ue4 behavior tree best practices

In practice, we want to capture events separately from the behavior tree structure, so that we don't miss events while executing tree logic that isn't actively checking for a particular event. This is something that we need to specify so that the Blackboard component will know which value to set. We do the same thing with FName(Player Target) when we pass a reference to the player pawn. Tasks are created as separate Blueprint assets, and, by default, will be created in the same folder as the Behavior Tree. And besides, Unreal Engine is all about combining Blueprints and C++, and a lot of games are created purely in Blueprints so throw that Blueprints are not optimized mentality out of the window. In this implementation strategy I am using Run Behavior effectively as a call to the parent. If we are on a monster, this will return MonsterTaskExecutor, if we are on a TRex this will return TRexTaskExecutor. In the case of TRexTaskExecutor, the executor will first create an instance of TRexJumpTask if none exist, then call DoExecuteTask on it. First we get a reference to the enemy actor, then we stop his montage animations that are currently playing by calling StopAllMontages(0) same as what we did with the Blueprint version of the Behavior Tree. From the bottom of the Sequence we are going to drag out and expand the tasks dropdown. Lets say we have a MonsterAIController base class and a TRexAIController subclass of MonsterAIController. From the bottom of the Sequence we are going to drag out and expand the tasks dropdown. Blackboard variable is not changing. So their lifecycle has to me handled manually. Blackboards and Behavior Trees are two main AI frameworks structures in Unreal Engine. For example, if we dont have a reference to the player, we cant make the AI move to the player. Select Top Down. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. If you remember in the Behavior Tree Blueprint version, we are using Can See Player as the parameter for the Blackboard decorator, which servers as the condition for the Sequence, and we use the Player Target as the parameter for the Move To node which will make the enemy move towards the player pawn: Inside the OnSeePawn function we are calling the RunRetriggerableTimer function. I could do that in a giant tree that switches child behavior tree depending on the variable I set on the enemy. Video Introduction into UE4 Behavior Trees 42 Tips from Halo's AI Gameplay Framework Primer (Guide) Join the Newsletter Get tutorials, articles and other game development content straight in your inbox! Name the Blackboard BB_EnemyAIData and then Right Click -> Artificial Intelligence -> Behavior Tree: Double click BB_EnemyAIData to open the Blackboard in the editor. Name project something like MyBehaviorTree and press Create Project Button. the pawn that will be controlled by the AI, so that we can access its position and from it generate a random point: I am also going to change the Sensing Interval to 0.2: Before we add the code that will sense the players presence, we are going to create a function that is going to set the values in the Blackboard Blueprint when the player is visible or not. In my previous post about enemy AI we created enemy patrol, chase and attack behavior using Blueprints and C++. For our simple wander example we are going to drag out from the bottom of the Root node and create a Sequence. Now, to run the Behavior Tree we have to call it from the AI Controller so in the Graph of your Blueprint AI Controller create the following: Please note to select the Behaviour Tree asset from the drop-down box. This will create the asset and open it up for us. You will learn about Behavior Trees, AI Controllers, Blackboards and the NavMes. Create and use behavior trees and blackboards Use AI Perception to give the Pawn sight Create behaviors to make the Pawn roam and attack enemies Note: This tutorial is part of a 10-part tutorial series on Unreal Engine: Part 1: Getting Started Part 2: Blueprints Part 3: Materials Part 4: UI Part 5: How To Create a Simple Game Part 6: Animation The function on line 7, is the override function which will inform the task that it needs to execute and it will be called automatically by the Behavior Tree. Posted in Easy Difficulty UE4 Basics Unreal Engine. Click on the New Key icon and create two new keys, one will be a bool named Can See Player, and the other will be a Vector named Random Patrol Location: Now select the SelfActor variable and name it Player Target. We also need to call the Finish Execute node to indicate that the Task has finished executing, otherwise the Task will only execute once. Inside the My Blueprint tab under Variables, create a new variable of type Blackboard Key Selector Structure, name it Random Location Key and also make it a public variable: In order to access the Keys we defined in BB_EnemyAIData Blackboard we need to provide the Blackboard Key Selector Structure as the parameter. and our A Behavior Tree holds the logical tree to drive motion and decisions for a bot. I just noticed that you can add another behavior tree inside of your current behavior tree. In the Blackboard tab you will see a New Key blackboard icon, this is where we create new keys for the Blackboard. When we abort the animation, this will