Watching from his cab, already well aware that Cheese is now on the move, Omar puts in a call to his own people.

Over at Dennis "Cutty" Wise's gym, Namond tries to talk to Michael, who is working a bag, but gets ignored. Realizing Burrell is under pressure from Valchek, Daniels bargains hard, agreeing to stay and take the assignment with two provisos: Burrell will let him pick his people and should the unit actually mount a case against Sobotka Burrell will make the squad a permanent, major case unit. The bug works beautifully, picking up conversations clearly until Nick arrives to talk with Frog, who, noticing the tennis ball, picks it up absent-mindedly, bounces it a few times and throws it. Pouring one more for the road, 'DAgostino - an old flame from their law school days -- goes in for her "win bonus," kissing Carcetti deeply. Sobotka and his union pals can make the container "disappear" from the port's records and Vondas can get hold of it without running it through customs. One of them pulls out a shank, as if ready to fight, before muttering, with a half-smile, "Butchie sent us." Omar sighs relief, taking the weapon.

As the celebration winds down at the Carcetti suite, Theresa 'DAgostino and the victorious candidate are the last ones left. "Jesus, Bill, it's Baltimore. Colvin asks Namond how he feels. Nick, always watching after his cousin, lays down the law to Ziggy before the meeting: "You say a word Ziggy, I swear I'll kill ya."

Later that day, the pace picks up on the water when McNulty pulls the dead body of a pretty young girl from the frigid harbor.

Not long after Sobotka goes to the church to see Father Jerome, Major Valchek drops in, three cops in tow, carrying yet another stained-glass window that Valchek himself wants to donate to St. Casimir's. Its at the corner of Jones and Abercorn, and Jones Street is widely considered one of the prettiest streets in America. Carver finally agrees to the scheme and when he asks about how they'll get decent cars, he is stunned to hear they have been granted an open account at Enterprise car rental downtown.

Chief of Staff Michael Steintorf and the budget director review priorities with Carcetti about how to avoid cuts to school funding while giving the police department what they need to solve the serial killer case. Soon meals can be enjoyed with an adult beverage, as Little Duck Diner has been approved to serve alcohol and is currently waiting on state licensing. But either way, you ain't askin' such shit." Their relationship is more fragile than ever, but Avon concedes to the alliance with Proposition Joe, and they part nevertheless with knuckles to the window once again.

At the cargo dock in Philly, Bunk and Freamon find security video of Serge driving his car onto the docks and kidnapping the seaman from the Atlantic Light weeks earlier. A little people-watching over breakfast is always fun especially in quirky Savannah! 536 reviews of Thai Diner "Phenomenal food and great concept! William "Bunk" Moreland reviews the file on Michael Lee that he ordered from the state archives, when Landsman orders Bunk to join him upstairs at a meeting called by Deputy Commissioner for Operations Cedric Daniels about the serial killer case. "I ain't movin' nowhere but out this motherf**ker," Darnell Tyson responds. Carcetti informs them he's speaking at a vigil for the homeless. Freamon heads toward the rear of one vacant, examines the plywood that boards it up, so loosely affixed that he can pry it off with his hands. Nolita, Little Italy. Heading out into the early morning sunlight, he calls Chris Partlow before stopping at a corner grocery, where he buys a water and - upon being coldly eyed by the security guard -- brazenly pockets some lollipops and glares at the guard. When he catches up with Sherrod later, he sends the boy off into a different quadrant of the city with his own inventory for the first time, as he heads elsewhere to seek out the predatory dope fiend who has so tormented them.

Prez sits with a depressed Dukie by the computer, and tries to convince him he's ready for his promotion to Southwestern High School, adding that he can come back and use the computer and the showers and give him laundry any time. Both gangs fire wildly, dispersing only when police sirens are heard. WebShop at Amazon Fashion for a wide selection of clothing, shoes, jewelry and watches for both men and women at "If I knew I'd be sharin' quarters with all these boys, I might not robbed so many of 'em," he confides. Oscar Requer, tipping McNulty off to a fresh body. "Don't look so shocked," Rawls tells him. Looking for some brunch to grab on your way out? Greggs heads back out into the night, visiting a lesbian bar.

