The two powerful groups making up the communitythe priestly families who controlled the Second Temple and who traced their origin to Moses and the wilderness wanderings, and the major landowning families who made up the "elders" and who traced their own origins to Abraham, who had "given" them the landwere in conflict over many issues, and each had its own "history of origins". And God separated the light Sarah then drives Ishmael and his mother Hagar out into the wilderness (because Ishmael is not her real son and Hagar is a slave), but God saves them and promises to make Ishmael a great nation. (1) In the beginning.--Not, as in John 1:1, "from eternity," but in the beginning of this sidereal system, of which our sun, with its attendant planets, forms a part. 40:28 Have you not known? 8451 || In the sense of producing what is new it frequently occurs in Scripture (cf. 2:3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. [Rom 1:1 KJV] Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called [to be] an apostle, [Rom 8:1 KJV] [There is] therefore now no condemnation to them which are i, [Eph 1:1 KJV] Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the, [Jas 1:1 KJV] James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the, [Rev 1:1 KJV] The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to. Jon has graciously given us his messages on Ruth, Jonah, and Habakkuk to share with our users. Genesis 9:1,7 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said to them, Be fruitful, . 40:26 Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who has created these things, who brings out their host by number: he calls them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one fails. 1755 || The King of Gerar takes Sarah for his wife, but God warns him to return her (as she is really Abraham's wife) and he obeys. [21] The toledot formula, occurring eleven times in the book of Genesis, delineating its sections and shaping its structure, serves as a heading which marks a transition to a new subject: It is not clear, however, what this meant to the original authors, and most modern commentators divide it into two parts based on the subject matter, a "primeval history" (chapters 111) and a "patriarchal history" (chapters 1250). WebThe Supremacy of Christ 16 For in Him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities. WebKJV: The earth also was corrupt before God, INT: was corrupt now the earth the sight. Examples include glass, quartz, rock salt, diamond, and other precious stones that transmit light. Joseph endures many trials including being innocently sentenced to jail but he stays faithful to God. The Hebrew imagined great spaces rising tier upon tier above the earth (which, m contradistinction, was named "the flats"), just as with regard to time he spoke of olamim (Gr. WebGenesis 1:22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill . In the Vedas, in the hymns recovered for us by the decipherment of the cuneiform inscriptions, whether Accadian or Semitic, and in all other ancient religious poetry, we find these powers ascribed to different beings; in the Bible alone Elohim is one. In this article, I will examine many of the biblical passages that supposedly teach that the earth is flat, and I will show that in fact they do not. Historical Books WebThe Account of Creation. Young's Literal Translation, Let us examine the Scriptures that supposedly support this cosmology. Internet Explorer is no longer supported. On the other hand, no body of water is curved, but rather all seas have flat surfaces. We have had the privilege of talking to thousands of people over the years who have been blessed by Blue Letter Bible. 43:1 But now thus says Yahweh who created you, O Jacob, and he who formed you, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name; you are mine. Usernames should only contain letters, numbers, dots, dashes, or underscores. At the time of Columbus, voyages over open water were very risky, and ships rarely sailed more than three days out of the sight of land. 89:47 Remember how short my time is: why have you created all men in vain? Alexandria was a major Greek city and was a center of Greek learning and culture. Buckland and Chalmers, so favorably regarded by some harmonists of Scripture and geology, to read the first verse as a heading to the whole section, is exploded by the fact that no historical narration can begin with "and." GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SongsIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, Use semicolons to separate groups: 'Gen;Jdg;Psa-Mal' or 'Rom 3-12;Mat 1:15;Mat 5:12-22', (Hebrew/Greek Search by English Definition), * 'Number Delimiters' only apply to 'Paragraph Order', Search verses, phrases, and topics (e.g. The temptation began in the wilderness, after Jesus had fasted for 40 days and nights. To this Exodus 1. Hebrew Names Version, 41:20 That they may see, and know, and consider, and understand together, that the hand of Yahweh has done this, and the Holy One of Israel has created it. New American Standard Bible 2020, It has always been, and always will be, to provide resources and tools that everyone can use to deepen their study of God's Word. It also established rules for the consistent translation of terms within their various nuances. 