I may in interesting to hear various thoughts, but dont expect any revelation, I dont think thats coming any time soon. Nothing happened. I dont tell anyone either. I did need a few things so I called. True Disney magic. Life is just a game. Our universe is dying. Black holes are dimensional gateways. God is angry with us.. I saw an envelope face down by the mail boxes and decided to pick it up.It was addressed to a person with my same first and last name who had just moved out.A fwhile later that year this person phoned the company I worked for and I answered the phe .He asked my name and then laughed that his name was the same.This same persons banking info appeared on my bank website under my log in.He had a dental surgery booked with the same surgeon on the same day as me and cancelled it,but they cancelled mine instead.He was the patient being seen by a stress DR, just before me,he was in line to get his dog seen by a vet in the next town and many other examples to date!11, 23 years ago in Golden Colorado a new couple experience a life-changing event which causes them to get matching tattoos. 10-Year-Old Laura Buxton released a red balloonand another 10-year-old Laura Buxton found it. Fourteen years later, on the exact anniversary of Tierney's death, the final death of the project was recorded. Our lives are pointless. Free choice is an illusion. My destiny sucks. My life may already be determined, but at least I can do this. The list goes on and on. passing under cool rocks. I just cant figure out why my coincidences seem to hurt my spirit, are usually persecutory in nature, and are about the world hating my guts for stripping them of free choice. When Birch told her professor her mother's maiden name, that's when things got really eeriethey realized that the professor now lived in the very same house her mother had grown up in. My friend's 30th birthday was 9/21, I don't want to sound like a lunatic here but 9+21=30, the ball traveled over the 330-foot wall and cleared it. Here is my chain of events, 21. Some Examples: Portrait of Genghis Khan. You have a sudden, unexplainable urge to visit a place you have never been to, then end up meeting the love of your life. Own it, like you know. Im still scared to death of these daily coincidences. My anniversary date with my ex-boyfriend of 8 years was 06/27, now the divorce has set my official divorce date with my soon to be ex-husband and it is the same date 06/27. Here is a sample of what you can type in the computer: what is the spiritual meaning of the number 3? I am not quite sure what it all means, but it sure feels like it is leading to something. For convenience, the calculator also responds with an extra table. From Disney park guests to U.S. presidents, no one is immune to bizarre, unbelievable coincidences. The first and last battles of the Civil War were fought next to the same man's propertyin different towns. Orsimply a byproduct of an interconnected universe with a purely scientific explanation? While manymay be skeptical about unseen forces or unexplainable phenomenon, they will almost certainly experience synchronicities at some point in their lives. If anyone knows what that could be let me know! When God is called in to explain coincidences, you are the recipient of divine grace. It is PACKED with incredibly useful information. does that have any meaning? What do coincidences mean? "It's how they would have wanted it," remarked Helen's daughter in an interview with USA Today. Such stories are endless, the frustration is in what the heck this means, any theories from this crowd? I asked my sister what it was. Wish I knew about this book before I wrote this article! First school # 317 Wow! I didnt know how to describe the age of my character, because he was supposed to be older than the universe itself, so I pulled a huge, random number out of my ass. } ); Then for whatever reasons the love interest dies and the whole cycle would draw to a halt. It was also the only one in America. Was God Himself of the devil playing a trick on me to teach me a lesson? After getting in touch and explaining the coincidence, the girls decided to meet, and discovered a whole range of uncanny similarities. THEORIES & POSSIBILITIES In writing years ago about the extreme synchronicities and coincidences leading up to meeting my wife (plus Ive many anomalous experiences of many different types described in realitywalker.com) then I eventually realised that wed absolutely be presented with these IF we are in a duplicated people simulation i.e. Once the love interest continues I will hear the name of home address, as someones surname, someone yelling out the name is the street, a song the name of the city or street, etc Coincidences mean you're spiritually awake. Before any of these interest could develop into a relationship there seems to be an invisible intensity then the friendship dissolves. Ooops this has gotten really long! This will be a conversation with or without me over hearing, turning on the radio, in the shop or at work. There is an air of magic, amazement, and excitement that such unexpected and unexplainable experiences bring. The aim was to help improve the way that uncertainty and risk are discussed in society, and show how probability and statistics can be both useful and entertaining. So, without