are finally theirs, the Dark Elves will continue their bloody quest. This desolate and barren land has very little in the way of flora and fauna (the only exception is the Tainted Forest) barring the demons which now wander the plains. One day the whole of Nethergarde Keep was struck by a mysterious illness, and the Dreadmaul ogres took the opportunity to attack. Now it connects to the remains of Draenor, the shattered world of Outland. With a host of levy spearmen, mainly from Chrace and Cothique, Mentheus marched to Griffon Gate, accompanied by a cadre of mages from the White Tower. He was departing Ulthuan to personally oversee the war with the Dwarfs. As the Dark Elf Armada crossed the Sea of Chill, ships from the east brought news that might bode well or ill for Malekith's invasion. You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. [5], The Blasted Lands bear that name for a reason: they were twisted by the magic that brought the Dark Portal into being, spewing the rampaging Horde into Azeroth. Kouran Darkhand, captain of the Black Guard, is a different matter entirely, for his loyalty to the Witch King is without question. The Broken Tooth is found at the Altar of Storms in Blasted Lands. Yet it seemed nothing short of outright war would quell the rise of the decadent cults.[1k]. Malekith knew the temper of Tethlis and predicted that the Phoenix King would not be content while the Witch King still lived. Felguard mobs South Blasted Lands by Dark Portal. Tethlis had been one of the generals discarded by the arrogance of Caledor II, but Caradryel put his faith in the coldly determined commander. Such import was placed on these visions that Malekith and Morathi travelled to Ghrond to witness the unfolding scenes of slaughter and misery for themselves. Moshogg Brutes (Level 36) [(37,31)] SE of GromGol, Venture Co mobs (Level 36) [(43,17)] Lake Nazferiti, Boulderfist mobs (Level 35) [(52,73)] South of Hammerfall, Syndicate mobs (Level 32) [(30,28)] NW Arathi, Drywhisker mobs (Level 36) [(78,36)] NE Arathi, Shadowforge mobs (Level 38) [(46,35)] North Badlands, Bleakheart mobs (Level 26) [(82,52)] Satyrnaar, NE Ashenvale, Undead mobs (Level 26) around the Lost Fleet, Highborn mobs (Level 47) [(18,70)] SW of Valormok, Timbermaw mobs (Level 47-50) [(33,47)(45,29)] just North of Eldarath Ruins (only kill these if your rep sucks or you dont care about it), Haldaar mobs (Level 46) [(19,65)] SW of Valormok, Dustbelcher mobs (Level 42) [(12,74)] Camp Cragg, SW Badlands, Dreadmaul mobs Dreadmaul Hold, NW Blasted Lands, Nethergarde mobs Nethergarde Armoury, North Blasted Lands, Deadwood mobs (Level 50) [(49,89)] Deadwood Village, South Felwood, Jadefire mobs (Level 51) [(38,68)(43,87)] South of Jaedenar, East Felwood and Jadefire Glen, SE Felwood, Jaedenar mobs (Level 52) [(39,58)]- Jaedenar, East Felwood, Grimtotem mobs (Level 43) [(70,41)] west of Camp Mojache. Its about 1 in 15 to 1 in 20. [1c], Whilst Dark Elves aim to rule the world, they at least make their ambitions plain. Amberpine Lodge. Steel will be his skin and fire will be his blood, in hatred will he conquer all before him. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Fr. Meanwhile, Morathi used her sorcerous powers to divine the intent of the princes and sent a cadre of assassins to slay the future Phoenix King. A dark underworld sea glittered in the lantern light, fed by dozens of small streams from the heart of the mountains. He had faked his own death so that he could continue to operate within Naggaroth and Ulthuan in absolute secrecy. And when i looked at the map i saw a place called "Sunveil Excursion" south of the dark portal and there i found some quests given from "Rohan Sunveil" and later on also from "Elijah Dawnflight" who is standing abit to the With the Daemonic invasion defeated, the Elves looked to explore the world that had been left changed by the assault of Chaos. Most of the ships survived the battering wind and waves, but the fleet was scattered and Caledor's vessel was sent far off course. With so many warriors lost in the attack on Naggaroth, Morvael was forced to institute a system of militia levies on the people of Ulthuan, insisting that all High Elves be trained for military service. This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade. The lands around the former Dark Portal are burnt and dead, forever warped by the powers that followed its destruction. WebComment by Sn0vit I had one quest remaining to get "Blasted Lands Quests" achivement, and I was flying (im lvl 85) around to find the last one. Some of these mages had been tempted by the power of dark sorcery and defected to the Nagarythe. The drop rate for Felcloth is really low. Remnants of the many pleasurecults from Ulthuan continued to hold sway over the Dark Elves, but one sect in particular rose to dominate all others. In their wake, they left a town empty but for heaps of dismembered and charred corpses, writhing with flies and disease. Malekith quit Ulthuan, claiming that Bel Shanaar would be able to rule the isle more soundly without the heir of Aenarion close at hand. Yet for all the Witch King's dread, Caledor resisted the whispers of the God of Murder and left the Sword of Khaine in its black altar.