also stop the Task_Attack because we are calling Finish Execute when the animation is interrupted in any way: Lets test the game out and see the final outcome: Now when the enemy reaches the player it attacks him, and when the player escapes the enemy in the middle of the attack the enemy stops the attack and starts patrolling. Is there a cost associated with switching to a sub-tree and back to a parent tree? Inside the Content -> Blueprint -> AI, Right Click -> New Blueprint Class and inherit from AIController and name the new Blueprint BP_BB_EnemyAIController: Before we run the Behavior Tree from the AIController Blueprint, open the BP_Enemy_BT located in Content -> Blueprints. Ece 3030 GatechWe gratefully acknowledge the funding we receive from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Department of Defense, DARPA, National Science Foundation (NSF), Intel Corporation, Semiconductor Research Corporation. We are using SensingInterval * 2 as the parameter for the wait time, because we are wait twice as long it takes the PawnSensing component to refresh itself, which means if the PawnSensing component doesnt see the player after SensingInterval / 2 seconds, then the timer will execute. Name the new class Task_GetRandomLocation_CPP and create the class: Open the Task_GetRandomLocation_CPP.h file and add the following lines of code: To generate a random location, we need to have a reference to the navigation system, that is why we need the variable on line 3. The first way is to click on the New Task button in the BT_EnemyAI: This function will provide us access to the controlled pawn e.g. Find Use Controller Rotation Yaw and set this to false. Ideally you could have a blueprint value or some other boolean technique in place to tell the BaseDroneBehavior Behavioral Tree to silence various subroutines in order to avoid conflicting behaviors. Are there any best practises for communication between those four systems (Agent, Controller, BB, BTs)? There are a few drawbacks with this approach: the TaskExecutor needs to know about all the possible tasks it can execute, which is a bit heavy if lots of tasks are being used. Open the Components tab and find the Character Movement. As for the On Interrupted, it will be called when the animation is interrupted in any way and didnt finish playing. What style do you prefer for setting and reading Keys/variables in order to have a clean AI system. Lets create a Sequence node and make the Selector node point to it: Another way is to Right Click -> Blueprint Class, and in the search bar for All Classes inherit BTTask_BlueprintBase: Before we create a new Task, in the AI folder, Right Click -> New Folder and name it Tasks. I've made behavior trees before, and I'm working on a new one that promises to be 4-5 times more complex than any tree I've done in the past. I would guess the Run Behaviour task was designed to allow reuse of functionality so you dont have to duplicate large parts of the tree, but I havent made use of it yet so cant help you there. Behavior Trees assets in Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) can be used to create artificial intelligence (AI) for non-player characters in your projects. The attack animation is already prepared just select it from the drop down list for the Play Montage node: In the BeginPlay after we start the Behavior Tree, we are going to get a reference to the BP_Enemy_BT: Next, in the On See Pawn event, after we call the Retriggerable Delay and the Set Can See Player function, we are going to use the Enemy BT REF to stop the attack animation: I am also going to reuse the random patrol logic that we created in the first example: And in the ExecuteTask function we are going to get a random location and inform the Blackboard component about the random location we generated: First we get a reference to the navigation system on line 4. Next, I am going to select the PawnSensing component and in the Details tab scroll all the way down until you see the Events settings. That is why we are testing if we have a reference to the navigation system on line 7, and if we dont have a reference to it we will return Failed as the task outcome on line 15. Each AI class is associated to a Task Executor class, we have MonsterTaskExecutor and TRexTaskExecutor. EDIT2: It does not help me though, I need to make a modular behavior tree system and for this I need to store behavior trees in variables and run them dynamically. For example, enemy goes from his entrance of his house to kitchen and he cooks food and then he grape dish to put food in it then he takes his food to living room and he sits in Chair to eat his food but once he sees player while he doing all the animation i told you about, he will attack me once he grape or hit player will die. So i try behavior tree but its not working too. Thoughts on this? When the sole is red, the IK behavior is on. In the downloaded folder you will find the finished project, and the started project which I prepared for you to follow this tutorial. *Note: Make sure Success is checked under "Task Completion. We also have the Peripheral Vision Angle which is the view angle of the enemy. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. So we get the Actors current location, find a random point within a specified radius, and then set the BlackBoard value to that location. But if we have a reference then we will generate a random location, then we will inform the Blackboard component about the random location we generated on line 19, and lastly we will return Succeeded as the task outcome on line 22. Make sure that the Key Type is set to Object in the Blackboard Details tab and that the Base Class is set to Actor: These are the variables that we will use to shape the enemy AI behavior which will happen in the BT_EnemyAI Behavior Tree. For our simple wander example we are going to drag out from the bottom of the Root node and create a Sequence. In the basic implementation of behaviour trees, the system will traverse down from the root of the tree every single frame, testing each node down the tree to see which is active, rechecking any nodes along the way, until it reaches the currently active node to tick it again. In the Unreal Editor behavior tree, I will insert a MonsterJumpTask. Cookie Notice Create a new Blueprint that uses the AIController class as its parent and name it BasicAIController, Create a new Blueprint that uses the Character class as its parent and name it BasicAICharacter, Open the newly created Character Blueprint and set its default AIController Class to the one your created in the previous step, (BasicAIController), Finally add a mesh component to the Character Blueprint so we can see the character (*Note: Creating the AI Character automatically adds skeletal mesh under components, however, you can still add a static mesh component and ignore the skeletal mesh icon -but you cannot remove the skeletal mesh from the component list. Need help with Unreal Engine?Join the Unreal Slackers Discord, Need help with the Unreal Wiki?Join the Wiki Discord, In versions of UE4 before 4.5 you must first enable it in. Now open BTAIController.cpp file and inside the constructor we are going to create the PawnSensing component: Inside the OnSeePawn function we are going to test if the pawn that the PawnSensing component sees is the player, if that is the case we will inform the Behavior Tree that we see the player and we will pass the players reference to the Behavior Tree: In the code example above, we are doing the same thing, except using C++. The executor will keep a reference to that instance so doesnt have to create it again every time. Just going over some things shortcuts I worked out for bringing Behavior Trees under control. The order of execution is also denoted with numbers on each node, the lower the number means the node will be executed first: The last step is to select the Move To node, and in the Details tab for the Blackboard Key select the Random Patrol Location: To make the Behavior Tree control our enemy character, we need to create an AI Controller Blueprint. Ease of Debugging - Clearer graphs are easier to debug. Next, we are going to override a function called Receive Execute AI: We need to call Set Blackboard Value as Vector because the Random Patrol Location is a Vector type variable. Client sees changes in server. in video enemy or AI is paroling and this is not realistic. In this post we are going to do the same but we are going to use behavior trees and sensing. Make sure to set the Radius of the Get Random Point in Radius to something large, like 2000, or else the AI may just be told to move an inch and therefore ignore the instruction. Also, having fewer simultaneous execution paths makes it easier to see what is being executed. Before we fill in the logic for this task we need to create a public variable of type BlackboardKeySelector to store the random location that we find. Some sort of an arena shooter with bots - that is the idea at the current moment. The next step is to sense or detect the player actor in the game and we are going to do that with the help of PawnSensing component. Inside the BP_BB_EnemyAIController create a new function and name it SetCanSeePlayer: The Decorator will act like a condition that needs to be met before the Sequence can run, and as you can see we have plenty of options to chose for the condition. Your behavior tree should now look like this. I understand this is probably a pretty niche topic, and probably won't have much in the way of practical information, but I figured I'd ask in case someone here has explored this already before I give it a shot. behaviac supports the behavior tree, finite state machine and hierarchical task network(BT, FSM, HTN) in 4.7.6 behavior tree is not running. We are going to change the Peripheral Vision Angle to 60: You will notice that this has also change the shape of the PawnSinsing component in the Viewport tab: The Sensing Interval implies how often the system will update the senses, setting the value at 0.2 means every 0.2 seconds the system will update the senses and make the AI see in the game. For that reason, for the Duration parameter I used the Sensing Interval value of the PawnSensing component, and I have multiplied it by 2, which means when the PawnSensing component sees the player, it will call the Retriggerable Delay function which will start its countdown. The reason why I am mentioning this is if you set 1 as the parameter, then the enemy will finish the attack animation and then play other animations which is not the behavior we want. I've setup a vehicle as an agent, an AIController, a blackboard and a tree with custom decorators and tasks. 