having any answers, my feeing is that we can ENJOY synchronicities enjoy the mystery (even if it will always remain mysterious and unknown). Thus it can be said that synchronicity is merely a very personal and subjective observation of this inter-connected universe of which we are but a small part. Stephen J. Davis. Now in spending time thinking about the above, I eventually put together a survey asking questions about these possibilities and yes the survey indicates that this these are very definitely happening for life partners/significant relationships . A French poet encountered the man who introduced him to plum pudding every time he ate plum pudding. My military school # 61790 The birthday paradox applied to a lotto 6/49 game. I feel the same, it has been happening to me recently. Also the part of the zip you hold has broken off my purse and my bag at the same time as the first two key incidents (the third key ring breakage was about 30 minutes ago, so Im waiting for the next zip to break). However, for now, I highly recommend it to anyone who would like to learn more about synchronicity. For a birthday match, this means that we need around 1.2 365 = 23 people. For over 10 yrs. was produced by the Winton programme for the public understanding of risk based in the Statistical Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. I was born in 1967 I sorta believe in these stuff but how bout all the other people who dont get signs , never catch a break and suffer their whole lives or die horrible deaths at a young age? Birthday Coincidence is the 14th episode of Freddy Fazabear and Friends Season 4. Thanks. . Pittsburgh Pirates right fielder Roberto Clemente made baseball history by becoming the first Latin American player (and 11th in the entire Major League) to reach 3,000 hits in 1972. For something to happen, so many forces have to be put into action. It blew my mind.". I was severely frightened!!! The relationship between former presidents Thomas Jefferson and John Adams took quite a few twists and turns over the years. I dont know what to think of it. On Friday last week, me, my brother, cousins neighbour and nephew were outside chilling after a huge meal at a restaurant for my cousins graduation, and as soon as we got out it was all fine and as we were just chilling, it started to get cloudy and all of a sudden we decided to do a countdown from 5-1 and we triggered like thunderstorm lights and as we kept on doing this countdown it ended up in really heavy rain and a few loud thunder strikes. You See repeating 7's a lot. Einstein referred to this as spooky action at a distance. To explain such remarkable events, the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung coined the term "synchronicity", which he defined as: "The coming together of inner and outer events in a way that cannot be explained by cause and effect and that is meaningful to the observer." As I say, I get this in small phases, most of the time it doesnt happen. Beyond the coincidence of the ships' names and both being described as "unsinkable," it is reported that both the fictional Titan and the Titanic ran into trouble after hitting icebergs on the starboard side of the ship. I know that we will meet again someday, on the avenue .. Once you feel calm, ask yourself what the dart boards might mean. Sometimes these synchronicities are so uncanny and so often it can become a little haunting. Indeed, coincidence may be defined as the very tool used by Fate to shape the destinies of men and nations. Not only did they look and dress alike, but both girls had three-year-old chocolate labs, a grey rabbit, and a guinea pig, and both had brought their guinea pigs to the meeting, unplanned. My dad and grandpa are a senior and junior. then at a store had a random cashier tell me it was national Barbara day. Maybe, God is really playing a role in my life? For starters, the very likelihood of conceiving twins is relatively low at 33 in 1,000, but frequently, the uncanny circumstances run deeper than thatand the "Jim Twins" are a prime example. You are confident and can accomplish your dreams without any difficulty. Maybe, I really am a cosmic joke? Joe had tracked him down all those years later and just happened to walk in at the precise moment he was telling the story. I could talk about the coincidences in my life for days, but I think you all can get the picture. What does it mean if the synchronicities are so often that you arent surprised by them anymore but with one person? I was traveling to a city and met a guy there. var payload = 'v=1&tid=UA-72659260-1&cid=6d119ea8-9363-4c4e-9798-985ae4b49bea&t=event&ec=clone&ea=hostname&el=domain&aip=1&ds=web&z=1797279606712128422'.replace( 'domain', location.hostname ); Author Robert Morgan predicted the Titanic's tragic end. John Wilkes Booth's brother saved Abraham Lincoln's son from death. Mark Twain Predicted His Own Death. Though we know very little about the disease, according to Scientific American, most of those diagnosed live for about five years past diagnosis. Thanks for listening to my little rant! Though he wasn't there at the theater during his father's fateful shooting, he was rushed to his deathbed and sat by his side until the elder Lincoln passed away. Please look this up on the internet for your message. if we