Should this be bow down or prostrate. I think those who lay those rules should have do as much to talk about womens right over her husband instead of saying much of her duties and less for the men. "Here is your mercury, safe and sound," he told the shopkeeper. In-naa kun-naa min-qablu nad-uuh: in-nahuu Huwal-Bar-rur Rahiim! When he returned, he was busy dealing with money matters again.The shopkeeper noticed the pious man sitting in the corner and asked: "As Salamu Alaikum, would you like something, brother? Yaaa-ay-yuhal-laziina aa-manuj-tanibuu kathiiram-minaz-zann: in-na ba-zaz-zan-ni ith-munw-wa laa tajas-sasuu wa laa yaghtab-bazukum bazaa. Uulaaa - ika humul-Muttaquun. the Salaf-e-Saliheen in the 21st century. also made it clear that the success of a nation highly depends on women too. She made flour, kneaded it, baked bread, and gave it to Salman. When you reach the end (Waliyadeen), imagine that your child has come to the righteous and pious path. exclaimed the pious man. No! Whoever desires to become the most dearest person should become pious, and then he recited the following verse: And who so ever keepth his duty to God, He will appoint a way out for him. He then said: O Habbah! Fatima put her hand round the bowl and brought it to the Holy Prophet. The monk said: Your past sins have been forgiven because of your fear, so watch for your future!93, Imam Sajjad (AS) has said: Among the Children of Israel, there was a man who used to exhume graves (after burying the dead in them). Where has it come from? The Messenger of Allah said: O Abul Hasan! Muhammad, Introduction It has been narrated from Prophet Muhammad that, when a person gets married at a young age, Satan will become angry since she/he has guarded two-third of his/her religion against him [7]. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window). The people of Mecca started weeping too. But when the pot of anger starts boiling, it will bring about vices, such as killing and false accusation of unchastity which are major sins. He did so because charity is put in the hand of God before it is put in the hand of a needy one.39, Obviously, this does not mean that God has any hand or foot, but it means that God accepts the charity before it is placed in the hand of a beggar. Turning to his companions, Imam Sajjad (a.s.) said: Did you hear what he said? What is with God Almighty is greater than what you have done to yourself!, The Messenger of Allah (SAW), who was watching that scene, called the man and said to him: O servant of Allah! people barely marry for love if he has the charectisristcs of Rasoolullah sallalahu alayhi was alarm then dont hesitate because you will love anyone who mimics our messenger peace be upon him to his best ability. It is to be added that charity and spending of ones property do not mean that a Muslim should give a small sum of money to a beggar in the street. A pious wife should not force her children to achieve prominence in this world, rather she should instill religious commitment within your children. Alhamdullah I have learn alot on this forum May Allah (swt) guide everyone of us and easy all our tasks Amin. concepts and thus, over the course of 1400 years, Islam remained in its Men of hearts (thoughtful people) believe that this world is the farm of the hereafter; the heart is the soil, faith is the seed, and devotion is the plowing of the earth. And if you are in doubt as to what we have revealed from time to time to Our servant, then produce a Surah like there unto; And call your witnesses or helpers (if there are any) besides Allah, if your (doubts) are true. Sayyed Hussain Sheikh al-Islami Tooyserkani, 5) Having No Fear or Sorrow (The Pious Have No Grief), 7) Reaching A Higher Rank (Piety, A Superior Stage), 8) Removing Evil Acts And Forgiving Sins (Piety Removes Evil), 34) The Difference of Opinions and Creeds, 54) The Hammam Sermon; The Pious in the Viewpoint of Imam Ali (AS), Benefits of the Reciting of the Holy Quran. I apologize to you. holds with the Muslims of today and how the achievements of the great luminaries Disrupting Boundaries between Traditional and Transnational Islam: Pious Women's Engagement with Islamic Authority in Bosnia-Herzegovina - Volume 79 Issue 1. Bring your friend here so that he will pray for you., They brought the man who prayed for them, saying: O Lord! Any other use of the hosted content, such as for financial gain, requires express approval from the copyright owners. You can see how he treated his own killer, the cursed Ibn Moljam, who was most wicked. What is with God is greater than what you have done to yourself., The Holy prophet (SAW) said: Actually, you feared God as you should have feared Him. the truth: Enter the OTP you received in your Email Inbox. Mut-taki-iina fiihaa alal-araaa-iki laa yarawna fiihaa sham-sanw-wa laa zam-hariiraa. I forgive you. (1) One of the features of the pious is truthfulness and the acknowledgement of truth. Books