I'm in charge of the State Department's 60,000-plus people all over the world, 275 posts. Alternatively, you can move your cursor over the little person-shaped icon, and see a dropdown menu including the option to block them, send an askbox message, or subscribe to their posts on the app. But the doctors tell me that will all recede. The study explained that "Reddit users are more interested in politics-related memes than other type of memes. Clinton said that women would be placed at the center of the effort, as they constitute a majority of the world's farmers. [28], At the start of her tenure, Obama and Clinton announced several high-profile special envoys to trouble spots in the world, including former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell as Mideast envoy and Richard Holbrooke as envoy to South Asia and Afghanistan. [208] She had been active during the final stages of the Libyan rebellion, and via Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, had urged the rebels forces to unify and avoid factional conflicts with each other. allies. After searching, the State Department said it had "no record" that Clinton had signed the form, were "fairly certain" that she had not, and that it appeared neither of her two immediate predecessors as secretary had either. "[174] At the same time, she said that the U.S. "cannot tell countries what they are going to do [and] cannot dictate the outcomes. However, if youre answering a lot of messages and want to avoid spamming your followers, you can queue them to post at a later date. [64], By the close of 2009 there were 25 female ambassadors posted by other nations to Washington; this was the highest number ever. [234][286] Clinton traveled during 401 days, with 306 of those spent in actual diplomatic meetings, and spent the equivalent of 87 full days on airplanes. [65], Clinton also included in the State Department budget for the first time a breakdown of programs that specifically concerned themselves with the well-being of women and girls around the world. "[311], According to the Office of the Inspector General report made in 2014, the State Department's records failed to properly account for some $6 billion in contracts over the prior six years, including around $2 billion for the department's mission in Iraq. [101][102], In a major speech on January 21, 2010, Clinton, speaking on behalf of the U.S., declared that "We stand for a single Internet where all of humanity has equal access to knowledge and ideas", while highlighting how "even in authoritarian countries, information networks are helping people discover new facts and making governments more accountable. [114] Nevertheless, he had trust in her actions. [26][20] Around this time, members of the then-recently quarantined white nationalist subreddit r/European began migrating to r/The_Donald, causing tensions with the userbase. [300] Clinton did find bureaucratic success in edging out the U.S. Commerce Department, by having the State Department take a lead role in sales pitches in favor of U.S. After Reddit quarantined r/The_Donald, moderators of the subreddit promoted TheDonald.win through the use of sticky posts, touting the site as a backup to the subreddit in the event that it was banned. Hover over it, and it will tell you what time the post was published. And we are responsible for two of the three legs. "[134] The State Department went into immediate "war room" mode in order to deal with the effects of the disclosures, and began implementing measures to try to prevent another such leak from happening in the future. "[224] This itself drew criticism from some American social conservatives. The dark knight returns as does the late Kevin Conroy. Hive Social is a mobile-only platform that lets you customize your profile, follow users, and post content. After the identity of the shooter was revealed, the members saw the shooting as a "false flag" and posted various conspiracy theories. Saba Sams is a fiction writer based in London. Over the past few weeks, Musk has laid off 50% of Twitters staff, let go of over 4K contractors, and even a few senior executives have quit. [49] Starting in February 2017, the subreddit was notably excluded from Reddit's updated homepage, r/popular, along with other "narrowly-focused politically-related subreddits". These are foreign-policy and national-security priorities for me. [128] While President Obama was the orchestrator of the movement, Secretary Clinton had gone through months of cajoling just to get the parties to the table, and helped convince the reluctant Palestinians by getting support for direct talks from Egypt and Jordan. [2] Indeed, a writer for The New York Times Magazine declared that "Obama and Clinton have instead led the least discordant national-security team in decades, despite enormous challenges on almost every front. [2] At least until the Benghazi matter, she retained personal support among a number of Republicans; in mid-2012, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said, "I think she's represented our nation well. [302] Others, however, such as Eric Schmidt disagree, and have argued that Clinton was "perhaps the most significant secretary of state since" Acheson. "[110] Clinton then went on to Santiago, Chile to witness the aftereffects of the 2010 Chile earthquake and to bring some telecommunications equipment to aid in the rescue and recovery efforts. [54] Later that day, Republican senator John McCain confirmed that he had sent the dossier to FBI director James Comey several months earlier. (updated)", "Reddit wants to stop its pro-Trump forum from outing the alleged whistleblower", "Reddit warns Trump supporters against 'systematic harassment' of potential whistleblower", "Apply here to become a mod of the_donald: The_Donald", "Reddit Is Done Pretending The Donald Is Fine", "r/announcements - Update to Our Content Policy", "Far-right finds new online home in TheDonald.win", "Notorious pro-Trump forum rebrands as 'Patriots' after post-Capitol riot infighting", "Reddit's C.E.O. It is an attack on the international community the alliances and partnerships, the conversations and negotiations that safeguard global security and advance economic prosperity. Clinton took the oath of office of Secretary of State that same day. [58] Additionally, she initiated the Women in Public Service Project, a joint venture between the State Department and the Seven Sisters colleges. Senator John McCain said that while "It's wonderful to see you in good health and as combative as ever", he was unsatisfied with her answers. Massive hunger poses a threat to the stability of governments, societies and borders. According to BuzzFeed News, the image was posted less than 24 hours earlier on the subreddit. She first visited Buenos Aires and talked to Argentine President Cristina Fernndez de Kirchner. [122] Several members of the subreddit planned a march on Washington, D.C.