As much as you might love sipping on ginger ale when you're feeling under the weather, kombucha is a better-for-you, lower-sugar option, says Goldberg. Electrolyte-Fortified Clear Liquids Can Help Prevent Dehydration 6. Quinoa and Tabbouleh Salad. Contents. You can take it in supplement form or sip on slippery elm tea for fast relief from an upset stomach. In fact, most of the carbohydrate content in flax seeds are made of fiber. Add the ginger to the soup and bring it to a boil again. To relieve an upset stomach, here are four home remedies that have been shown to be helpful: peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, ginger and . (No wonder it's a go-to for people taking antibiotics!). Plus, it's easy to get down when you don't feel like chewing much. It also helps reduce inflammation in the colon by inhibiting proinflammatory cytokines that damage the gut so that you can absorb your nutrients more efficiently. If you have stomach problems, you should avoid coffee or black tea in the morning and prefer herbal or ginger tea. Look for coconut water that isnt pasteurized and dont contain any additives or preservatives so that all the nutrients are still intact. Trent-GurbuzDec. Have some rice: White rice is bland and low in fiber, so your stomach doesn't have to work hard to digest it. Celery is also high in antioxidant flavonoids and polyphenols to help get rid of toxins that might be causing you distress. The bubbles can be a problem, because gas gets into your digestive system. They provide protein and carbs. Let it soak briefly, and then enjoy, for example, with a sliced banana. Tip: Instead of cooking vegetables & Co. for the light food recipes, you should rather steam them. Learn why your latest healthy lifestyle change may be causing you constipation. Ginger is a natural way to settle an upset stomach. It also has anti-acidic properties that are commonly used in many antacid remedies to treat indigestion. Although they're both easy to digest, white rice is the easier of the two since a lot of its fiber has been removed meaning it is converted to sugar faster and digested quicker. If you eat muesli in the morning, you should avoid ready-made muesli and cornflakes. Furthermore, honey has naturally occurring anti-bacterial properties to kill any bacteria making you feel sick. You might be familiar with using aloe vera topically on your skin when you have a sunburn, but did you know that you can ingest aloe and get the same soothing effects on your tummy? Add liquid mixture to your dog's food, or add frozen cubes to their bowls. Applesauce 6. Applesauce contains pectin, a thickening fiber found in apples, which works wonders when you have diarrhea. Here are 12 foods that are good to eat for an upset stomach: Credit 1.. Cook in the vegetable stock until the carrots are soft, then puree finely. It contains a substance known as gingerol that has been shown to relieve nausea and indigestion fast, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. You should rarely eat meat, preferably lean chicken. cup light brown sugar, packed 4 tablespoons unsalted butter 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon teaspoon ground allspice Directions: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Place the zest and juice of the oranges and lemon in a large bowl. 2005 - 2022 WebMD LLC. Lets face it. Since stomach issues can signal more serious underlying health problems, seek medical attention ASAP if an upset stomach lasts longer than three days or so, says Goldberg. This root contains properties that can alleviate nausea, stomach pains and other uncomfortable symptoms of an upset stomach. Just me?). The holidays dont have to be a time for weight gain. Is the hCG diet a safe way to drop pounds, or is it a gimmicky fad eating regimen? Plus, like sweet potatoes, its also filled with the electrolyte potassium. Place in the oven and bake for 20 minutes. You may not have much of an appetite if you have an upset stomach, but its important to eat something thats light and easily digestible. Oatmeal sounds pretty dull, but its a good stick to your ribs food with a bland taste that wont cause further stomach problems for you. For that reason, Clebaner suggests adding in foods that are nutrient-rich, such as homemade. It's best to avoid peppermint-flavored gum, which may lead to heartburn. Most people find that eating papaya in its fresh fruit form is most enjoyable, but it can be hard to find. Flaxseeds are also high in a special type of omega 3 fatty acid called ALA that reduces inflammation and keeps cells healthy. Peppermint tea, in particular, has been shown to help with indigestion, while ginger tea contains flavonoids with medicinal properties. Eating just two tablespoons of flaxseed a day will provide you with up to 25 percent of your daily fiber needs. Look for unsweetened yogurt made with almond or coconut milk and add your own sweetener, such as raw honey. The essential oils in fennel also have a stimulatory effect on the peristaltic motion of the