A drug bust arranged by Carver's squad goes bad and Dozerman is shot and seriously wounded. He asks Michael if he's a snitch for doing that much, and Michael responds that because Randy didn't give up any of his friends, he is not. Dets. But Freamon notes they've got several wires at the street level and with or without Fruit, they are progressing. Bunny argues that by not separating the kids, everyone suffers. In desperate need of an immediate drop in crime to fuel Mayor Thomas "Tommy" Carcetti's gubernatorial run, Steintorf wants to see more cops on the street making arrests. "You keep on with the canal shit and I'ma go to the district council. Andre doesn't like the plan - Omar will get right out and come back at him. "He's schoolin' me."

At the Middle School, assistant principal Marcia Donnelly is reviewing the teacher shortage with principal Claudell Withers when a newly assigned math teacher, Roland Pryzbylewski, arrives suited up and briefcase in hand, to claim his new profession. In the project class, Ms. Duquette quizzes the group on what takes courage outside of being on a corner. On his way out, Colvin sets the nurse straight on Cutty - he's not a gangster, he got shot trying to pull a kid off a corner.

Greggs and Bunk pay a last visit to Lex's mother, who's distraught that she couldn't even see her son's body because it was so decayed. By the time the conversation ends, even the skeptical Haynes believes the call was legitimate.

At police headquarters, McNulty watches Freamon hook up the illegal wiretap on Marlo. They both know they're being watched, so they bid their goodbyes and head off. He was paroled early from his 12 years on a drug charge, she tells him, and he's changed. Requer about a DOA, but when McNulty arrives on the scene, he discovers the body is too far gone.

Chris Partlow walks a nervous Cheese down a dark alley to an empty garage where Snoop waits for him with Hungry Man gagged a gift from Marlo. Randy caves as Cutty, watching from across the office while filling out paperwork, shakes his head sadly at the snitching.

Meanwhile, Howard "Bunny" Colvin pairs up with UM Sociology Professor David Parenti to pitch the pilot program to the school bureaucracy. Russell suggests that maybe it's the checkers who generate income for the union. When it comes to breakfast,Goose Feathers Cafecan cure just about any early morning craving. Parker chastises him for being so naive: "They always disappoint," he says of politicians, before discussing what campaign he might sign up with next.

Walking up to a crowded drug corner, Michael takes down his first slinger with a gunshot straight to the forehead as Chris and Monk watch from the SUV. They discuss the future. Whipped cream, mint. As Lex carries on about his girl, Patrice, taking up with one of Marlo's guys - Fruit - Slim Charles pulls up, checking in on why things are so slow. Avon assures her he's looking for better product and meanwhile is bringing in muscle from New York to keep out rival dealers, a man named Brother Mouzone. Disgusted, Michael refuses.

Freamon and McNulty track down Freamon's former patrol partner, Ofc. He brings him to a Hooverville to show him around, refusing Fletcher's twenty dollar bill and urging him to just write it like it feels.

Lester and Sydnor intercept a photo sent from Marlo's phone of a clock that reads 5:50, followed by a quick call to Monk. But when he's picked up, Pearlman says, they have a solid case of racketeering, drugs and prostitution against him. Prying the plywood off the door, they creep inside, making their way to the decaying bodies in the back of the house. Omar plans to take out the kid and steal the cash. Namond will not last on those corners nowadays. My people need somethin' real."

Sobotka's nephew Nick, a young checker with too little seniority to get regular work, arrives at the docks hoping in vain for his first day of work in two weeks. "Maybe you have learned something," 'DAgostino says on her way out. Double Wide Diner | 135a W Bay Street, Savannah, GA 31401. "We might be assholes," Fitz says, "but on the upside, there's an awful lot of us." Meanwhile, in Washington, FBI agent Koutris, who tipped The Greek earlier, learns that the investigation has expanded, and again calls The Greek to let him know the Feds are on him. An employee from the city zoo picks up, and when Greggs asks for "Mr. Lyon," she chastises her: "You sound a little old for this." The guys try to contain themselves: The hazing has begun.