21, 26, though seem ugly against, is really in favor of a distinctively creative act; in both of these instances something that did not previously exist, i.e. 10), which was not separated from the waters till the third day, but the entire mass of which our planet is composed, including the superincumbent atmosphere, which was not uplifted from the chaotic deep until the second day. Joshua 17:15 And Joshua answered them, If you are a great people, then get up to the wood country, and cut down for yourself there in the land of the Perizzites and of the giants, if mount Ephraim is too narrow for you. Luke-Acts March 24, 2022 by Lana Vrz. I will judge you in the place where you were created, in the land of your nativity. Presumably, this was while still in the wilderness. The Hebrew word mayim is translated as heaven most of the more than 400 times it occurs in the Old Testament, as it is here. The creatures moved about together, and as they moved, the wheels went with them. The influence of the Flammarion engraving as used by promoters of the conflict thesis cannot be overestimated. There are other passages flat-earthers occasionally use. Due to her old age, Sarah tells Abraham to take her Egyptian handmaiden, Hagar, as a second wife (to bear a child). For instance, the New International Version of the Bible, first released in 1984, originally translated the rqa as sky, but the updated edition published in 2011 translated it as vault. Again, this false understanding of biblical cosmology by some Bible scholars (scholars who, by and large, have been deceived by the conflict thesis) is relatively recent. Hebrew the verbs have different tenses, so meaning of the different tenses has been included in highlighted text. Before declaring an end to Day Two in Genesis 1:8, God called the rqa heaven. Therefore, the Hebrew word rqa appears five times in the Day Two account. The New Testament boldly claims this as a doctrine peculiar to revelation (Hebrews 11:3). Ezekiel compared what he saw to an expanse, but he furthermore compared its appearance to a crystal, the emphasis being on the light that it gave off. on and notes made of their meaning in different contexts. In the ancient world, a crystal was any substance that was solid and transparent. With their wild and fantastic elements, dreams hardly are statements about reality, let alone cosmology. WebThe Creation of the World. The Latin spoke of "the con cavity" (coelum, allied to , hollow), or "the engraved" (from coelo, to engrave). Rather, the rqa likely is what we today would call space and much of the earths atmosphere. The first things that Ezekiel saw were four living creatures that resembled men, but each had four faces. One is hard-pressed to find any medieval depictions of the supposed vaulted dome/flat earth cosmology of the Bible, because this was not believed in the Middle Ages. Third, the conflict thesis claimed that Christianity had held back development of thought throughout the Middle Ages, and it was not until man allegedly was freed from the strictures of the Bible during the Renaissance that mans reason enabled a renewal in learning. 3722 || New American Standard Bible 1995, The same sort of reasoning is used to argue that Matthew 4:8 teaches a flat earth. But does this verse truly imply the visibility of the entire earth from the peak of this mountain? Supposedly, Columbus had to argue against strong objections coming from those who thought that the earth was flat to get support for his expedition. 102:18 This shall be written for the generation to come: and the people who shall be created shall praise Yahweh. WebGenesis 8:22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. The device of Drs. Really? Consistently, the goal of this translation is to be a window into the original text. Generally, the Hebrew word erets means earth in the NIV Bible, ESV Bible, and HSCB. This has caused problems ever since, because people recognize the word firm within that word and assume that the rqa must be something hard. (Romans 5:9), [Isa 7:14 KJV] Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a, [Isa 9:6 KJV] For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the, [Phl 2:5-8 KJV] Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, [Jhn 1:1-18 KJV] In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, an, [Isa 40:5 KJV] And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh s, [Luk 2:1-20 KJV] And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a dec, [Col 1:15 KJV] Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of ever, [Heb 1:2-3 KJV] Hath in these last days spoken unto us by [his] Son, whom he, [Rom 8:3 KJV] For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through t, [Gal 4:4 KJV] But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth hi. Perhaps in a future article I will revisit the topic of geocentrism and the supposed biblical passages that support it. Exodus 31:18 And he gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of communing with him upon mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of God. The next verse tells us that God made the rqa and divided the waters that were below the rqa from the waters that were above the rqa. WebJeff A. Benner, author, researcher and Bible translator, is dedicated to teaching proper Biblical interpretation through the study of the Hebrew alphabet, language, culture and philosophy. Ezekiel 21:19 Also, you son of man, you appoint two ways, that the sword of the king of Babylon may come: both two shall come forth out of one land: and create a hand, create it at the head of the way to the city. If the verses that mention the earths four corners do not refer to a flat earth, then to what do they refer? The truth is that no one told Columbus he could not reach the Far East by sailing west. For example: KJV Genesis 1:5 And God called the light ~Ay yom, and the darkness He called night. Bible skeptics are fond of pointing out that the phrase four corners of the earth appears three times in the Bible. While the interpreter, teacher, and pastor have the goal of understanding what the text means, the translator is to provide them with what the text says. 2377 || ), Textual variants in the Hebrew Bible Book of Genesis, Wifesister narratives in the Book of Genesis, The Creation of the World and Other Business, Doraemon: Nobita's Diary on the Creation of the World,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Articles containing Biblical Hebrew-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2021, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 7 December 2022, at 22:15. WebH430 - lhym, el-o-heem'; plural of ; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative:angels, exceeding, God (gods) (-dess, -ly), (very) great, judges, mighty. 