This is, in fact, the simpler way to view a swap, and one well use ourselves when we price a swap later on. Turnover value of stock futures of BSE to turnover value of stock futures of NSE, turnover value of Index option of BSE of Call option to the turnover value of index option of NSE of call option, turnover value of index option of put option of BSE to turnover value of index option of put option of NSE, turnover value of call option of stock option of BSE to turnover value of call option of stock option of NSE, and total turnover value of equity segment of BSE & total turnover value of equity segment of NSE. This spread over Treasuries, as it is sometimes known, is often used as a measure of the probability of default by the issuer. This simple strategy is known as a straddle. Also, when considering a protective put, its crucial to consider the option premium. (Bonds are thus known as debt securities, in contrast to stocks, which are a type of equity security.) The Lakewood-Cornelia swap differs from the Finch-Radley swap in three ways: it has a xed tenor of six months and oating tenor of three months, it calls for long stubs instead of short, and it will commence today, May 23, 2007, and run for two years. Morris, Charles R. 2008. Appendix A 228 FIGURE A-4 Partial LIBOR Spot Curve Going out Four Years once issued, they are heavily traded on secondary markets. After privatization and globalization financial market has entered into a new phase of global integration and liberalization. Decreases as expiration approaches (opposite of theta). One of the best-known indexes of all is the Dow Jones Industrial Average in the United States. . Say we have some preexisting obligation in three months time to pay six months of interest on $100,000 using the six-month LIBOR then in effect. The Futures Contract 25 And heres an interesting fact about futures: 99 percent of all futures contracts are effectively canceled before any delivery actually occurs! Value is a price at which neither party would make any prot; for this reason, it is known more formally as a fair market value or sometimes theoretical value. Now, it so happens theres this distribution called the lognormal, which essentially plots the logs (the number you have to raise e to) of a normally distributed random variable that follows a process known as geometric Brownian motion. Imagine that six months have gone by. Here then are the inputs: S 15.80 100 1,580 r 0.03 t 0.25 Heres the current forward price: All About Derivatives 104 F Se (r i)t 1,580 e (0.03)(0.25) 1,591.89 The forward price (i.e., the fair-market delivery price for a hypothetical new forward contract) is $1,591.89. (n j)! 3. Because forward prices and futures prices are calculated intuitively the same way, and to simplify the text, whenever you read forward price, you can safely assume it applies to a futures price, too. This book is great if you want to understand what derivatives are, how they work, some of the theory of how they are priced, and what they are good for. Using Vega Vega indicates how the price of an option changes with underlier volatility. Now, companies are free to change their dividend payments from time to time, but it so happens they dont change all that much, so at any time, there is a decent consensus on the future expected dividends from a stock issuer. As forwards-in-disguise, then, swaps are inherently less liquid than futures and carry more credit risk. Black-Scholes also applies an additional powerful concept of risk neutrality, and Ill explain that just before we need it. Like other price indexes, a rate index can, and very often is, employed as a derivative underlier. PRICING OPTIONS ON FUTURES The rst thing to remember with regard to pricing options on futures is that a futures price (like a forward price) is just a spot price adjusted for carry. Under the terms of the loan, every three months for the next two years, Gondor will make an interest-only payment based on a oating rate of interest according to the London Inter-Bank Offered Rate (LIBOR) index (see Appendix A, All About Interest, for more about LIBOR). Other common strategies include bear spreads, buggy whips, bull combos, and butteries. (Okay, I made one of those up. The basic idea for a call is to compare the present value of all remaining dividends with the sum of the option value and the interest you will lose on K by exercising. And every day, you can obtain an average, or index, of such primes and base a loan on that rate. All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. In a word (a two-letter one at that), no. With more than 5.7 million votes cast and counted, the 14th Annual Goodreads Choice Awards are now official. You can certainly imagine how crucial is the role of the ratings agency. FIGURE 10 -12 Area Beneath the Normal Curve Pricing Options 161 The area to the left of the 21-pound mark happens to be 81 percent, which is the probability of a pumpkin weighing no more than 21 pounds. Recall how we valued the tortilla makers forward contract on the date of delivery in Chapter 1 by taking the difference between the delivery price and spot price. Here, when it comes time to make a payment, the rate applied is not the current reading of the index thermometer but the average of some number of previous readings. Further, nobody is limited to Black-Scholes as it comes out of the box. So 1 plus return is how much of your original investment you have left, in proportional terms, after an investment period. Sure. Be the first to receive exclusive offers and the latest news on our products and services directly in your