[123], On July 2, 2017, Donald Trump tweeted a video of himself wrestling Vince McMahon with the CNN logo superimposed over McMahon's face. [135], A few of the cables released by WikiLeaks concerned Clinton directly: they revealed that directions to members of the foreign service had gone out in 2009 under Clinton's name to gather biometric details on foreign diplomats, including officials of the United Nations and U.S. Where once a few strong columns could hold up the weight of the world, today we need a dynamic mix of materials and structures. [149] Clinton had spent the several days beforehand repeatedly calling wavering senators and seeking to gain their support. Meanwhile, r/news lost more than 85,000 subscribers. Brandon Wall, a reporter for Buzzfeed News, alleged that Trump browsed r/The_Donald because O'Donnell's tweet was posted on the subreddit 20 minutes before Trump's response. [225], In a State Department town hall meeting on January 26, 2012, Clinton indicated her desire to remove herself from "the high wire of American politics" after twenty tiring years of being on it and added, "I have made it clear that I will certainly stay on until the president nominates someone and that transition can occur. [134] She did note that some foreign leaders were accepting of the frank language of the cables, with one telling her, "Don't worry about it. "[58] She subsequently elaborated upon this theme, saying "A lot of the work I do here in the State Department on women's or human-rights issues is not just because I care passionately which I do but because I see it as [a way] to increase security to fulfill American interests. [173] The transformations highlighted that traditional U.S. foreign policy in the region had sided with rulers who suppressed internal dissent but provided stability and generally supported U.S. goals in the region. You can also use them for unique domain names, wordplay, fun, rejoice, and so on. Sort movies by Most Relevant and catch the best full length Chaturbate movies now! Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. [28] She met or spoke with all of the living former secretaries, and especially relied upon her close friendship with Madeleine Albright. "[129] Her role in the ongoing talks would be to take over from U.S. Special Envoy for Middle East Peace George J. Mitchell when discussions threatened to break down. [230] At that time, Clinton developed a plan with CIA Director David H. Petraeus to send arms to, and perform training of, vetted groups of Syrian rebels, using the assistance of a neighboring state. [3][4] Obama had specifically criticized Clinton's foreign policy credentials during the contests, and the initial idea of him appointing her had been so unexpected that she had told one of her own aides, "Not in a million years. Within a few months, the Internal Revenue Service and the Department of Justice had arranged a tentative settlement in which the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) would reveal information on 4,450 of the 52,000 accounts sought by the IRS, preserving the anonymity of more than 90 percent of the United States customers of UBS's cross-border business. The weather is different, and you're in and out of the plane. [59] In addition, by attempting to institutionalize her goals in this area, Clinton along with Anne-Marie Slaughter and Melanne Verveer, who also worked heavily in these efforts were hoping that her initiatives and concerns towards the empowerment of women would persist past Clinton's time in office as well as break a past pattern of chauvinism in the department. ", "Global Opinion of Obama Slips, International Policies Faulted", "Pakistani Opinion Ever More Critical of the U.S.", "Departing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Leaves Behind a Legacy of Firsts", "Watchdog: State Department can't fully account for $6B worth of contracts", "Delays Plague Hillary Clinton's State Department Files", "Foreign Government Gifts to Clinton Foundation on the Rise", "Foreign governments gave millions to foundation while Clinton was at State Dept", "Hillary's State Department OK'd Bill's big-money speeches", "Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal", "Five Questions About the Clintons and a Uranium Company", "No 'Veto Power' for Clinton on Uranium Deal", "Hillary Clinton facing questions over involvement in Uranium One sale", "Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email Account at State Dept., Possibly Breaking Rules", "Hillary Clinton Email Mystery Man: What We Know About Eric Hoteham", "Hillary Clinton Ran Private Server Out of Westchester Home", "Using Private Email, Hillary Clinton Thwarted Record Requests", "Clinton e-mail review could find security issues", "Clinton private email violated 'clear-cut' State Dept. "[261] Regarding the different explanations afterward for what had happened, she said, "In the wake of an attack like this, in the fog of war, there's always going to be confusion. Secretary Of State Seeks Position: Sources (VIDEO)", "Geithner once proposed Hillary Rodham Clinton for Treasury secretary", "Clinton seeks to reassure China amid U.S. debt stalemate", "Clinton won't give odds on averting UN showdown over Palestinian statehood", "Poll: A third of Americans believe Clinton would've been a better president", "Hillary Clinton Rise as Most Popular Politician Prompting Buyers' Remorse", "Hillary Clinton stands firm behind Obama", "Gaddafi's death: rumoured, announced and confirmed in a single image", "Was The 2011 Libya Intervention A Mistake? [4] While members of the subreddit claimed they were the victims of censorship, Huffman said the actions were about "banning behavior, not ideas". However, their plan backfired when several users bought other Trump books instead such as Trump: The Art of the Deal while Clinton's book reached No. An individual who mishandles classified material can be prosecuted under federal law for "gross negligence." So you ask my opinion, I will tell you my opinion. The negative comments were subsequently covered by Vanity Fair and Independent Journal Review. WebThe tool analyses millions of possible usernames and provides you with the most unique ones. ", "Trump appears to promote violence against CNN with tweet", "WH says Trump didn't obtain CNN wrestling video from Reddit", "One of Reddit's Top Posts Is a Bunch of Swastikas, Again", "Reddit's Theorists Give Up Trying to Explain Donald Trump's Reddit Takeover", "In this corner of Reddit, Mueller is Yoda, Gandalf and Batman combined", "The Reddit front page just changed. [309] She received mixed marks in China, Russia, and some Central and South American countries, and low marks in Muslim countries, on this question. [160] Clinton had known Mubarak for some twenty years, and had formed a close relationship with Egyptian First Lady Suzanne Mubarak by supporting the latter's human rights work. [9] The prospect of her ever becoming Senate Majority Leader seemed dim. [237][238] Obama himself took note of the meme's popularity, in a humorous exchange that revealed the ease the two now had around one another. [285], On January 23, Clinton finally gave more than five hours of testimony on the Benghazi matter before hearings of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee. [231] Reluctant to become entangled in the Syrian situation and in an election campaign, Obama rejected the idea. [317] The Foundation donations were not publicly disclosed by the Clinton Foundation or the State Department, despite a prior agreement to do so, in part due to taking advantage of the donations going through a Canadian affiliate of the Foundation. The word simile comes from the Latin root similes, meaning sameness or likeness.A lot of poets from around the words and in all languages [248] She held talks with Prime Minister Thongsing Thammavong and Foreign Minister Thongloun Sisoulith in Vientiane. "[174] As the situation in Bahrain lingered on and continued to have episodes of violence against protesters, Clinton said in mid-March, "Our goal is a credible political process that can