2077 || 4397 || The continuity of force admits of neither creation nor annihilation, but demands an unseen universe, out of which the visible has been produced "by an intelligent agency residing in the unseen," and into which it must eventually return ('The Unseen Universe,' pp. The narrative is punctuated by a series of covenants with God, successively narrowing in scope from all mankind (the covenant with Noah) to a special relationship with one people alone (Abraham and his descendants through Isaac and Jacob).[8]. WebThe Book of Genesis (from Greek , Gnesis; Hebrew: Bret, "In [the] beginning") is the first book of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament. Learn how you can be the influence our kids need by supporting the ministry today. This could be ironic, or perhaps it is not. Later excavations and studies revealed a plethora of ancient Near Eastern cosmologies.5 If one wishes to interpret the cosmology of the Bible in terms of the cosmology of the ancient Near East, then one first must decide which cosmology to use. 1 In the () beginning () God created the heavens and the earth. In Western astrology, and formerly astronomy, the zodiac However, critical evaluation of each of these 28 instances of the phrase ends of the earth in their respective contexts shows plainly that this phrase too is an idiomatic expression. Psalm 51:12; Jeremiah 31:12; Isaiah 65:18). In ancient times, mirrors were made of polished metal, typically bronze. [27] (The stories of Isaac do not make up a coherent cycle of stories and function as a bridge between the cycles of Abraham and Jacob.)[28]. The Old Testament WebThe History of Creation (). One possibility is that it merely was an expanse, or gap, between the four creatures and what was above. We might describe what Ezekiel saw as an aura. then why cant we? The many instances of anthropomorphisms in the Bible, suggesting such things as God having hands (Psalm 8:3; Isaiah 66:2) or eyes (Proverbs 15:2) clearly are not literal. 2656 || Please welcome our newest content provider on Blue Letter BiblePastor Jon Benzinger! translated 'create' Strong's 1254, and gives To many who espouse the snow-globe earth, this is perfectly in line with Isaiah 66:1, which says the heaven is Gods throne and the earth is His footstool. His mother, Rebekah, ensures Jacob rightly gains his father's blessing as the firstborn son and inheritor. Gold leaf can be pounded or rolled so thin that bright light can be seen through it. This Hebrew word study uses a Greek Unicode font and a Hebrew Unicode font and is printable. . Depending on the context, the word can refer to that which is immediately above us, where flying birds, clouds, and rain are. 57:19 I create the fruit of the lips; Peace, peace to him who is far off, and to him who is near, says Yahweh; and I will heal him. The best way to express this relationship in English is with the prepositional phrase, expanse of heaven. This construction emphasizes, lest there be any doubt, that the thing mentioned in the Day Four account is the thing that God made on Day Two. This is a good thing, and it is consistent with Gods wisdom. But what if God had endorsed the modern cosmology? Supposedly, the Jews picked up much of their cosmology, cosmogony, and early history from ancient Near Eastern cultures, and these are reflected in both the creation and Flood accounts of Genesis. When combined with its many scientific and observational problems, the flat-earth theory is disproven. Modern science explicitly disavows it as a discovery of reason. There, God makes a promise to Abram, promising that his descendants shall be as numerous as the stars, but that people will suffer oppression in a foreign land for four hundred years, after which they will inherit the land "from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates". With that caveat, what do Josephus writings reveal about cosmology among at least some of the ancient Jews? 2320 || If God had endorsed in Scripture an ancient cosmology, those who believed some other ancient cosmology would have dismissed the Bible on the basis that the Bibles cosmology was wrong. This one depiction appears to have done more than anything else to promote the false notion that medieval cosmology was a domed vault over a flat earth. Genesis 1:1718 states that God made the lights and set them in the firmament of heaven. Therefore, if Elihus words contain cosmological information, it merely reflects his understanding and not necessarily reality. Whether the language of the writer to the Hebrews homologates the dogma of an "unseen universe" ( ), out of which , the last result of science, as expressed by the authors of the above-named work, is practically an admission of the Biblical doctrine of creation. It is important that we understand the word in the ancient sense, not the modern sense. Its Hebrew name is the same as its first word, Bereshit ("In the beginning").Genesis is an account of the creation of the world, the early history of humanity, and of Israel's mundus universus - Gesenius, Kalisch, etc. In addition, in-depth study tools are provided on the site with access to The stars are affixed to this dome, while the sun and moon are above the earth but beneath the dome. Therefore, this gap could have been between the creatures and the throne of God. [Gen 1:1 KJV] In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. The heavens are the rest of the universe. It is a shame that professed Bible-believers recently have embraced this false argument and have gone on to promote the flat earth. Luke-Acts Web , , , . ); or. It has checked that words and grammar have been carried over properly. , , 1:1 Hebrew OT: Westminster Leningrad Codex, 1:1 Hebrew OT: WLC (Consonants Only), 1:1 Paleo-Hebrew OT: WLC (Font Required). Created.--Creation, in its strict sense of producing something out of nothing, contains an idea so noble and elevated that naturally human language could only gradually rise up to it. 167, 170). Next, the devil took Jesus to the pinnacle of the Temple in Jerusalem and suggested that Jesus cast himself down (Matthew 4:5). have you not heard, that the everlasting God, Yahweh, the Creator of the ends of the earth, does not faint, nor grows weary? 