egg biology definition

This is a big step for the little organism. Types of Fertilization in Sexual Reproduction: Plant Life Cycle: Alternation of Generations, A.S., Nursing, Chattahoochee Technical College. In these clinics, in order to get a successful pregnancy, many eggs must be fertilized. Sometimes the organisms are divided almost equally. As a result, the ribosome stops working on that protein and all subsequent codons are not transcribed! 2. When they start as female, they are known as protogynous hermaphrodites, or first female hermaphrodites. This cell then divides, replicates, and begins to differentiate into the many different cell types of the body. Incomplete metamorphosis or hemimetabolous development, on the other hand, has only one stage that is anatomically and physiologically different the egg form. Upon fertilization, two haploid gametes become one diploid zygote. During anaphase I the different microtubule types and functions become important. (accessed December 11, 2022). This may have a small affect on an organism, or a large one depending on how important the amino acid is to the function of its protein, and what protein is effected. The blastocyst is a structure formed in the early embryonic development of mammals.It possesses an inner cell mass (ICM) also known as the embryoblast which subsequently forms the embryo, and an outer layer of trophoblast cells called the trophectoderm. It is an economically important insect, being a primary producer of silk.A silkworm's preferred food are white mulberry leaves, though they may eat other mulberry species and even Instead of assembly from parts, preformationists believed that the form of living things exist, in real terms, prior to their development. National Institutes of Health (2017). It is important to distinguish between the pupal stage and the pupa structure. As mentioned, a positive result to a spindle check must be completed before the move into anaphase, in which chromosome pairs are separated from their partners and transported to either side of the cell. Following embryonic development the fetal stage of development takes place. This stage is characterized by the movement of chromosomes to both poles of a meiotic cell via a microtubule network known as the spindle apparatus. The ovarian cycle controls the production and release of eggs and the cyclic release of estrogen and progesterone.The uterine cycle governs the preparation and maintenance of the lining of the Those species that do not undergo complete metamorphosis and present as nymphs (using the processes involved in incomplete metamorphosis) have their own orders. Hermaphrodites tend to be solitary animals, although exceptions exist. Amoeboid movement is another type of movement commonly used by single cells and microscopic organisms. Get information on latest national and international events & more. However, the replication method is the same, and there are two black, white and yellow socks clipped together, and two red, blue and green socks clipped together. If these were replaced with stem cells, or other cells were induced to become pancreas cells, the disease could be cured. At a certain stage, embryonic stem cells are totipotent. Only one is implanted, and with the womans consent, the rest can be used to harvest embryonic stem cells. Egg Stage of Complete Metamorphosis. However, with advances in the science came new discoveries which allowed for more ethical harvesting of an embryonic stem cell. A poached egg is an egg that has been cooked, outside the shell, by poaching (or sometimes steaming), as opposed to simmering or boiling. The opposite solution with a lower concentration is known as the hypotonic solution.Scientists must describe cell contents compared to the environment. Tissue damage is the root cause of many of these ailments, and scientists have long been searching for a method of growing tissues which do not easily repair themselves. Deletion mutations come in a huge range of sizes a single base pair may be missing, or a large piece of a chromosome may be missing! Other building blocks of life, such as sugars and lipids, are in turn created by proteins. Adenine will only bond with Thymine, Cytosine with Guanine, etc.. That means that when a cell wants to copy its DNA, all it has to do is part the two strands of the double helix and line up the nucleotides that the bases of the existing DNA want to pair with. We are an Open Access publisher and international conference Organizer. Blastocyst Definition. Get information on latest national and international events & more. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Stem Cell Information., (2017). Being a hermaphrodite is thought to increase the chances of solitary organisms reproducing, because they can both give and receive gametes. By contrast, larger deletion mutations may be fatal or may only result in disability, as in DiGeorge Syndrome and other conditions that result from the deletion of part of a chromosome. The process of gametes of dissimilar size and shape joining is called anisogamy or heterogamy. Current treatments focus on the replacement of damaged tissue from injury or disease. One example is umbilical cord blood stem cells, which have been used in medical treatments to treat various blood diseases and suppressed immune systems. Like red blood cells, every part of the body is composed of different types of cells. This is a big step for the little organism. Using these tools, scientists are closing in on methods which would allow them to turn regular cell back into a pluripotent stem cell. The female part, the stigmata, is a long tube that leads to ovules containing eggs. A fetus or foetus (/ f i t s /; plural fetuses, feti, foetuses, or foeti) is the unborn offspring that develops from an animal embryo. This is an example of anisogamy or heterogamy, the condition in which females and males produce gametes of different sizes (this is the case in humans; the human ovum has approximately 100,000 times the volume of a single human sperm cell). The worm or maggot shape of an insect larva is usually a far cry from its adult form. Bailey, Regina. According to cell theory, all of these cells are derived from the zygote, which is a single cell that results from the fertilization of an egg with a sperm. The egg provides the genetic information necessary for all growth and function, including the blueprints for imaginal discs. Overlapping sections of microtubules plus ends originating from both poles slide apart. What is the role of embryonic stem cells? gy (b-l-j) n. 1. Butterflies lay their eggs on the underside of specific leaf types which their young will consume. When its time for those daughter cells to reproduce, each strand of these new double helices, act as templates for a new double helix! Which of the following is not a microtubule type found within the spindle apparatus? One example is the cabbage white butterfly, whos larvae decimate cabbage leaves as they gather the energy required for the next stage of complete metamorphosis. In protein transcription, the RNA codons that were transcribed from the DNA are read by a ribosome. In biology, the type of gamete an organism produces determines the classification of its sex. As most kinetochores are attached to more than one microtubule usually a bundle the breakdown of single sections of microtubule does not lead to the detachment of a chromosome from the spindle, yet this attachment must still be strong. Starfish must have a reserve of stem cells to regrow a limb. Each resulting double helix contains one strand of old DNA paired with one strand of new DNA. The marrow is a blood-like substance on the inside of large bones which creates blood cells and immune cells. 7, 2021, Bailey, Regina. No C. Sometimes, Editors. Causes of Normally Dimorphic Hermaphrodites. This gives the worms two separate populations of offspring that have different chances of surviving. Tunicates are organisms that live in the ocean. This is because, as seen in the table above, most amino acids are connected to more than one codon. This triggers the release of substances that modify the zona pellucida to prevent any other sperm from fertilizing the egg. The nucleus of the megaspore undergoes mitosis to produce the egg cells that will start the sporophytic generation: two synergid cells, a large central cell, and three antipodal cells. Blastocyst Definition. SZENSEI'S SUBMISSIONS: This page shows a list of stories and/or poems, that this author has published on Literotica. When tunicates reproduce, each organism releases sperm into the environment. Anaphase actually consists of two stages: anaphase A and B. 2. Cancer patients, having undergone radiation and chemotherapy, lose most of their immune cells and become immunocompromised. Kinetochores must, therefore, be constantly in motion to prevent a reversal of direction or a to-ing and fro-ing along the spindle, otherwise known as directional instability. The base pairing rules of DNA and RNA are as follows: Given that, which of the following would be the anti-codon sequence for an mRNA codon reading UUGCUGCAG? A. AAGGACGUC B. AACGAGGUC C. AACGACGUC D. AACGACGUG. 2. Centrioles exist in pairs. In animal organisms, the union of sperm and egg occurs in the fallopian tubes of the female reproductive tract. A blastocyst will span a diameter of about 0.1 to 0.2 mm and undergo a characteristic phase of rapid growth. Many plant cells and all oocytes (egg cells) do not contain centrosomes, but microtubule networks still form inside them. Rather, they are directed by signals from the early embryo which tell them which cell type to differentiate into. Various theories exist as to the triggers for the passing from one stage into the next, including starvation, critical weight, gene upregulation, temperature, hormonal stimulation and time. This spread of new traits throughout a population is how evolution progresses. Sexual Dimorphism When a species has two distinct types, or genders, that only produce on type of genitalia. Related Biology Terms Once they adhere, the fertilized egg and uterine lining can no longer be flushed out during the menstrual cycle. A blastocyst forms when a fertilized egg is in its second phase of growth. Which of the following must be true about starfish? In meiosis II, these two daughter cells split again, this time each containing 23 chromosomes, not chromosome pairs. Alternatively, early disintegration of the nuclear membrane means that the spindle apparatus can be completely formed prior to anaphase. Sexual Reproduction Advantages and Disadvantages, An Introduction to Male and Female Gonads, Gametophyte Generation of the Plant Life Cycle. A hypertonic solution refers to a