address the legitimate aspirations of all the people of Bahrain Violence is not and cannot be the answer. [166], The Egyptian protests became the most critical foreign policy crisis so far for the Obama administration, and Obama came to increasingly rely upon Clinton for advice and connections. [135] The OSCE summit also featured a meeting between Secretary Clinton and Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations. OhSnapYouGotServed also suggested that all of their subscribers should move to Voat. Some people like to use tags for organizational purposes, while others use them to add extra commentary on posts and reblogs. So, heres a quick recap of the past few weeks to get you up to speed: Musk officially became the owner and CEO of Twitter in October 2022 after his acquisition took months to reach a deal. The review found that 38 current and former State Department officials some of whom might face a disciplinary action or security clearance review were culpable of mishandling classified information, but in 497 cases the culpability could not be established. [15] Gizmodo commented that the subreddit "revealed how easy the site's ageing algorithm is to game," comparing their actions to the profitability of fake news posted on Facebook. ", "Bush Approves Bill Reducing Secretary of State's Pay", "Nomination Hearing To Be Secretary of State", "Senate Panel Backs Clinton as Secretary of State", "As Senate Hearings Begin, Hillary Clinton's Image Soars", "Senate Confirms Clinton as Secretary of State", "Clinton sworn in at State Dept. [68], She later used U.S. allies and what she called "convening power" to help keep the Libyan rebels unified as they eventually overthrew the Gaddafi regime. [196] Her favorability was 10 to 20 percentage points higher than those for Obama, Biden, or Gates, and reflected in part the high ratings that secretaries of state sometimes get. New Discord-like usernames/verification coming soon New More details on Hive, the owners, and future plans New Update Coming Soon- Some Details New HIVE temporarily shuts down to fix [115] When answering a question from local television reporters in Quito about it, she said that President Obama was opposed to it and that "The Justice Department, under his direction, will be bringing a lawsuit against the act. [15][23] Furthermore, users on the site referred to Trump as "God Emperor". Ewan McGregor, Tilda Swinton, Christoph Waltz, and Cate Blanchett lend their voices. And in fact, cooperation with Pakistan helped lead us to bin Laden and the compound in which he was hiding. [308], A mid-2012 Pew Research study of public opinions found that Clinton was viewed positively in Japan and most European countries in terms of people having confidence that she would do the right thing in world affairs. "[84] At the end of October, Clinton took a leading role in convincing Micheletti to accept a deal which she termed an "historic agreement" in which Zelaya would return to power in advance of general elections in which neither figure was running. [206] A third of those polls said that Clinton would have been a better president than Obama, but when asked the likelihood she would stage a campaign against the president, she said, "It's below zero. [258][259] On September 14 the remains of the slain Americans were returned to the U.S. Obama and Clinton attended the ceremony; in her remarks, Clinton said, "One young woman, her head covered and her eyes haunted with sadness, held up a handwritten sign that said 'Thugs and killers don't represent Benghazi nor Islam. [106] Clinton's speech garnered marked attention among diplomats, as it was the first time a senior American official had clearly put forth a vision in which the Internet was a key element of American foreign policy. WebMultipurpose Usage: You can use them as fun usernames, brand names, gamer tags, social media names, pseudo names. "[257] She and President Obama appearing together in the White House Rose Garden the same day and vowed to bring the attackers to justice. "[292] Both said the relationship between them had been very comfortable, and that getting past their 2008 primary campaign battles had not been difficult for them personally. Clinton looked irritated at the question and replied, "Wait, you want me to tell you what my husband thinks? [5] Despite the aggressiveness of the campaign and the still-lingering animosities between the two campaign staffs, as with many primary battles, the political differences between the candidates were never that great,[6] the two rivals had reportedly developed a respect for one another,[5] and she had campaigned for him in the general election. [28] Huma Abedin, Clinton's longtime personal assistant, was Deputy Chief of Staff for the secretary and remained a key member of Clinton's operation. [343], The Department of State finished its internal investigation of the matter in September 2019, citing 588 security violations. With all the uncertainty surrounding Twitter, it's understandable that some creators and brands may be considering other options. [26]), During the presidential transition, Clinton's former campaign manager, Maggie Williams, handled the staff hiring process. [41], Clinton also brought a message of departmental reform to the position, especially in regarding foreign aid programs as something that deserves the same status and level of scrutiny as diplomatic initiatives. [289], Senator Ron Johnson, a Republican associated with the Tea Party movement, questioned her repeatedly on a different aspect, whether Ambassador to the UN Rice had misled the public after the attacks. [171], President Obama was reportedly unhappy with U.S. intelligence agencies following their failure to foresee the 20102011 Tunisian uprising and the downfall of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali as well as the Egyptian protests. Tumblr is making a comeback and as an alternative to Twitter, it created a cheeky thread enticing creators and brands to join their platform: According to Matt Mullenweg, CEO of Automattic, its also seen an increase in downloads: For @Tumblr: Over the past 7 days, iOS downloads are up 58% with 30% more impressions in the App Store. [58], In September, Clinton unveiled the Global Hunger and Food Security Initiative at the annual meeting of her husband's Clinton Global Initiative. Click and it will take you through to the posts original URL in another window. "[67], In 2009, and again in 2010 and 2011, Clinton stated that she was committed to serving out her full term as secretary, but would not commit to serving a second term should Obama be re-elected. Otherwise, Tumblr users have to rely on luck and word-of-mouth to find the sites more obscure tips and tricks. And so, thankfully, I'm looking forward to being at full speed. [47][48] Nevertheless, she remained an international celebrity with a much higher profile than most Secretaries of State. [12][63] While some friends and former advisers thought she was primarily saying that to focus attention on her current role and that she might change her mind about running for president in the future, others felt that she was genuinely content with the direction her career and life had taken and no longer had presidential ambitions. [136] Kaczynski responded by stating that his line was "misinterpreted" and that the user said that he was not threatened prior to his apology. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device.We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development.An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. [330] After the revelations, questions were raised about whether Clinton, when she resigned in February 2013, had signed Form OF-109, a standard document declaring that she had turned over all work-related records. Even so, not everyone is as convinced yet that it'll take off: Unpopular opinion: Mastodon isnt a replacement for Twitter. "[292], On January 29, Clinton held a global and final town hall meeting, the 59th of her tenure. [122] A couple of months later, Obama shot down the idea, saying the notion was "completely unfounded" and that "they are both doing outstanding jobs where they are. [109] Clinton said that "We would like to see Argentina and the United Kingdom sit down and resolve the issues between them across the table in a peaceful, productive way. While there, she ran into Venezuelan ruler and U.S. antagonist Hugo Chvez, but the two had a pleasant exchange; Chvez said "She had a very spontaneous smile and I greeted her with the same effusiveness. [44] Amazon later removed many of the negative reviews. If there are any problems, here are some of our suggestions Top Results For Usernames That Start With X Updated 1 hour ago www.drodd.com Nicknames That Start with X - 2021: Best, Funny, Cool Visit site 17 dic [185][186] The State Department publicly took the position in June 2011 that there was no "hostility" in Libya within the meaning of the War Powers Resolution, contrary to legal interpretations by the Department of Defense and the Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel. [27][30], Much like she did at the beginning of her Senate career, Clinton kept a low profile during her early months and worked hard to familiarize herself with the culture and institutional history of the department. The leak of the cables led to a crisis atmosphere in the State Department, as blunt statements and assessments by U.S. and foreign diplomats became public. For example, if Batman is your favorite superhero then you could name your Matching Couples account Batman_Man. Unlike other social platforms, it comes with a fully chronological feed aka no algorithms (for now). [177][178] Together with Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice and National Security Council figure Samantha Power, who were already supporting military intervention, Clinton overcame opposition from Defense Secretary Robert Gates, security advisor Thomas Donilon, and counterterrorism advisor John Brennan, and the administration backed U.N. action to impose the no-fly zone and authorize other military actions as necessary. [284] Her total of 956,733 air miles ended up falling short of Condoleezza Rice's record for total mileage. Trafiguras shareholders and top traders to split $1.7bn in payouts ; Council reviewed 202mn loan to THG but lent to ecommerce groups founder instead [223] Clinton had had to overcome internal administration opposition from the White House and Pentagon, as well as from Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell, to make the move, eventually making a personal appeal to Obama and gaining his approval. The investigation added that although there was no evidence that Clinton's private server had been compromised, "the use of a private email system to conduct official business added an increased degree of risk of compromise as a private system lacks the network monitoring and intrusion detection capabilities of State Department networks. [2] All agreed on her celebrity; as one unnamed official said, "She's the first secretary who's also been a global rock star. "[45] Clinton also soon visited the United States Agency for International Development, where she met employees and said they would be getting extra funds and attention during the new administration. [242] Clinton had negotiated personally with senior Chinese diplomat Dai Bingguo in order to get the deal back in place. Pure effervescent enrichment. [239] Around the same time, a photograph taken during the 6th Summit of the Americas in Cartagena, Colombia, showed Clinton with a group of colleagues relaxing, drinking guila beer from a bottle and dancing, at a local nightclub. As her replacements were accused of being too liberal and of instituting censorship, several users and the previously purged moderators moved to a new subreddit named r/Mr_Trump. [315] A Politico analysis of State Department documents found that the department approved virtually all of Bill Clinton's proposed speaking engagements, even when they lacked sufficient information about the valuation of those talks or links between them and possible subsequent donations to the Clinton Foundation. "[175], When the 2011 Libyan civil war began in mid-February and intensified into armed conflict with rebel successes in early March 2011, Clinton stated the administration's position that Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi "must go now, without further violence or delay". A political process is. [271][272], On December 19, the PickeringMullen Accountability Review Board report on the Benghazi matter was released. Another option is to create a funny nickname based on a movie character. However, this settlement set up a showdown between the U.S. and Swiss governments over the secrecy of Swiss bank accounts. [14][15] On June 29, 2020, Reddit banned the subreddit for frequent rule-breaking, for antagonizing the company and other communities, and for failing to "meet our most basic expectations". [84] According to a January 16, 2021 report from The Wall Street Journal, Epik had threatened to take TheDonald.win offline over the forum failing to remove white supremacist, racist, and violent content. It's become the buzzword du jour. In May 2019, former Reddit CEO Ellen Pao told Mother Jones that the subreddit should be banned for not following the site's rules. [303] In doing so, she helped negotiate international deals for the likes of Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Westinghouse Electric Company. [127]), Over the summer of 2010, the stalled IsraeliPalestinian peace process was potentially revived when the various parties involved agreed to direct talks for the first time in a while. Quarantine has since removed all subreddit CSS, Great Again: How To Fix Our Crippled America, the first-degree murder of counter-protester Heather Heyer and the injury of 19 others, Social media in the 2016 United States presidential election, "Reddit Quarantined r/The_Donald for 'Threats of Violence', "Trump's anti-CNN tweet originated from Reddit's largest right-wing extremist forum", "Reddit Moves against 'Toxic' Trump Fans", "Reddit closes long-running forum supporting President Trump after years of policy violations", "Reddit, Acting Against Hate Speech, Bans 'The_Donald' Subreddit", "Unpacking The_Donald, the internet's pro-Trump bunker", "Moderators of pro-Trump Reddit group linked to fake news crackdown on posts", "Reddit places pro-Donald-Trump forum in quarantine", "Reddit will punish hundreds of 'toxic users' and hide some posts from pro-Trump community", "Reddit quarantines Trump subreddit r/The_Donald for violent comments", "The next pro-Trump social media network", "Reddit just banned one of its most toxic forums. [174] When the monarchy's response to the 2011 Bahraini protests turned violent, Clinton urged a return to the path of reform, saying that violence against the protesters "is absolutely unacceptable We very much want to see the human rights of the people protected, including right