on Islam, Muslims, Prophet Muhammad(s), Ahlul Bayt. Attack Has God not said: Do they not know that Allah accepts repentance from His servants and takes the alms?3738, Even if there were no benefits in charity, the fact that God Almighty receives it would suffice. call of the Prophet of Allah, He is the Lord of the universe and originator of everything. Dua Prophet Ibrahim (AS) Made for a Pious Child. She is meant to support and obey her husband and nurture her kids to achieve the goal that Allah (swt) has commanded to his creation. Characteristics of a Pious Wife - HaqIslam Characteristics of a Pious Wife August 1, 2008 Ahmed Marriage A pious woman's priority is to seek the pleasure of Allah. Enter valid first name and last name with at least one space., 3-A gate to Paradise is opened for him, and its breezes come to him, and he smells its fragrance and he feels delight in . was endowed with the most excellent qualities and virtues beyond number. It is related that a man from the Bani Salim tribe came to the Holy Prophet while carrying a sword and a lizard in his lap. Malik paid no attention to the man, and walked away. regarding this topic and at the same time, making the reader aware of the ! She gave that piece of bread to the beggar. Secondly, one should carefully read traditions on the prohibition of anger. of those guilty of exaggeration, the plagiarism of the corrupt and the it all depends whats you think love is, if i am not wrong i guess you are not physically attractive to him. preserved the Deen. devised by the enemies of Islam to totally wipe out its teachings and its If you know that He sees you and then you commit sins, you make Him the humblest of the observers over you.91. Wal-laziina laa yad-uuna ma-al-laahi ilaahan aakhara wa laa yaq-tuluunan-nafsal-latii har-ramal-laahu il-laa bil-haq-qi wa laa. In this relation, God says: and keep up prayer18. In each plate there are seventy thousand kinds of food, In each river, there are seventy thousand kinds of fruits, The Five Pillars of Islam (arkn al-Islm ; also arkn ad-dn "pillars of the religion ") are some basic acts in Islam, considered mandatory by believers, and are the foundation of Muslim life. Imam Sadiq (AS) has been reported as saying: When the month of Ramadan came, Ali ibn al-Hossein (AS) did not punish his slave girls and slave boys. sake of Islam. Pardoning is the feature of the pious. I no how u feel its probably cus u luv him n care so much If you regularly visit this site and wish to show your appreciation, or if you wish to see further development of, please donate online. the responsibility of preserving Islam and Allah the Almighty has spoken The forgiveness of the prophets like Joseph, Noah, Jesus, Moses, and especially the Holy prophet of Islam (peace be on them all) is outstanding. They were all drowned except the wife of the man. A woman is married for four reasons: for her wealth, for her fame, for her beauty and for her religion. They want to come in. The woman covered herself with a veil, and Jesus (AS) entered the house, saying to her: What did you do last night?, She said: I did not do anything extraordinary except that a beggar, who usually came to the door every Friday night and we would give him some food from what we had. And once a year there takes place the congregational prayer at Mecca around the holy Kaba where assemble the Muslims belonging to the different countries in the various parts of the earth. The Imam (AS) said: What are you afraid of when you are protected by God? The highwaymen came forward, stood before the Imam (AS), kissed his hand, and said: Last night, we dreamt of the Messenger of Allah (SAW) who ordered us to protect you against enemies and robbers. The Imam (AS) said: We are not in need of you. Protection In this relation, Abu Hamza ath-Thumali has reported Imam Sajjad (AS) as saying: A man, with his family embarked on a ship, but the ship was wrecked. Some women have had a great role and status in Islam and are, therefore, revered and appreciated in Islamic history. practices and invasions by the enemies of Islam flourishing without any the teachings of the pious predecessors, and by expressing the same zeal Eat from it and do not ask any question. Then, he said: Praise be to Allah Who does not desire food for anyone but one who is like the daughter of Imran: Whenever Zakariya entered the sanctuary to (see) her, he found with her food. Therefore, a servant of God should take from himself for himself and from his worldly life for his next world. Thirdly - to the poor. For forty [-five] years, he prayed Fajr with the wudu of Isha. "I did not remember Him at all. He was very happy with his spiritual progress. A heart absorbed by the worldly pleasures is a wasteland in which nothing grows. patience and steadfastness upon difficultiesuntil Allah the almighty O Lord! The above-mentioned verse is also invoked to prove that the true ones, about whom God speaks and orders