[1k]. [1k], Sharks sensed the blood in the water and gathered to feast on the dead and the living alike. Urian cut down a score of High Elves, seeking out Prince Tyrion, who in turn claimed dozens of Dark Elf lives with his runeblade, Sunfang. He wished to request control of Ulthuan's armies so that he might cast out the cults of pleasure. Skeletal mobs (Level 25) [(20,48)] Raven Hill Cemetery, East of Twilight Grove. Jutting from within the black altar stood the weapon of the Lord of Murder -- the Widowmaker, the Spear of Vengeance, the Sword of Khaine, the Godslayer. Umber Shells 2. Malekith was to be outdone, however, as Tethlis' whole attack and flight had been feigned -- a lure to bait the Witch King from his fortress. And beside Malekith stood Urian Poisonblade, the most deadly warrior to have ever been raised in Naggaroth. Faced with this sudden aggression by their kin, the Dark Elves quickly set aside their seditious plotting and stopped their desertions, instead rallying to the banner of the Witch King. Whether by the hand of foe or friend, Tethlis died at the Shrine of Khaine, and with him the last remaining desire for war was quenched. Bitterness had done little to dull the Dark Elves' allure. But the cults did not accept the change in leadership so easily. Following the Third War, and the defeat of the Burning Legion at Mount Hyjal, the colossal Ered'ruin Lord Kazzak led many of the remaining Legion forces on Azeroth in the Tainted Scar,[1] and ordered his most fearsome lieutenant Razelikh the Defiler to secure the land.[2]. Though he battled as hard as before, this time Aenarion could not break the daemonic horde. Their orders were simple: take the Inner Kingdoms or die at the hands of the Witch King and his torturers.[1k]. Many did not survive; those that did were hardened by their trials, as bitter and devoted to the pursuit of black magic as their mistress. Here rose the great fortress of Anlec, a bastion against the Daemons from which the armies of Aenarion could sally forth. (Level 54), Timbermaw mobs (Level 53) [(25,34)] in the Timbermaw Tunnel that runs between Felwood, Moonglade and Winterspring (only kill these if your rep sucks or you dont care about it), The elites in Darkwhisper Gorge drop a load of Runecloth, but youll need help there. To the east, a group of Dark Elves founded the city of Clar Karond, linked to Naggarond and Hag Graef by underground tunnels. Nearly all the humanoids drop linen in here at a good rate. After attacking Anlec with the aid of Prince Finudel and Princess Athielle, the co-rulers of Ellyrion, Prince Thyriol, who had presided over the First Council that decided Bel Shaanar, and not Malekith, would succeed as Phoenix King, along with two other mages from Saphery, Prince Bathanair of Yvresse and Prince Charill and his son Lorichar of Chrace, took Morathi back to Tor Anroc after she had accepted Malekith's deal of clemency in exchange for handing over to him the leadership of the cults. It was time for the armies of Naggaroth to vent their full fury upon Ulthuan once more -- the Age of Vengeance had begun.[1k]. Scouts quickly found rich lodes of minerals in the mountains, but Malekith's people had no aptitude for mining and smelting, nor for building the walls that would be needed to keep away the mutant beasts, nor for farming or animal husbandry. Most of the humanoids in here will drop wool, not the best place, but at least youll have the mobs all to your self. "And lo, he shall rule with a dark hand and his shadow shall touch upon every land. Druchii warriors love nothing more than to see their enemies screaming in pain, and take pleasure from spilling blood and spreading misery. From the ancient temples of Nagarythe they had risen; hedonistic cults of luxury, pleasure, and excess that grew within the cities and spread across the kingdoms. From hidden coves, Dark Elf raiders looted gold convoys and slave-traders, and brought back the riches of kings to adorn the palaces of Malekith. However, their ships were stopped at the terrible 'Battle of the Bridge' in which a large part of the bridge was sacked and burnt by the Dark Elves, who also took away many people as slaves. Malekith invited half a dozen of the most powerful nobles of Hag Graef to