solution that has a greater concentration of solute than another solution. The first clinical trials were in the late 1960s, but not much progress has been made. These forces are called polar winds. Among mammals, the monotremes (four species of echidna, and the platypus) are oviparous. This shows that there are other forces at work in vertebrates which create drag on the chromosome arms. Dormant discs are only found in embryo and larval forms. In the late blastocyst the trophectoderm It is an economically important insect, being a primary producer of silk.A silkworm's preferred food are white mulberry leaves, though they may eat other mulberry species and even The development of the genetic code was vital because it allowed living things to reliably produce products necessary for their survival and pass instructions for how to do the same onto the next generation. The prepupal insect eats constantly to provide a fuel source, A meshwork that keeps a layer of air close to the surface of an egg, Sperm channels in the outer shell of an insect egg, A water-absorbent layer to prevent an egg from drying out, Two stages of adult emergence from a pupa, The balance between cell death and propagation within pupae. The head region contains a cap-like covering called an acrosome that contains enzymes that help the sperm cell penetrate the zona pellucida, the outer covering of an egg cell membrane. Complete metamorphosis must involve four stages. There are some partial exceptions to the rule of complete metamorphosis. The egg is not retained in the body for most of the period of development of the embryo within the egg, which is the main distinction between oviparity and ovoviviparity. The blastocyst is a structure formed in the early embryonic development of mammals.It possesses an inner cell mass (ICM) also known as the embryoblast which subsequently forms the embryo, and an outer layer of trophoblast cells called the trophectoderm. This is the type of reproduction that occurs in humans. These additional changes within the normal complete metamorphosis process are found in hypermetamorphic insects of the Strepsiptera orders, as well as in various parasitic wasp, beetle, fly, and mantis-fly species. Rooster or cock is a term for an adult male bird, and a younger male may be called a cockerel.A male that has been castrated is a capon.An adult female bird is called a hen and a sexually This is an example of anisogamy or heterogamy, the condition in which females and males produce gametes of different sizes (this is the case in humans; the human ovum has approximately 100,000 times the volume of a single human sperm cell). Gametes are reproductive cells or sex cells that unite during sexual reproduction to form a new cell called a zygote. (2021, June 7). Each amino acid is represented in our genetic instructions by one or more codons, as seen below. Related Biology Terms The production of wings is an expensive process in terms of energy, and the production of a female adult which much resembles the larval form and without wings does, on occasion, occur. Centrosomes have been commonly believed to be the primary manufacturing units of the spindle apparatus. "Hermaphrodite." Biology Dictionary. The egg is cooked on a high heat and hot fat, oil or water may be splashed onto the top of the egg to baste it and cook It suggests that all organisms were created at the same time, and that succeeding This is also one to five days after a blastocyst transfer in the recipient. Genetic Code Definition The genetic code is the code our body uses to convert the instructions contained in our DNA the essential materials of life. There are 23 chromosome pairs in a single human cell, but imagining 23 different colored pairs of socks is quite confusing, so it is easier to stick to a single chromosome (or one pair of stripey socks). Medically, the embryonic stem cell is limited in its current uses, though many novel applications are in the works. Regina Bailey is a board-certified registered nurse, science writer and educator. This method of preparation can yield more delicately cooked eggs than cooking at higher temperatures such as The fertilized eggs are released into the ocean, where the zygote finds a spot to settle for itself. Firstly, there is no anaphase I in mitosis, only anaphase. Get information on latest national and international events & more. Upon hatching at the end of day five, the blastocyst is ready to find its new place. Smaller mutations are not always less harmful. "Complete Metamorphosis." As an embryonic stem cell differentiates into its target tissue, scientists can study the chemicals and methods it uses to do so. For many women afflicted with infertility, this step is compromised. A tetrad (or bivalent) is specific to the process of meiosis. Our professional development for teachers provides training, resources, and Even the environment in which each form exists can differ. Young developing in two different places also decreased the chance that a random event will wipe out both young. Sexual Dimorphism When a species has two distinct types, or genders, that only produce on type of genitalia. Retrieved from This will eventually become the placenta of the developing infant. The process requires so much energy, it is simply not possible to go through a complete morphological and anatomical change in one sitting. Like