intestines, which means that it quite literally pushes fecal matter out of your system where it cant cause pain anymore. If you have stomach problems, you should avoid coffee or black tea in the morning and prefer herbal or ginger tea. Eat up: Though eating toast is pretty much an act of self-care for many of us, "toasting bread creates a spongy texture that can make it challenging to swallow, Goldberg says. Or get creative and sprinkle slippery elm powder onto your oatmeal first thing in the morning to prevent a problem before it occurs. If your pet is known to have a sensitive stomach, it may be wise to give this food for five to seven days after symptoms clear and then slowly transition . Non-fat yogurt. You can even add some organic, antibiotic-free chicken for protein. This can help improve the overall health of your gut by support a healthy microbiome. In addition to being high in fiber to move food through the intestinal tract, flax seeds are high in omega 3 fatty acids to help reduce inflammation. Bananas are also rich in a soluble fiber that can help reduce diarrhea. It contains aspartic acid, which has carminative properties that help expel gas from the stomach to provide instant relief. Not only is papaya incredibly sweet and delicious, but it also contains the enzymes papain and chymopapain to help break down hard to digest proteins. What light starches do you eat when you are sick/ have an upset stomach. It's not totally clear why this is, but perhaps it's a scent thing. Good foods to try are: Applesauce. Diets can provide relief. Spread the potatoes onto the sheet pan in a single layer and add 1 tablespoon olive oil. Milk, cheese, and ice cream are all no-nos with an upset stomach. Experts discuss whether the candida diet reduces yeast infections and promotes gut health. Peel, quarter, and core the apples (reserving the peel of 2 of the red apples) and toss them in the juice. Drink up: Kombucha tends to come in funky flavors, so pick whichever you're most likely to sip on. What To Eat With An Upset Stomach. 2. Adding more bulk fiber to your diet can help ease the pain of bowel movements. Chamomile is a herbal, aromatic plant with immense benefits for the body. If youre suffering from nausea, ginger can help mitigate your symptoms, Lalevich says. If you consume food and drink in excess, or if you eat fatty, spicy, or greasy foods, your digestive . Its got vitamins and minerals from the vegetables in the soup plus antioxidants and fiber, too. You can even add some berries to get in some extra fiber and antioxidants. When you eat fennel seeds, it acts as a laxative to help clear the bowels. Linseed can help with constipation. Dry foods such . Because it's made from refined flour that removes fiber, white toast is a better choice than whole-grain options. In the meantime, cut the vegetables into cubes. "They contain all of the essential amino acids that get absorbed into our muscles, says Goldberg. It's sweet, sour, and smoky with a hit of spice," he says. But some foods can give you nutrients you need without making you feel worse. If you are a salad fan, you can prepare a bulgur salad with cooked vegetables and enjoy it cold. While were on the topic of gut health, its hard to ignore the most important supplement for your stomach of all. Slurp up: Cook up pieces of chicken and vegetables, like carrots and zucchini, in either homemade or store-bought chicken stock. Golden milk is also known as turmeric tea. Barley, rice and oatmeal tend to be light on the stomach. Mint doesnt just leave your breath smelling fresh. Sometimes the best dish for a sensitive stomach is something heavy in whole grains. White rice. Digestive discomfort can arise from a number of issues, such as stomach flu, indigestion or food intolerance. Eat up: Since simple, plain foods settle best when you have an upset stomach, eat your Greek yogurt straight from the container, without any crazy add-ons, says Goldberg. Like kombucha, yogurt contains probiotics, which can help support a healthy gut. When your stomach hurts, cramps, or you feel like you might throw up, the last thing you want to do is eat something that makes it worse. "The first part of digestion is chewing, and most people don't chew enough," says Goldberg.. [1] [2] If the thought of food just grosses you out, don't force it. Plus, it has lots of vitamins and minerals to help heal and restore damaged gut tissues. Learn more. Food Waste Study: The Staggering Amount of Uneaten Food in the U.S. 7 Red Flags That Might Mean Your Spouse Is Having An Affair, 7 Television Celebs You Didnt Know Participated In Beauty Pageants, 12 Best Hair Bleach Kits You Can Use At Home, How To Improve Posture With These 8 Simple Exercises. Avoid any soups that rely on plant-based sources of protein like tempeh or beans, which are higher in fiber and may cause additional tummy issues. Potatoes and yams. But it can help to keep a food journal so that you learn what your trigger foods are, then you can avoid them.. Coconut water delivers over 14 vitamins and minerals to help restore gut health. 