inbox. Not exactly. Just as a shrub is much like a tree but not exactly like a tree, some derivatives guarantee something other than a price. Now, oil is a physical good that must be stored, and storage costs money. John Lennons birthday? The swap has a notional of $1 million and xed rate of 3.5 percent. Several conventions are oating around out there (some of them quite convoluted! Say there is a 1 percent chance of the reference entity defaulting and youre writing a check for $10 million. Now, interest is simply the cost of borrowing money or, put another way, the payment for loaning or investing it. How can you commit to buy something tomorrow you cant buy today? And since a forward is zero-sum game, with one partys gain offset by the others pain, the only fair price of a forward upon execution must be zero. Its no wonder that rms in the derivatives business, especially market makers and arbitrageurs, spend vast sums of money on ever-faster computer systems for pricing and trading derivatives. So if you see a stock with an annual volatility, or vol, of 0.30, you can read it as saying the stock return changes 30 percent (up or down) over the course of a year. The only problem is the exclusion of too much maths which I would appreciate on such a subject like derivatives pricing. If its a good model, they can reasonably assume air will ow over the real wing in a similar way. Enhancements you chose aren't available for this seller. This means, among other things, there is still a comparatively healthy debate on just how one should go about pricing these things, as there are limited markets for so-called price discovery. Its just the payoff of a long forward contract. The arbitrageur simply buys at the lower price and sells at the higher, making a prot with virtually no risk. These surprisingly high default rates caused a number of problems. Maturity date: When does the swap end? What it doesn't do is go into lots of strategies on how to get rich trading derivatives. In a bit, youll see why thats so important. Now imagine three months have gone by and the six-month LIBOR is 3.5 percent (an annual rate, recall, for a six-month loan). She is a speculator with a view that the stock of ZED Corporation is undervalued and its price will rise. As a consequence, I was quite happy with it. But say interest is compounded every six months. Therefore, if you prefer, you can think of the present-value formula as PV FV/e rt. 6.5% 0.065 6.5 per 100 1,000,000/100 10,000 10,000 6.5 65,000 6.5 percent of 1,000,000 65,000 When it comes to measuring interest, theres another unit to know: the basis point (BP, pronounced bip). And a short position in a bond, recall, is just the borrowing of some money. Now, this insur2 3 Generally speaking, a hedge fund is just a rm that manages investors money, not entirely unlike a mutual fund. Say you buy an American call option on some companys stock. It measures the bunchiness or dispersion of a random variable. There is more about Michael Durbin (the author, not the bowler) at michaelp And thats about enough for the nutshell. This one manages to expose the necessary math without getting too in the weeds with the proofs. By entering into the swap with Chloe, Boris can count on receiving each period funds with which to pay his debt to Aaron. Its just, well, the law. So lets switch gears to this alternative approach. (Formula 8.8) Pricing Forwards and Futures 101 Incidentally, convenience yields are often implied from, or backed out of, observed market prices and not explicitly entered into a formula as the other factors are. You can think of our replicating portfolio as long a stock and short a bond, because shorting a bond is just another way of saying borrowing some money. To be exact, we will borrow $17.47 at the risk-free rate of 6 percent for six months. Another huge one is credit risk, or the risk that your counterparty wont honor its responsibilities and will leave you with a loss. If it does compound, at what frequency will it do so? If it is above, cash in your investment, use $300,000 to buy the stock, and pocket the interest as a bonus. A position is just an interest or stake in the nancial value of somethingsome present or future asset or liability, to be exact. The risk-free interest rate is 4 percent. A combined short position in the swap coupon and short position in the EDF gives us the net exposure shown in Figure 11-3. Checks and balances, whether from industry sensibility or government mandate, are clearly essential to keeping the bad things from overpowering the good things. Indeed, a plausible argument can be made that credit derivatives arent derivatives at all, but insurance policies gussied up as nancial derivative securities to keep insurance regulators at bay. Some homeowners have impeccable credit histories and can be counted on to be not so much as late on a single payment. Its too cheap by 10 cents, and we can get that 10 cents as follows: Now Buy (go long) a bunch of forward contracts at $15.55 each. Does one pay the other a fee of some kind? For example, say you take out a oating-rate loan of $1 million. Pricing Swaps FIGURE 115 9-2 Swap Calendar Our job now is to calculate an amount for each payment, discount those amounts to their present values, and sum up all the present values. Example: Juice-maker SqueezeMax agrees to buy 1,000 bushels of apples from apple grower Joe in three months. 82 All About Derivatives ance didnt come for free, of course, as the rm paid six bucks per contractmore than half a million dollars. And as I noted before, if you can buy or sell it and its fungible and liquid, you can probably use it as a derivative underlier. Use $22 to buy 0.3333 share of ZED (i.e., 0.3333 $66). 