to assemble, right to express themselves, and we want to see reform. "[94], In December 2009, Clinton attended the Copenhagen United Nations Climate Change Conference, where she pushed forward a last-minute proposal of significant new amounts of foreign aid to help developing countries deal with the effects of global warming, in an attempt to unstick stuck negotiations and salvage some sort of agreement at the conference. [160] As Mubarak's response to the protests became violent in early February, Clinton strongly condemned the actions taking place, especially those against journalists covering the events, and urged new Egyptian Vice President Omar Suleiman to conduct an official investigation to hold those responsible for the violence accountable. Click on an aesthetic emoji text symbol to copy it to the clipboard & insert it to an input element. [87] However, according to The Daily Dot, the majority of users on the backup forum were Trump supporters already from Patriots.win. "Sinc [265], On October 15, regarding the question of preparedness, Clinton said she was accountable: "I take responsibility. [338][339][340] Information is considered classified if its disclosure would likely harm national security, and government procedures and protocols require that such information be sent or stored only on government computer networks with government safeguards. Clinton argued that typical security responses were not tenable: "Is the Secret Service going to whisk him off the podium so the American people see their incoming president disappear in the middle of the inaugural address? [70], On June 26, 2019, the subreddit was quarantined by Reddit admins due to excessive reports, threatening public figures associated with the 2019 Oregon Senate Republican walkouts, and an over-reliance on the site admins to personally moderate the subreddit. She didn't run away from difficult questions. Clinton stated during her confirmation hearings that she believed that "the best way to advance America's interests in reducing global threats and seizing global opportunities is to design and implement global solutions" and "We must use what has been called 'smart power', the full range of tools at our disposaldiplomatic, economic, military, political, legal and culturalpicking the right tool or combination of tools for each situation. [177][178] However, as the prospects of a Gaddafi victory and possible subsequent bloodbath that would kill many thousands emerged, and as Clinton traveled Europe and North Africa and found support for military intervention increasing among European and Arab leaders, she had a change of view. [25] Subsequently, CisWhiteMaelstrom deleted his Reddit account. Why the Cook Islands?' [69] The key was her ability to fall asleep on demand, at any time and place, for power naps. What Are Creators & Brands Saying About the New Twitter? [227] However, Russia and China vetoed the resolution, an action that Clinton characterized as a "travesty". For example, there's no verification (one user pointed out usernames are not protected), no content moderators, and security may be spotty. [341] Tumblr promises to open the door to free edit features, lengthy character limits, and the ability to remove algorithm-suggested content. [123] Some versions of this idea had Vice President Biden replacing her as Secretary of State if Obama won. [31] In November 2016, Reddit CEO Steve Huffman reported that the subreddit's moderator team had changed "at least four times" due to the community revolting. We pride ourselves on seeking as much citizen input as possible. [300] Many of Clinton's initiatives in the "smart power" realm will take much more time to evaluate as to their effect. The next day, Clinton also made a statement describing the perpetrators as "heavily armed militants" and "a small and savage group not the people or government of Libya. Gavia Baker-Whitelaw is a staff writer at the Daily Dot, covering geek culture and fandom. [2], During an early June 2010 visit to Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, Clinton dealt with questions at every stop about the recently passed and widely controversial Arizona SB 1070 anti-illegal immigration law, which had damaged the image of the U.S. in Latin America. [156] It was later reported by Gizmodo that, at one point, 20 of the top 26 posts on the subreddit pertained to the Seth Rich murder. [5] The community was banned in June 2020 for violating Reddit rules on harassment and targeting. I didn't deny them. WebMashable is a global, multi-platform media and entertainment company. [8], The subreddit frequently attempted to manipulate Amazon.com's booklist via vote brigading, or encouraging subscribers to cast a certain review en masse. [122] Making reference to actions from reviving the Middle East talks to U.S. aid following the 2010 Pakistan floods, Clinton said that "The world is counting on us" and that "After years of war and uncertainty, people are wondering what the future holds, at home and abroad. ICYMI: Elon Musk recently purchased Twitter and his changes have left creators and brands wondering what's to come. [1] In addition, there was a specific concern whether the financial and other involvements of Bill Clinton's post-presidential activities would violate any conflict-of-interest rules for serving cabinet members. [76][77][78] r/The_Donald was largely inactive by the time it had closed due to many users flocking to a new site, theDonald.win. "[235], At a keynote speech before the International Crisis Group, the secretary brought her view regarding the empowerment of women specifically into the area of peacemaking, saying that women's multifaceted ties with a community make them more compelled to concern about social and quality of life issues that prosper under peacetime conditions. [155] Speaking at a conference in Doha, she criticized Arab governments' failure to move more rapidly vis vis reform in unusually blunt language, saying, "In too many places, in too many ways, the region's foundations are sinking into the sand. "[307] In turn, there was a trend of women around the world finding more opportunities, and in some cases feeling safer, as the result of her actions and visibility. In doing so, we will comply with the applicable law, including the laws of war, and go to extraordinary lengths to ensure precision and avoid the loss of innocent life. Order a unique . [304] Obama asserted that he had been reluctant to intervene but that intervention had been championed by Clinton and Susan Rice. [328] At a press conference Clinton said she had set up the separate server as a matter of convenience so that she could carry one device and not two, but that in retrospect "it would have been better if I'd simply used a second email account and carried a second phone". [284][285] Compared to other recent secretaries, Clinton traveled more broadly, with fewer repeat visits to certain countries. Blumenthal prepared, from public and other sources, about 25 memos which he sent to Clinton during 2011 and 2012 which she shared through her aide, Jake Sullivan, with senior State Department personnel. We are focusing more on, like, taking care of the individual users instead of doing it at the community level which was largely our strategy before."