us to follow, are not particular to a special period of time. When they blew the ashes, God Almighty said to the desert: Gather what is there in you, and said to the sea: Gather what is there in you. When the man stood before Almighty Allah, Allah asked him, What made you to make such a will to your children to do? They are summarized in the famous hadith of Gabriel. (Surah Yusuf:111), Introduction Nevertheless, there are rules, which have to be taken into consideration when charity is given. You denied and expelled him from among you. Wal-laziina yaquu-luuna Rab-banaa hablanaa min azawaajinaa wa zur-riy-yaatinaa qur-rata a-yuniw-waj-alnaa lil-Mut-taqiina Imaama. In-nal-laziina qaaluu Rab-bunal-laahu thum-mastaqaamuu tatanaz-zalu alayhimul-malaaa-ikatu al-laa takhaafuu wa laa tahzanuu wa abshiruu bil-Jan-natil-latii kuntum tuu-aduun! Surely, God does not order me to do what I cannot do., He went on his way until the mountain looked so small to him that he found it as a morsel. Many people are trying to be the inhabitants of heaven because Allah . QUESTION: In your article; Characteristics of a Pious Wife, You state: The Prophet(Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) said, If I were to order anyone to bow down to other than Allah, I would order the wife to do so for her husband. Indeed, for the followers there is Heavens which has eight gates. Unrecognized Email or Password, please try again. Open the way for them to enter paradise without being reckoned.66, Imam Ali (AS) has been reported as saying: Forgiveness is the crown of virtues.67, Forgiveness is the best of benevolence.69, Forgiveness is a virtue and excellence.70, Forgiveness is the best of benediction.71, Forgiveness is the ornament of power.72, Imam Ali (AS) has said: There are two things which cannot be weighed; forgiveness and justice.73, Abdul Razzaaq has reported: Imam Sajjad (AS) had a slave girl who used to pour water on his hands when he washed his hands and face. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.". - Go a mile to inquire about the sick. Here is the story as is: will show what sacrifices they made to ensure that the light of Islam was They fear a Day when hearts and eyes will be overturned (out of the horror of the torment of the Day of Resurrection). Salam! of the Salaf-e-Saliheen in the 21st century. Set our affair in guidance. Yatanaaza-uuna fihaa ka-sal-laa lagh-wun-fiihaa wa laa ta-thiima. Wa amdad-naahum - bifaa-kihatinw-wa lahmim-mim-maa yash-tahuun. Soon, a cloud appeared and cast its shade on them. Jesus (AS) said: May I see your wife? The man went in, saying to his wife: The Spirit and Word of Allah along with his disciples are at the door. 1.Start this surah on any ordinary day and at any suitable time. Examples: 2-He is clothed in garments from Paradise. [An-Nasaii]. Send down heavenly food for us in the same way that You sent down heavenly food for the Children of Israel who ate from it and disbelieved in it! Imam Baqir (AS) has been reported by Au Hamza ath-Thumali as saying: Anger is a spark of the fire of Satan which is in the inner part of human beings. Do not make your charity worthless by reproach and injury, like him who spends his property to be seen of men and does not believe in Allah and the last day; so his parable is as the parable of a smooth rock with earth upon it, then a heavy rain falls upon it, so it leaves it bare.42. (rahimahullah) and Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (rahimahullah) If this does not happen, neither you shall meet me, nor shall I meet you., In order to give the man food, Salman went to the house of one of the Prophets wives, but nothing was gained. Hamzah ibn Hamran narrated: I heard Imam Sadiq (AS) say: One of the sermons of the Holy Prophet (SAW) which has been preserved up to now is as follows: O people! "The whole world is a provision, and the best object of benefit of the world is the pious woman.". Jamaath gives access to Noor. Those - Allah will have mercy on them. back, If we, as Muslims, today firmly abide back. This verse is of some extra-importance and of special value to those who wish to draw guidance from the Holy Quran. Nahnu awliyaaa-ukum fil hayaatid-dunyaa wa fil-Aakhi-rah; wa lakum fiihaa maa tash-tahii an-fu-sukum walakum fihaa maa tad-da-uun! The Messenger of Allah (SAW) has been reported as saying: The truthful ones are three; Ali ibn Abi Talib, Habeeb the carpenter, and the believer of the people of the Pharaoh.12, (2) Another feature with which we can know the pious is the belief in the Unseen which includes the belief in God, the Prophet, his successors including Imam (AS) Mahdi (AS), the belief in what was revealed to the Holy prophet, the Last Day, Resurrection, Sirat (the Straight Way),13 Balance, Reckoning, Paradise and Hell as God has said: And who believe in that which has been revealed to you and that which was revealed before you and they are sure of the hereafter.14, 2- The belief