2010. 261 262 Bibliography Kuprianov, Anatoli. This isnt so ridiculous when youre a large derivatives dealer with trillions of dollars worth of contracts on your books. The credit event that triggers settlement can be anything the two parties agree to but is typically one or more of ve credit events dened by ISDA: bankruptcy, failure to pay, obligation default, obligation acceleration, or restructuring. This variation in interest rate by time to maturity is known as the term structure of interest rates. Clearly, you are better off selling spot than exercising your option, so you let the option expire, worthless. And their value derives in part from the value of the underlierbut only as that value is affected by a credit event such as bankruptcy. Now zip forward a few happy-go-lucky years to 2008. Discover the Winners of the 2022 Goodreads Choice Awards. (For interest rate derivatives, we generally use a different rate for calculating payments.) If youre interested, we walk through all the steps in Appendix C, More Binomial Option Pricing, where we also provide the generic formulas. The long party is, of course, obligated to buy at the delivery price, K. If, on the delivery date, the spot price (S) is greater than the delivery price, the long party will buy something for less than market price and therefore make a gain, or positive payoff. All About Derivatives 98 When storage costs change with the spot price of the underlier, we call those proportional storage costs. They were so condent they would never have to pay, in fact, that they didnt bother keeping the capital on hand to make good on the wagers. SWAPS IN PRACTICE In practice, swaps get quite a lot more complicated than our theoretical example with Boris and Chloe. One is to use the credit spread between the yield of the reference entitys bond and an otherwise equivalent government bondsay, U.S. Treasuries. Like other derivatives, they have counterparties and underliers. TRADING MICHAEL DURBIN All About Derivatives Second Edition (All About Series) Paperback - Illustrated, December 7, 2010 by Michael Durbin (Author) 115 ratings Part of: All About (16 books) See all formats and editions Kindle $9.99 Read with Our Free App Paperback $23.00 18 Used from $3.10 17 New from $17.71 EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT DERIVATIVES Dont forget the price of ZED is $63 at this node: RP ZED cZED62 39.03 0.6587(63) cZED62 More Binomial Option Pricing 251 cZED62 41.50 39.03 cZED62 2.47 Now we need an option value for the node where ZED equals $57. So the discount rate should be the risk-free interest rate. HEDGING SWAPS AND OPTIONS Consider options dealers or market makers, who as a matter of course buy and sell derivatives all day long, taking on new exposures with every new trade. 28 ratings3 reviews. Every business day of the year, for example, Citibank 1 For the curious, these are Eurodollar deposit rates sampled monthly by the U.S. Federal Reserve, starting in April 1995. in London, and the BBA publishes the following rates for the following terms: U.S. LIBOR Rate Fixings 3-month 3.53 6-month 3.54 9-month 3.59 1-year 3.69 Here we have four spot interest rates, or prices of money. Thus, Gondor does not know today how much interest it will pay for this loan. It may not seem like an average stock price, being in the thousands of dollars when most stocks trade for under a hundred. Now notice we have three dates: the date when the option is executed, which well denote t0 ; t when the option expires and the futures commences; and t when the futures contract delivers. . Each contract guarantees the delivery of 5,000 bushels of wheat in six months for $3.00 per bushel. For example, 20 (31.00 31.50) 10. One of these is operational risk, or the risk that aws in a rms internal processes and policies could cost it substantial sums of money. Forward rates converge to spot rates, so the forward rate for money borrowed now, on the spot, is just a spot rate. For example, if theres a shortage on a good, it can be quite nice (convenient) to have it on hand. So Uncle Sam used his own borrowing power and good credit (and authority to raise taxes) to come up with many billions of dollars to make good on the bets of the CDS buyers. As Ive demonstrated the method so far, underlier prices can follow one of just two possible paths. You know the spot price, you know the carry, and you know the value has to be zero. How so? Royal plans to buy 50,000 bushels of wheat in six months, and the company wants to lock in a price now. Say you take an afternoon off work for a nice walk in the park. This ability to tailor a contract to the exact needs of the counterparties is among the chief benets of OTC derivatives. There are three biggies. But Barings suffered with particular pain because the trader, Nick Leeson, was also in essence his own managerapproving his own speculation on the Japanese stock market from his base in Singapore and hiding the losses from his managers. The long party need not pay for storage between now and delivery price (he doesnt have it yet to store). Report DMCA. If and when issuers pay dividends that deviate from expectations or simply announce their intention to do so, this, of course, immediately affects the dividend-adjusted stock price; this is why dividend announcements and unexpected dividend payments affect option prices. Say one day the futures price on those contracts closed at $3.10. The bottom of the barrel, as it were? Q Q Stock Price (S): Increasing stock price increases the value of a call and decreases the value of a put. No. Its not a perfect analogy nor a perfect hedge, as the umbrella wont keep every drop of water off you. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Your investment has grown to $18.10 (i.e., $17.57e (0.06)(0.5) ). Durbin lives in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Instead, the nal payment would fall on February 29, and the nal coupon period would be longer than the three-month tenor by six days. A corollary of this factone you can add to your top-of-the-head tool kitis that an OTM option is likely to be closer to 0 than stock price. For example, if an accrual period commences on a Thursday, do we use the LIBOR xing from Tuesday? Firms like J.P. Morgan, Deutsche Bank, and other Wall Street names youd recognize did a brisk business using these inventive products for insuring moun- Derivatives and the 2008 Financial Meltdown FIGURE 205 12 - 4 Auto Insurance and Credit Default Swap (CDS) tains of commercial debt. Sell your 0.3333 share, and collect $22 (i.e., 0.3333 66). Gonick, Larry, and Woollcott Smith. But to use them, we rst need to understand precisely what each of them tells us. In reality, Boxwood buys 1/100 of this number of contracts at a premium 100 times this amount, but thats just an operational detail well leave out for clarity. Hey, this is $125 less than we are willing to pay! Thats just a numerical abstraction. Whereas parties to a forward realize their payoff on delivery (or on some earlier date if they agree to cancel or unwind a contract), parties to a futures contract realize a payoff at the end of every trading day. Spot interest rates apply to money borrowed now, and forward interest rates apply to All About Interest 225 money borrowed in the future. The company faced the prospect of corn prices rising excessively in the meantime and used a forward contract to mitigate that risk. A little basis risk is generally okay, however, and knowing how much is acceptable is what separates effective hedgers from the not-so-effective. Lets summarize those effects by examining what happens to the value of an option as each of these factors increases or decreases. Now imagine that you are pricing a call option with a nine-month term. And because the composition of Boxwoods portfolio is nearly identical to the S&P 500 index portfolio, its value has likewise fallen to $105 million. The term is borrowed from the 3 Indeed, if were to continue calling these loan insurance policies swaps, I say lets call car insurance automotive mishap swaps and homeowners insurance residential calamity swaps. 64 All About Derivatives portion of a corporate bond yield attributable to the credit risk, a portion known as a credit spread. At least not for long. The short party does. We dont share your credit card details with third-party sellers, and we dont sell your information to others. The rest, calculating the d1 and d2 values, is just algebra: ( ) S 2 ln K (r 2)t d1 t d2 d 1 t There are some square roots and exponents and Eulers number e in there. 1999. So they can put on a hedge consisting of short positions, whose value will also change with the spot price of wheat but in the opposite way from that of a long position. A One-Step Binomial Tree So consider again the stock ZED and a call option cZED62, which expires in six months with a strike price of $62. There are two primary parties to a CDS: the 1 This begs a question, of course: How can a protection buyer be assured the protection seller wont default? Not so with futures contracts, which are nearly devoid of the extreme credit risk inherent to forwards. We can treat this like a regular coupon and just calculate interest on some number of days less than a regular period. LIBOR LIBOR None None None 6 months 3 months 22nd Long Actual/365 New York Modied following For the market, well use the same spot and forward curves from the previous swap. And if the long party does exercise, his or her payoff is decreased by the amount of the premium. AVERAGING The concept of rate averaging applies to oating-rate obligations. Consider a tortilla maker that six months ago contracted with a farmer to buy 1,000 bushels of corn today for $25 per bushel (an example of a forward contract, by the way). Note also that the nal coupon period is quite briefjust six days (February 23 through February 29)because the terms of this swap call for short stubs. But at the time, it seemed perfectly reasonable, assuming, again, that default rates among the underlying pool of mortgages were uncorrelated. Intrinsic Value and Time Value You can further get a rough idea of an options value by assessing its intrinsic value versus time value. 12 All About Derivatives INDEXES AND CASH SETTLEMENT Many derivatives have as their underlier not some simple item such as a share of stock or type of oil, but rather an index, or average price, of a broad group of related items. ${cardName} not available for the seller you chose. This says ZED has a volatility of, well, take your pick! To illustrate the long partys payoff for our gold forward, we simply plot the payoffs from the payoff table at the various intersections of S and P. (Remember, K is just a xed point on the horizontal axisthat is, one possible spot price.) Delta, then, is also a measure of the option prices sensitivity to changes in its underlier. And well explore that further when we cover all the Black-Scholes assumptions in the next section. 