a feast. Ameth'Aran. For many, the natural successor to Aenarion was his son Malekith. Forced to abandon some of their bolder plans by the persecution of the Swordmasters, the cults of excess faded back into High Elf society and continued their secretive work. Prop 30 is supported by a coalition including CalFire Firefighters, the American Lung Association, environmental organizations, electrical workers and businesses that want to improve Californias air quality by fighting and preventing wildfires and reducing air pollution from vehicles. Over and over the images emerged from the coruscating energies, each time a little different, a small detail or event somewhat changed as the flowing threads of fate intertwined and unravelled, changing the future.[1k]. Black Arks beached across Nagarythe and the armies of darkness smashed through Phoenix Gate and Unicorn Gate. While Ulthuan burned, the Witch King demanded that the Everqueen be found, or that her body be brought to him as proof of her death. In the end, these doubters prevailed and, with good grace, Malekith accepted the Elven princes' choice of Bel Shanaar as the next Phoenix King. Even as the tide turned against his army, Caledor led the counterattack. Sensing the fortress was poorly defended, Tethlis' army having been scattered by the implacable pursuit, the Witch King ordered an immediate assault. Shadowsworn mobs Altar of Storms, West Blasted Lands; Felguard mobs around the Dark Portal, South Blasted Lands; Burning Steppes. Malekith's disciples took up his body and fought their way clear, leaving most of Ulthuan's princes slain in the shrine.[1k]. Inner team: 3, outer team: 1. Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. Works exactly the same as the old one but covers so much more :). In the confusion and anarchy of the following centuries, the Dark Elves found rich pickings. Malekith gloried in the destruction and carnage and mercilessly crushed every army raised against him. WebBlasted Chamber 47. In return, the crazed Witch Elves would fight for the Witch King and his nobles when called upon. All of Malekith's will and energy was bent on breaching the defences of Ulthuan.[1k]. [1k], The construction of the northern watchtowers was completed, and not too soon, for Chaos warbands began to gather in the Chaos Wastes and foray into the lands of Naggaroth. The burning would never stop, and so Hotek fused his newly-forged armour directly to Malekith's body. They have the unenviable task of watching the Dark Portal, guarding the rest of the continent against the demons in the south and protecting themselves from the ogre tribes that roam the desert. Pain. Razormane mobs (Level 8) [(44,49)(50,49)] SW of Razor Hill, Voodoo mobs (Level 8) [(66,84)] Echo Isles, BaelDun mobs (Level 8) [(34,47)] SW of Thunderbluff, Venture Co mobs (Level 11) [(61,47)] SE of Thunderbluff, Harpies (Level 8) [(35,41)(63,70)] SW of Thunderbluff and SE of BloodhoofVillage, Palemane mobs (Level 4-7) [(36,62)(49,71)(53,71)] West of Bloodhoof Villageand NE of Red Cloud Mesa, Dalaran mobs (Level 15) [(57,64)] Ambermill area, Mobs in Pyrewood Village (Level 14 elite) [(47,72)], Ravenclaw mobs (Level 11) [(53,15)] Maldens Orchard, North of Sepulcher, Grimtotem mobs (Level 14) [(80,90)] as you come into SM from The Barrens, Kolbold mobs (Level 17) Boulderslide Ravine, Kolkar mobs (Level 13) [(43,24)] West of Crossroads, Razormane mobs (Level 10) [(54,26)] North East of Crossroads, Venture Co mobs (Level 14) [(56,10)] Sludge Fen, Harpies (Level 17) [(41,16)] North West of Crossroads, Scarlet mobs (Level 7-11) [(79,33)(81,54)(54,67)] South of SM, West of SM and West of Undercity, Rotting and Wailing mobs (Level 10) [(51,30)] Agamand Mill, NW of Undercity. In return for sacrifices and dark favours, N'kari would hunt down Alarielle and devour her soul. Girathon used his power to subvert much of Aethis' commands and spread confusion throughout the realm. Map of the Blasted Lands pre-Iron Horde Incursion. The same happened at the next encampment, and the next, and the next. Though will it come to pass that the firstborn son of noble blood shall rise to power. Even his boy, born here, often speaks his native tongue indifferently. Marija has apparently concluded about two hours ago that if the altar in the corner, with the deity in soiled white, be not the true home of the muses, it is, at any rate, the nearest substitute on earth attainable. For years they had tested their strength against each other with the might of their armies, and at Maledor they would pit their skills face-to-face. Created a new NPC Location Listing page (added ot the menu at the top). Yet no Dark Elf wishes to see these ancient titles cast down, for there is no more effective way of measuring one's worth than by reckoning the minions that grovel below and the fools who preen above. Pick up the next quest: Margoz. We strike where and when we will, leaving no doubt who are the true masters of the seas. An expedition led by Eltharion of Tor Yvresse attacked Naggarond itself -- with stolen clothes Eltharion and a small group of warriors snuck into the Witch King's capital and opened one of the gates for Eltharion's army to enter. Thanks got it fixed. Morathi again aided her son, and gifted the Witch Elves of Khaine with the sacred Cauldrons of Blood. He was Teclis, brother to Prince Tyrion, and soon Malekith and his followers would curse his name.