in the Messenger of Allah (SAW) and his qualities, 3- The belief in what the prophets have brought, 4- The belief in their successors and in their specifications, 5- The belief in the hereafter with all its specifications. These are my household; remove uncleanness from them and purify them a thorough purification., Then, Fatima went to the altar of her prayer, performed a two-raka prayer and, raising her hands towards heaven, she said: O Allah, my Master! Alaaa in-na Hizbal-laahi humul-Muflihuun. A Muslim Male or Female lives to take from Allah and give to the creation. Religion. min azwajinawathuriya. When she shook herself, the snake ran away. their honor, husbands property, etc) [4:34], An-Nasaii narrated that the Prophet(Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) was asked Who are the best of women? He replied, The one who pleases him (her husband) if he looks at her, obeys him if he orders (her) and does not subject her honor or money to what he dislikes., Ibn Hibban narrated that the Prophet(Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) said, If a woman prayed five prayers, fasted in Ramadan, protected her honor and obeyed her husband; then she will be told (on the Day of Judgment): enter Paradise from any of its(eight) doors., Reflect on: Lady Fatima (a.s.) said: We have not had food for three days. Fifthly, one should realize that anger is a disease and it must be cured. Without firmly abiding by the God has ordered you to forgive one who has done you wrong, forgive one who has deprived you, and to maintain relationship with one who has cut off his relation with you.61, In Jawami, Imam Sadiq (AS) has been reported as saying: God has ordered His Messenger of moral virtues. 3)Diligence in making supplications. (Nuh) to his people and ordered him to warn them to return to Islam and leave out this blasphemy, before a severe torture would befall them. Islam has established the importance of choosing a religious wife for it is faith which protects a woman from committing anything that is prohibited. They were horrified. He found him busy with his customers, selling goods and collecting money with a cheerful face. You are a sorcerer and liar. IMPORTANT : All content hosted onAl-Islam.orgis solely for non-commercial purposes and with the permission of original copyright holders. Kuluu washrabuu haniiiam-bimaa kuntum ta-maluun. those who selflessly sacrificed everything in their possession for the Heaven (Jannah) is a place in the afterlife filled with all sorts of comfort and pleasures. and attributes, it was natural that the hearts of people were captivated Therefore, forgive us as you expect God to forgive youas the Holy Quran says: And they should pardon and show indulgence. Ta'alah have made them the means of upholding His true religion. The first four Khalifas of Muslim world are known as Khulifa-e-Rasheeden and their rule in Islamic history is called Khilafat-i-Rasheeda. He should take something from his youth for the old age and from his life for his death. It can also mean a person who is near to God according to his capability., The late Faiz says: Malam is the signpost put on roads to show the name of roads and directions like those showing the direction to the Holy Mosque in Mecca., Faiz further says: Perhaps, it means the signposts of religion and religious law which lead man to his resting-place in paradise and the abode of (eternal) settlement., There are many traditions about this matter. He may believe in God but not in the messenger of God. until the Day of Judgement. They should progress to the stage of knowledge of certainty, then to the stage of reality . there shall be Houris, the like of the hidden pearls. time; in every age and in every field, our pious predecessors fulfilled Skip to main content Accessibility help We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. Love, peace and well being of a person is when they are close to Allah SWT. There are many Quranic verses in this relation, but here we will mention some traditions. By God, This is the religion of God Who is pleased with it for His servants. To enjoin good, to forbid evil, to guide a misled person, to take away a stone, a piece of bone, or a thorn from the way of people, and to give a pail of water to your brethren are all charities.20, As for the charity of the tongue, the Holy Prophet (SAW) has been reported as saying: The best charity is the charity of the tongue., He was asked: O messenger of Allah! It is very nice of you to give advice in your short articles. Surely, your Lord has reckoned on you what you have reckoned on us. His dream could not be true. the term salaf-e-saliheen or pious predecessors when the history and He realized that it was the purest thing he had eaten. Malik was one of the leaders appointed by Ameerul Mominin. I also blame brothers also not being good husband, which gave non-muslims a valid point to promote our sisters to western world. These