2. Its like a car dealer who mistakenly sells a car for less than what the dealership paid for it. The more changy a stock price is, the more likely it is that an option on that stock will expire in the money, whether it is a call or a put. An option whose strike price is way off spot is known as deep in the money (e.g., a put with a strike of $60 when the stock is trading at $15) or deep out of the money (e.g., a call with a strike of $60 when the stock is trading at $15). They used it to speculate that certain bonds would default. THE CORRELATION THING The structure of an MBB is sometimes compared with that of a multioor apartment building in a ood. But the widespread and (in hindsight) reckless use of the previously arcane credit default swap cost the U.S. taxpayer quite a lot of money. From that, we can back out a probability like so: 66p 54(1 p) 60e (0.06)(0.5) 12p 61.8273 54 p 0.6523 FIGURE C-5 One-Step Tree 1 Like most wagers in Las Vegas, the expected value is actually a bit less. Swaps dealers dont have as much of a problem here, as they hedge hundreds or thousands of swaps all at once as a portfolio of swap obligations, and this diversication is itself risk-reducing. Those with a negative payoff (loss) get a bill. So, lets turn back to your $100,000 loan. In fact, Ill do the math for you and tell you the buyer effectively bought a bond that All About Interest 229 pays an annual rate of 4.53 percent. Question for extra credit: What if these options The Option Contract FIGURE 41 5-3 European Call Option Strike Points were puts instead of calls? Mathematically speaking, they assumed that the default rates of the individual subprime mortgages were statistically uncorrelated. But wait! And this is how we deduce spot interest rates from Treasury prices. For example, later in this chapter youll learn about a crucial measure known as delta, which quanties the sensitivity of an option price to changes in the underlier price. Appendix C 252 Were left now with a single one-step tree. All About Derivatives 102 Forward Price Summary Here are the forward price formulas in a nutshell: Basic forward price With xed storage With proportional storage With xed income With proportional income With convenience yield Foreign-currency forward F Se rt F (S U)e rt F Se (r u)t F (S I)e rt F Se (r i)t F Se (r y)t F Se (r rf)t (Formula 8.3) (Formula 8.4) (Formula 8.5) (Formula 8.6) (Formula 8.7) (Formula 8.8) (Formula 8.9) Just remember that U and I are the present values of storage and income, respectively. Unless the spot price equals the contract price, either the long party will pay more than spot, or the short party will receive less than spot. So the long partys payoff is just spot minus delivery price in all cases. See also Stock Equivalent martingale measures, 173 Eulers number, 90, 162 Eurodollar futures, 79, 177, 178, 193, 214, 22527 European-style options, 39, 40, 4143 Black-Scholes method and, 133, 147, 155, 172 put-call parity for, 167 Exchange markets, 67, 2324, 2526, 44 Exchange rates, 13, 14, 35, 75 Exercise price. And wouldnt you know theres a way to do basically just thatby turning to the friendly eld of calculus and its awesome concept of the limit. To create such a portfolio, you need a model of how the underliers price changes. Theres no need to go into details, but sufce it to say that exchange rates are inuenced in part by prevailing interest rates in the respective countries. Use $18 of your $18.10 to buy 0.3333 share of ZED on the spot market (i.e., 0.3333 $54). Theres nothing exciting about that, but it does prove the value of our option is correct. Financial Derivatives in India: A Case of National Stock Exchange India, Equity Derivatives- Comparative and Critical Analysis from Bse to Nse, ROLE OF COMMODITY FUTURES ON INDIAN AGRICULTURAL COMMODITY MARKET, Commodity Futures Market in India: Development, Regulation and Current Scenario. Good literature however as usual with finance it helps if you have some background despite the writer's attempt to be basic. What Lessons Can Be Learned? Draft Paper. And so on. These instruments deal with the possibility of some party not fullling its nancial obligation. In practice, we like a Appendix A 230 FIGURE A-5 Complete LIBOR Spot Curve Before Smoothing FIGURE A-6 Complete LIBOR Spot Curve with Some Smoothing All About Interest FIGURE 231 A-7 Complete LIBOR Spot Curve with More Smoothing smoother curve and are even willing to adjust the sample points a bit to t a nice smooth line, creating something like the solid line in Figure A-7. Much more on this in Chapter 12, Derivatives and the 2008 Financial Meltdown. All About Derivatives 62 protection buyer and protection seller. Now imagine todays date is May 23, 2007, or a bit less than a year before maturity. Its worth noting that hedgers can hedge and speculators can speculate without derivatives. And the value of a call option, from an n-step binomial tree, is given by Formula C.4: n ( ( C ert ja n ert ja ) ) n! Accrual start: Accrual end: Year difference: Month difference: Day difference: Total difference: Day fraction: Annual rate: Accrual rate: Accrual: 9/15/2006 12/14/2006 (2006 2006) 360 0 (12 9) 30 90 (14 15) 1 1 89 days 89/360 6 percent 0.06 89/360 $1,000,000 0.06 89/360 $14,833.33 SWAP ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY This section offers a few words on most of the features of a plainvanilla swap, starting with features that apply to a trade in its entirety, then zooming in on features of individual legs. All About Derivatives 166 Third, Black-Scholes assumes constant interest rates. Use $18 of it to repay your debt, and pocket the remaining $4. PDF Book description: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT DERIVATIVES All About Derivatives, Second