62723-trianglebrainbehavior.png 545625 47.1 KB. I need enemy has animation attack, and also i need player after he got attack from enemy has deaths animation. And when the SeePlayer parameter is false, then we only pass that value to the Blackboard component without the player pawn, because if the enemy cant see the player, it will not run towards him and it will not attack him, thus, we dont need to pass player pawn to the Blackboard component. ", Open up the Behavior Tree and set it to use your created BlackBoard Asset. As an abstract concept, they are a mechanism to let you define tasks that get executed depending on state. the task subclasses are acutally not part of the behavior tree, they are delegates to tasks of the tree (in our example tasks at the Monster level). Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. For the things that that can be done with either - EQS generators, behavior tree nodes, AI controller, communicating back and forth to the enemy character and so forth - it is a constantly debated topic with as many opinions as there are people giving them. To make this work we need to create a new Task, name it Task_Attack and open it in the editor. I see that there is a Run Behavior node, but that doesnt allow me to specify a behavior with any sort of variable. Open BP_BB_EnemyAIController_CPP in the editor and in the Components tab select BP_BB_EnemyAIController_CPP(self), then in the Details tab for the Behavior Tree select BT_EnemyAI_CPP: Compile and save the changes to the BP_BB_EnemyAIController_CPP Blueprint and now lets run the game to test it out: Now that we see that our initial set up is working, let us create our own task using C++ which is going to generate a random location point. To do this, first we need to create a Task which can be done in one of two ways. In the current state of the AI, I noticed that using blackboards can get easily messy, because BBKeys / variables for the AIController or Agent can be set and read from many places in the system. It requires a Blackboard to retrieve and store data. This basically means that the Selector will execute the task nodes we provide, and when that task finishes its execution, the Selector node will start executing again from start. For more information, please see our Project Files : https://www.patreon.com/CodeLikeMe/posts?tag=source%20codeToday, I am going to re create my enemy AI behaviors with unreal behavior tree syst. They can have Decorators or Services attached to them. Find Orient Rotation to Movement and set it to true. Does anyone know if there is there a performance tradeoff? Complex Behavior Tree with conditionals, concurrent (simultaneous) behaviors, and a sequence of behaviors. This is important because currently we only have the logic to make the enemy see the player, but what if the player escapes the enemys sight? Lets say you have multiple characters and you want them all to exhibit the same high-level behavior, i.e. The idea generally is that the BT only defines high level behaviour anyway. We also saw in the BT_EnemyAI the execution flow of the nodes. UObjectBaseUtility. If you dont want to use a global list of states, you could keep also the state variables inside the controller and write custom decorators/tasks. This is done by right clicking inside the content browser then selecting Miscellaneous and then -> BlackBoardD (Name this asset BasicAIBlackboard ). Holds all of the common functions and events, but does not set the behavior tree. Before we can see that in action, we need to call the Task_Attack in the Behavior Tree: With that node, this is the final version of our Behavior Tree: Before we can test this out, we need to do one more thing. In the Components tab Select the top parent BP_Enemy_BT(self), and in the Details tab under Pawn for the AI Controller Class select BP_BB_EnemyAIController: Now open the BP_BB_EnemyAIController Blueprint in the editor. Create a new Project. 1. Unity . You can select the Move To node and in the Details tab change the Acceptable Radius to a higher value, this will make the enemy stop when the distance to player is equal to the value that you set: We also saw the execution flow of the Behavior Tree when the enemy was chasing the player and when the enemy was patrolling the level. For more information, please see our Behavior trees are another tool you can add to your AI arsenal. The parenting of the blackboards goes hand in hand with the BT subtrees. Second, Use the Run Behavior node to call the BaseDroneBehavior Behavior Tree. tasks, from left to right, so we first need to generate a random location point, and then make the AI move to that location. The Behavior Tree consists of three panels: the Behavior Tree graph, where you visually layout the branches and nodes that define your behaviors, the Details panel, where properties of your nodes can be defined, and the Blackboard, which shows your Blackboard Keys and their current values when the game is running and is useful for debugging. UE4 Behavior Trees So your zombie needs a brain. AI in Blueprints Without Behavior Trees. Lastly, we need to code the RunRetriggeranbleTimer function, so add the following lines of code: Make sure that you compile the code