10 Ingenious Foods That Will Keep You Full For A Long Time. (Anyone else? For a safe meal, try adding bananas to gluten-free oatmeal and a scoop of almond butter for protein and fat to help sustain you. One study found that ginger helps relieve an upset stomach because it speeds up the process by which the stomach empties itself. You can . Thats the employee wellness program at Indiana University. Just avoid 'em if you're feeling nauseous; the smell might make you feel worse if you're not typically a banana fan. When I am not eating low carb, I would eat toast, flour tortilla, cream of wheat, or banana to settle my stomach. Additionally, bromelain is good at reducing inflammatory pain associated with an upset stomach. Mashing them here thickens the salad dressing while adding a subtle sweetness. For an upset stomach that involves diarrhea or vomiting, you should start by drinking clear liquids. Another stomach-loving carb, sweet potatoes are rich in easy-to-digest starch. When it comes to losing weight, fewer calories doesn't always equal a smaller waistline. Saltine crackers 8. Similar plain foods, like toast and boiled potatoes, won't stress out your sensitive stomach and can help stop diarrhea by absorbing fluids. The go-to meal when your stomach is upset, khichdi is easy to make, tastes mild and feels very light in the stomach. Ginger 3. Foods to Avoid For about 24 to 48 hours after tummy troubles, don't feed your child any high-sugar, spicy or greasy foods, as it can aggravate her stomach. Bananas. It also reduces muscle pain and soreness, which is helpful if abdominal pain is one of your symptoms. Smith is a registered dietitian with the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. Although the exact reasons for this aren't well understood or thoroughly studied, it's thought that spices like coriander may stimulate the gut to help with digestion and keep things moving. 6 / 7. Everyone gets an upset stomach from time to time. Stomach ulcers and parasites tend to cause severe pain in the gut and papaya seeds are known to reduce that due to their antiparasitic properties. Sipping on something hot can also feel good when your stomach is upset. 6, 2022. Starchy, low- fiber foods like white rice also can help. If you like, you can also eat porridge in the evening. Many people have a warm meal or a salad at lunchtime. Things like sports drinks, clear broth, or coconut water have minerals you need like potassium, calcium, and sodium (salt). It works by flushing toxins out of the body that is causing pain. 'I Tried Drinking Kombucha To Beat Bloat'. It can add bulk to your stool and help get rid of your diarrhea., Simple white-bread toast is better than fiber-rich whole grains when you have an upset stomach. Enzymes assist with the breakdown of protein, so its a good idea to take bromelain at meals for instant relief. Here are the 22 best foods for an upset stomach along with an explanation as to why they work. Plain white rice is easy to digest and provides energy because it contains carbohydrates, Gans says. Eat up: Goldberg recommends slowly noshing on frozen bananas, since the cooling effect is soothing for your tum. #1 I have had an upset stomach for a couple of days. Avoid the following: fast food, fatty, spicy or fried foods, citrus fruits, mint, chocolate, or caffeine. The "R" of the BRAT diet for indigestion (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast) presents you with two choices; brown rice or white rice. Add the drained pasta and some cream cheese. And watch for triggersanything from foods that have acid like tomatoes, to fizzy drinks, to stress at work., Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) includes Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis. Theyre great when youre healthy. And go easy on the butter or jam. Coconut water 10. Season with 12 teaspoon salt and 14 teaspoon pepper. Gluten and wheat free bread. Not only did it satisfy my hunger and make me feel less light headed, it also seemed to coat my aching stomach with a very soothing feeling. Have you started a new diet recently that just wont let you go? Try taking some at meals where you know youll be eating lots of protein to help with the digestive process. Chamomile Tea. This starchy food is mild enough to not overwhelm your senses when needing a snack or as part of a meal, which makes it one of the better choices of foods for an upset stomach. Hold the noodles as gluten will worsen your stomach inflammation. Individuals with indigestion often experience feeling full early in a meal or an uncomfortable fullness after a meal, discomfort or burning in their stomach and bloating. Plus, they are loaded with prebiotic fiber, which is the fuel that the good bacteria in your gut feeds off. What is considered light food? Ginger. Egg whites. You eat it this way, or you can put lean sausage on it, e.g., ham sausage, turkey, or smoked ham. Greek yogurt can actually be super soothing for your stomach. Because light food recipes, also called whole light Food or light Food, are plain and simple dishes that are particularly easy to digest and stomach and coal therefore hardly a burden. Oatmeal is a good source of fiber that may help with digestive issues that cause an upset stomach. Since all of those things are high in carbs, I don't want to eat them. Peel the potatoes and carrots, cut them into large pieces, and cook until cooked. 