Edition, presents the complex subject of financial derivatives with a clarity and coherence you won't find in other books. Or a stock index, with a great many component stocks all dripping discrete dividends on their own schedules, can be seen as leaking a continuous stream. In fact, one of the basic tenets in the land of derivatives is that all price paths are random walks. It certainly doesnt explain every way one can use derivatives, but it does provide numerous examples in simple language illustrating how derivatives are used every day by scads of individuals and organizations around the globe. A basis swap can mitigate such uncertainty. Its payoff is shown in Figure 5-20, where S indicates stock price at the time of payoff, S0 is the initial stock price, and payoff is given by S c(K). This is an example of basis risk, which comes into play when you hedge with something whose price doesnt change in exactly the same way as the price of the thing you are hedging. In this case, we used Excels Goal Seek function to get our result in the blink of an eye. The epicenter was certainly the U.S. housing market, but beyond that, its hard to pinpoint any one thing. Actual/365 For the actual/365 convention, we basically divide the actual length of the accrual period by 365 to get our day fraction.2 So for the numerator, we need the number of daysbusiness and nonbusinessin the period for which we want to calculate interest. So the delivery price is determined by Formula 8.6: Pricing Forwards and Futures 99 F (S I)e rt (Formula 8.6) Example: You agree to buy from your sister 400 shares of stock in Acme Industries in one year. TAB LE 11 - 5 Option Dealer Hedge 9 ] Dealer writes 20 calls @ $2.00 (MP = $1.85) and buys stock 10 ] Delta goes down; dealer sells stock Delta goes down; dealer sells stock Delta goes down; dealer sells stock Delta goes up; dealer buys stock Delta goes up; dealer buys stock Delta goes up; dealer buys stock Holder exercises. The binomial tree method, one of two option valuation methods well explain in detail, provides instructions for creating the replicating portfolio using a price path for the underlier that follows the pattern of a tree with very simple branches. The normal distribution, of course, is where we get the volatility values required by the formula. Now suppose you have a choice today between selling a stock for $50 or instead buying a 50-strike put. There are basically two kinds of markets: exchange markets and over-the-counter (OTC) markets. Derivatives: The Tools That Changed Finance. And how is this a cost of carry? Say you amortize $1 million over four periods; you would reduce the notional by $250,000 each period. With decrease, call delta approaches 0, and put delta approaches 100. If you subtract from a corporate bond yield the risk-free rate, you are left with the compensation that investors receive for taking on the risk of the bond issuer defaulting. The instrument Boxwood uses is the SPX index option contract. I was specifically looking for precisely this level of explanation of the functions needed for working with derivatives and the author delivered. Its as if the buyer bought a bond that pays a coupon of something less than 4.75 percent. Despite the condence of the agencies, there were indeed factors that would affect default rates across the entire subprime mortgage market. Now, a 3-period tree provides 8 possible paths, so well like a price from one of those trees even more. You might wonder about the asymmetric shape of the lognormal distribution and how that ts with reality. (Delta also provides what is known as an options hedge ratio, for reasons well cover later.) And the same leverage that makes derivatives such powerful hedging instruments makes them potentially devastating if not properly hedged. There are all sorts of things on which you can buy or sell options. Going back to the apartment building analogy, it was as if nobody realized the walls supporting the building were now made of clay or some other material that softens when it gets wet, so the whole building would start sinking during a ood, bringing upper oors within reach of the water. c. Keep the remaining $0.10 as your prot. (Note that the closely related min[. LIBOR rates are intended for commercial loans, whereas Treasuries are for loans to the U.S. Treasury. Car dealers as a matter of course sell cars for some price greater than cost, and the option dealer is doing the same. b. And while were on the subject of alternative methods, we should touch briey on the martingale approach to pricing. Pages 289 web pages Of course, interest rates arent expressed in dollar amounts but rather in percentages. Are interest rates constant? All About Derivatives Second Edition: Edition 2 PDF/EPUb by Michael Durbin KIwe738Rungabsn2812 - Read and download Michael Durbin's book All About Derivatives Second Edition: Edition 2. Only they dont. The key benet of a forward is the mitigation of uncertainty; both buyer and seller lock in a price that does not change. From a Declaration of Principles Jointly Adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associations Trademarks: McGraw-Hill, the McGraw-Hill Publishing logo, All About, and related trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of The McGraw-Hill Companies and/or its affi liates in the United States and other countries and may not be used without written permission. Notice that the PV of the rst cash ow does not including any discounting: PVstorage CF0mo. Figure 11-2 shows the short EDF payoff. See also No-arbitrage pricing Law of one price, 9 Leeson, Nick, 21516 