6664 || In D. N. Freedman (Ed. Note: MLA no longer requires the URL as part of their citation standard. Ironically, while apparently motivated to defend the Bible, they have been tricked into using the same false arguments that skeptics use. The indication is that Ezekiels companions did not see the vision, but that he alone did. Once you get here, you will be given instructions on what exactly the video should include. Immediately, one ought to see that since the tree represents Nebuchadnezzar, it is not a literal tree (though, being in a dream, the tree wouldnt be literal anyway). 5315 || [16] Professor Jean-Louis Ska of the Pontifical Biblical Institute calls the basic rule of the antiquarian historian the "law of conservation": everything old is valuable, nothing is eliminated. Minor Prophets 3444 || In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. (Genesis 1:1, KJV) Critics charge that (shamayim) is plural and should be translated as heavens.. 1061 || GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SongsIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, Select a Beginning Point Second, while not an inspired source, Josephus does frequently reflect the thinking of Jews in the first century AD. Greek Word Studies Index || Bible Studies Index, Scriptures for 'bara' meaning 'to create', Scriptures for 'ktizo' meaning 'to create', Scriptures for 'ktisis' meaning 'creation'. The New Testament 2850 || Genesis 1:15 expands the command that they be for lights in the firmament of heaven. Webster's Bible, Before the recent rise of interest in the flat earth among conservative Christians, there was a geocentric movement already using many of the same arguments that flat-earthers do now. Much of the work supporting a flat earth today uncritically repeats and builds upon this false view. For those who may not know, the LSB is a recent translation that was completed by a selection of professors from The Master's University and Seminary, overseen by Pastor John MacArthur. It also helps the reader more easily trace the flow of argument within a text, identify when the same word is used in another passage, and make connections between texts. The snow globe earth model requires that the earth be motionless. For example, in 12 of the 28 occurrences, the Hebrew word epes (extremity, end) used in construct with ere (earth), evidences that the biblical authors intend this phrase as a reference to the uttermost reaches of the inhabitable world. 6662 || Genesis 2:4 HEB: NAS: made earth and heaven. On the death of Sarah, Abraham purchases Machpelah (believed to be modern Hebron) for a family tomb and sends his servant to Mesopotamia to find among his relations a wife for Isaac; after proving herself worthy, Rebekah becomes Isaac's betrothed. Genesis 6:12 HEB: NAS: and behold, it was corrupt; for all KJV: upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all However, the Persian promise of greatly increased local autonomy for all provided a powerful incentive to cooperate in producing a single text. In this one verse, the number four appears three times. Therefore, this attempt by the skeptics to claim that the Bible teaches a flat earth does not square (pun intended) with the facts of history. ), which WebVerse 6. Error: Passwords should have at least 6 characters, Error: Usernames should only contain letters, numbers, dots, dashes, or underscores. So instead, we set up the next best thing! The tree grew and became strong, and its top reached to heaven, and it was visible to the end of the whole earth. Since his sect was the only one to survive the persecution and destruction that came in AD 70, his work came to be recognized as representing the Jews of his time. Though not necessarily involved in its significance, the idea of creation ex nihilo is acknowledged by the best expositors to be here intended. To start listening to Jon's messages, head over to his author page on BLB. 3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. Studies in Ruth, Jonah, and Habakkuk from Jon Benzinger. Honest exegesis requires that ver. [1] Its Hebrew name is the same as its first word, Bereshit ("In the beginning"). [10] Since the 1970s, however, there has been a revolution in this line of thought, leading scholars to view the Elohist source as no more than a variation on the Yahwist, and the Priestly source as a body of revisions and expansions to the Yahwist (or "non-Priestly") material. 4 And God saw that the light was good. The Book of Genesis (from Greek , Gnesis; Hebrew: Bret, "In [the] beginning") is the first book of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament. If the domed vault is not the cosmology of the Bible, how did so many people come to think that it was? Again, this concept of biblical cosmology did not come from ancient sources, but rather arose in the late nineteenth century as an attempt to discredit the Bible. Given the difficulty that Ezekiel had in describing what he saw, we cannot be sure exactly what this expanse was. If you want to learn more about the origins of the LSB, you can visit their official website. 8398 || 2483 || 0571 || However, the historical record demonstrates that it was the teachings of Aristotle and Ptolemy that played the major role in that conflict.2 That is, the Galileo affair was a battle between two scientific theoriesgeocentrism and heliocentrismwith the Bible playing a very minor role. [] 2 The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep watersAnd the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. Minor Prophets Ironically, skeptics make the same argument, but their intent is to discredit the Bible. New International Version, WebThe first man was of the dust of the earth, the second man from heaven. Poetical Books Translations available: The fourth chapter of Daniel is the account of Nebuchadnezzars second dream. Matthew 4:111 gives an account of the temptation of Jesus. However, in the Hebrew text, the phrase underlying the translation (which is strong) modifies the word translated looking glass/mirror. As such, Elihu is not saying that the sky (or clouds) is strong, but rather he is comparing it in appearance to a strong (firm or hard) mirror. Related to adamah is the word adam, which means man or mankind.. Furthermore, within that same context, Elihu uses two other Hebrew words to describe clouds (nn in 37:15, and b in 37:16). Thus, while inerrancy ensures that the details of Nebuchadnezzars dream are accurately represented in the biblical text, such does not guarantee (or even imply) that what Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream was an accurate reflection of reality. 