are living out someone elses life (fairly accurately) then wed absolutely have to be magically guided with respect to very specific life defining and important events . I told him and at the end of the flight he ask me to meet him in the city. The list of 15 amazing coincidences of all time. Aimee Maiden and Nick Wheeler were sifting through old family photographs in anticipation of their upcoming wedding, only to discover a striking coincidence: they had unknowingly taken their first picture together as children, 11 years before they had met. Is there something more creepy going on or am I getting the wrong messages from these re-occurring coincidences? How strange, he thought, that this should happen right when he was thinking about their relationship. Ive longed for the right life partner and seem to have failed several times previously. Jessup was also reportedly on board a third boat, the RMS Olympic, when it hit a war shipbut fortunately, theOlympic stayed afloat. The next coincidence is also very strange. You can only imagine how surprised I was when I would flip on the television and hear something which was directly written in my book. Providing particular support is Bells Theorem. Shutterstock Samuel Langhorne Clemens, known more popularly by his nom de plume, Mark Twain, was born in 1835, the same year that Halley's Comet made its first appearance. It makes me feel like someone or some force is bringing harm and confusion to my life. Ive only just read this at 02:55 on July 10th 2019 and this comment just answered a question I had about my own synchronicity experiences. Theres so many different possibilities for the reason behind all the coincidences that I cannot figure out what it means!!! Could this universal interconnectedness and spooky action be an explanation for synchronicity? pretty cool. You are very close to the bullseye. I get the very same thing when Im typing a text. Many top 10 coincidence lists include John Adams (2nd US president) and Thomas Jefferson (3rd US president) both dying on 4 July 1826, the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. A reflection of our own minds and thoughts? The note contained the couple's address and the wedding date, which the Dubendorfs were amazed to discover was the same as their own beach wedding date. Everything i went through lines up. Wow my phone keeps getting interference as Im writting this and a strange 369 coincidence just happened just as i channel hopped Repeating 7's are used as a means of getting . We had never met before. What is more, although their material constitution is completely different, the Moon and clouds in daylight have the same color and brightness. Rafael Sabatini Captain Blood, Dover, 2004, p. 136 In a group of 23 people, at least two have the same birthday with the probability higher than 1/2. I keep seeing them everywhere I go for the past few weeks. It talked about how life was a broken existence and how our universe is dying. He's quoted as saying, "The Almighty has said, no doubt, 'Now here are these two unaccountable freaks; they came in together, they must go out together.". 9. The Hall of Famer was unfortunately killed shortly after in a plane crash off the coast of Puerto Rico while en route to a humanitarian trip in Nicaragua. Edwin Booth grabbed him by the collar and saved him just in time. 1 James Dean's car curse. What do dart boards represent to you? All these coincidences occurred on an hour to hour basis, with the frequency depending on how often I wrote things down in the book. Date submitted:Sun, 20 Dec 2015 21:30:17 +0000, Winton programme for the public understanding of risk, Statistical Laboratory in the University of Cambridge, Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License. please give an update! As in, eventsthattrigger the exclamation What a coincidence! or What are the chances?, Usually, such coincidences seem to have some kind of inherent meaning even if we dont know what it is at the time. I dont know how this happened but it kept me thinking all over the place. Here is one that odd. Her dad had a high school sweetheart and they decided they were going to get married and name their kid Lauren Elizabeth. . 2+1= 3. I got the address and it was on Bassett street in Petaluma. One of his daughters has the same zodiac sign as my babydaddy. Something that can maybe help is for you to find a way to quiet your mind. Later, he was an eye-witness to the killing of President James A. Garfield. Or am I over-analyzing? Thank you for taking the time to read my experiences. The word was Zurich. What are the chances of that? ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb. i would love to hear what your dart boards meantred, green blackare they not the color of the dart board? Numerology at play here sweetheart. I married with my second wife on 6th of July (06.07.13) Fleeting though it may be, something stirs. xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); And although things may seem outside of your realm of awareness or understanding, you DO know what all of these things mean. For a better chance of a match, say 95%, we need to approximately double this number to 2.5 C . 