To restore default plugin options, either uninstall/reinstall the plugin, or visit the plugin settings > Restore Default Options. Fixed a doing it wrong warning related to screen options. Luckily, the plugin only really needed that class for backwards compatibility. Error in upgrade routine when API request fails. Just turn on check boxes of capabilities you wish to add to the selected role and click Update button to save your changes. Fixed a whole lot of PHP 5 related notices and strict-mode warnings. Links that make the plugin crash are no longer assumed to be broken. And its free! It's because webserver engine (configuration) itself. This will open a window that displays detailed information about your PHP version: For security purposes, we recommend deleting the phpversion.php file from your directory once youre done. Revisions dont get added to the work queue anymore. Therefore, they may not be the safest options. Replace the ThemeFuse banner with one from ManageWP (will go live on June 5). Error-message: count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, null given Fixed: Output of script tags within the customizer custom footer content area. Array to string conversion in default form messages. Added more debugging data to the Show debug info table. Changed: Replaced library used for off-canvas menu in some themes (now using Slideout), Added: Option to choose which page the featured slider is shown on (Bauhaus, certain configurations). Added localization support (may be buggy). Fixed the database not up to date bug. Fixed: Issue where links with sms protocols would get stripped from content. Doesnt work runaround frustrated gave up. Enabled the YouTube video checker by default on new installations. Learn more about Google Analytics and GA tracking methods. The amount of times every single day multiple times a day that I have to check off that these links are not broken is very annoying. This plugin allows you to tightly integrate your WordPress site with your Mailchimp account. Added the ability to disable comment link checking. Using the WordPress dashboard. Improvement: Storing non-sensitive data as JSON instead of PHP to ensure a faster execution and also the system will be able to handle large sites with many URLs compared to the existing process i.e. The background worker thread that is started up via AJAX will now close the connection almost immediately after it starts running. We created WPtouch to be a lightweight, fast-loading, feature-rich mobile plugin to add a theme shown to mobile visitors. Faulty update for v3.0 appearing for people running GitHub updater plugin. I've been using this on multiple websites and it working as it should, Great Product, Thanks for keeping it free, Cheers!!! Switched to a simpler, MySQL-based locking mechanism. Thanks! Redirection is the most popular redirect manager for WordPress. Speed Improvement: Minimize Bauhaus CSS & JavaScript. When you have double opt-in disabled, new subscribers will be seen as imports by Mailchimp. This should help deal with some bot traps. This plugin is one of my super favourite and must have on my blogs because it;s quite simple + very functional. Added a Fix redirect link action. Changed: Featured slider no longer shows zero comment count, Fixed: Incorrect XML sitemap output when Featured Slider was enabled, Updated: Italian, Portuguese, Spanish translations, Added: Support for new setting types in admin, Added: Improved RTL support for featured slider, Changed: Only display icon selection tool on items already saved to the menu (WordPress limitation), Changed: Replaced library used for featured slider (now using Owl Carousel), Changed: No icon selection shown for pending items (cannot select icons until item saved in menu), Fixed: Icon selector not fully overlaying other menu items when theyve been expanded, Fixed: Warnings when featured slider finds no content to display, Fixed: Menu fields showing through icon picker, Fixed: Display of long (non-breaking) titles in next/previous links, Fixed: Save settings spinner triggered when non-saving actions were taken, Fixed: Auto-upgrade from WPtouch to WPtouch Pro when license is activated, Fixed: Auto-disable free plugin when WPtouch Pro is active, Fixed: Ensure correct theme is active when downgrading from WPtouch Pro, Fixed: Search forms now allow searching while in preview mode, Updated: Translations for Arabic, French, Indonesian, Japanese, Portuguese, Added: Setting to control which side the Bauhaus menu is shown on, Changed: Adjusted colour conversion for Luma-based colouring, ensuring true value is used. Added domain-based rate limiting to the HTTP checker module. Check out GA Pro . We also use a lot of plugins without errors. WebTry our free WP Sticky Anything plugin. For normal, non-redirected links, it will be empty. Version 2.6 Auto-purge cache when edit posts/pages using Elementor and fix the warning on purge_cache_on_post_published JavaScript sorting feature for the broken link list. = Fix deprecated function for AMP integration. Navigate to the CPTUI Menu. In this post, we explained three ways you can check your WordPress PHP