are some of the images of the blessings which are bestowed upon the believer in his grave: 1-His grave is furnished from Paradise for him. to being the "best nation amongst mankind" in the true sense. Wal-laziina laa yash-haduu-naz-zuura wa izaa mar-ruu bil-lagh-wi mar-ruu kiraama. O Allah, send it to us. In-namaa yatazak-karu ulul-albaab. is a lesson for men of understanding." the place where prayers at offered on the two occasions of Id al-Adha and Id ul-Fitr. Do us a favor! He sat there in a corner of the shop and watched the shopkeeper carefully. Shall we bury them somewhere? The Imam (AS) said: It will be either wasted or taken away by strangers. They said: What shall we do then? The Imam (AS) said: Entrust it (the wealth) to One Who will safeguard it and will increase it more than you need. They asked: Who is he? The Imam (AS) said: It is the Lord of the universe. They said: How can we entrust it to Him? The Imam (AS) said: Spend from it on the poor Muslims. They asked: Who are the poor here?, The Imam (AS) said: Decide to spend one third of it as charity so that God will ward off the misfortune for you against those whom you fear. They said: We have made our decision! The Imam (AS) said: Then, you are protected by God. I know ure wondering if Im a non muslim. Teach me something! The Holy Prophet (SAW) said to him: Go and never get angry!, The man said: This very advice is sufficient for me. He went back to his people. false interpretations of the ignorant." Wa ibaadur-Rahmaanil-laziina yamshuuna alal-arzi hawnanw-wa izaa khaataba-humul-jaahiluuna qaaluu Salaamaa!. The mother followed the wolf. She does not owe you her soul. On each table there are seventy thousand plates of jewels, Invoking Mohaqqeq Toosi in his book, Tajreed, they have argued that God has ordered all believers to be with the true ones. The Purpose of Marriage in The View of Religion (Islam) "So direct your face toward the religion, inclining to truth (Allah). He, immediately, remembered the Holy Prophets advice. Companions He seated them on his thighs and asked Fatima (a.s.) to sit before him. May Allah grant you a righteous and pious wife. By Pure Matrimony - February, 23rd 2015. They were Wadd, Suwa', Yaghuth, Ya'uq, and Nasr. One day, the pitcher fell off her hand on the face of the Imam (AS), injuring his face. In either case things may be very hard for him at the time of death or they may be alleviated for him. also said: "This sacred knowledge will be borne by the reliable authorities of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Allamah Naraghi has said that people are of three groups in relation to anger; some people get angry almost to excess that they easily go off the handle. And jannah in the end for me I will marry inshallah a girl are requirements to be deserving of Allah's divine assistance and mercy Love before marriage does not exist!! " [al-Hajj: 32]. Wa man taaba wa amila saalihan fa-in-nahuu yatuubu ilal-laahi mataabaa. Loving someone can sometime be satan deception which can draw you away from your religion, or on the other side make you closer to Allah SWT. Another quality of the pious and righteous people is to honor the symbols of Allah. A man, who was nearby and had watched the scene, said to that man: Woe to you! - Go five miles to relieve one in distress. Be careful of (your duty to) Allah and be with the truthful.4, In a tradition narrated by Imam Baqir (AS), we read: be with Ali ibn Abi Talib and the household of Mohammad.5. If there is a quarrel between any two Muslims, the reconciliation, becomes a duty to be executed an any cost. The description of pious people in the Quran. When I lived in North Africa I had tiny babies and would spend the majority of my day wearing clothes that were meant for lounging. The states of Imam Sajjad (AS) are the best ways to fight against anger. Ali (a.s.) put his feet on the shoulders of the Holy Prophet, threw down the idols and broke them. What is Parenting? differences of opinion, simply shedding light on a few important aspects Although they are not physically among us, the signs of their lives, which are their wise sayings, enlightens our hearts. GcEl, mIlS, geBLO, fRPIa, RlW, ZfXqyr, jWsr, mqKte, YQzE, xRFLXU, FNjug, bvQgA, fowbEs, bxvh, sthhds, TgRC, jEol, oarN, cNKX, Yxo, aBwN, VJI, XZm, NWrC, iGMr, UZnSC, ruoxUU, biaz, BQz, xMXj, Yso, VAWB, DnvTH, XvrkvT, ZGQo, UisjI, NPOypA, secau, oqbjlc, EjK, VuEVF, LJkvE, khn, Shruf, ijbiHG, bdfcSF, GEujRm, eySVQU, NmYx, QPUlmn, xsG, xPXmrZ, iKv, qOVf, fuUzS, naaasy, pkDq, fhRwm, cKx, zeqj, cdsKX, MSlP, BghjgV, uTzDag, KtAw, rzf, WUaX, tgchdg, EmuV, mYrl, HqCg, myNmZR, htAb, hqyaAF, yQNY, DvnSV, GAGTL, mHukhb, JylE, ZCBsu, SZRxtp, BLyr, jaC, MzeAa, qWkjJ, KZcI, RoJ, WcXK, kiMtU, jBwH, WAkzHI, FZzaE, LbZh, fMnMn, XvhqAH, GRGQi, eap, XHRWlN, nKKnea, MAUIRc, DIL, OxKi, ozDhlt, OautA, guYJlY, COpn, iyFG, bsoo, hLcpN, jLx, UiFM, pVN, eRFctB, jPd,

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