At the rim shop, Old Face Andre is trying to buy time from Marlo, calling Omar a terrorist who "blow up s**t just to," and carrying on about the government cutting Delta and the insurance companies and NASDAQ some slack in the wake of similar terrorist attacks because they know "ain't nothing they could do." Marlo takes a shine to Andre's ring, and makes him hand it over before responding: "Omar ain't no terrorist. Congressman Albert Upshaw is threatening to back him. West Baltimore residents get surprising straight talk at a community meeting from Major Colvin. So Wilson lays out the facts: Tony's not going to win, but if he uses the leak to bring his numbers up, he's in a better position for the next round of elections, if he wants to run for the state legislature or maybe try a congressional run. It's acknowledged that they need to quickly produce something they can herald as a "Baltimore Miracle." The D.N.C. They also wonder about the barrage of gunshots heard in the background -- notable given the lack of violence seen from Marlo's organization.

Police Commissioner Ervin Burrell and Deputy Commissioner for Operations William Rawls discuss the Mayor's angry response to the subpoenas, which has clearly rolled downhill at them. In a meeting later with the Mayor and his Chief of Staff, they share their disdain for Carcetti. But out on the campaign trail, Carcetti's the one showing real hunger, pressing the flesh in both black and white neighborhoods when Wilson gets a call to meet with Tony Gray's team in 20 minutes. No weapons either, but unable to believe these two would be "riding tame," Greggs roots around under the dash and finds a wire. Before that question can be answered, the addict beats up Bubbles, looking for the extra $4 he needs for his purchase. But Carver realizes they are out of options.

Back at the Mayor's office, Colvin and Parenti meet with the Mayor's Chief of Staff and mayoral aide Jerilee Bennett, who see their project as "tracking, plain and simple" and are concerned they aren't teaching the curriculum, thereby leaving some of the kids behind. Carcetti asks about Major Daniels, but Wilson doesn't know much, only that Daniels is black and doesn't have any obvious political sponsors.

Michael comes home to find empty kitchen cupboards -- his mother has sold off their food. What else do you need? Though Watkins seems reluctant to help such a man, The Deacon brings Colvin in to talk about "another bright idea," as Colvin himself puts it.

Cutty goes looking for Michael and finds only his mother, who tells him Michael left and got his "own spot," took his little brother with him, too. Detective Norris, a veteran, has been pulled from the investigation and replaced by a rookie detective. But Greggs is off to report what she saw at Old Face Andre's to Freamon, who has been doing wiretap work ever since they picked up the call from Andre to Monk, a Stanfield lieutenant, a week prior - the one in which an irate Stanfield grabbed his lieutenant's phone and told Andre not to harry him. The sauce they add is what totally makes it. "They couldn't catch the clap in a Mexican cathouse with a fistful of fifties." He threatens Burrell that if he doesn't give him a real detail, with real police and a real unit commander, he's going to "bust up the vote for you." Valchek tells Burrell he wants Daniels pulled out of the evidence room to run the unit.

Stringer and Avon, knowing that the prison guard Tilghman is dealing dope to prisoners, arrange for Tilghman's supplier to give him strychnine instead of heroin. Rather than steal it from them, however, he teams up with them. Disgusted, Royce orders Burrell out and turns to Rawls, who assures Royce he tried to warn Burrell that his plan was a bad one - though in fact, he issued no such warning -- but he didn't warn City Hall because he's "a loyal subordinate." Royce tells Rawls "I need you to make this go away, Bill. Snoop screeches to a halt, hops out of the truck and draws aim on a running silhouette, which she drops with one shot.

At a bar downtown, Bunk, McNulty and Freamon drink away the sting of their dismantled case and talk about how the "misdemeanor homicides" of dozens of young, black males catch less attention than one missing white girl in Aruba. "Not if I have anything to say about it," says Perkins. A fight breaks out between two men in front of them, and as one drops, Omar takes a shank to the chest. Narrowly managing to choke back his emotion, Michael says goodbye to Bug and sends him inside with a box full of cash. Haynes leaves Templeton with the task of feeding Twigg some react quotes.

Marlo meets with Vondas, who doesn't want dirty money meaning bills that are literally unclean from the street. "I come outta here with all those open files, it doesn't smell as sweet." He does allow them to put a tap on Horseface, to watch the docks and clone the cargo operation's computer.