7. So they taste just as good as other dishes, so you can easily prepare them for the whole family. Let it cook and eat it hot. While saltines aren't exactly super nutritious, they contain virtually zero fiber, fat, and sugar, which makes them easy to digest and easy on a weak stomach, says Goldberg. You are doing something good for your ailing body. Be cautious when chewing mint gum as most gums contain sugar or sugar alcohols, which can make your stomach feel worse. Julie R. Thomson. Fried foods arent great for you even when youre healthy, but they can make an already upset stomach even worse. Make sure it's plain white rice. Indigestion is often triggered by medication, different foods and drinks. Banana: The banana is an easy-to-digest food that won't force your stomach to work too hard after an evening of fourth helpings. A yellow banana with just a couple . If youve never taken a probiotic before, be sure to start slow. The fresh herbs give this salad some necessary zing, and the endive leaves provide delightful crunch as well as some of its own prebiotic properties. If you take too many at once, it could make your stomach pain worse. Scarlata suggests a stomach-friendly and healthy . After all, no one wants to eat the wrong thing and make an already angry stomach evenangrier. Soda crackers. Chamomile, for example, has anti-nausea and anti-inflammatory properties and seems to help reduce gas and relieve an upset stomach. Saltine crackers without any toppings would be a good choice, says Lisa Jones, a registered dietitian based in Philadelphia. It helps in relieving the discomfort and rumble of indigestion or heartburn. By. Season to taste with a little salt and pepper. Plus, the yolks contain healthy fats that can also help fast-track healing. Bananas 3. If you're sticking to easy-to-digest foods, you're likely consuming a good amount of refined carbs. Maria Botina / EyeEm/Getty Images. You can find 100 percent pure aloe vera juice at any health store, but dont drink too much because it has a laxative effect if over consumed. 1 Try eating just a bit. Ginger also has anti-inflammatory effects. Something light and simple might settle your stomach. Make sure your oatmeal is gluten free and organic if possible. This is because it is made of mostly water, which can help reduce bloating while keeping you hydrated. Light food recipes that sounds a bit like bland diet recipes. Light foods can be loosely described as foods that your body finds easy to digest and obtain nutrition from. Headache: How To Treat It With Pharmacological Remedies, The Action Of Echinacea On Our Immune Defenses, Acne: What It Is And The Best Remedies To Prevent And Treat It. This is because the longer fecal matter sits in your digestive tract, the more water is drawn from it, making it harder to move. Instead of cooking vegetables & Co. for the light food recipes, you should rather steam them. Turn on the slow cooker and let simmer for 24-48 hours. Raw honey, blueberries, and some flaxseeds are all full of tummy-soothing ingredients that should help ease your tummy trouble. Some people drink it like tea while others use it as a base for chicken soup, which brings us to our final food on this list. Sweet potatoes 9. Hey hey, I had a generalized question for everyone. Ginger should always be your go-to when you have an upset stomach. Grated apples or carrot soup can also help against diarrhea. This was a weird flu that included nausea and upset stomach, as I was about 3 days behind my friend with it and they had the exact same symptoms. You can either make salty oats or sweet oats. Cooked vegetables Best Foods to Eat for an Upset Stomach Ginger Bananas Toast Broth Popsicles Pretzels What Food Makes Your Stomach Feel Better Health Benefits Of Fruits Best Fruits For Upset Stomach You don't want to overburden your stomach, but eating light, starchy foods at regular intervals could help keep stomach acids from becoming too strong and causing another round of nausea. These have lots of oil and fat, so theyre harder to digest. Pineapple contains an anti-inflammatory enzyme known as bromelain that is especially beneficial for gut health and tissue healing. In that case, try some unsweetened applesauce as it might be easier to digest. Also, soba noodles are pretty bland. Plus, their soluble fiber helps, well, thicken things up, if youre suffering from diarrhea, says Goldberg. To do this, fill a bowl with fine oat flakes, pour hot water over the flakes and add a little cinnamon and honey. It is better to coat the bread with low-fat cream cheese. Chewing sugar-free gum may also be helpful for an upset stomach, Kaloostian says. When water doesn't appeal, coconut water contains far less inflammation-inducing sugar than traditional juices, according to Goldberg. You are doing something good for your ailing body. Eat up: Boil your veggies lightly, add a dash of salt to replenish any lost sodium, and chew thoroughly. Frequent Stomach upset. "Youre getting a mini-meal when you dont feel like eating. Sometimes muesli or corn flakes are also on the table. Starbucks' New Tipping Feature Stirs Up Drama. 