5514 || Parallel Commentaries gods -- the supreme God, magistrates, a superlative, Verb - Qal - Perfect - third person masculine singular, Untranslatable mark of the accusative case, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, OT Law: Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens (Gen. Ge Gn). animal life and the human spirit, having been called into being. On the other hand, if the earth is flat, it must have an edge somewhere, unless the earth is an infinite plane. Accordingly, Elihu here is not even addressing cosmology; if anything, he is commenting on weather phenomena. This is achieved through the consistent translation of individual words, accounting for the various nuances and differences they may have. Of course, adam is also used as the proper name of the first man, Adam. Genesis 15:1821 describes what are known as "Borders of the Land" (Gevulot Ha-aretz), which in Jewish tradition defines the extent of the land promised to the descendants of Abraham, through his son Isaac and grandson Jacob. Get answers to be the influence our kids need and give today. One more detail in Lukes gospel sheds light on this question. Therefore, there is no warrant to interpret these four corners literally, particularly when it does not match any cosmology. Prophets Textus Receptus. Thus, in the name Elohim it included in one Person all the powers, mights, and influences by which the world was first created and is now governed and maintained. The Old Testament The first simile says that the wise will shine like the brightness of the rqa. Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Today we define a crystal as a substance having an orderly array of atoms or molecules. KJV: of the earth be blessed. Our mission has never been about receiving recognition or seeking after accolades. 5:1 This is the book of the generations of Adam. Gilding is the process of attaching gold leaf to objects, giving the impression that the objects are pure gold. Both cannot be literally true. 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Even if the dream correctly reflected the cosmology of Nebuchadnezzar (assuming he thought that the earth was flat), it hardly constitutes evidence that the Bible teaches the earth is flat. While the Bible is inspired, not everything recorded in the Bible is necessarily true. However, once one admits that some biblical passages which supposedly teach a flat earth are idiomatic, it is difficult to claim that similar passages are not also idiomatic. It is divisible into two parts, the primeval history (chapters 111) and the ancestral history (chapters 1250). Verses 1017 quote Nebuchadnezzar describing the content of his dream. That is, in the snow-globe model, God sits immediately above the dome over the flat earth. First, this one verse is within a textual unit (Job 37:1418), which poetically uses weather phenomena to illustrate the overwhelming power and wisdom of Godso teaching cosmology is not the point. The most natural understanding of the Day Four creation account is that all heavenly bodies are located in the rqa. Second, the documentary hypothesis proposed that the Pentateuch was written much later than the time of Moses (and many of its proponents doubt if Moses even existed!). Such a blatant lie ought to call into question the claim about the domed vault being the biblical cosmology as well. This sounds more like a vision rather than a vista. Pauline Epistles The New Testament This is because the Hebrew word rqa is not in the text, but rather eqm (the plural of aaq) is used. The Gospels King James Version, Most people understood that the distance westward from Europe to the Far East was far greater than going eastward (a look at any globe proves this). Poetical Books 89:12 The north and the south you have created them: Tabor and Hermon shall rejoice in your name. GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SongsIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, The Whole Bible 7676 || Psalm 33:6 By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, and all the stars by the breath of His mouth. Westminster Leningrad Codex, 0226 || Blue Letter Bible is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. WebThe literary sources below become the primary proof that the Jews around 160 AD in Zippori changed the Hebrew text for anti-Christian theological reasons. 148:5 Let them praise the name of Yahweh: for he commanded, and they were created. Unfortunately, many Bible scholars today have been deceived by the conflict thesis into thinking that the Bibles cosmology is that of a domed vault over a flat earth, which has led to many twentieth- and twenty-first-century depictions of flat earth with a domed vault above supported by pillars.6 However, such depictions began to appear in the nineteenth century, after the damage done by the conflict thesis. It was Bible skeptics who introduced this false claim in the 19th century. In 1983, as a Junior, I walked into the University of Georgias religion building terrified. We are so habituated by what the English word earth means to us in our scientific post-modern world that we seldom stop to ask if thats the same meaning intended in the Hebrew word eretz. Genesis 1:12 HEB: NAS: in them, after their kind; and God saw KJV: [was] in itself, after his kind: and God Please refresh the page and try again. If you have a website of your own, then please link to this website. Thank you for signing up to receive email newsletters from Answers in Genesis. What about the term looking glass? This is an archaic term for a mirror, and so more modern translations render it as such. Psalm 34:8 Taste and 7307 || Then people up to relatively recent times would have dismissed the Bible, because, in their minds, it taught the wrong cosmology. Neither the modern understanding nor the ancient one is necessarily right or wrong; they are just different. Blue Letter Bible study tools make reading, searching and studying the Bible easy and rewarding. [12], This leaves the question of when these works were created. For those who insist on taking everything in the Bible as woodenly literal, this is fraught with problems. We again want to thank all of you for your support of BLB! 4467 || [citation needed]. WebIn some examples the Hebrew word ~Ay and a phonetic pronunciation of that Hebrew word will be inserted to replace its English translation. 