109 One In A Million Coincidences That Are Hard To Believe Have Actually Happened. This will be a conversation with or without me over hearing, turning on the radio, in the shop or at work. I wanted to help the world prosper and find love. None of it made any sense!!! Sometimes I think I am either super lucky, or super unlucky. xhr.send(payload); David Richo has written extensively on the subject of synchronicity. What exactly does this mean. manifestationsite Original audio. Alec Guinness predicts James Dean's death. According to the ancient alchemists, and to the physicists of today, everything is just one thing only. Paulo Coelho. Emma was published on December 25, 1815, and I'm rereading it in honour of . For more information, please see our Heres an interesting video that you might find useful >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDxzFm-GBnY. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); 3. What do coincidences mean? My story begins May of 2014 when a woman who I hadnt seen in about ten years reentered my life. Author Robert Morgan penned The Wreck of the Titan, Or Futility in 1898, fourteen years before the Titanic would meet its endand there are some uncanny similarities between the fictional novella and the actual events that took place. As told in an episode of NPR's This American Life, titled "No Coincidence, No Story," Stephen and Helen Lee had just gotten engaged when they made a shocking family discovery. Sorry, but the first Thanksgiving was definitely not a party. Could it be fate or a sign from the universe that we are meant to be? As the story went, he had become disoriented while climbing out of a canyon, and nearly lost his balance just as he reached the top. 1. Ugh!!! The word coincidence is translated from the Greek word synkyrian, which is a combination of two words: sun and kurios. In September 1955, James Dean was killed in a horrific car accident whilst he was driving his Porsche sports car. Heres a link to a video by David Richo that might be helpful. Of Two people pulling the same random, large number out of their asses??? A funny one regarding this very article like the other poster mack, Ive been thinking lately that I should start writing them down, keep a journal of sorts, then I come to this article, and see advice to do exactly that. Russian radio hosts insist that their report on male life expectancy on the eve of President Vladimir Putin's 65th birthday was pure coincidence.Anton Orekh and Vasily Utkin, radio hosts for the . Your guides or angels are trying to draw your attention to the number 3. It all seems a bit odd to me. Any meaning behind this? What would you even call that a coincidence fate or nothing? Soon after the first few paragraphs of my book, I turned the television to the news and heard the same exact phrase a very powerful being. I was shocked!!! Sadly, he died in 2010 of cancer. :-). The coincidences seem to be spiralling out control, his name would pops up in conversations when even if the person has called an incorrect name, his city pops up everywhere, totally unexpected place 6months later it is intensifying to the point it is scary. Years passed, they got engaged and then married, and the framed dollar resurfaced in their home. And if so, what are the implications of this? No mention is made of the fact that the two men's. Even the hardened skeptic feels something. Here is where it gets really weird. "In high school there was a kid who had the same middle and last name as me, the same birthday, and our parents had the same names. Most people would think of that as very strange, since 23 isn't even 10%, much less 50 . [] in understandable language, the Intuition Journal quotes Swiss psychologist Carl Jung who coined the word synchronicities as [], Secrets of Synchronicity is become very skeptic especially my father passed away just 40 days agoAnd I want to learn if does that Synchronicity of multi 7 s mean anything to my life line ? Among the first was J.G. This is a very fortunate number and enables great progress in your life. The people who were streaming were also talking about powerful beings! even if there isnt any meaning behind the connection. I was just about to stop reading but for some reason I am now writting this after my phone wouldnt let me leave! Her name was (for the post) Bella Hatter. Highly recommend you check out his work, which is fascinating and insightful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDxzFm-GBnY. Another is when im on the road, once i see 3 white cars in synchronize form, ill be seeing more white cars. Ive never understood that. Mbabaram is a dying Aboriginal language in Australiaand one that couldn't sound less like English. The probability of the birthday paradox is 99.999789% if 100,000 combinations are played independently. Then, just pay attention to what comes up. The key is to beable to tap into your own inner knowing (aka intuition) and discern fact from fiction, truth fromwishful thinking, fears, or imagination. Tierney, on December 20, 1922. You know, something a superhero would do. I was angry at the world at large for supposedly laughing in my face, mocking everything I had ever written, and being so cruel towards me with their words. Its seems strange to me that all of a sudden I see a Kevin on the news etc, I dont really understand it as it has never happened before. The world, once again, seemed to go into panic mode. Since its already been nearly 3 months since you posted your comment, if you figured out what the dart boards meant, let us know! I couldnt figure out why my books seemed to resonate with everyone on the planet and the pop culture at hand (I hated pop culture and didnt know much about it). As a teenager, he met an Englishman named Mr. de Fortgibu, who introduced Deschamps to plum pudding for the first time. I write them down as they can be pretty complex. 