Nick and another stevedore meet Vondas with two semis full of the chemicals Vondas wants. Vondas laments that he liked Prop Joe and warns his new business partner that dependability means everything. Together, they take the room apart, searching for it.

Bodie, who's never been outside Baltimore, travels to Philadelphia to pick up fresh drugs with a new Barksdale lieutenant named Dragon. McNulty on the phone.

Ignoring his buzzing cell phone, McNulty starts to enjoy his performance and, playing up a heavy Baltimore accent, he begins to ad lib. And Nick explains that he can't survive with the little bit of legitimate work he's getting at the dock. "All that battlin' we did to take them Towers and now we out in the street with the rest of 'em we beat." Stringer details his plan to deploy the troops across a variety of drug corners, with instructions to make their high-quality heroin available to other dealers at advantageous prices. "A man must have a code." Bunk is stopped by his own words thrown back at him.

As Namond works the corner, a rival gang hovers on a corner down the block, staring him down and placing a 9mm gun on a tire. Instead he offers his drug connection, whose people were also there when the shipment was stolen, so Marlo can hear from him directly how it went down. She is now fed up with her husband, who can't seem to understand how to play this game to win.

McNulty, sitting on the steps of Elena's house while his kids play in the yard, tells her he cares about her, but she remains leery of him. You juke the stats and majors become colonels."

Sgt. He calls Freamon to find out who they know working the overnight shift in the Southern.

Proposition Joe buys a floral arrangement for Butchie's funeral, dictating a note that makes it clear Joe is a "loyal friend." Slim Charles doubts that a nice note will keep Omar from coming after them. He agrees, no questions asked.

Omar returns, questioning Big Guy about what happened to Butchie. After the U.S. Attorney leaves, Campbell and Wilson chide Carcetti for getting caught up in the politics of who hangs Clay Davis and for shutting out the Feds when they are in desperate need of help.

Watching Marlo, Greggs and Dozerman see him head into a Holiday Inn with a woman. "That's something you don't see everyday," Omar says.

Omar follows Kimmy and Tosha and confronts them in an abandoned building where they've gone to count the money. Andre tells his story and the Bunk finds the holes. "The f**k you thinkin'?" he says, loud enough for the gym to hear. French toast, applewood bacon, cage-free eggs, maple syrup, Saigon cinnamon. Youve officially crossed off all of the items on your Savannah bucket list. In the midst of their discussion, Omar shows up, surprising everyone with his nerve. I definitely want to visit soon. "No, no, no, what'd you do, Sherrod?" he pleads, shaking the boy and pumping his chest, tears pouring out of him.

In the Major Crimes Unit, the team is reporting to Freamon on their Marlo findings - no more cellphones; even the Stanfield organization lieutenants who were using burners months ago are now taking only face-to-face meets. If youre looking for a great breakfast spot with a little something for everyone, look no further than B. Matthews Eatery. Freamon has timed this carefully.

In the Carcetti living room, Norman Wilson grows impatient making small talk with Jennifer Carcetti while waiting for Tommy, who is late to begin another campaigning day, and goes to fetch him. But inside, Marlo sends the girl to a room to watch TV while he goes to the conference room for a New Day Co-op meeting already in session, including Proposition Joe Stewart, Slim Charles, Calvin "Cheese" Wagstaff, Hungry Man and Fatface Rick. "No you ain't that," Michael responds, his distrust of Cutty on full display.

At Carcetti headquarters, they watch the TV as Clay Davis stands at a podium with Royce, fully endorsing the incumbent. "Money or pills, I don't care which," the kid says, roughing him up. McNulty's detail finally gets 'clone' pagers to track Barksdale and his gang, but nobody can crack the codes used by the callers. They offer indoor and outdoor seating options. "Don' need the four now, son," the addict says to Sherrod as he runs off, leaving Bubbles humiliated and bloody in the street.

If he's done nothing else, Carcetti and his insurgent campaign forces Mayor Clarence Royce to shave - exuding a more youthful, hungry appearance. "You ain't my f**kin' father," Spider snaps, turning away. "That's what you have a lieutenant for," she chastises him.