5162 || The Hebrew literally states that the birds were to fly upon the face of the expanse of heaven. This could mean that the birds fly on this side of the firmament of heaven or in the near side of the firmament of heaven. The stretching of the heavens probably refers to when God made the rqa. Christians may also well see in this a foreshadowing of the plurality of persons in the Divine Trinity; but its primary lesson is that, however diverse may seem the working of the powers of nature, the Worker is one and His work one. Keturah, Abraham's other wife, births more children, among whose descendants are the Midianites. Clearly, the wise of the first simile and they that turn many to righteousness of the second simile are the same people, forcing at least a rough equivalence between the things that they are compared to. To the Greek mind heaven meant "the boundary" (, from - Arist. Why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our fathers? Let us examine the Scriptures to see what they say. While the classical geocentrists and flat-earthers agree on the question of whether the earth moves, they strongly disagree on the earths shape. even more. )[30], The patriarchs, or ancestors, are Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, with their wives (Joseph is normally excluded). Matthew 4:8 records the third temptation: Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. Wisdom Literature It is more likely that the intended meaning of rqa is related to the process of stamping out, not a physical property of the thing subjected to the process. This idea came about as the result of three developments in the nineteenth century. And now, he has graciously given us his messages on the Acts of the Apostles. 1242 || Thus, we must be very careful in using Josephus. Or, if you would like to hear directly from the translators themselves, you can watch their round table discussion on the official LSB YouTube channel. Notice that no mountain is mentioned, but merely that the devil took Jesus up (earlier translations based upon the Textus Receptus do have the word mountain, but the Greek word for mountain does not appear in the other manuscripts, so its inclusion in the Textus Receptus probably came from an addition from a copier who was knowledgeable of Matthews parallel account). WebGenesis 22:18 All the nations of the earth will be blessed Deuteronomy 6:4 "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. (1) In the beginning.--Not, as in John 1:1, "from eternity," but in the beginning of this sidereal system, of which our sun, with its attendant planets, forms a part.As there never was a time when God did not exist, and as activity is an essential part of His being (), so, probably, there was never a time when 4 And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the Unless where it refers to the angels (Psalm 8:5), or to heathen deities (Genesis 31:32; Exodus 20:3; Jeremiah 16:20), or to earthly rulers (Exodus 22:8, 9), Elohim is conjoined with verbs and adjectives in the singular, an anomaly in language which has been explained as suggesting the unity of the Godhead. Cain works in the garden, and Abel works with meat; they both offer offerings to God one day, and Cain kills Abel after God liked Abel's offering more than Cain's. ). This proposes that the Persians of the Achaemenid Empire, after their conquest of Babylon in 539BC, agreed to grant Jerusalem a large measure of local autonomy within the empire, but required the local authorities to produce a single law code accepted by the entire community. WebDavid Guzik commentary on Genesis 41, where Joseph interprets Pharao's dream and gets lifted into a position of power in Egypt. In Ezekiel 1:22, the prophet recorded that above the heads of the four creatures there was something like a rqa. The Bible clearly teaches the young-earth creationist view of Genesis 111. In Hebrew, however, the plural form may identify size rather than number in certain contexts. Ezekiel described the creatures as bright and colorful (Ezekiel 1:7, 13, 16). However, Noah is the only good human; so first, he instructs the righteous Noah and his family to build an ark and put examples of all the animals on it, seven pairs of every clean animal and one pair of every unclean. This makes sense, for even today we refer to severely overcast conditions as a leaden sky. Clearly, Elihu is not talking about a solid dome over the earth. Then God sends a great flood to wipe out the rest of the world. Jacob's name is changed to 'Israel', and by his wives and their handmaidens he has twelve sons, the ancestors of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel, and a daughter, Dinah. . "Genesis, Book of". Pentateuch Web 3570 verb fall out, come to pass, become, be (SI 1; SI 6 , ib 3 ; parallel form of , Arabic , Aramaic , ; see above) . Let me begin with Revelation 7:1, which speaks of four angels standing on the four corners of the earth and restraining the four winds of the earth. There are some examples of flat earth cosmologies from the ancient world, but they always consisted of a flat, round earth. Thus, the word rqa appears three times in this verse. , , , 1:28 Hebrew OT: Westminster Leningrad Codex, 1:28 Hebrew OT: WLC (Consonants Only), 1:28 Paleo-Hebrew OT: WLC (Font Required). Note that one of these other four verses (Job 37:21) is within the immediate literary context of Elihus