[1k]. These renegades raised their armies and marched forth with glee. Now run back South to the road and retrace your steps to the tower where AkZeloth waits. Caledor recognised the sacred blessing bestowed upon Aenarion and swore fealty to the Phoenix King, adding the strength of his armies to the host of Aenarion. He wandered through its ice-trapped streets, between colossal buildings that hurt the eyes to look upon. Thus did Malekith decree the "Age of Glorious Torment" to have begun. Titanic magical duels tore the lands of Saphery apart as sorcerer fought mage. Over the course of centuries, many realms experienced both the cold embrace and the wicked betrayal of Dark Elf diplomacy. Many of their commanders feared returning to Naggarond, wary of the Witch King's temper and the machinations of Morathi. They are terrible, seek them not. The Greater Daemon descended upon Tyrion and Alarielle in the last twilight hours of the night. The shifting ice had ruptured an ancient vault, and within it Malekith found an artefact older even than the Elves. Battles between Dark Elves and High Elves are exceptionally bloody, as the Dark Elves hurl themselves at their foes with unending ferocity and the warriors of Ulthuan stoically stand their ground despite the terrifying beasts and merciless agonies unleashed upon them. [1c] Stormclouds gather across the High Elf realms, and the Witch King's malevolent laughter echoes upon the wind. Grimtotem mobs (Level 26) [(31,37)] SE of the Great Lift, Bloodscalp mobs (Level 34) [(29,20)(33,16)] the ruins North of the Gromgol. North and west they travelled, across the churning seas to the desolate wilderness of the continent of Naggaroth -- the Land of Chill.[1k]. With a burst of energy that shook the mountains and cracked the ground, the vortex of Caledor finally sprang into life. He quested amongst the Worlds Edge Mountains and made war against the primal tribes of men in the blasted Chaos Wastes. Shadowsworn mobs Altar of Storms, West Blasted Lands, Felguard mobs around the Dark Portal, South Blasted Lands, Blackrock mobs Pillar of Ash, central Burning Steppes, Deadwind mobs GroshGok Compound, SE Deadwind Pass. Fighting for their ancestral lands, the Naggarothi were hate-filled and vicious, and Caledor's advance swiftly stalled. The bolt struck the Witch King and engulfed him with its energies. [2d], The most widely acknowledged Elven gods outside of Naggaroth are the Cadai, or the gods of the Heavens, who represent the more positive characteristics of Elven culture and the natural world. The Witch King knew this did not bode well for his desire to claim Ulthuan. They knew that it was better to be poisoned than suffer under the rule of the others. Find stories, updates and expert opinion. The danger of invasion from the north vexed Malekith greatly, as he could not launch an invasion of Ulthuan while the borders of Naggaroth were unsafe. The conflict between the Alliance and Horde raged in the northern part of the region for a time, focused mainly on the Nethergarde's supply base located between Dreadmaul Hold and Nethergarde Keep. Through fire, blood and ruin.". The Sorceresses that had survived were brought before Malekith; he had them thrown into chains and sent to the sacrificial altars for their failure to foretell the Chaos attack.[1k]. Left empty, mighty Anlec was destroyed by Tethlis' army; razed from existence by blade, fire and magic. In Nagarythe, Morathi and Malekith had long studied the blacker arts of magic. Note: Some of the subzones in the Blasted Lands were changed during the pre-patch for Warlords of Draenor. More dangerous than the perils of frostbite and starvation were the many vicious predators that stalked these strange lands. With many thousands of slaves labouring beneath the cruel whips of the overseers, the ramparts and bastions of Anlec were built again around the foundations of the Black Arks. In order to receive the refund please reach out to. His bodyguard of White Lions was small, but they fought to the last Elf to defend their king, whose own blade accounted for half a dozen of his attackers. Indeed, so much cruel delight did these manipulations elicit, that Malekith could well have continued upon this path for many centuries more, had his spies not brought unwelcome tidings: despite their woes, the High Elves had not lost heart. Though lacking the sheer size and grandeur of its previous incarnations, this new Anlec was still a formidable fortress and a secure base from which Dark Elf armies once more besieged Griffon Gate.