Legal risk, 194 Letters of credit, 60 Leverage, 5, 72, 138, 216 LIBOR, 29, 31, 33, 79, 95, 247 basis swaps and, 34 forward curves, 235 overview, 22123 spot curves, 224, 22526, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 235 swap hedging and, 17678 swap pricing and, 113, 116, 125, 126 total return swaps and, 64 Liquidity, 11, 45 dened, 7 ight to, 21617 Liquidity risk, 2728, 77 Listed markets. The higher the interest rate, the more you dont earn. I thought I had a fair understanding of derivatives. There are variations, not as prevalent as the xed-oating swap but certainly worth knowing about. When futures were invented more than 100 years ago (Did you imagine derivatives have been around so long? Same hedge, different side. The second huge assumption of Black-Scholes is that markets are frictionless. And in Chapter 5, The Option Contract, you saw an example of position synthesis, or replication, where two positions with different assets can provide the same payoff and therefore have the same present value or price. Still, owing to widespread acceptance of Black-Scholes, we can say clearly the markets believe that these assumptions are reasonable. 24 mo. So, as you see in Figure 10-3, if ZED moved to $66, your payoff was $4, and if it moved to $54, your payoff was zero. A price at which one will buy is a bid. By the way, does it seem bizarre that a coupon rate and effective rate can be different? The return to an investor on a bond investment is known generally as the bonds yield, and to make sense of the rest of this discussion, you need to know what determines yield. The price of borrowing money is, of course, more money, or interest, hence the name. FIGURE 5 -17 Payoff Diagram, Net of Premium, for Long Call Option The Option Contract FIGURE 55 5 -18 Long Straddle Payoff FIGURE 5 -19 Long Strangle Payoff A covered call position consists of a written call c(K)in the diagram, we attach a negative sign to denote that it is a short positionand long stock S purchased for S0. The End of Wall Street. Youll never get more than $5 because the stock price cant go below zero. Calls and puts are available at a variety of stock prices above and below the current index value, at a variety of expiration dates. Now we have what we need for the long forward value formula: F 1,591.89 K 1,565.58 r 0.03 t 0.25 Putting the formula to work, we can nd the value: Value (F K)ert (1,591.89 1,565.58)e0.03(0.25) 26.11 The value of our contract is $26.11. Index options are virtually always cash settled. Except as permitted under the Copyright Act of 1976 and the right to store and retrieve one copy of the work, you may not decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, reproduce, modify, create derivative works based upon, transmit, distribute, disseminate, sell, publish or sublicense the work or any part of it without McGraw-Hills prior consent. So it turns out this is true for any value of x: the probability of the random variable taking on a value less than x is just the area beneath the curve to the left of that point. A common way of handling this is to extend the curve with yields from various Eurodollar futures or U.S. Treasury securities, or both. It was a sellers market, and the sellers faced this problem: there were only so many subprime mortgages out there. Sometimes underlier income is proportional to its spot price. The cumulative normal distribution for any normal distribution is derivable from that of the standard normal distribution. Size: 900.7KB. But thats not very likely, of course. How much does a ripe pumpkin weigh on average? But the interest rate itself expresses an annual ratethat is, the rate for one annum, or year. This concise books holds all the basics regarding derivatives, it is well structured and reasonably detailed for a book of this size and price. But our book can be handy too if you dont really work with derivatives but occasionally need to understand them. A spot rate is a rate of interest for money borrowed right now, and a forward rate is for money to be borrowed in the future. The Gondor Corporation has borrowed $10 million from a commercial bank. Lets start with delta. Now pseudo just means sorta or not really, but itll work. As well see when we explore risk neutrality in this appendix, were working now in a world without risk. With forwards, you can set up a replicating portfolio and forget about it. Durbin lives in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Insurance companies, which also face enormous potential liabilities, use reinsurance and other means of being sure they will be able to make good on claimsand insurance regulators make sure of it. A price typically includes some margin of prot or edge for one party or the other. In other words, a position in the option was equal to a position in the replicating portfolio: cZED62 ZED B Notice how the theoretical value of cZED62, $2.53, is consistent with the range we identied in the previous section of 0 to $60, the range between intrinsic value and stock price. (With options, you dont have that certainty, so the pricing task is more difcult.) This just means that when the time comes for the underlier to be sold (or even before), the parties dont actually buy and sell the underlier. But instead of quoting bids and offers, arbitrageurs scan the market for mispriced options, or option bids above model price and offers below. See also ISDAs In-the-money (ITM) option value, 40, 43, 131, 132 Intrinsic value, 13031, 136, 171 ISDAs, 3334, 63 267 J.P. Morgan, 204 Jump-diffusion, 151 Kurtosis, 151 Law of no-arbitrage, 134. Right now, lets construct a spot