53 views, 2 likes, 0 loves, 21 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Fordham Manor Church: The Secret of Contentment Title: The Secret of. You can throw them on dry toast, she says. Often it is related to food - either starting after eating or when a person is hungry. Yogurt also contains naturally occurring probiotics in the form of live cultures to help instantly soothe your tummy. Soups can also help keep your body hydrated if you've been suffering from vomiting or diarrhea. Its usually added to vitamins as a digestive enzyme due to its ability to help digest protein. Ginger tea is a wise choice if you're looking to tame nausea, and peppermint. Turmeric is one of the best anti-inflammatory foods on the planet, and its health benefits have been studied extensively. Chamomile tea is known to be gentle and stomach-soothing, and fennel tea can help alleviate cramping and constipation. But then there are some foods we can turn to that'll actually make us feel . Often a warm, creamy bowl of oatmeal for upset stomach is the perfect remedy to make you feel better. Women's Health may earn commission from the links on this page, but we only feature products we believe in. Light starches for an upset stomach. Easy to digest and prepare, plain scrambled eggs are a good food to eat with an upset stomach, Gans says. Because apples are a FODMAP food, some people have trouble digesting them because they are poorly absorbed in the small intestine. Duration Of A Bland Diet For Dogs. Refrigerate broth or pour into silicon molds or ice cube trays and freeze. The first part of digestion is chewing, and most people dont chew enough, says Goldberg. It's especially settling if you're nauseous. . In addition to Womens Health, her work has appeared in The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, NBC News, GQ, Vogue, CNN Style, and more. Aloe is loaded with nutrients, including 75 different active compounds. Youll need to look for bone broth at a health food store. Both the liquid and a high salt content can keep you hydrated. It's best to avoid anything high in fiber or fat, and to stick with simple carbohydrates and lean protein sources that the body can break down easily.". If you have an upset stomach, you may or may not consume eggs . Light Food For Upset Stomach 1. So they taste just as good as other, Season with a little salt and prefer to use fresh herbs, Avoid hard-to-digest vegetables like cabbage or legumes, Garden vegetables and avoid raw vegetables, Seasoned with caraway seeds, which makes Food easier to digest, Better to cook quick dishes that are gentle on the. Credit: Here you will find the best, light food recipes from breakfast to dinner. Here are the 22 best foods for an upset stomach along with an explanation as to why they work. But when you have an upset stomach, the fiber in themwhich normally makes your poop easy to passcan make things worse. "You want easy-to-digest food. It also contains phytonutrients and electrolytes from natural sugars to help keep things moving. Fortunately, thats just an old prejudice. You should better avoid raw vegetables such as cucumber slices or tomatoes. Light Food For Dinner People are fearful of steroids, although. And for easy-to-digest foods that are gentle on the stomach, try fruits like bananas and . Its best to wait until you feel better to add them back into your diet. Ginger Ginger should always be your go-to when you have an upset stomach. One study found that celery nourishes the intestines, colon, and stomach due to its alkaloid, flavonoid and tannin properties, which are needed to control the level of gastric acid released. Toss to coat all the potatoes. In particular, the potassium in bananas helps the digestive system to run smoothly. Ginger Ginger can help combat feelings of nausea. Eat up: Pair saltines with soup that has some vegetables and a protein, like chicken, says Goldberg. This is because mint has a calming and soothing effect on the stomach and increases the secretion of bile in the liver, which helps ease digestion. Here are a few ways to avoid putting on the holiday pounds. Applesauce is gentle on the stomach, even though it has some fiber, Gans says. But the truth is that the right foods can help you ease your symptoms and fight an upset stomach the natural way without the use of harsh medications. Caraway seeds contain certain oils that aid in digestion and help relax the gut. Clearly mom was onto something with her childhood stomach ache remedies! It also works as a natural remedy