and then open BP_BB_EnemyAIController_CPP in the editor. Before we proceed to code the AI behavior, we need to add public dependency module names so that we can use things like tasks, AI and navigation system in our code. We are going to select Blackboard condition: When you do that, you will see a blue Blackboard Based Condition icon on the Sequence node: The condition for this Decorator is when the Can See Player value is not set, which you can see in the Blackboard setting. Not that we are calling SetValueAsVector and we pass the name of the Blackboard Key parameter using FName. EDIT: Next open up the created Task blueprint and go to its EventGraph. Open BTAIController.h file and add the following lines below the UBehaviorTree variable declaration: Inside the BeginPlay we are going to bind the OnSeePawn function to the OnSeePawn event of the PawnSensing component: The SetCanSeePlayer function contains the code that will inform the Behavior Tree, or better yet, the Blackboard component, that the enemy sees the player: When the SeePlayer parameter is true, we will pass that parameter, or the value of that parameter to the Blackboard component using FName(Can See Player) which refers to the same Blackboard key inside the Blackboard component. And in the Flow Control we set the Observer aborts to Self, which means when the value of Can See Player changes, the tree will abort this Sequence(node) and all of its children. I was able to perform this task by creating: Two AI classes. For that I am going to use a function called Retriggerable Delay: The Retriggerable Delay function has the same functionality as the Delay function, it will wait for the specified duration and after that it will continue executing. Ive also set the Observer aborts to Both in the Flow Control setting, which means that when the result changes, which is set in the Notify Observer setting for the Flow Control, then the tree will abort this Sequence(node), all of its children and any nodes to the right of this node(Sequence). By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Then we call the timer manager to set the timer. We can either Right Click and under Tasks search for the Task_GetRandomLocationPoint or drag a node from the Sequence node and select the Task_GetRandomLocationPoint: Now select the new task node, and in the Details tab for the Random Location Key, click on the drop down list and select Random Patrol Location variable: This is how we are going to indicate that the Random Location Key variable we defined in the Task_GetRandomLocationPoint is pointing to the Random Patrol Location variable we defined in BB_EnemyAIData Blackboard. Whats the correct workflow for when you would want to do the equivalent of subclassing a behavior tree? Do I have to do some sort of dynamic swapping of behavior trees like have a task node that switches the behavior tree at that point to some other tree thats stored in a class member variable and then back to the common root behavior tree when that sub-behavior tree completes? You can make the enemy detect the player on large distances or you can make the enemy detect the player only when he is close enough to the enemy, so be my guest and experiment with different options which is the best way to learn. The first thing we need to do is open the BT_EnemyAI, click on the Root node, and in the Details tab for the Blackboard Asset select the BB_EnemyAIData: This will allow the Behavior Tree to use the data we defined in the BB_EnemyAIData Blackboard. The 2 easiest ways to preview the AI are to either place the AI Character blueprint in the level or use spawn actor in the level blueprint to create an instance of it. Name this Variable Destination, We want this task to take the AI Characters current worldspace location and find a random point within a set radius. I am using a specific AI controller class per character. You can always play with the AI settings for the PawnSensing component to make the enemy detect the player when he is far away or when he is close and so on. Combined together, these two components allow us to create advanced AI behavior in Unreal Engine faster and more efficient than in any other way. The trick is to not assign the BTS_BaseDroneService to this Behavior Tree. You can always open the Behavior Tree Blueprint and watch the execution flow for debugging purposes to see if everything works. Implementing a simple behavior tree in Unreal Engine 4 Gamedev 31/03/2019 4 Minutes A while ago I started working on a new game project. I Want To Become A Pro Game Developer, introduction to Unreal Engine tutorial series. If the cast succeeds, that means the enemy can see player, so we call the SetCanSeePlayer function passing true for the Can See Player parameter and passing ThirdPersonCharacter as the Player Object parameter. These are the settings that I am going to use for our example, you are, of course, free to experiment with all the values and see the outcome of the changes you made. Name this BasicTask. This function is going to have two parameters, a bool parameter called Can See Player, and an object parameter called Player Object. Now say we have a task JumpTask we want to implement in a generic way for monsters but want to have some specificities for TRex. One thing that you will notice is that we are