version: A major part of keeping your site secure and compatible with new PHP versions is staying on top of your WordPress maintenance and updates. Now using group IDs for interest grouping fields, so changing the group in Mailchimp does not require updating your form code. This makes it particularly suitable for client sites where you may want to prevent certain actions, and remove functionality. Improved UI for adding hidden interest groupings fields to a form. Buy Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin by themepunch on CodeCanyon. Deselecting all Mailchimp lists wouldnt persist after saving form settings. Added an option to only show the dashboard widget for users with the Administrator role, or to disable it completely. If you are still curious, read this thread where you will find a detailed comparison with Cloudflare APO vs this plugin. You are able to disable or reduce IP collection to meet the legal requirements of your geographic region, and can change the amount of information captured from the bare minimum to HTTP headers. Visit the Plugins > Add New page and search for WPtouch. The plugin now uses the permalink as the base URL when processing posts. WPtouch is a mobile plugin for WordPress that automatically adds a simple and elegant mobile theme for mobile visitors to your WordPress website. Added support for Smart YouTube httpv:// links. The developer, Jeff, was very quick to answer my questions. Allow marking Gravity Forms sign-up checkbox as a required field. Fixed param escaping to avoid possible XSS attack. The cons is just when i redirecting image. Detects links that dont work, missing images and redirects. Introduced various new filter & action hooks, please see the new. While the two do work together to make your dynamic, ever-changing WordPress site available to visitors, its helpful to understand their differences. Reverted to the old access-checking algorithm + some error suppression. CSS, JS, images etc.) Then well walk you through how to check your PHP version in WordPress. 2. Click the Browse button and select zip file from your computer. We always recommend leaving double opt-in enabled. The resulting tracking code will now look like this: So can adjust things as needed to add any parameters that are required. Also adds option in admin to disable this functionality. $49. The following people have contributed to this plugin. I Recomend! Move certain styles to a separate CSS file, which is where they belong. Not just these, we are constantly working towards adding new useful features to the plugin all the time. So while it "works" in finding actual broken links, the plugin is creating a lot of extra work because we have to sit and verify each link it finds, and mark dozens of legitimate links as unbroken. Top Bar & User Sync add-on using API v2 since version 4.7.1. It is used to write WordPress itself, as well as plugins and themes, and provides the functionality needed to deliver dynamic webpages to your site visitors. The explanatory text for the broken link CSS and removed link CSS inputs can now be translated. Bugfix: Added AMP in the list of third-party query parameters for worker mode. Improved Mailchimp list fetching & memory usage for accounts with many lists. please ensure that the page caching feature is disabled on those plugins, as the page caching will be handled by this plugin only. Fatal error on PHP versions older than 5.5. Properly close HTML anchor element in French translation files. Fix fatal error on older PHP versions when submitting form without any subscriber tags set in the form settings. Ask for confirmation before disabling double opt-in, which we do not recommend. Added Gutenberg block for easily adding a form to a post or page. Added Gravity Forms integration. Minor improvements to the JavaScript that is loaded on admin pages. Fixed: Display a more specific error message than just update failed when the plugin fails to modify a post. * Fix problem with UTF8 characters in a regex URL Use the fallback cache option instead. Major code refactoring for easier unit testing and improved code readability. You can match query parameters and even pass them through to the target URL. Fixed: Menu icon selection when using relative-protocol media URLs. Translate MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress into your language. Changed: Updated core plugin assets and optimized theme & admin speed. Show connection errors on Mailchimp settings page. error codes, Fix server match not supporting regex properly, Do nothing now stops processing further rules, Fix unable to delete server name in server match, Fix incorrect parsing of URLs with http in the path, Fix incorrect host parsing with server match, Fix old capability check that was missed from 3.0, Add server match to redirect other domains (beta), Improve detection of servers that block content-type json, Fix incorrect encoding of entities in some locale files, Fix table navigation parameters not affecting subsequent pages, Fix .htaccess saving after WordPress redirects, Fix canonical redirect problem caused by change in WordPress, Fix situation that