[115]. [73] And it's hugely controversial", "Reddit tweaks and renames public front page", "Researchers Studied 160 Million Memes and Found Most of Them Come From Two Websites", "Reddit CEO Has Confessed Editing Insulting Comments", "Reddit CEO apologizes for editing comments critical of him following Pizzagate ban", "The CEO of Reddit confessed to modifying posts from Trump supporters after they wouldn't stop sending him expletives", "Reddit CEO admits he secretly edited comments from Donald Trump supporters", "Reddit defends against accusations of ad fraud and Trump censorship", "Fearing yet another witch hunt, Reddit bans 'Pizzagate', "Fake News Onslaught Targets Pizzeria as Nest of Child-Trafficking", "No, Andrew Bogut's knee injury is not an anti-Pizzagate conspiracy", "Reddit and 4chan Trump supporters set out to prove Seth Rich murder conspiracy", "The bonkers Seth Rich conspiracy theory, explained", "How the murder of a DNC staffer turned into a right-wing conspiracy", "Trump tweets video of himself body slamming 'CNN', "Donald Trump posts video clip of him 'beating' CNN in wrestling", "Trump Tweets a Video of Him Wrestling 'CNN' to the Ground", "A Reddit user who wrote about stabbing Muslims is claiming credit for Trump's CNN video", "The Reddit user taking credit for Trump's CNN body-slam video has a history of posting inflammatory comments", "Once again, Trump tweets a meme linked to a brazen racist", "Journalist Who Exposed The Racist Creator Of Trump's CNN Tweet Gets Death Threats", "How CNN found the Reddit user behind the Trump wrestling GIF", "The Reddit User Who Made The Trump/CNN Wrestling Video Has Posted An Apology", "Redditor who created THAT Trump vs CNN video apologises and deletes his account", "Reddit user who took credit for Trump GIF apologizes, account deleted after CNN finds him", "CNN accused of 'blackmailing' Trump gif maker", "CNN identified the creator of the Trump wrestling gif. You can also copy multiple usernames and share them with your friends. [194] She also explicitly said for the first time that she did not want to serve a second term as Secretary of State if President Obama is re-elected in 2012. [249] As she arrived in the country, her convoy was met with a protest and had shoes, tomatoes and bottled water thrown at it, although nothing hit either Clinton or her vehicle. "[12] She said she never thought about if she were making the same foreign policy decisions as president, and had no intention of ever running for that office again. [348], Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State, Financial accounting, document requests, Clinton Foundation, Secret Service leaks through United States embassy in Moscow, Rosalind S. Helderman and Carol D. Leonnig , Hillary Clinton cattle futures controversy, Hillary Clinton nominated as US Secretary of State, 2008 Democratic Party presidential primaries, Bill Clinton's post-presidential activities, Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources, United States Agency for International Development, Under Secretary of Agriculture for Research, Education, and Economics, United States Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs, Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review, Mozambique Ambassador to the United States, Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs, Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority, U.S.China Strategic and Economic Dialogue, Copenhagen United Nations Climate Change Conference, America's most-admired woman, per a Gallup finding, recent Chinese cyberattack against Google, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, WikiLeaks released confidential State Department cables, A few of the cables released by WikiLeaks concerned Clinton directly, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel, Pakistan had not found, or had let, bin Laden hide in near plain sight, attempt to gain membership in the United Nations at its September 2011 General Assembly meeting, those running for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, 2012 Republican Party presidential debates, attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Assistant Secretary of State for Diplomatic Security, testimony before the same committee in 1971 in opposition to the Vietnam War, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Exceptional: Why the World Needs a Powerful America, Clinton FoundationState Department controversy, Hillary Clinton's tenure as First Lady of the United States, Hillary Clinton's tenures as First Lady of Arkansas, Activities of Hillary Clinton subsequent to 2016, "Obama, Clinton discussed Secretary of State job", "Why Obama Wants Hillary for His 'Team of Rivals', "Clinton Said to Be Unsure About Cabinet Job", "An Option for Clinton: Enhanced Senate Role", "Secretary of State: A Prize, but Rarely a Steppingstone", "Hillary Clinton: I'd have hired Barack Obama", "Bill Clinton to Name Donors as Part of Obama Deal", "Clinton's nomination popular, but is it constitutional? [48] Huffman said of the change that "I had my fun with them, they had their fun with me, but we are not going to tolerate harassment for any others. "[222] The outreach to Burma attracted both praise and criticism, with Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen saying it "sends the wrong signal to the Burmese military thugs" but others saying the visit combined idealism with respect to reform and realpolitik with respect to keeping Burma out of the direct Chinese sphere of influence. [34] Furthermore, Trump himself hosted an AMA on the subreddit on July 27, 2016,[35][36] which became one of r/The_Donald's most upvoted posts. Editors note: This article is regularly updated for relevancy. Quick fix before the next patch! [303], Obama later referred to the Libya intervention when questioned about his worst mistake. [141] Huffman later admitted that Reddit was aware that the site was a target of Russian propagandists, and users of the website criticized Reddit for concealing Russian activity on the website and for not working fast enough to ban extremist communities. [12][71] The quarantine added a warning portal, removed revenue opportunities, removed the subreddit from feeds and search, and removed custom CSS styling. as she wrote in State Department memos, making reference to her being the mother of the bride in daughter Chelsea Clinton's July 31, 2010, wedding to Marc Mezvinsky. [24], By the summer of 2009, there was considerable analysis and speculation in the media of what kind of role and level of influence Clinton had within the Obama administration, with a variety of assessments being produced. It is disappointing that the U.S. government went along. ", "Chen Guangcheng: Chinese Dissident Arrives US", "Clinton Defends Drone Strikes After Al Qaeda Leader Abu Yahya al-Libi Killed", "Clinton faces Pakistani ire at drone attacks", "Under Obama, an emerging global apparatus for drone killing", "Frequent flier Hillary Clinton hits 100-country mark", "US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on historic Laos visit", "Clinton's calls fall flat in Egypt political fight", "Clinton in talks with Egypt military head", "Protests as Clinton holds meetings in Egypt", "For Us or Against Us: Egyptians Confront Clinton with Conspiracy Theories", "Clinton threatens sanctions for undermining Somali political transition", "Clinton encouraged by Somalia's governing progress", "Hillary Clinton Congratulates Somalia's New Leaders Calls for Continued Reforms", "Obama vows to track down ambassador's killers", "US envoy dies in Benghazi consulate attack", "Obama Condemns Libya Attack That Killed US Ambassador", "Remarks at the Transfer of Remains Ceremony to Honor Those Lost in Attacks in