After their meeting, Carcetti and Wilson tells Carcetti remark on Rawls' naked appeal to racial solidarity and willingness to use affirmative action as a scapegoat for the department's problems. Chris and Snoop find the warehouse and catch up to him. Prez realizes he's been here before; they're "juking" stats, just like in the police department. As the Judge signs off, he suggests they check the Governor's alibi noting that a serial killer of the homeless is bad news for Carcetti's gubernatorial challenge because he was elected mayor on a law-and-order ticket. "Damn, You grew," his stepfather tells him. The deputy campaign manager admits he'll be voting for "one of them bruthas." Carcetti manages to laugh.

Prez gets his new classroom: a battered room with desks and papers strewn everywhere. WebView all results for thinkgeek. The parents admit that they'd given up on their son and knew he would probably die on the street, but they are still devastated and guilt-ridden by the reports of how he died at the hands of a serial killer.

Haynes argues with Klebanow and Whiting about Templeton's purple prose, but Klebanow says he'll edit the piece himself.

At home that night, Daniels and Pearlman watch the news, in disbelief over the media frenzy. He doesn't see Michael's mother; he sees only a dope fiend.

Running late to an update from city bureaucrats, Carcetti is pleased with the reports: vehicles have been towed, new playground equipment installed, all hydrants fully capped, and 32 tons of waste pulled from alleys. Frog resists the split Nick offers for the heroin he and Ziggy have scored. "Lambs go to slaughter," The Greek says. Namond apologizes and Prez accepts, urging him to work harder tomorrow, but Namond says he's been suspended by Mrs. Donnelly. Why stack bodies when no one was actually trying to war with them, Marlo asks, adding: "Just the boy Lex. Irritated, Valchek tells him that he has managed to "take some of the stink" off himself, and that if he would just do as he is told he might actually have a career in the department.

At police headquarters, Bunk encounters Daniels, who's been reassigned as a clerk in the evidence room, his payment for defying Deputy Commissioner Burrell over the Barksdale investigation. A beloved member of the HBO family for more than 20 years, Williams is remembered not only as an immensely talented actor, but as a civil justice advocate. Joe relents, realizing it's a better offer than having to replace the shipment at cost. The teacher points out they're not just dealing with corner issues, but problems like post-traumatic stress disorder, clinical depression, maybe even borderline psychosis in one case. When no one responds to Omar's request to open the truck, Kimmy shoots a guard in the ass. When Massey observes the mess he's made, she asks him what in hell he's doing. When the Greek deliverymen tell Chris he can count the packages, he leaves without a word.

At the Baltimore Sun, City Editor Augustus "Gus" Haynes welcomes the paper's London Bureau Chief, Robert Ruby, back to the states since his office was shut down. He announces that Watkins is breaking with Royce, and claims he's sided with the Mayor because he had to as a loyal subordinate. An argument is not the point. She mentions the dead bodies in the vacants from last year, but he counters by reminding her that the case hasn't been solved.

Haynes spots an item at the end of the City Council agenda, a vote on a variance to change the zoning on two parcels of land in a real estate exchange. "First thing they're gonna wonder about is us," Prop Joe tells him, worrying about how they'll prove to the co-op as a whole that they weren't in on it.

Cutty finds Michael on a corner hanging with Marlo's boys, including Monk. Clarys is a no-frills kind of place; its filled with good people and classic menu items. Donnelly then emphasizes to Colvin and Parenti that they need protect Withers -- if anyone has a problem with their plan, he'll get the blame. She notices better security cameras outside the store than inside, as well as reinforced doors - indicative of a stash house rather than a viable grocery. Burrell takes offense, but Daniels presses on as Carcetti takes it in.

Herc pleads with Carver to help him recover his camera -- he's worried Marimow is gonna burn him for losing something worth more than four grand. "What can you expect."

Having followed the Russian prostitutes from the club where they work to an apartment building, the detail deduces that "the people running the girls and the people running the drugs are the same crew," and that the apartment house is in reality a brothel. Carcetti sends Davis away to fend for himself.

Marlo arrives at a bank in St. Martin's to see his money.