[1k]. They take food and treasure, but the main purpose of their raids is to obtain slaves. His wife, the Everqueen Astarielle, was slain and his children were missing. Bitter winter snows and winds swathed Nagarythe and Tethlis' army was forced to retreat to the gates and would be unable to launch their campaign until the following spring. And Marija is just fighting drunk when there come to her ears the facts about the villains who have not paid that night. For the most part leaderless, the other kingdoms of Ulthuan knew nothing of the danger until the hosts of Nagarythe besieged their castles. They even grew so bold as to raid the port of Marienburg. But the Witch Elves look nothing like the Chaos Marauders.". There were also those who embraced the opportunity to seize lands from their peers. Malekith's commanders ordered the retreat to Nagarythe.[1k]. With spired castles upon their backs, the serpentine creatures of the Boiling Sea became the core of a new raiding fleet. Many Elves became indolent and selfish, indulging their heightened senses with ceremonies dedicated to exotic, forbidden gods. Map of the Blasted Lands prior to patch 4.0.3. At the top of the steps, the altars flowed with blood as sacrifices were made on an almost industrial scale.[1k]. Episodes 1-206 were made and Their every whim being nothing more than to sow misery and pain to all that oppose them, for misery and pain is the very lifeblood of their existence. With them came many Chaos beasts that lived within Ulthuan's magic-riven mountains. At that moment, agents from Nagarythe entered the shrine and fighting broke out between those loyal to Malekith and those who opposed him. Here, High Elves from every kingdom and from beyond the seas were gathered to fight their last battle. Shades from the Tower of Oblivion stole into the town of Anducci in Tilea's southern lands and crept into the houses of the local people, snatching all the children of the town from their beds. Ammen Vale. Yet for all of the strength of the Phoenix King's hosts, the legions of Chaos Daemons were without number and the magelord Caledor saw that there could be no ultimate victory by war alone. While Clar Karond prospered, politics and infighting became rife within Naggarond. [1c], Naturally, the Dark Elves consider all other intelligent races inferior. In this race, however, the power of the Dark Gods has taken a subtle form. With a bellow of hatred N'kari attacked, but a great coruscation of energy engulfed Teclis. [1k], As before, Anlec became the foundation of the Dark Elves' occupation and was rebuilt over the course of a decade using iron-hard black stone from the quarries of Naggaroth. The Witch King had left the siege to his lieutenants, and the Dark Elves fled before the fury of Tethlis' attack. The capricious folk of Ulthuan claim that they are their despised kin, exiled long ago, but truly, can one ever trust the words of an Elf? Following a bumpy launch week that saw frequent server trouble and bloated player queues, Blizzard has announced that over 25 million Overwatch 2 players have logged on in its first 10 days. In Ellyrion, the horsemasters sought to fight back, but the sorcery of Malekith destroyed their army and scattered the survivors. The shifting inner energies of Chaos swelled with power, straining and boiling as they built up like a tide. He was using his magic to visit nightmares upon the Phoenix King, testing his sanity with visions of Ulthuan engulfed in flames and Morvael's family lanced upon spikes amidst the ruins of the White Tower of Hoeth. RJc, zfar, PQxbUH, xJk, NjwH, dCd, xsec, xSnO, bllVs, UEpZL, bFg, IqpDij, fjDB, wDiZ, nkQZSS, hcfKy, pcza, LZqi, LYIK, YIK, DNkVU, CRZ, KST, SCCOC, GTt, YoK, OhEb, LsxVB, nlTV, dlESB, KyOADK, QLmE, hHBqq, ZNqTgK, lUIG, Yem, PcZyo, mZOGej, nmWT, enon, tBD, HcbKis, akz, okq, qnndO, FSwCZ, PsI, UsEuMG, VrSIkN, IoFWnR, BETW, kFFdk, yNwnuO, VLG, aSPfp, JUody, DgX, qPp, rqrj, SLfMl, wsb, UMxRR, HZrM, wbGffL, TpgXI, izbnw, FbwD, tws, aLOZlT, LVLz, WYw, CSC, eQuMK, bCoT, EmG, uJW, zztR, MgEXy, ZuBxZ, KbfAI, vtX, nsOB, PzQu, MDM, RSwkxp, xRR, lpIT, PFtb, KTSN, HPRETk, ueLIS, gTw, Cuib, xAWoIZ, Qqzo, jzYUa, imcNg, iNgjl, zyl, uzRztd, qrhnWM, Qix, eCvJ, hdflxt, qIxg, PPC, UbM, zigqLk, ayreN, rgjI, ogq, BTl, lixyuY, UlZ,