speech. Genesis 2:6 But springs welled up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground. )[11], Scholars use examples of repeated and duplicate stories to identify separate sources. Through Hagar, Abraham fathers Ishmael. For instance, the second and third temptations are switched. Genesis 14:19 Therefore, eqm in Job 37:18 likely ought to be translated as clouds as well. However, more recent thinking is that the Yahwist source dates to from either just before or during the Babylonian captivity in the 6th century BC, and that the Priestly final edition was made late in the Exilic period or soon after. Within that goal, this revision has focused upon accuracy and consistency. (By calling the fulfilment "partial", Clines was drawing attention to the fact that at the end of Deuteronomy the people of Israel are still outside Canaan. In Judaism, the theological importance of Genesis centres on the covenants linking God to his chosen people and the people to the Promised Land. Notice the parallelism contained in these two similes separated by a semicolon and the conjunction and. What about the remaining seven times that the Hebrew word rqa appears in the Old Testament outside of Genesis 1 and Psalm 19? four corners . There are several reasons why one must be careful in gleaning the meaning of this verse. The other appearances of the word rqa in the Genesis 1 creation account can help in answering this question. Genesis 9:13 --In Hebrew the word for light is or, and for luminary, ma-or, a light-bearer. Preservation of Dinosaur Protein Fragments Flies in the Face of Evolutions Millions-of-Years, Designer Feet: Foundations for Walking, but Not up the Evolutionary Ladder, J. Owen, The Nature of the Neo-Darwinian Evangelicals Criticism of Young-Earth Creationists: Personal Reflections on a Tale of Misadventures with History,. The top Hebrew scholars all agree that the writer of Genesis 1 intended the word day to mean 24 hours. The details of Lukes account match many of the details of Matthews record, but there are differences. [33] God tells the patriarchs that he will be faithful to their descendants (i.e. Though not anticipating modern astronomical discovery, he had yet enlarged conceptions of the dimensions of the stellar world (Genesis 15:5; Isaiah 40:26; Jeremiah 31:37; Amos 9:6); and, though unacquainted with our present geographical ideas of the earth's configuration, he was able to represent it as a globe, and as suspended upon nothing (Isaiah 40:11; Job 26:7-10; Proverbs 8:27). It includes several books beyond those contained in the Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible as The English Standard Version changed the word order slightly so that the final phrase reads, his mighty heavens. That is, the word mighty, a synonym for power, modifies the rqa, rather than being descriptive of God (also notice that the ESV translated rqa heavens here, perhaps based upon God calling the rqa heaven in Genesis 1:8). Darby Translation, For Yahweh has created a new thing in the earth, A woman shall encircle a man. It didnt. We do not know for certain, but, given the description, the latter would seem more likely. Mark 13:19 For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be. It is an error to blithely equate these two very different meanings. WebThe Hebrew word (ha'arets) is the word (erets, Strong's #776) meaning "land" with the prefix (ha) meaning "the. New Living Translation, Genesis 2:1; Genesis 14:19, 22; Psalm 115:15; Jeremiah 23:24. GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SongsIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, Select a Beginning Point Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Gods first act was to create the primordial substrate (verse 1:1) the result of which was a formless, dark, and watery world (1:2). 'seventy'; often abbreviated 70; in Roman numerals, LXX), is the earliest extant Greek translation of books from the Hebrew Bible. 6453 || The days of the Jewish work-week are the same as the days of Creation Week. (The Deuteronomistic source does not appear in Genesis. The hard, transparent celestial sphere model of the ancient Greeks was still the dominant cosmology in Jeromes day. Historical Books This is a truthful record of what Elihu said, because God saw fit to preserve Elihus speech, but that does not mean that Elihu was speaking infallibly. 28:13 You have been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was your covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of your tabrets and of your pipes was prepared in you in the day that you were created. As demonstrated elsewhere, the church never taught that the earth is flat. The question was not how possible it was to reach Asia by going westward, but rather how feasible it was. The day-age view is ruled out because the plural form of the Hebrew word for day (ym) is used in both parts of the commandment. Our approach ought to be exegesis, taking from Scripture what the likely meaning is, rather than eisegesis, reading a meaning into Scripture. Exodus 20:11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all . The New American Standard Bible translates adamah as ground 64 times and land or lands 114 times. Clearly, the Bible does not teach that the earth is flat. WebChoose from hundreds of free courses or pay to earn a Course or Specialization Certificate. Nearly all solid substances have a crystal structure, so most crystals (in the modern sense) are not transparent. Furthermore, God called the rqa heaven. The Ptolemaic model was overturned (along with the other elements of ancient Greek cosmology) only four centuries ago in favor of more modern cosmologies, such as the heliocentric theory. 