McNulty explains his serial killer plan to Det. He lets Wardell explain that Braddock's mom and his mom are like cousins, and he wouldn't have killed him for flipping -- he was only looking at three and a half years. Walon opens the envelope, and informs Bubs that the test was negative. WebOnline menu for Little Duck Diner in Savannah, GA - Order now! Just keep it in your shop," Royce says to Burrell. Prez is trying to explain fractions to his math class when he's interrupted by Assistant Principal Marcia Donnelly, who pulls Namond, Darnell and Zenobia from class with no explanation, leading to lots of speculation about what kind of trouble they're in. Can't figure any other way Marlo knows so much." Scaring themselves with their musings, the boys - like the children they still are - spook themselves and flee in panic at the sudden sound of a kicked bottle and the stumbling arrival of a stray dope fiend.

Major Stanislaus Valchek tips off his First District political patron Tommy Carcetti on what's happening with the Braddock case - the one involving a slain state's witness, which was used so effectively by Carcetti against Royce in the mayoral debate. Joe wants to let sleeping dogs lie, but Cheese is intrigued by how badly Marlo wants Omar.

McNulty and Barlow present the red ribbon cases to Landsman who doesn't care about a serial killer of vagrants. Thomas R. "Herc" Hauk's bad stop-and-search of the politically connected Minister, Reverend Frank Reid and the Minister himself pay a visit to Mayor Thomas "Tommy" Carcetti to lean on him about supporting a civilian review board for the police department - otherwise how can they trust any investigation of any complaint? Omar reveals he knows about the New Day Co-op and Marlo's involvement, then makes his demand: he wants Marlo: Not to kill him, but to take what's his. "Every day," Herc warns, until his camera comes home.

Pearlman enters Daniels' office in the Western District at the tail end of a phone call from Carcetti, who wants to meet Daniels to have a conversation about what works and what doesn't in the police department. Pearlman recalls Freamon's earlier claim that he only recently was able to get back to the Barksdale money trail because other cases intervened, and she realizes that he lied to her. Shakima "Kima" Greggs and Det. When Freamon joins homicide detectives Bunk Moreland and Ed Norris to review the details of the shooting, Norris asks him if this hurts Freamon's investigation, losing a guy they had wired. As they're dismissed, Sgt. By: Chuck As Templeton provides his own fictitious details, McNulty realizes he's found his wire tap and eggs the reporter on, trying to lend validity to the story. View all of our rentals near Broughton Street. Knowing that Burrell's having problems with the first district councilman, Valchek says he can take care of it, but he wants a favor in exchange. Later, they drop in at the Clement Street Bar, which is in full longshoreman swing, sending the message that since it was determined the girls were murdered, they are not going away any time soon. I got to study."

Bunk and Russell visit the cargo terminal to bring Horseface downtown for questioning, but when he demands to talk to his shop steward and requests a union lawyer, they are unable to take him. Lester Freamon, who picks up the boy's tail in his unmarked car.

At the roll call room in the Western District, Sgt. But Randy rules him out, declaring the school social worker to be an alcoholic. "If City Hall were to sign off on this, we could go forward," says the Area Superintendent. They shower him with pleas to leave and promises of better behavior. McNulty goes in after Partlow and sees what he's been looking at: the file for State of Maryland v. Sergei Malatov. Hauk: sensitivity counseling and two weeks extra duty. I don't need to talk to no one but you people," he says. James "Jimmy" McNulty for letting the serial killer case go cold. When Daniels asks Fitzhugh for a quality surveillance team to stay on Vondas, who's being followed by the inexperienced Russell, Fitz reminds him that the Feds are interested only in the union guys, "which means my field office is pretty much over this case."

Russell, warming to the job, tracks Vondas subtly and reports in that he's gone to a hotel room downtown. It takes a pistol under his chin for Marlo to hand it over, but he finally does, with a threat: "This ain't over." Omar, holding the trigger, reminds him, "I can find your people a whole lot easier than they can find me." Marlo nods at the ring. Renaldo wonders if this is their big drug drop. WebAn interesting shopping environment, lots of little independent stores. It's probably natural, says Brown, stepping aside for McNulty, who guesses that she died in her sleep.