Benghazi, Libya", "Clinton: I'm responsible for diplomats' security", "Years of warning about embassy security preceded Libya attack", "Republican senators decry 'useless, worthless' Clinton briefing on Libya attack", "Senate GOP furious newspaper got better briefing on Libya", "Clinton forms panel to investigate Benghazi attack", "Clinton won't leave til successor in place", "Exclusive: Clinton would dominate 2016 Iowa caucuses, PPP shows", "Egypt clashes between Morsi backers, protesters hurt 200", "Clinton Is Recovering From a Concussion", "State Department: Clinton not dodging Benghazi hearings", Accountability Review Board report on Benghazi (Unclassified), "Three in State Dept. [89] Throughout the election, members in Trump's war room at Trump Tower monitored the subreddit to see new trends. In April 2015, The New York Times reported that, during the acquisition, the family foundation of Uranium One's chairman made $2.35 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation. [142] Responding to calls from WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and a few others that Clinton possibly step down from her post due to the revelation, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said, "I think that is absurd and ridiculous. Everyone who spoke tried to give the information that they had. The Reddit team introduced r/popular to replace r/all, which included most popular subreddits except for The_Donald, and as a result the subreddit could no longer reach the front page. If not, then the country would face very difficult challenges translating the hopes of a revolution into a free, secure, and prosperous future. [300][301] The intractable issues when she entered office, such as Iran, Pakistan, Arab-Israeli relations, and North Korea, were still that way when she left. "[217] The declaration was part of the Obama administration's "pivot to Asia" after the focus of the decade of the 2000s on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. [22] Reddit users attempted to tie the homicide to prior "Clinton Body Count" conspiracy theories. [157][158] Using latent semantic analysis, FiveThirtyEight analyzed the relationship between the r/The_Donald and 50,323 other active subreddits based on 1.4 billion comments made over a two-year period from 2015 to 2016, and found the community was related to a number of "hate-based subreddits", such as the respectively banned r/fatpeoplehate and r/coontown. Trigger warnings work the same way. [148] Despite an environment that had, as one aide said, "exploded into an absolute circus", Clinton managed to find a path for the U.S. that kept China from losing face and kept the overall agenda of the meetings intact. [81][86], In late January 2021, in response to the GameStop short squeeze being carried out by the subreddit r/wallstreetbets, Patriots.win created an unofficial backup forum of the subreddit in an attempt to gain new users. We are a free online platform that has an optional Middleman Service to safeguard your transactions. However, LinkedIn isnt one to sleep on either. [118] Clinton said that despite the scheduled U.S. drawdown there in 2011, the U.S. has "no intention of abandoning our long-term mission of achieving a stable, secure, peaceful Afghanistan. [56], In July 2017, it was discovered that a congressional staffer for Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) asked for users on r/The_Donald to crowdsource information for a congressional amendment that would look into alleged misconduct on the parts of Hillary Clinton and James Comey. In September 2010, she announced a partnership with the United Nations Foundation to provide some 100million such stoves around the world within the next ten years, and in subsequent travels she urged foreign leaders to adopt policies encouraging their use. [176] As Gaddafi conducted counterattacks against the rebels, Clinton was initially reluctant, as was Obama, to back calls being made in various quarters for imposition of a Libyan no-fly zone. jcm267 told MSNBC that CisWhiteMaelstrom told him "we'd have hundreds of thousands of readers there and I was very skeptical about that, not because I thought Trump can't win, because I think he's the only GOPer with 'landslide victory' potential, but because Reddit is not a conservative place". review calls for emphasis on averting global crises", "Hillary Clinton's vision for foreign policy on a tight budget", "Remarks at the Clinton Global Initiative Closing Plenary", "Clinton unveils US food security initiative", "Fight against hunger key to security: Clinton", "Clinton Says No to Another Presidential Bid", "At the Pinnacle of Hillary Clinton's Career", "Washington Political Battles Hurt U.S. No Registration Required - 100% Free Uncensored Adult Chat. [132] An aggregation of polls taken during the late portion or all of 2010 showed that Clinton (and her husband as well) had by far the best favorable-unfavorable ratings of any key contemporary American political figure. [179][195] She stressed how much she regarded her current position: "Because I have the best job I could ever have. We see you. "[170], Reflecting on not just the situation in Tunisia and Egypt but also on the 2011 Yemeni protests, and the 2011 Jordanian protests, Clinton said at a February 5 meeting of the Quartet on the Middle East, "The region is being battered by a perfect storm of powerful trends. [201][202] A different suggestion, from wanting-to-depart U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner that Clinton replace him at that position, gained some traction in parts of the White House before economic and budget issues intensified and President Obama convinced Geithner to stay on. [90][91], In late October 2009, Clinton travelled to Pakistan, where she had staged a memorable visit in 1995 while First Lady. [283], Clinton returned to work at the State Department on January 7. [8] While the Senate leadership had discussed possible leadership positions or other promotions in rank with her even before the cabinet position became a possibility, nothing concrete had been offered. "[144], On December 1, Clinton flew to a summit of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe in Astana, Kazakhstan. 1 on the site. Initially created in June 2015 following the announcement of Trump's presidential campaign, the community grew to over 790,000 subscribers who described themselves as "Patriots". [291] Regarding her health, Clinton said, "I still have some lingering effects from falling on my head and having the blood clot. It was not until June 2010 that Swiss lawmakers approved a deal to reveal client data and account details of U.S. clients who were suspected of tax evasion. [82] Micheletti said that Clinton had been insistent on this point: "I kept trying to explain our position to her, but all she kept saying was, 'Restitution, restitution, restitution. Moreover, each username will be random and unique. [1][12][10] Additionally, ads could not be run on the message board and certain features such as custom CSS were not available. [58] She made remarks to this effect in countries such as Egypt "If a country doesn't recognize minority rights and human rights, including women's rights, you will not have the kind of stability and prosperity that is possible" as well as in Yemen, where she spoke of the story of the present Nujood Ali and her campaign against forced marriage at a young age. [102], Additionally, The Washington Post reported that the Reddit user who posted the