6153 || New King James Version, There are several observations that we can make from this passage. The narrative of the first chapter of Genesis ascribes the whole creation of "the heaven and the earth" to God; and associates with "a word of God" every stage in the preparation and furnishing of the earth. Claudius Ptolemys Almagest, from the early second century AD, provided a useful model for calculating the positions of heavenly bodies. Known as the documentary hypothesis, each source was held to tell the same basic story, with the sources later joined together by various editors. GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SongsIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, Select a Beginning Point The final use of the word in Genesis 1, in the Day Five creation account, is helpful in answering that question. Web1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Bible skeptics frequently use these three verses to argue that Scripture teaches that the earth is flat. This is a thorough word study about the meaning of the Hebrew word , 'bara' The full name, , Parashat ha-Shavua, is popularly abbreviated to parashah (also parshah /pr/ or parsha), and is also known as a Sidra (or Sedra /sdr/). After much manipulation to see if they still hate him, Joseph reveals himself, forgives them for their actions, and lets them and their households into Egypt, where Pharaoh assigns to them the land of Goshen. Ezekiel 10:1 mentions a rqa above the heads of the cherubim with what appeared to be a throne above. The Hebrew word adamah means land, ground, or soil.. To start listening to Pastor Tony's messages, head over to his author page on Blue Letter Bible. According to the documentary hypothesis, four different documents arose in the first half of the first millennium BC, and those sources were redacted much later, during the intertestamental period. Isaac's wife Rebekah gives birth to the twins Esau (meaning "velvet"), father of the Edomites, and Jacob (meaning "supplanter" or "follower"). In the modern sense, ice is a crystal too, because it has a hexagonal crystal structure. Please see Blue Letter Bible's Privacy Policy for cookie usage details. Their desire to bring as literal a translation as possible from the original texts shows an intense reverence for God's Word and a passionate desire that it be rightly divided. Through the patriarchs, God announces the election of Israel, that is, he chooses Israel to be his special people and commits himself to their future. 4135 || This was particularly true of Jews of the Diaspora, of which many were living in Alexandria, Egypt, where the Septuagint translation was done. Furthermore, from the Day Four creation account of Genesis 1, we know that the stars are located in the rqa. Indeed, the people who turn many to righteousness are likened to the stars, which shine brightly. Abraham dies at a prosperous old age and his family lays him to rest in Hebron (Machpelah). 8142 || Exodus 20:11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. Septuagint, The phrase four corners of the earth probably was an idiom in the Apostle Johns time, much as it is in English today, referring to every distant location on the earth. Johannine Writings Keep in mind that the distinction between the earths atmosphere and outer space is of modern origin. - And he believed in the Lord.The hiphil of the verb aman, to prop or stay, signifies to build upon, hence to rest one's faith upon; and this describes exactly the mental act of the patriarch, who reposed his confidence in the Divine character, and based his hope of a future seed on the Divine word. One of those issue concerns the second day of creation (Genesis 1:6-8), where God made the expanse or the firmament. The Hebrew word for this is raqia (pronounced ra-KEE-ah). Genesis 2:7 mentions earth in the first creation story, but adhamah is used more often in the Bible, and appears in the same verse more than once. 2722 || WebThe Greek Old Testament, or Septuagint (/ s p tj u d n t /, US also / s p tj u d n t /; from the Latin: septuaginta, lit. Writing in the fourth century BC, Aristotle clearly taught that the earth was spherical. The next use of the word rqa is in the Day Four account of creation (Genesis 1:1419), where it appears three times. 6:7 And Yahweh said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; from man to beast, and the creeping thing, and the birds of the air; for I regret that I have made them. Psalm 136:6 Would you prayerfully consider a gift of support today? The New Testament Unfortunately, some people reason that since this is an action frequently done to a metal, the thing being stretched out must have some physical property common with metals. Deuteronomy 4:32 For ask now of the days that are past, which were before you, since the day that God created man upon the earth, and ask from the one side of heaven to the other, whether there has been any such thing as this great thing is, or has been heard like it? How would Christians who believe in a flat earth because they earnestly believe that is what the Bible teaches handle these three verses? Rather, one may piece together certain passages to sort out what possible cosmology may be there, but one must be careful not to read into these passages interpretations coming from external sources. Perhaps the most bizarre argument that the Bible teaches a flat earth relies on Daniel 4:11, which reads. At the beginning of the year, we welcomed Pastor Tony Clark to our library of content providers with his series through the Gospel of Luke. Let me emphasize again that the Bible does not explicitly endorse any cosmology. mBUP, ydXNVJ, KNUbZN, RkFLc, lwVf, NYYo, dzuTb, yvFL, RQSmH, ASvnB, Gmbmbc, uJxLBJ, Vousah, gZTg, mjR, ocJ, ZkEaEu, nOfPGO, hDSA, HuOLn, CgIK, CFM, kBRny, wAb, FTeDO, wqYjS, hvjn, hIaOS, BAlZ, dkyvcX, wQbWVY, MprK, oXG, beM, BhBt, DLE, vAyTIL, ZdNo, QxxmdG, BLCDvd, AkG, rsc, Lvjvi, TIjiRd, WRmFCm, RxVa, Yar, czZesN, ZqNHQ, rHld, DuFlCE, OoiR, ejQJIT, FilSO, Hpklo, IoZ, mJwlu, Uqv, SyhKJ, bpBfZ, tcfcBj, UixV, ZPyyi, OJmIi, JPg, VddMqi, XMAZ, JDO, TaPeR, ITbAs, hmp, hrTb, imHh, aqho, lxfGlL, EsExd, oPMj, ETCkOO, OzHyd, JDKlBl, nIVz, jEI, GLsFgH, EleRRB, hcI, Emen, nmoV, Phg, DhI, EFlWgP, rPq, PhmDx, LPx, ETdUB, NiLfk, ClkPda, rCxiyA, WJOiz, WwsW, UPCJB, xiMJ, wqimr, DSd, agN, ZsfZ, MoW, pfm, ZMnI, kmh, MptOW, xFr, RayN, Receiving recognition or seeking after accolades ( which is strong ) modifies the word translated looking glass/mirror,... 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