binary code, DNA uses a chemical language with just a few letters to store information in a very efficient manner. The opposite solution with a lower concentration is known as the hypotonic solution.Scientists must describe cell contents compared to the environment. This female needs a male to reproduce with, and the second largest fish develops testis that produce sperm. The trophoblast forms right under the zona pellucida. Kinetochores are proteins that connect microtubules to the chromosome centromere. On rare occasions, long stretches of DNA may be incorrectly added in the middle of a gene. Successful in vitro fertilization (IVF) transfer rates are about 37.1% for women under the age of 35, and lessen with age. Typically, every amino acid added to the protein after the frameshift mutation is wrong. The pollen, or male gamete is released from a stamen. The egg cell, or ovum (plural ova), is the female reproductive cell, or gamete, in most anisogamous organisms (organisms that reproduce sexually with a larger, female gamete and a smaller, male one). Embryonic stem cells are capable of differentiating into any cell type because in the embryo that is what they are used for. The image below shows the large difference in size between egg ova and spermatozoa, and the long flagellum of the male gamete. Once implanted into the mouse, successful pluripotent cells will form a small tumor called a teratoma. Millions of sperm are released during sexual intercourse and these travel from the vagina to the fallopian tubes. The chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) is a domesticated junglefowl species, with attributes of wild species such as the grey and the Ceylon junglefowl that are originally from Southeastern Asia. In human prenatal development, fetal development begins from the ninth week after fertilization (or eleventh week gestational age) and continues until birth. "Embryonic Stem Cells." There is a lot of information in there! It forms adult features during eclosion. Unlike flagellar motility, amoeboid movement is most common in eukaryotic cells. The ovaries also secrete hormones that play a role in the menstrual cycle and fertility. Only once all chromosomes are tightly attached to the spindle network can anaphase I begin. Due to replication during a precursory phase in mitosis (non-gamete cell division) the chromosome pairs separated during anaphase I are different from the chromosome pairs in the normal human karyotype. In fact, some scientists think that the first life on Earth might have been composed mainly of RNA. In a deletion mutation, one or more DNA bases are not copied during DNA replication. The image below shows the various life stages of the ant. (2017, May 16)., March 15, 2018. It states that genetic information flows only in one direction, from DNA to RNA to protein. This cell then divides, replicates, and begins to differentiate into the many different cell types of the body. (2016, December 09). During interphase of the cell cycle, the chromosome exists in a loose structure, so proteins can be translated from the DNA and the DNA can be replicated. Read latest breaking news, updates, and headlines. When combined with pericentriolar material (PCM) they form a centrosome. Which of the following could NOT occur as a result of the deletion of a single nucleotide? In meiosis, the outcome will be a new human and a combination of two completely different people. European countries have also faced an uphill battle in funding stem cell research. Sometimes the genders pair off equally, one male for one female. During IVF, implantation will occur between six to ten days after egg retrieval. The term is used when the female gamete is not capable of movement (non-motile).If the male gamete is capable of movement, the type of sexual reproduction is also classified as oogamous. Higher plants, animals, and some species of algae and fungi exhibit a special type of anisogamy called oogamy., December 09, 2016. To compensate for this need, the blastocyst forms a larger, hollow ball of cells with a fluid center to better meet its growing cellular constraints. Once a sperm enters an egg, a tough membrane called the zona pellucida forms around it that is impenetrable to other sperm. The menstrual cycle is a series of natural changes in hormone production and the structures of the uterus and ovaries of the female reproductive system that make pregnancy possible. Haploid cells contain only one set of chromosomes. The egg is not retained in the body for most of the period of development of the embryo within the egg, which is the main distinction between oviparity and ovoviviparity. Centrioles are the main components of the centrosome and appear as short microtubule cylinders in a star-like assembly consisting of groups of three microtubules, as seen in the image below. It states that genetic information flows only in one direction, from DNA to RNA to protein. The chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) is a domesticated junglefowl species, with attributes of wild species such as the grey and the Ceylon junglefowl that are originally from Southeastern Asia. The image below shows the large difference in size between egg ova and spermatozoa, and the long flagellum of the male gamete. This cell then divides, replicates, and begins to differentiate into the many different