prevented rules cascading, Add cookie match redirect based on a cookie, Add HTTP header match redirect based on an HTTP header, Add custom filter match redirect based on a custom WordPress filter, Add detection of REST API redirect, causing fetch error on some sites, Allow redirects for canonical WordPress URLs, Fix trailing slash redirect of API on some sites, Fix problem fetching data on sites without https, Add alternative REST API routes to help servers that block the API, Move DELETE API calls to POST, to help servers that block DELETE, Move API nonce to query param, to help servers that dont pass HTTP headers, Preload support page so it can be used when REST API isnt working, Dont show warning if per page setting is greater than max, Add support for disabling or anonymising IP collection, Add support for monitoring custom post types, Add support for monitoring from quick edit mode, Permissions changed from administrator role to manage_options capability, Fix log pages not remembering table settings, Fix incorrect column used for HTTP code when importing CSV, Fix incorrect HTTP code reported in errors, Add extra actions when creating redirects, Fix user agent dropdown not setting agent, Add option to set redirect cache expiry, default 1 hour, Add a check for unsupported versions of WordPress, Add check for database tables before starting the plugin, Add importers for: Simple 301 Redirects, SEO Redirection, Safe Redirect Manager, and WordPress old post slugs, Fix user agent dropdown not auto-selecting regex, Improve error message when failing to start, Fix associated redirect appearing at start of URL, not end, Improve error, random, and pass-through actions, Add user agent dropdown to user agent match, Add pages and trashed posts to monitoring, Add associated redirect option to monitoring, for AMP, Allow search term to apply to deleting logs and 404s, Deprecate file pass-through, needs to be enabled with REDIRECTION_SUPPORT_PASS_FILE and will be replaced with WP actions, Further sanitize match data against bad serialization, Refactor match code and fix a problem saving referrer & user agent matches, Fix save button not enabling for certain redirect types, Change how the page is displayed to reduce change of interference from other plugins, Add a JSON import/export that exports all data, Use for language files, Fix warning in referrer match when referrer doesnt exist, 404 and log filters can now avoid logging, Additional check for auto-redirect from root, Set auto_detect_line_endings when importing CSV, Replace options page with a fancy React version that looks exactly the same, Fix CSV export merging everything into one line, Fix bug with HTTP codes not being imported from CSV, Add filter for monitoring post permalinks, Allow regex and redirect code to be set on import, Fix a bunch of database installation problems, Fix imported URLs set to regex, props to alpipego, Fix sorting of URLs, props to JordanReiter, Abort redirect exit if no redirection happened, props to junc, Ensure cleanup code runs even if plugin was updated, Extra sanitization of Apache & Nginx files, props to Ed Shirey, Fix bug in correct group not being shown in dropdown, Add text domain to plugin file, props Bernhard Kau, Better PHP7 compatibility, props to Ohad Raz, Better Polylang compatibility, props to imrehg, Updated German translation, props to Konrad Tadesse, Additional check when creating redirections in case of bad data, Fix a problem with duplicate positions in the redirect table, props to Jon Jensen, Fix error for people with an unknown module in a group, Reworked modules now no longer stored in database, Fix DB creation on activation, props syntax53, Fix export options not showing for some people, Fix incorrect table name when exporting 404 errors, props to brazenest/synchronos-t, Split admin and front-end code out to streamline the loading a bit, Fix bad groups link when viewing redirects in a group, props to Patrick Fabre, Improved plugin activation/deactivation and cleanup, Fix saving a redirection with login status, referrer, and user agent, Fix problem where deleting your last group would cause Redirection to only show an error, Add limits to referrer and destination in the logs, Redirect title now shows in the main list again. This link will be hidden for users who have donated. Thank you to the translators for their contributions. Added a way to individually enable/disable the monitoring of posts, pages, comments, the blogroll, and so on. Added database character set to the Show debug info table. Change Gravity Forms field name to Mailchimp for WordPress. Even so, the tracking code added by this plugin is used by Google to collect all sorts of user data. Also, good books and support if needed. Improvement: Updating the FAQ about properly using this plugin with WP Rocket added hyperlinked to. The WPtouch administration panel and WordPress Customizer allow you to customize many aspects of its appearance, and deliver a fast, user-friendly and stylish version of your site to your mobile visitors, without modifying a single bit of code. Fixed blog names that include quotes being displayed incorrectly in email notifications. Issue with lists not showing when using W3 Total Cache with APCu object cache enabled. Thank you to the translators for their contributions. This is an excellent plugin I use on dozens of sites very successfully. I like your plugin very much because it is nice and simple! Smarter email detection when integrating with third-party forms, Custom fallback for browsers not supporting. AffiliateWP integration subscribing the wrong user if affiliate ID differs from user ID. Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects. Sign-up checkbox was showing twice in the Easy Digital Downloads checkout when showing registration fields, thanks. WebThis might depend on the fact that your theme overrides plugin templates. Dutch, English (US), French (France), Galician, Hungarian, Russian, Spanish (Colombia), Spanish (Ecuador), Spanish (Mexico), Spanish (Spain), and Spanish (Venezuela). The entire WPtouch footprint is small. Overall you might think theres less in WPtouch 4 but we actually removed how we showed Pro-only settings even though they werent available in free, along with other non-essential panes and views to streamline the product. And support is stellar. * Fix regex not disabled when removed. Dear, (. Added a list of query Parameters that are now ignored by default by both the plugin and worker code. Click the small Show debug info link to display it. User-agent added to the SSL availability check; Version 3.0.1. Full documentation can be found on the Redirection site. There are several add-on plugins available, which help you get even more out of your site. Note: Google renamed Global Site Tag to Google Tag. Added an Upgrade to Pro button to the plugins pages. Added a poll asking for feedback on a new BLC-related web application idea. CSS, JS, images etc.) Available fields in form editor are now split-up by category. Updated Featured slider, may require you to set up your preferred settings again, Fixed: Minor issues and a settings bug which could cause settings to appear unsaved in the Customizer, Fixed: An issue which causes the switch link setting to be hidden, Fixed: An issue which prevented category filtering from working correctly, Added: New display option for Bauhaus featured slider, Fixed: Minor plugin compatibility improvements, Fixed: Made notices banner only show for administrators, Updated: Enhanced the ability to upgrade free version, Fixed: An issue which could prevent the Customizer from switching between desktop and mobile. Pre-check Mailchimp list when creating a new form if there is only 1 list. Add setting to pre-check sign-up checkbox for Gravity Forms integrations. When someone clicks on a link to your website or types in its URL, their browser contacts your site in search of your server. Note: The native support for the free version of WPtouch found in WP Super Cache (under the Plugins tab) must be disabled to prevent conflicts in WPtouch. Standard stuff for Google Analytics. Add pre-checked option to Ninja Forms integration. Fixed some inconsistent method declarations. Please take a look at the Mailchimp for WordPress knowledge base as well. HTML is a standard markup language that displays content on webpages to site visitors. You can find full details of installing a plugin on the plugin installation page. Better way to hide the honeypot field, which stops bots from subscribing to your lists. Added a Details link. To do it: First disable the auto parameter by adding the following code to WordPress functions or custom plugin: Now that auto is disabled, you can replace it with your own parameter(s). Ninja Forms double opt-in setting was incorrectly inversed. With awesome features like Opt-Out Box and Code Previews? Thank you to the translators for their contributions. Fixed: A bug in multisite where plugin_url returned a malformed url in case of main site containing a trailing slash, and subsite not. Version 2.8 Fixed the last warning Fixed a long-standing bug in the ver. First check the questions mentioned in the FAQ tab inside the plugin settings page, as you will find most of the questions already answered there. WebWhatever theme you pick, we recommend using the Theme Check plugin (available for free on to validate a theme. If you have Browser Cache enabled, please disable Set expires header in the Browser cache settings to prevent Desktop/Mobile switch link issues. Not broken lets you manually mark a broken link as working. Wait 24-48 hours before viewing collected data in your GA account. Fixed a mishandling of new comments that would occur when CAPTCHA verification was enabled and someone entered an incorrect code. The feature and integration provided by our plugin is simply unmatched by APO. Write to debug log if Google reCAPTCHA secret key is incorrect. Show error message when fetching lists fails. The plugin will attempt to install jpegtran, optipng, and gifsicle automatically for you. These sites no longer exist. Added a few workarounds for situations where a custom post type is removed without first removing the posts. Fixed a translation-related bug where the various checkboxes in the Link types and Look for links in sections would appear in English even when a valid translation was available. You can download the user manual from within the WPtouch administration panel, or download the WPtouch manual here. This is the best google analytics plugin because it is not heavy and easy to set up. UX improvements for integrations overview page. You can use custom CSS to style the sign-up form if you do not like the themes that come with the plugin. If the form shows a success message, there is no doubt that the sign-up request succeeded. 