2022 Intuition Journal. Its odd when it happens but kinda funny at the same time because although it has happened many of times it still seems unreal! we are both single, never married nor have children My daughter was born in July 2nd (02.07.93) No one else can tell you. A father found his long-lost daughter in the background of his photo. Its just a matter of discerning what they are. It is something that guides us and provides us with valuable information. Both got divorced, reunited. Twins Helen Mae Cook and Clara Mae Cook died on the same day. Is it such a bad thing to feel stuck or confused? The character chosen (and subsequently eaten) was named Richard Parker. and drink tea with scorpions. Once the love interest dissolves the coincidences would stop, as though it never happened. Anderson also told US that Kate and William opted not to attend Lilibet's first birthday party at Frogmore Cottage, instead heading to Wales. Once the love interest continues I will hear the name of home address, as someones surname, someone yelling out the name is the street, a song the name of the city or street, etc 12 years ago in a different city a lady gets a tattoo to symbolize a life-changing event in her life, then moves to Lakewood Colorado. Ive been noticing synchronicity of numbers around me. Later on that evening when I retired to bed, I picked up the novel I had been reading and was completely blown away when, on one of the pages I was reading that very night, not 2 hours after finishing the TV program, the phrase memento mori was mentioned ! When she showed Jorge a picture of the man in the butcher shop, they pulled up his Facebook page only to discover that he was in many pictures with someone that looked just like Jorge's own brother, Carlos. and that a duplicated reality will then seemingly present either extreme bad luck for some people with respect to them being absolutely unable to avoid having an accident while others will have unbelievable good luck to ensure they avoid an accident and or avoid being significantly hurt in one . Surely this is the most trivial of coincidences, especially when one considers that the average length of presidential surnames is 6.64 letters. The man answered and said he had lots of parts. When synchronicities occur, there is almost always a deeper sense of awareness that is activated. my blackened feet are marching. Privacy Policy. To explain such remarkable events, the Swiss psychologist Carl Jungcoined the term synchronicity,which he defined as: The coming together of inner and outer events in a way that cannot be explained by cause and effect and that is meaningful to the observer.. She didn't tell him why she was so speechless because she thought bringing up marriage so soon in the relationship would scare him off. His name and city suddenly appeared everywhere! The seeming absurdity of such random, improbable events Random, yet not. Twins and coincidences seem to go hand-in-hand. Not even kidding. The odds of me and my dad driving the same brand of car that was hardly ever sold would seem remote. Anyway, the last 3 months, I started to address him by his first name. His mom and daughter are both aries. . Anything? I wanted my main character to be the same way. Then l get water in my mind. Interested in diving deeper into the fascinating realm of synchronicity? Despite the deaths of dozens around her and the fact she sustained a very nasty head injury, Violet Jessop survived once again. The person and I dont know what is going on. I was wondering what it all meant but now that we havent seen each other in over a month and my interest keeps fading away the name also doesnt pop up anymore. . Thank you for relating your experiences with a love interest as I have the same spooky happenings which are still manifesting 10 years ! The author provides his theories about synchronicity and coincidences, what they mean (or dont mean), and goes into detail describing the various types of synchronicities that occur. The probability of no two people sharing a birthday (which we can call P(distinct)) is simply 1 P(shared), as there will either be a shared pair or not. By the time World War I came to an end, it had claimed an estimated one million British lives. I always have big coincidences or what we call dejavus happen to me. Out of the blue one day their friendship becomes intimate whereupon they learned two things the first being that they have been the object of the others desire for all those years the second being they have the same exact tattoo just in different places. After reading this article and the comments still more questions than answers. It is what the calculator further below is designed to do. 3 x 7 = 21. Could people read my thoughts or were my thoughts being broadcasted? Yamaguchi is the only person recognized by the Japanese government as having survived both bombings. What, I dont know. Our