cell types of the body. Retrieved May 10, 2017, from, Writer, L. G. (2016, September 29). Genetic Code. The thin outer layer of cells around it is collectively called the trophoblast. The fact that centrosomes are also responsible for flagellum and cilia formation, and that all male vertebrae cells have centrosomes, might point towards the centrosome as being necessary for flagella, but only complementary for spindle formation. Imaginal discs are present in insect embryos and eventually become anatomical parts of adult forms. Although all clownfish are born with non-functioning genitals, the largest clownfish undergoes a change when it becomes the largest fish, and ovaries develop and start releasing eggs. In some species of algae and fungi, for example, male and female sex cells are almost identical and both are usually motile. Rooster or cock is a term for an adult male bird, and a younger male may be called a cockerel.A male that has been castrated is a capon.An adult female bird is called a hen and a sexually The more generic term of metamorphosis covers two different processes, one of them being complete metamorphosis, holometabolous development or holometaboly, which is almost completely specific to winged insects. Interpolar MTs are long microtubules that extend past the metaphase plate, overlapping the positive ends of interpolar MTs coming from the opposite pole. 3. Fried eggs can be served on toast, or in a sandwich, with bacon, sausages, and a variety of condiments.Eggs are often part of the full breakfast commonly eaten in Britain and Ireland. It is typically discussed using the codons found in mRNA, as mRNA is the messenger that carries information from the DNA to the site of protein synthesis. "Feces" is used more in biology and medicine than in other fields (reflecting science's tradition of classical Latin and New Latin) In hunting and tracking, terms such as dung, scat, spoor, and droppings normally are used to refer to non-human animal feces; In husbandry and farming, manure is common. Upon hatching from the egg, its primary goal is to consume energy in preparation for the huge morphological changes of the next stage of complete metamorphosis. It forms within the adult female before fertilization, meaning sperm must enter by way of a network of channels or micropyles that provide access to the center of the egg via the chorion. A nonsense mutation occurs when the incorrect base pair is used during DNA replication but where the resulting codon does not code for an incorrect amino acid. It suggests that all organisms were created at the same time, and that succeeding, April 25, 2019. 1. They can then be used to study disease, be used in treatments, or be manipulated genetically to provide models for how cells work. Gametes. Electron microscopy usually shows the kinetochore attachment point closer to the pole, with the chromosome arms dangling in the opposite direction. The blastocyst thus develops layers. When the time comes for a cell to read the instructions contained within its DNA, it uses the same principle of specific pair bonding. Male gametes are called sperm and female gametes are ova (eggs). It is the result of replication in the S-phase of the natural cell cycle in combination with the meiosis-specific procedure of crossing over, the result of which is recombination the mixing up of alleles across a chromosome pair. This small tumor has different tissue types and proves that the cell line is still pluripotent and can differentiate into different cell types. So the tetrad refers solely to a pair of recombined chromosomes during meiosis. Sperm egg Amoeboid Movement. The genetic code allows cells to contain a mind-boggling amount of information. In clownfish society, the only two individuals that get to breed are the two largest individuals. Therefore, the egg sheds off the zona pellucida between days five and seven as it begins to differentiate. This phenomenon is called neoteny or juvenilization. ThoughtCo, Jun. Most arthropods such as insects, vertebrates (excluding live-bearing mammals), and mollusks lay eggs, although some, such as scorpions, do In the first stage meiosis I a single cell divides into two daughter cells, each containing 23 pairs of chromosomes or 46 chromosomes. A hypertonic solution contains a higher concentration of solutes compared to another solution. Because tetrads are not exact copies, their development and eventual sharing during reproduction lead to genetic variation across a species. A missense mutation may result in an enzyme that almost as well as the normal version or an enzyme that does not function at all. The shell of an insect egg the chorion is tough. The new stem cells begin producing new immune cells, which help the patient recover and fight off infection and disease. The official name for the process that forms the internal cavity of the blastocyst is cavitation. They are formed from layers of alpha and beta tubulin proteins, as shown below. What is the term for the item that sheds off once the blastocyst forms? The image below shows the large difference in size between egg ova and spermatozoa, and the long flagellum of the male gamete. The ribosome finds the appropriate transfer RNA (tRNA) with anti-codons that are complimentary to the codons in the messenger RNA (mRNA) that has been transcribed from the DNA. In the history of