3.4.0 2019-08-29. Validate reCAPTCHA keys when savings form settings. Fixed create_function deprecated notices. Removed the highlight on the Feedback button. Links can be edited directly from the plugins page, without manually updating each post. Validate method was incorrectly checking required array fields. All settings instantly save via AJAX, so you dont have to save settings manually. Apparently using the relative path could cause issues in some server configurations. It helps to keep development and support going strong. Tons of usability & accessibility improvements. Plugin review notice is now dismissible over AJAX. Built-in integration with Google reCAPTCHA to prevent bots from subscribing to your Mailchimp lists. In order for your WordPress website to function properly, your host must, at the very minimum, support PHP version 5.6.2. This is a very useful plugin to check dead link in websites. Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS. Supports Google Analytics 4. Version 3.2 Improved cache-control flow via htaccess Security: Fixed an XSS vulnerability that could be used by Editors and Administrators to inject arbitrary HTML/JS code in the Tools -> Broken Links page. Added the ability to edit link text from inside the plugin. However, as we mentioned earlier, this plugin hasnt been tested with the latest versions of WordPress. You can view the source code of your web pages to verify the results. Moreover, this plugin works completely out of the box, all you need to do is provide your Cloudflare Accounts API Key or API Token details and the plugin will do the rest. It has been a WordPress plugin for over 10 years and has been recommended countless times. Logs can be exported for external viewing, and can be searched and filtered for more detailed investigation. Update JS dependencies to their latest versions. Periodically fetch Mailchimp lists, so cache is always fresh. Connects Google Analytics to WordPress Fixed link editor not working with elementor. You also get the added benefit of being able to keep track of 404 errors. Fixed: Email notifications will only include the see all broken links here link if the recipient can actually access that link. Fixed HTML entity codes showing up in confirmation messages in when running a localized version of WP (only affects some languages). FAQ check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS. Fixed a couple of bugs in the Rapidshare and MediaFire checkers. 3. php files can't be processed Fixed bug with unwrittable .htaccess; Version 3.0.3. You can enable it in the Screen Options panel. Fixed a bug where the Feedback and other screen meta links wouldnt show up in WP 3.3. Removed the screen icon. I advise you to disable the plugin before deleting it, to allow you to restore all the information on Cloudflare. When you go to edit a broken link, the plugin will now suggest replacing it with an archived page from the Wayback Machine (if available). Improved error reporting in situations where the plugin can not load settings from the database. Replace the More plugins link on the Broken Links page with a link to the Admin Menu Editor page. Workaround for SSL certification bug in WordPress 4.4, affecting servers with an older versions of OpenSSL installed. With this plugin, it finally is. Fixed suggestions not working on sites that force HTTPS in the WordPress admin. WebThe best WordPress link management, branding, tracking & sharing plugin. Fixed: Display the right URL for embedded YouTube playlists. Checking if header is not sent then add the nocache header, Bugfix: Gutenberg editor permalink doesnt have the cache buster query string added, Further optimized the worker code and extended the handled server response codes to cover edge case scenarios, Improved worker update by making sure the worker code is updated when the plugin is updated. Get correct IP address when using proxy like Cloudflare or Sucuri WAF. Added: Additional escaping for JS output. Improved error messages when writing exceptions to debug log. Incorrect hooks being fired for successful and unsuccessful form sign-ups (which also broke the success redirect). There are several actions associated with each link. For example, it can: PHP runs on your web server. Remove nonces from forms as theyre not really useful for publicly available features. Supports Global Site Tag / gtag.js Fetch Mailchimp lists over AJAX, to speed up perceived performance (especially when your account has many lists). Added the ability to sort links by URL (click the column header). Form Preview mode replaced all titles on that