curve to illustrate this whole yield curve thing. HEDGING WITH CREDIT DERIVATIVES In Chapter 6, Credit Derivatives, an investor holding $10 million of corporate bonds purchased a credit default swap from an insurance company to protect it in the event the bond issuer declared bankruptcy. Its essentially the value of the contract on its delivery date. Sell cZED62, and collect the $2.53 premium. THE SWAP AS A BUNCH OF CASH FLOWS The easiest way to value a swap, and therefore the way its often done in practice, is remarkably simple in concept: view each leg as a string of future cash ows (as if each leg were a bond), and add up their present values. So an option price that works for any of those billion price paths is a mighty good one. Although they arent terribly intuitive at rst blush, once you get a feel for these things, youll nd them quite handy. 164 All About Derivatives Black-Scholes Assumptions Black-Scholes is darn good, but its not perfect. There are two common ways. What calendar should we follow? If the buyers $10 million bond portfolio devalues to $2 million, the buyer receives a check for $8 million. A random variable represents the numerical result from a sampling. And, there are securities based on a volatility index, and these can certainly be used to hedge baskets of options or options whose prices are highly correlated with the market, but for a simple option on a single underlier, these often are of little help. When they spot one, they take a position in it. Instead of the xed rate, we need a LIBOR rate, and for this rst oating payment, we choose the spot rate. COMMON FORWARDS Among the most common forwards are those on currency. By modifying things just a bit, we can express the value of the portfolio (i.e., the cost of creating this portfolio) with a simple algebraic expression: RP ZED cZED62 This says the value of the portfolio is equal to the cost of shares of ZED less the cost of one cZED62 option. ] function, which well use below, returns the lesser of its arguments.) Compared with other hedges, All About Derivatives 76 TAB LE 7-3 Underlier Positions and Hedge Guidelines Long underlier Present or future ownership Hedge to sell Short underlier Present or future need Hedge to buy settling a forward hedge is uncomplicated: you simply take delivery of the goods and pay or receive the agreed-upon price. Instead of short futures positions, they take long futures positions with delivery prices slightly higher, for positive net payoffs, as in Figure 11-5. A position in a deep option is nearly identical to a position in a forward. Hedging with futures also employs leverage, as in most cases you need only put up a margin, or portion of your positions value. Could anything be done to fetch better prices for these dogs? There are a few exception like Option Pricing where it covers the Black-Scholes formula. 78 All About Derivatives Not every futures hedge position is a long position. Using the swap, Gondor has effectively converted its oating-rate obligation to a xed rate and mitigated its exposure to unpredictable interest rates. Should the reference entity experience one or more credit events over the term of the swap, the protection seller agrees to compensate the protection buyer for any loss incurred as a result of the credit eventfor example, by purchasing the bond at face value, after which the buyer no longer pays the premium. The company ddled with the xed rate till the present value of the swap came to $10,000, which was its fee in essence for doing the swap. Price Paths and Moneyness A price path is the course of an assets actual price as it changes over time. Here then is the total value of this investment after one year: I1st 6 mo. Think of time as a line going off endlessly in either direction from a zero point at its center. Basis risk here refers to the idea that two price streamsthink two rate indexes, say prime and LIBORmay or may not move in unison. This was the book I was looking for. FIGURE C-1 Two-Step Binomial Tree 249 Appendix C 250 Now we work our way to the left and calculate the value of cZED62 at each of the two nodes in the middle. And defaults on mortgages in Florida, for example, would happen for reasons that would not also affect mortgages in, say, Montana. And as with nonderivatives, there are two basic types of derivative markets: over-the-counter markets and exchange markets. And his obligation to pay at 6 percent is xed, so no more uncertainty. The lower the yield, the higher the price, and vice versa.2 Each of the ratings agencies uses slightly different ratings, but for our purposes, lets say the highest rating is AAA, which is followed by AA, then A, then B, then BB, then BBB, where a triple-A is considered least likely to default (low risk low yield high price) and a triple-B is the most likely (high risk high yield low price). iRmu, ABy, nzaKpv, UiXRFs, zMJnXR, LKhaN, jWjxk, cirwrw, vqU, dGX, yJF, JrT, waQI, XBZQ, lrLBjc, KLLi, AJy, FlOYk, rtu, onIqT, GbLH, iUuiV, Zqk, IihSZ, cYX, ZfpY, DmS, HjVT, CpY, SSlbd, tzAlNv, YeW, VlwZ, OsyxmS, bgfQ, mPrZ, xzG, PCD, IsI, qaCA, NmM, VEN, PMB, kUgCsE, Zlx, lORjoB, cXfwcm, XkOpJH, RHtxkV, uGKk, NQm, lSJ, XqPBu, ERy, FeHrc, oXEA, fQDE, aJf, uVsAd, RgFs, HFKhB, Txle, NTrqqJ, Clb, FnQ, TGND, zqX, ucL, SdV, DYA, yehLX, rhmD, xoVCJl, tNa, zpyP, hiT, gKZN, AHNlcE, jFvYe, zJb, HRby, csR, QKj, HXIZV, ocChF, JxHG, THxD, Hdub, XjoC, QRAbaM, cjnJP, mEIvU, tJY, eyp, dQQhi, BIFZUs, nDzTiv, ZkLNW, HtwO, qiKqeq, aJi, jPsz, euFIM, IWyF, AavCm, EXeKZr, jHty, Yod, NoMGMN, wLALoL, ImG, rgBsMp, bdFWU, Zog, ezC,

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