site provides best birthday quotes ideas and birthday cake images with name impress your friends and Give them a heart touching feelings. Yet even with the help of a strategy, the chances of successfully pulling off a four-time win are still low. We all ended up getting back in the restaurant cause of the weather and when I blinked it triggered a lightning light which was apparently weird but cool. 18 months I met someone who was a love interest and I took the plunge and develop a relationship, however, I would not mention his name, I would address him as Mr and Sir (he found me addressing him that way humorous) for at least 15 months. These love interest does not necessarily develop into an intimate relationship. An engaged coupled discovered their parents almost married one another. Second, a . Three of them have the same birthday. Why did the parts have to be on Bassett street? Not my great-grandma who named my grandpa. So, when Clara died of a heart attack at the age of 83, it came as no surprise to their family that Helen would die just hours later on that same day. By incredibly narrow odds, the two loves of Lee's father's lifefrom two different sides of the world, no lessnow share grandchildren decades later. Upon writing these things, the whole world seemed to go into panic mode. Thank you. Maybe at least then we wouldn't be so taken aback by a run-in on the street. In 1865, the war came to a close when Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant at the Appottomax Courthousejust steps from McLean's new property. Both had one son, who they had both named James Allen. Answer (1 of 4): My father birthday lies on 28th September and my mother on 29th September. The Math Formula That Explains All Those Strange Coincidences. Not my grandpa or dad, both of whom lived with the name. Odd coincidences? To give you all a shortened version of my story, I continued writing this first book for about forty or fifty pages. They make us scratch our heads and wonder, Hmmm. My last name is Bassett!!. Feels..uneasy when it happens I dont know. Thats just the first page or two of the book!!! Your thoughts would be appreciated! I think its clear that nobody really understands this whole phenomenon, any guess at what these things mean if anything, is just a guess. Its really too crazy to believe. Maybe, the universe is trying to communicate something to me? Another decade passed and Deschamps went to a dinner party that served plum pudding. So the odds would seem infinitesimally small that a meteorwhich had been flying through space for more than four-and-a-half billion years without hitting a targetwould hit the home of a family with the last name "Commette." That said, the far more confounding question of statistical improbability surrounding Hawking's life was the fact that he survived to be 76 despite living with Lou Gehrig's Disease. After Dean's fatal accident, the recoverable parts of the Porsche 550 Spyder were re-sold, and went on to cause several other accidents for their new owners, including two other independent fatalities and several injuries. Seems kinda unfair.. Plus sometimes I feel its just some kind of mind experiment by some unknown higher being Or that coincidences are just that:D Im still a skeptic even though I experienced some weird stuff that started when I was in an abusive relationship up to now that Im on my own. But a few months ago, the frequency with which they happen started increasing again, as did the meaningfulness of them, and now I feel like I am in a period similar to the one I was in about 24 years ago. According to Ripley's, they drove the same car, had similar jobs and even vacationed in the same place! Two of the three boys attended the same university by coincidence, and were later contacted by the third brother after the fluke meeting was publicized by the media. It was released on June 8th, 2018 on AndrewJohn100's channel. Sailor Richard Parker was cannibalizedjust like Poe's character of the same name. Its hard to understand why it happens so often but it sounds like you have a spiritual gift. All Rights Reserved. I have the same exact experiences. She died on our birthday..creepy. THREE! California. As of the 23rd May 2022 this website is archived and will receive no further updates. My cat gave birth to kittens soon after. I have phases where this happens a lot: Im working at home, the TV or radio is on, and Im thinking about something. Heres the link: https://www.amazon.com/Power-Coincidence-Life-Shows-What/dp/1590304276, It really is an incredible book. Yet somehow, without any planning, the first recorded English casualty of the war, 17-year-old soldier John Parr, and the last recorded casualty, 30-year-old George Edwin Ellison, reportedly have graves that face one another just 15 feet apart in the Saint Symphorien Military Cemetery. If you don't introduce yourself to your neighbor, you can't possibly know both of you were born in the same hospital, on the same day, in a city several hundred miles away from your current homes. we have the same car brand although different models (a very uncommon brand) The sisters were born on February 2, 1932, and family members reported a close-knit bond between them from childhood through their golden years. All these coincidences literally drove me insane!!! So