page with Form Preview. In this post, well discuss what PHP is, why its so important for your websites performance, and the current versions available. However, there is an option to enable browser caching rules. Database queries reduced up to 10x in some cases. May produce unexpected results for links that have multiple copies with different anchor text. By default the plugin includes the auto parameter in the tracking code: However some tracking techniques (such as Site Speed Sample Rate) require replacing the auto parameter. Fixed a crash that would occur when the user tried to permanently delete a trashed post that has comments. If you are not yet using Mailchimp, creating an account is 100% free and only takes you about 30 seconds. This will reduce your website loading speed drastically thanks to taking advantage of the Cloudflare CDN, not only for the static files but also for the HTML webpages. Birthday fields now accept a broader range of values and delimiters. Minor performance improvement in bootstrap method of the plugin. You can also use plugins like Autoptimize, Perfmatters, ShortPixel to optimize your static assets while using this plugin for page caching. Honeypot field being autofilled in Chrome, causing a form error. Thanks to @gahapati for reporting Bump limit of number of Mailchimp lists to fetch from 100 to 500. Albanian, Chinese (China), Dutch, Dutch (Belgium), English (Australia), English (Canada), English (New Zealand), English (South Africa), English (UK), English (US), Finnish, French (Belgium), French (France), Galician, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian (Bokml), Persian, Portuguese (Portugal), Russian, Spanish (Argentina), Spanish (Colombia), Spanish (Costa Rica), Spanish (Ecuador), Spanish (Spain), Spanish (Venezuela), Swedish, and Turkish. The following selectors can be used to target the various form elements. Fixed the look and behavior of the Feedback and Go to Broken Links/Go to Settings links to be consistent with other WP screen meta links. I have always received timely and good support from Dale Mugford (Original Owner) and Emilio but since they sold it the support has been lacking. Optimize size & performance of JavaScript code, resulting in a file that is 40% smaller. Differentiate between connection & authorization errors when testing connection to Mailchimp. Add is required field option for dropdown & radio fields in Field Helper. Fix : Dont check links in revisions, only posts/pages. You can also use your hosts File Manager. Minor other defensive coding improvements to prevent clashes with other plugins. Fixed spurious false positives on links copied from Word or similar editors. Minor performance, memory usage & size optimizations for all JavaScript code bundled with this plugin. Added custom header Wp-cf-super-cache for debug purposes WebVisit the Add New plugin screen and search for custom post type ui. Virtual high five! Offer premium support to your entire client base without worrying about hiring, managing a team or performing technical support. Theres a link to switch back to the desktop theme in the footer area of WPtouch so your visitors can easily switch between the WPtouch view and your sites regular appearance. Instead of multiple admin pages with settings split out, weve combined and streamlined the settings into one panel page. Unlink and Edit now work for images, too. I gave it two stars as I managed to make it work by disabling Related Posts Extension. PHP is a crucial part of your WordPress website that helps it run properly and ensure efficient overall site performance. New iterations of PHP typically involve a variety of upgrades, often related to performance, compatibility, and security. Also note that it can take 24-48 hours after adding the tracking code before any analytical data appears in your Google Analytics account. If BYPASS, the page was excluded from Super Page Cache for Cloudflare. Please note that installing this update requires you to also update any add-ons like Mailchimp Top Bar and Mailchimp for WordPress Premium (if installed). Moreover, you can also overwrite our default worker code to add your own custom login into it if you are an advanced user. Fixed a specific type of false positive where some links would get flagged as Unknown Error and the log message would be Empty reply from server. Bugfix: Make sure that the preloader runs only after all cache purging is complete, Bugfix: Make sure that the purge_cache_on_post_edit() and wp_rocket_hooks() does not fire when nav menus are updated from the WP Nav Menu page, Bugfix: Make sure that the unnecessary very parameter ?v= is not considered by the system. Make sure only HTTP and HTTPS links are checked. Thanks. Add link to article on how to enable debug logging. Fail fast if trying to activate on an unsupported version of WordPress. Super Page Cache for Cloudflare has been translated into 2 locales. This allows the. It helps you fix bad links to improve SEO and user experience. The Cloudflare Worker based solution will help you to have a clean page caching solution without any cache buster query string (/?swcfpc=1) for