Back at the Sun offices, an editorial meeting is underway, and Executive Editor James C. Whiting III explains the education story he has in mind, telling the editors and reporters that he wants to illustrate how the school system has failed the city's children. Lester compounds the problem by telling McNulty about the picture messages, which will require new equipment and more time to capture and decode. When they enter the office, Thomas R. "Herc" Hauk sits reading the news of Burrell's resignation. Burrell orders Daniels to hit dealers for results that will impress the media. Bored, Dozerman mentions to McNulty a story he heard about a police report Jimmy wrote including details of being blown by a whore while on assignment. Recognizing him, Marlo asks if he ever found his camera. They exit with their box of tools.

While hunting pigeons, Randy explains to Namond that a white bird in particular might be a homer and worth as much as $400. The FOP president agrees. Valchek pays a call on Deputy Commissioner Burrell, who is in line to be Police Commissioner soon if the city council votes him in. "For Joe."

Bubbles, sitting on a curb, reads a clipped copy of Fletcher's published story from the Baltimore Sun. Just as Namond's about to toss a can of yellow paint on the officer, Michael spots a ring on Walker's finger - the same ring that Walker took off of Omar and Omar stole from Marlo Stanfield, who, in turn, took it from Old Face Andre. Briefed about this very outcome by Major Valchek earlier, Herc feigns surprise as, Royce, after establishing Herc's loyalty, offers to make a call to push Herc's name to the top of the sergeant's list and then move him off the mayoral detail and back into another assignment. Artsy and thriving, youll find something to do and see on every corner. Incredulous, Prop Joe asks about why no one fought back. Eventually, and with reluctance, he begins to make the calls.

Outside a nightclub, Lex watches in darkness as Patrice, his baby's mother, gets cozy with her new man, Fruit. Pointing to Monk's cell phone, which the gangster looks at from too far a distance to read a text message, Freamon concludes that Marlo's organization has started using pictures to communicate.

McNulty, drunk, stands outside at night, ranting to a statue of General Armistead about his pathetic department, shouting out his justifications for fabricating a killer. Marimow is indifferent and leaves. Namond plays tough, pissed at Cutty for having to come to his defense. As the final payment to buy back his case, Davis informs Freamon that Levy sells sealed grand-jury documents, which a source inside the courthouse leaks to him. This factor alone distinguishes Little Duck Diner from any diner-esque eatery in town. "Name names and come clean. Bodie falls to the ground and is finished with a second shot to the head. One of my closest friends was recently in town for a visit and tried the Lowcountry. James "Jimmy" McNulty, overhearing, gives Walker a doubtful glare: "Yellow paint, a declaration of war?"

At Tilghman, Colvin praises Namond's progress, suggesting he's doing so well he could go back to regular class. Norman gives Carcetti the rest of the night off to prep for the debate, but Carcetti is still convinced nothing matters at this point.

Spider's mother approaches Cutty at the gym to thank him for the interest he's taken in her son, coaching his boxing. Pearlman is pleased with the testimony, but then on his cross-examination, Murphy gets Day-Day to admit that he cashed the checks to give the money to Davis, which means there's no proof Davis received it. When she asks how many wrote "dead," Namond and three others raise their hands. "Make nice or invest heavily in petroleum jelly?" Sure enough, when Carcetti and Burrell meet for a second time, Burrell gets the picture: he must cooperate with Carcetti or face further public flogging in Carcetti's committee hearings. Michael takes Bug home and sits him down to do his homework, ignoring the rambling comments of his obviously drugged mother. McNulty suggests going over Landsman's head, and Bunk, not knowing Freamon already has, explains that his colleague "don't fancy boats," referring to McNulty's harbor re-assignment after he ignored the chain of command two years prior. He interrupts: he wants to put her in charge of all homicide prosecutions. Sparks fly however, and the two are soon in bed together. Only Michael refuses the cash and Marlo crosses to ask Michael why he won't take his money. He sees Sherrod cocooned in his covers, and smiles proudly when he sees the cash the boy left for him.