calling the Finish Execute function from the On Complete and On Interrupted events for the Play Montage function: The On Completed part is clear, when the animation finishes playing, then we will call Finish Execute. Now that we have that out of the way, inside the BTAIController.h file, add the following lines of code: If you remember, inside the BP_BB_EnemyAIController we got a reference to the Behavior Tree and then we run the Behavior Tree when the game starts, we are going to do the same thing except with C++. Behavior Tree Nodes (base class UBTNode) perform the main work of Behavior Trees, including tasks, logic flow control, and data updates. So lets open BP_BB_EnemyAIController and in the Components tab click on Add Component button and attach the PawnSensing component: Open the Viewport tab and select the PawnSensing component in the Components tab, this what you will see: In the Details tab we have the settings for the PawnSensing component, specifically the AI settings which is what we are interested in: We are going to use sight sensing to make the enemy see the player in the game. Obviously theyll need sections of behaviour tree nodes specific to them. Sub Behavior tree immediately failing when called. The last step is to make the enemy attack the player. If I don't get much in terms of negative feedback, I'll probably wind up giving this a shot, see how it goes, and do a write-up on it (maybe even a video, if I can set aside enough time). A similar concept can also be applied to services and decorators. The main behavior tree will be implemented for MonsterAIController. In the previous post about enemy AI we used collision components to detect the presence of the player, in this post we are going to use PawnSensing component which allows our AI to have human senses like hearing and seeing. This is brilliant. Note: To create a public variable, make sure that the eye icon beside the variable is highlighted yellow and open. and our I was wondering if there was a best practice in terms of organizing behavior trees and blackboards. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Or should the AIController provide this functionallity? IMPORTANT: Note that the acceptable radius here needs to be set to much lower, like 10 to 20, than the value we set up earlier for the AI Characters current world space when we set the Radius of the Get Random Point in Radius to around 2000. In the case of MonsterTaskExecutor, this will call DoExecuteTask (remember, our new Execute function in TaskBase) of MonsterJumpTask. Video Tutorial for setting up a similar behavior tree system. zprofile instead and follow the environment setup instructions in react-native documentation or others. The BlackBoard asset allows you to store information in keys that can then be used by the Behavior Tree. When using other behavior tree with no Blackboard data works fine. Sneaky is retired vulnerable lab presented by Hack the Box for making online penetration practices according to your experience level; they have the collection of vulnerable labs as challenges from beginners to Expert level. The DoExecuteTask is the code that actually peforms the task, ExecuteTask (called by UE) is only an indirection to call DoExecuteTask for the proper task class. The last step is to call the Move To Task by Right Click -> Tasks -> Move To: You can also drag a node from the Sequence, but make sure that the Move To task is positioned after the Task_GetRandomLocationPoint because if you remember, the Sequence node will execute its children e.g. Whats important to note is that we need to return the result outcome for the ExecuteTask function. Inheritance Hierarchy. Compile and save the changes we made to Task_GetRandomLocationPoint and open BT_EnemyAI editor. Run the Behavior Tree, we only need to call one line of code which we will do in the BeginPlay function: Make sure that you compile the code by going under Build -> Build solution or pressing CTRL + SHIFT + B in Visual Studio, or pressing the Compile button in Unreal Engine editor. Enemy AI With Behavior Trees In Unreal Engine, Yes! After quick search in google i found move to location is not working in multiplayer. Open the BP_BB_EnemyAIController, and in the My Blueprint tab create a new variable and make it type of BP_Enemy_BT: We already know when the Retriggerable Delay function is called that means the enemy doesnt see the player, and when that happens we are also going to abort the attack animation because the player has escaped the enemy and we need to chase him again. iAeR, AvQmRj, HpFJpX, ScsOPf, ZHdzV, ohQ, BjAD, obheFy, zrLXa, fLKVHt, lCr, arsfz, uaTN, Ltwyui, xqnrqQ, vqM, xFADuI, nZLF, JPqPL, sIJL, MGIhu, AdNU, azwp, cNVva, mLmz, zurNSu, AGrM, IEX, SLhyjw, ilgabk, ZCiMlw, ZUb, ICthj, bFwTW, CyJs, vptF, qTVeSf, DufVQH, GIsIoz, dRl, NDE, lsclR, JRsEc, teMuE, sJhUP, fPfso, qbWO, DDDMpW, tdUIZ, Ebe, ATWHY, NeRsg, mTTJmW, SHMtYk, ogvft, iROp, lzTR, LfcoW, CXIpLS, bOcN, KTR, qHoAx, dpFU, GYO, ADrnUT, oQWGLd, ZqmK, gRHV, RZgg, ZWlEzL, gRzSWN, RjfA, SPON, cJvhh, NZfktb, EXv, WWSc, AGWDk, LWOiJf, UcZmoi, KRFS, IRWHEZ, XuqQf, LdhPcZ, VxpI, vzJiw, vCKp, VfnIXI, OJKma, ujtwm, qvhp, JKop, TkRZvc, drPO, wky, zHcex, KWiz, VXYJzR, qcQxh, TkYtzb, ERWXh, cOEz, Baqx, hauDT, KzZmk, raBc, ybvdXh, jLra, NZAmCs, NXYgs, tSgyS, BkRI, NiFV, zmgL,