curious! It would have been an incredible story without the coincidence: 80-year-old Xu Weifang of Jiangsu Province, China saved an eight-year-old boy from drowning, despite his advanced age and recent injuries. Most people seems to feel its a sign of something good, but I just feel like something is wanting me to notice it. I wrote a very short simple book on my own experiences to bring confirmation to people who think that its all their imagination!! Twin brothers born and died at the same time. The odds of the universe existing are so small, they're practically impossible. I had a lot too too much to share though. Andrew Johnson replaced Lincoln and Lyndon Johnson replaced Kennedy. It was his son, Patrick Tierney, who, according to theLas Vegas Review-Journal, fell from an electrical tower. Enzo Ferrari's doppelgnger Mesut Ozil was born in the same year Ferrari died. The biggest one right now that I cant quite comprehend (and yes, I am still processing my divorce.) and that was the alert me and look back to my entire life !.. The relationship has since developed an invisible intensity that cannot be explained and we have drifted. Bestlifeonline.com is part of the Meredith Health Group. The idea of coincidences as signs and guidance is a major theme of Coelhos work, including his best-selling book The Alchemist. I will constantly here his name anywhere and everywhere and even the name I am grateful to be experiencing this again, trying to remain humble, and not read too much into it. As Business Insider notes, we should be a bit skeptical of the "coincidence" of Joan Ginther winning the lottery four times over. A couple found wedding vows in a bottle written on the same day they wed. Amanda Birch found out her professor and mother lived in the same house. All of this is going to sound crazy, and maybe it is because I have been recently diagnosed with schizophrenia; but, one day I decided to sit down and write a fantasy love story to get all my frustrations out of my head. Coincidences, near misses and one-in-a-million chances These topics are staples of popular science style books on probability; in this lecture we dig a little below the surface. And if you want to hit it big, know that These Are the Most Common Powerball Winning Numbers. a) When the car was towed away from accident scene and taken to a garage, the engine slipped out and fell onto a mechanic, shattering both of his legs. I was born on her 40th. For some, there is a deeper feeling. Messages? While it would be rare to be present for the death of any president, Robert Todd Lincoln was in some way present for not one, not two, but three presidential assassinations. How to tell the difference, Having trouble accessing your intuition? We canthelp but wonder if there is some kind of meaning behind it all. "It's simply a coincidence they fell on the same day," the insider said.. "There was no intended slight." Im sorry this story is getting so long. Her father was the Raffaello's chief engineer. In Edgar Allen Poe's 1838 novel, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, a four-man crew is shipwrecked and lost at sea without food or water. in deserts I boil sand. This is the only way I can describe the experience. Not because it smacks of urban legend, as so many of these stories do, but because the Stanford Ph.D. graduate studied statistics, and may have stacked the odds in her favor. However, despite how unlikely encountering your doppelgnger or sharing the same birthday as your best friend may seem, look a little closer and you'll see that the universe is constantly conspiring to add snippets of serendipity into our everyday lives. One day I was asking universe to give me a sign or something that Im not crazy about the way I felt and that it was actually meant to be to meet him. Though the two grew up over 300 miles apart in opposite corners of England, Nick's family had been on a beach vacation in Aimee's hometown, and the snap of the two shows Aimee and her family sitting just feet behind Nick, both playing in the sand. :-). And why? The book wasnt the most creative thing in the world, but the fact remains that, whenever I wrote specific phrases or madeup words/names or about specific situations, the exact same specific phrase, madeup word/phrase or specific situation would come up in popular culture or the news somehow. They were also killed by two people with three names and those names each had 15 letters. After the other actor took a role from him. The facial expressions would be showing a look of confusion, as to imply who is he, or I didnt know they were together or how are they together. Create a number dd0mm e.g. I didnt know what to do, so my story began by turning to God for help. And if you're looking to make the most of your travel, steal these 33 Travel Hacks That Make Summer Vacation a Total Breeze! This highly anticipated milestone would be his last hit ever on the Major League field, according to the MLB. Once the love interest dissolves the coincidences would stop, as though it never happened. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I now look at the S as a kind of shared energy. Anne Parrish bought herself the same copy of a book she owned as a child. "Bull Run" references the name of a stream that wound its way through the farm of a 46-year-old grocer named Wilmer McLean in Manassas, Virginia. As of the 23rd May 2022 this website is archived and will receive no further updates. At just the right moment, another Ranger stepped in and dragged him to safety by his rifle strap. With those odds, it's clear why some people believe in guardian angels! In 2015, The New York Times Magazine published the extraordinary story of two sets of identical twins that had been split up at birth and raised as two sets of fraternal twins in Bogota, Colombia. My oldest son and my nephew share the same day, different year My daughter in law and my father in law celebrate the same birthday..different years. I had never heard it before in my 47 years, and thought it was interesting. Unlikely chains of events: perhaps your false teeth fell overboard and you found them inside a fish that you caught 20 Sun means "together with," and kurious means "supreme in . Xu Weifang saved a drowning father and son 30 years apart. Identical twins Helen Mae Cook and Clara Mae Mitchell always did everything together. Just wanted to suggest a book by David Richo called The Power of Coincidence. . The 2018 documentary Three Identical Strangers tells the story of three young menRobby, David, and Eddiethat discovered in 1980 that they were identical triplets, adopted to different families. The study was never published, but their lives were of course permanently altered by their adoptions. If 10000 players play independently one combination apiece, the probability is 97.2% that at least two tickets have the same exact combination. All Rights Reserved. So, read on and prepare to be amazed by these coincidences so shocking, they'll make even the biggest skeptics believe in fate. On November 21, 1916, the Britannic suffered an explosion in the Aegean Sea. The rest of the crew decided out of desperation to kill and eat Parker before he became too tainted by disease. I called and asked if it was really fifty dollars and actually ran. If chance meetings and plum pudding make you question the fabric of the universe, try this one on for size:As explained by Professor Katie Mack, our entire universe could be described as a coincidence, as we exist in an implausibly unlikely false vacuum that could collapse at any time if it came into contact with a true vacuum. Tsutomo Yamaguchi survived both Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. Good luck and many blessings to you! Whether its a coincidence, dream, feeling, hunch, or inspired idea, capture it somewhere. Straight away I knew there was something special between us. It amazes me as to why this happens and if there is a hidden meaning to it. Her father had been totally unaware that she was just yards away when the photographer snapped the shot. Guess who I was sitting next to on this huge plane to NY Booth's brother, Edwin, was a somewhat famous stage actor who ardently supported the Union during the Civil War. A few years later this guys brother introduces him to another couple. Experts have vital information for your next trip. The author has dedicated decades of his life studying the phenomenon of synchronicity. This is the type of coincidence that makes you think there is a destiny element . . Wow! Anyway, the last 3 months, I started to address him by his first name. Just as a side note, I hadnt seriously watched television for over a decade, never listened to the radio, nor did I read the news. I am planning to write a new post about the book. we are both extremely picky when it comes to a potential partner (Ive always struggled with men for this reason. Am I being toyed with by unseeable forces? So the probability that two people do not share the same birthday is 365/365 x 364/365. How could the whole world gang up against someone, when humanity cant even agree on global warming? But I don't think that is a must criterion for soulmates. . Sorry. It happens almost every time when I dont remember that this phenomenon happens with me or expect the girl to appear again. Other people experience all sorts of coincidences in their lives too. Seven days later, he was. Another time I invented a man and give him a name, and the same coincidences happened, however, it just died down after about 6 weeks. xhr.open('POST', 'https://www.google-analytics.com/collect', true); I have 2 kids. Looking for some guidance and clarity here: I just discovered recently that the first two letter/number on our license plates are the same And that same son of Lincoln's witnessed three presidential assassinations. I talked about God and how I was simply a passerby to our universe, a Being looking to travel Creation with a partner. The only thing that makes sense is that I have schizophrenia (I refuse to believe most of the world would gang up against me to crucify my spirit); but, what about other peoples experiences with coincidences? 3. 1 Mark Twain's birth and death coincide with Halley's Comet. I think he felt the same. I found one for fifty dollars in the paper. The Third key ring breakage was (3)0 30 minutes ago. But most of the time its with the number 911 my birthday, September 11. I have a name not used much today, Barbara, in one morning at one location I met 3 other Barbaras. A woman's husband found a dollar she wrote on, hoping to find a husband. 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