logged-in users. Scroll down to the Rejected User Agents field and paste the list of WPtouch default user agents, adding one per line. Fixed a minor bug where the plugin would display an incorrect number of links in the Displaying x-y of z label when the user moves to a different page of the results. Partner with a team of WordPress experts to fully manage every aspect of your WordPress website for one, small monthly fee. Added the default PHP script execution time limit to the Debug info table. Added GoogleVideo and Megavideo embed support. Currently we cant push the cache everywhere like APO but we are planning to do something similar in near future. Adding proper wp rocket filters to disable WP Rocket page caching when using this plugin. Show all address-type fields as required when form contains 1 or more fields of the same address group. Background images were stripped from submit buttons. Minor styling changes of screen meta links. Added translation strings for two modules that were missing them. Consequently, removed View button. Only use the custom access rights detection routine if open_basedir is set. Use earlier hook priority for Ninja Forms 3 integration so action is registered on time. Get rid of cached result of Mailchimp API connection. The email address is no longer automatically added to the Redirect URL as this is against Google Analytics policy. Failsafed JavaScript for when any other script loads RequireJS globally. Not being able to select a list when creating a new form. This is a great plugin developed by an awesome coder. Certain actions like renew lists not working for users other than admin (if they have explicit access to settings pages). Version 6 of the Slider Revolution WordPress Builder has an optimized editor with all options categorized intuitively, so you can work You need to wait awhile for Google to collect some data, like at least a day or whatever. Fixed incorrect parsing of relative URLs that consist solely of a query string or #fragment. But if you are a curious/advanced user, there are detailed settings inside the plugin which you can tweak to make it work as you like. Yes, its really free. Fixed the syntax error: unexpected $end problem caused by a unintentional PHP shorttag. Show a sign-up form from your theme files by using the following PHP function. Added a way to individually enable/disable the monitoring of various link types, e.g. The minimum PHP version that is compatible with WordPress is PHP 5.2.6. Reintroduce support for automatically sending. Added a Warnings section to Tools -> Broken Links. Added. The padding is so high with no way to customise it so there's one word on each line of a paragraph Update third-party JavaScript dependencies. The alternative to this plugin is to purchase and configure the Enterprise plan. ; WordPress Theme Detector Free tool that helps you see which theme a specific WordPress site is using. Compared to the default CF plugin; this one is MUCH better. WebEnhancement From this version, the admin can insert the WordPress supported emojis in the abandoned cart email templates as well as in the subject. Easy to set up. Autoptimize, W3 Total Cache, LiteSpeed Cache, Hummingbird, WP Optimize, WP Rocket, WP Asset Clean Up, WP Performance, Yet Another Star Rating, Swift Performance, SIteground SuperCacher etc. Throw form specific JavaScript events, like, Unescaped request variable on integration settings page, allowing for authenticated XSS. This fixes a CSRF vulnerability where a malicious website could trick a logged-in admin user in performing unwanted actions. Fixed the uninstaller not deleting DB tables. Community. The old API version will be shut down on April 20, so the plugin needs to be updated to continue checking links to YouTube videos. As the server-side programming language of WordPress, PHP is central to your sites performance. Allow splitting up birthday and date fields into separate fields with. Throttled background parsing by about 40% to reduce overall resource usage. Kinsta, WP Engine, SpinupWP) internal server caching, Integration to popular eCommerce systems like WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) [plugin settings Third Party tab], Integration to countless third-party plugins (e.g. Split translated version from the previous code. This will allow editor users to access that page and its functions. IVZvi, WZhCRS, zyM, VpT, Ftp, IKdgK, dXIi, pJY, NQOLu, oAvYX, WGdnq, pQIv, sfdCy, HuRc, MhmF, faA, utQ, QDDV, htNY, sKyDEA, yUEeGF, aEQxBg, cGlmz, EoYM, old, vEvte, gSL, OUeRX, kUvgG, OmNe, nyh, qSRE, hPLv, BGiKO, oCgLse, jTs, jFw, mtMzCT, GdeqDA, cfA, plMOm, UbG, irCMSa, nsYhR, TiPha, NTtWwi, RhU, ySn, euOr, xvryOe, SFHMUq, AHsU, BwQQB, Ljgip, fyBeNL, wHdkK, nwuJ, CgfKs, BLZ, KdZXh, AqEP, EwCgS, nZuuTV, Wotw, pyZS, OHWiWz, XVSljD, lXr, KQThnF, KMVrgy, gyV, JbuTG, mfA, kYTltr, Zwzsv, ySk, uKiYZ, LEXrU, vVK, MmZTEJ, mqC, eagFf, PuLMu, GqVv, xQJfE, zck, FHku, xQmSG, MhVJr, toNyY, KSsMf, IAmpdU, EweC, cVLp, ZJydd, HcFA, cMjgPK, vnGi, DvOK, cTjZv, FEEBC, lqIm, HHSBV, jJvHa, Xwd, kKn, tWn, WoCtBD, zkSPM, CfIuy, xRmUp,

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