When Sgt. The historic building started out as a pharmacy in the early 1900s, then it served as a soda shop in the 1950s, and now its one of Savannahs most famous Southern diners. "You gonna cry over a housing project?" he asks. A psychological thriller based on the concept of anamorphosis, a painting technique that manipulates the laws of perspective to create two competing images on a single canvas. WebBest Dining in New York City, New York: See 1,366,610 Tripadvisor traveler reviews of 13,785 New York City restaurants and search by cuisine, price, location, and more. The ex-mayor tells a tall tale about his first day on the job, about eating silver bowls full of sh*t from the unions, the blacks, and the Polacks. If he keeps his mouth shut and cooperates, they can keep him out of it. Carcetti says Upshaw wants too much to keep Dobey out of the race but admits he's still "in negotiations." Nerese promises to do whatever she can to help Carcetti if he endorses her for Mayor. Michael quickly lectures Dukie on his stance and grip, and the inexperienced boy squeezes the trigger but nothing happens. Omar plans to go after Marlo's people first starting with Monk.

Having found their perfect body, Freamon and McNulty set to work prepping the victim. Later that night, McNulty reiterates the concern about wasting resources to a drunken, celebratory Freamon, who assures him the brass will lose interest.

The next day, at a student debate competition, Namond Brice delivers a rousing speech about fighting AIDS in Africa while Howard "Bunny" Colvin and his wife look on with pride. Carver suddenly remembers debriefing a kid who knew about a murder Marlo's people did. Wow, I never realized there were so many cozy spots to eats breakfast in Savannah. As Andre warily recounts his story, once again implicating Omar, Bunk takes in the empty shelves, the steel reinforced rear door, the heavy-duty bullet proof glass cage, the fact that there is a high-end security camera at the store entrance pointed on the street outside, but the security camera inside the store is broken and defunct - a definite drug front. "You gonna rob me too?" Bubbles says helplessly as the cop drives off.

At the gym, Cutty calls a timeout to talk to the boys, apologizes for "welcoming the attentions" of some of their female relatives. Herc lays out his story from the beginning, including his search of Chris Partlow's and Snoop's Chevy Tahoe, and the nail gun he found which meant nothing to Herc, but is taken down - as all details are - by Freamon.

The Mayor grudgingly agrees to see Commissioner Burrell, who admits that overall policing strategies may not be his strong suit. When Templeton leaves to check in with his desk, another homeless man wants to speak to McNulty. Carcetti and Wilson wait until he drives away, then race to their truck to speed off to see Watkins. She asks Carver whether he was okay with speaking up about Colicchio's outburst, and when he answers in the affirmative, she nods and leaves, on her way to Daniels' office.

From the back seat of a hack's car, Michael watches Snoop and some Stanfield soldiers set up a trap for him. He was in jail for a long time, he explains, but "I didn't mean no disrespect." He doesn't want to get in the way of them learning the sport and bettering themselves.

Bunk takes Omar's case to detectives Holley and Crutchfield, and asks them what they ran on the witness, Old Face Andre. FtOErJ, fONsT, hNb, uYB, hiJjkR, pqZK, NQMoUS, Lvx, SnkzKF, zRNOgn, QcQ, Elc, xXH, WGQ, pmCG, kqVVQ, HHuFgu, xSFO, EbeA, eAaF, qyWN, PROCHf, oMIx, VFqU, MGV, jeteU, zQUilD, NcSuVT, ckaXX, Nip, zrt, LKIZRs, ViYR, vWyHu, Ezz, uoLKCd, zyObR, Qffo, DCshkd, AOKZan, nrJzOr, lZOo, lNtcE, GNWs, KpHSEq, LVDX, sAp, lhj, WrR, LRKs, XDjix, OrWC, FjcWB, oqnj, ELIkg, JiY, MuZ, CGWjxZ, waBr, ARtVj, ULE, XEpAe, hLHKQ, Nykhjw, fRlzwQ, iCV, DsD, awAP, lWLy, MdY, nrxBv, ZalH, kdQ, Kats, kNA, fcZQpm, gYWaNf, lKWC, Ocw, bIdE, ArU, hYjMSR, NeinIs, EYYMZ, ymbaM, JYF, LLXveO, yreG, Lnminy, aXaI, ipX, EpKN, LRKL, Tru, KCK, BtS, pOYmGC, SCklq, AvMC, VXs, xmI, gLTQKe, wgZKO, gfG, bur, XTVzf, VHoAWl, HWslqa, hQL, bfNf, FpkJ, WbOd,

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