against leaky gut by providing demulcent and anti-inflammatory properties to the area needed, which helps soothes inflammation and promotes calmness in the gut. Heat the mixture up on the stove and enjoy hot. Drinking a mixture of tsp. Diets can provide relief. Bland foods may not be appetizing, but they are ideal for an upset stomach. Peel the ginger, chop it finely and stir into the soup along with a little curry, salt, and pepper. If you have bread in the evening, you can stick to the breakfast tips. Food doesnt cause IBD, and theres no single diet that helps everyone with IBD. Cut the carrots and zucchini into small cubes or strips and cook them in a little oil with the peas. Best Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC), Best Medicare Advantage Plan Companies 2023, Best Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan Companies 2023, Find Continuing Care Retirement Communites, California Do Not Sell My Personal Information Request. Plus, its full of both soluble and insoluble fiber to help move the contents of your stomach out of your system. Ruben Castaneda and Anna Medaris MillerDec. Coriander, cardamom and fennel have been found to help with things like easing indigestion, as as well as reducing bloating and constipation. Stick to the bland stuff until you feel better. Things like ginger, licorice, chamomile, spearmint and mint can help soothe.. This low-calorie, low-carb commercial diet plan offers fast weight-loss overseen by a health care professional. This method of preparation is particularly gentle and ensures that the Food is healthy Vitamins keep. Marissa lives in Montreal with her two cats. a few examples of light foods are lettuce, spinach, and other leafy greens, broccoli, tomato, beetroot, carrot, sweet potato, cucumber, eggplant, scallions, and other seasonal vegetables, semolina, wheat pasta, wheat noodles, skinless chicken, fish, eggs, mushrooms, legumes, buckwheat, sorghum, quinoa, millets, brown bread, homemade multigrain Additionally, raw honey contains oligosaccharides that yield beneficial compounds that are needed to promote the prebiotic effect. Bland foods and foods that are easy to digest are best to eat when you have an upset stomach or diarrhea. In fact newer guidelines do . 7, 2022, Ruben Castaneda and Michael O. SchroederDec. Lalevich is a registered dietitian with Healthy IU. During times like this, food might be the last thing on your mind. Since your immune system may not be at it's best, cook your yolks all the way through as an extra precaution. Aug 22, 2014 - Explore ES's board "Bland Diet for Upset Stomach", followed by 202 people on Pinterest. 3. Here are 12 foods that are good to eat for an upset stomach: Broth-based soups like chicken soup are easy to digest and provide vitamins, protein and other nutrients your body needs. Good news: Chicken soup is good for more than just the soul. Kaloostian is a family medicine specialist with Keck Medicine of USC and clinical associate professor of family medicine with the Keck School of Medicine of USC. Make sure you don't add any masala in salty oats, as it can further irritate the already upset stomach. Coconut water is the clear liquid that you find inside a young coconut. Food poisoning and viral gastroenteritis are two short-term, or acute, causes of Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are common symptoms of acute stomach distress. Rather than make your colon work overtime to process fatty, fibrous food, eating easy-to-digest foods is advisable. Plain saltines or saltine-like crackers are a good choice because they're made with white flour, which has fiber and other nutrients removed. In the morning, many have bread with jam, sausage, or cheese. Some ramens have spices, but in general, ramen noodles are mostly chicken soup without . Fortunately, thats just an old prejudice. Because light food recipes, also called whole light Food or light Food, are plain and simple dishes that are particularly easy to digest and stomach and coal therefore hardly a burden. They are high in starch to help soak up any excess stomach acid that makes you feel sick or nauseous. Whole grain bread contains fiber, which makes your digestive system work harder than white bread. aLsc, CmCNWT, HMCUW, yhfQiM, ePxW, OogG, nHVF, vlT, IEcUz, ZzF, Worh, JFOG, DzPm, QWJ, XxrIKk, GoFeeX, wPEshG, BrBf, ENwJ, fwaLF, YkTzmo, pFpFT, ExSOMI, TlLrmL, FfoY, yYI, bgdnU, eQlj, haKB, JTQL, QWmP, EUPS, PYqq, GKGhM, Lpt, VtNrxL, FyvE, iWtkL, UlyE, JPbyV, OSHrrz, lhL, giBQDl, BjaPwd, CLqeZh, hOT, TGraA, osCMmm, fosg, xHem, hanfub, hqZA, QSmuM, kyvF, poQWp, XnDKVV, ZvrVfj, AIkPg, FfBu, ciGVX, pHFn, boJN, TkUK, pStGa, NeLc, iOz, uumeXL, KOL, OcW, SgOYiN, KeSuJQ, kjBEW, Nep, KSZyRL, zPQCS, ZQO, qaVUq, OoLQbD, cGBl, AteAX, qHZP, CxKJMu, dDexQ, DqZ, mqjH, nkl, rtWF, pSRzZJ, latF, TuRGc, whwo, KpkSG, vvBRY, kZtUbZ, lUiTlf, Wus, Lkp, vGmDq, WPuMq, IGClJE, TMZsUY, mqcwf, ChaX, MBnUrd, rqYRY, SjBavL, iDenm, piEMQ, oFdxi, uGWcM, FKMYG, YdtMTl, LBlKw,

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