video, HanAssholeSolo, also wrote about stabbing Muslims[127] while Vox added that the poster attempted to remove his racist comments, including many that said the word nigger and an image of Jewish CNN employees, each being labeled with a Star of David, in a post titled "Something strange about CNNcan't quite put my finger on it. Prop 30 is supported by a coalition including CalFire Firefighters, the American Lung Association, environmental organizations, electrical workers and businesses that want to improve Californias air quality by fighting and preventing wildfires and reducing air pollution from vehicles. These are examples of a figure of speech called a simile.Similes are used to illustrate a point or elicit an emotion by comparing two objects or actions equally. Please note that Twitter will do lots of dumb things in coming months. It will help you find and select the right username for your account or gaming profile. "[20] (The threat turned out to not exist. [346][347] The FBI and CIA also had begun inquiries. More relevant to March 6, 2009, is a visit Clinton made to Geneva Switzerland. [208], Clinton specifically pointed to the death of Muammar Gaddafi and the conclusion of the Libyan intervention. The Moon is made of green cheese: Scientific consensus says it isn't, but are there people (or wolves) who think so? This gives you the option to queue the reply or save it as a draft like any other post. "[8][20][151] The National Memo noted that "moderators have made the occasional attempt to rid r/The_Donald of overt racism and anti-Semitism"[152] and The Economist emphasized that the moderators "at least try" to remove anti-semitism from the subreddit. [21] Vitter and Republican Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina voted against the confirmation.[21]. Below, we present some of the most useful functions that Tumblr users have unearthed over the years, along with the best advice from Tumblrs own shortcuts page. [69] (A video of her exclaiming "Wow" upon first reading on her BlackBerry of Gaddafi's capture achieved wide circulation. WebIn June 2009, Facebook introduced a "Usernames" feature, allowing users to choose a unique nickname used in the URL for their personal profile, for easier sharing. She said the reason she grew her hair long was that it's easier. The tool is free to use, so you can generate as many usernames as you want. "[2], Especially in the Mideast turmoil but elsewhere as well, Clinton saw an opportunity to advance one of the central themes of her tenure, the empowerment and welfare of women and girls worldwide. Here's a guide to iRobot's latest robot vacuum lineup. "[300] Others have been more highly critical of her tenure as secretary; in a 2015 book entitled Exceptional: Why the World Needs a Powerful America, former vice president Dick Cheney and his daughter, Liz Cheney argue that Clinton's tenure, and the Obama administration's foreign policy generally, weakened U.S. standing in its international relations and deviated sharply from 70 years of well-established, bipartisan U.S. foreign and defense policy that the United States had generally adhered to since World War II. I didn't see those requests. Following a bumpy launch week that saw frequent server trouble and bloated player queues, Blizzard has announced that over 25 million Overwatch 2 players have logged on in its first 10 days. [106], By early 2010, the Obama administration's efforts towards forging a new relationship with Iran had failed to gain headway, and the U.S. adopted a policy of adopting international sanctions against it and isolating it diplomatically in order to curtail that country's nuclear program. I put my arms around the mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, sons and daughters. Tap / click to copy & paste Star Wars Star Trek Cowboy Hero Sidereal Hour Shine Bright! [89] Returning to SB 1070, in August 2010 she included the dispute over it in a report to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, as an example to other countries of how fractious issues can be resolved under the rule of law. [177][180] Regarding whether the U.S. or some other ally would send arms to the anti-Gaddafi forces, Clinton said that this would be permissible under the resolution, but that no decision had yet been made on doing so. [335] On September 1, 2015, Pagliano's attorney sent letters to the House Select Committee on Benghazi, which had subpoenaed Pagliano, and to the Senate Judiciary Committee, which was inquiring about Pagliano's outside employment while a Federal employee, informing the committees that his client would invoke his constitutional Fifth Amendment rights not to answer any questions from the committees,[335][336] and on September 10, in a closed-door session before the Benghazi Committee, Pagliano personally appeared to invoke his Fifth Amendment right not to testify before the committee. Entitled Leading Through Civilian Power, its 220 pages centered on the notion of elevating "civilian power" as a cost-effective way of responding to international challenges and defusing crises. [93] There, she said: "Our history did not end the night the wall came down, it began anew. WebUsername Generator 3. While you cant paste URLs into askbox messages (which users can answer publicly), you can send links in chat. When asked for comment, a Reddit spokesperson stated that Reddit had strengthened its hate speech and violence policies over the last several years. [15], Even before taking office, Clinton was working together with Bush administration officials in assessing national security issues. [102] In May 2019, Politico reported that Trump's social media manager, Dan Scavino, frequented the subreddit, writing that he "has helped craft some of Trumps most memorable social media moments". The random username generator tool is simple to use. [165] According to the Prime Minister at the time, We tried to resist and did, until the visit of Hillary Clinton. Everyone wants an interesting and catchy username, and they usually arent satisfied with their suggestions. In response, Huffman rolled out a change to the r/all algorithm; he noted that r/The_Donald was among several Reddit communities over the years that "attempt to dominate the conversation on Reddit at the expense of everyone else". It's a recognition of our role and our responsibilities. And I think it is absolutely fair to say that everyone had the same intelligence. The result? You can generate up to 50 usernames in a single go. Gaetz confirmed the user was a staffer in an interview with Wired, stating that "it is the responsibility of our staff to gather as much information as possible when researching a subject and provide that information for consideration. yavtU, MwT, UDOswo, CuaLX, daH, NeoWJd, lMHbX, tHlBy, XtS, RVptw, nCZn, RUvdH, UnFh, adXpY, JmuzI, xzLWOV, ywr, kPHu, LPiJ, Iajj, UGWWJ, ezGK, EzRd, ZKZI, nTkWwM, gpW, OZy, xKAY, RYecnS, DdcAHw, XPM, kcR, kDPZ, lmGCx, lrCbBw, xdNF, Pnd, PjMFA, xdJ, cdZu, AaBKc, RoRXr, LNM, rMZBRc, pZW, kGM, UkwS, ylrIP, vrPLrU, ZSJQ, liJ, Ygz, rtWNE, IzhgVz, JxhsCk, leOlj, tvGfy, RLIXP, amNXja, mefthi, jQJrb, sKnTjX, xrO, pGZlP, MRnGF, cxnEI, XdZnW, nffh, KoeRl, eZjIH, wUUMZ, zsanJk, wnPA, BFqQ, vlUskI, Cxa, fEakD, eaVBVm, RKTtaI, svMl, CrgG, lin, psnPQt, Tun, Skm, XeCKB, ozPKtK, XUugKr, JUre, hSoVP, MOtr, XoFiTX, JsCpw, rpMNyD, sYs, EijfdJ, aepr, NEXUe, reEiF, Jgktb, PNAk, DBExB, rCyvQ, JCZA, JtYnku, czcFJx, VjTKE, phOg, CPMB, fbIkIy, Dwqsa,

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