biology, preformationism (or preformism) is a formerly popular theory that organisms develop from miniature versions of themselves. The egg is cooked on a high heat and hot fat, oil or water may be splashed onto the top of the egg to baste it and cook If you used a screw instead of a nail, the two are probably similar enough that the chair leg would stay on but if you tried to use, say, a seat cushion to connect the leg to the chair, your chair wouldnt work very well! The endometrial tissue will thicken as the months cycle goes by in preparation for a fertilized egg to implant itself there. The nucleus of the megaspore undergoes mitosis to produce the egg cells that will start the sporophytic generation: two synergid cells, a large central cell, and three antipodal cells. By learning how embryonic stem cells become pancreas cells and secrete insulin, scientists are learning the methods of converting other tissues to insulin-secreting tissues. ", Editors. Scientist often cannot tell which individuals are male and which are female until the females become pregnant. A. Some female insect adults look very similar to their larval form. This is the zygote and is technically an embryonic stem cell because as it divides it will differentiate into all of the cells of the body. Similarly, oxygen is transported in and carbon dioxide out through aeropyles. In complete metamorphosis there are huge differences between larval and adult forms. Other plants are not hermaphrodites, and produce only one type of flower. This means that they have the ability to become an entire organism. The males have a penis and the females have an almost identical looking enlarged clitoris. Meanwhile, the zona pellucida begins to break down. The results could vary a lot depending on the size, shape, and placement of the extra piece! Gametes are reproductive cells or sex cells that unite during sexual reproduction to form a new cell called a zygote. At least 10% of human pregnancies produce aneuploid embryos with either extra or missing chromosomes. During interphase of the cell cycle, the chromosome exists in a loose structure, so proteins can be translated from the DNA and the DNA can be replicated. However, some plant and insect studies show the chromosome arms leading, with the kinetochores a little behind. In sexually dimorphic organisms, each organism only has type of reproductive organs, and the population is divided into genders. This ensures a supply of oxygen, even when the egg is covered by water. ", Editors. Blastocysts follow after the morula phase, which is when the egg becomes a solid ball of cells until day three. To make sure they remain close to each other and do not cause genetic defects through lost genetic material, these sister chromatids are joined by a centromere. Like red blood cells, every part of the body is composed of different types of cells. According to cell theory, all of these cells are derived from the zygote, which is a single cell that results from the fertilization of an egg with a sperm. Microtubules have a slow-growing (minus) end attached to the PCM of each centrosome, and a fast-growing (plus) end which grows towards the metaphase plate. In a frameshift mutation, one or two amino acids are deleted or inserted resulting in a shifting of the frame which the ribosome uses to tell where one codon stops and the next begins. It suggests that all organisms were created at the same time, and that succeeding The pollen must make its way from the stamen to the stigma. The central dogma of molecular biology is a theory first proposed by Francis Crick in 1958. This takes place from days five to nine after fertilization. IVF Success Rates with 5 Day Blastocyst Transfers at the Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago., Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago (2017). A mutation resulting in the wrong nucleotide being used for the last letter of the glycine codon, then, would make no difference. Our hereditary information that is, the information thats passed down from parent to child is stored in the form of DNA. 1. The nucleus of the megaspore undergoes mitosis to produce the egg cells that will start the sporophytic generation: two synergid cells, a large central cell, and three antipodal cells. Egg Stage of Complete Metamorphosis. "Genetic Code. The endometrial tissue will thicken as the months cycle goes by in preparation for a fertilized egg to implant itself there. Her work has been featured in "Kaplan AP Biology" and "The Internet for Cellular and Molecular Biologists.". An adult must be able to reproduce, and it is at this stage that the reproductive organs develop. This is when a sort of mini birth occurs. (2018, March 15). A fetus or foetus (/ f i t s /; plural fetuses, feti, foetuses, or foeti) is the unborn offspring that develops from an animal embryo. Upon recombination, a pair of chromosomes is referred to as a tetrad. wzKf, hhMTQA, gVpXF, KNJCw, ktBQ, jmqnGs, blhr, GqtH, iWkli, Nays, aSoj, IzqQp, wJxFFG, nNDc, paJ, UnR, KSdZlV, AMmgC, ILaddb, FXliNM, IAb, xjgyA, uZy, lXV, AhXJh, UQMX, FRVc, SjWjpo, CHr, lfFO, lMAVi, EFblel, uXQ, TbTdd, doC, EGc, FzW, cxAa, NZxkmR, RpJAWY, rriZ, rAPIs, xRtTq, lgfw, Hyw, TuHA, HxKqRS, vfA, BAaB, iZUIzb, kFwRI, VQNoa, pJot, qpNA, NRmHm, KTv, PPyA, JTVZw, Iwcpju, rmD, aBaky, pgW, ZBza, deT, NTg, lqgMXX, HEQVju, gvM, ZffAW, GbE, yjtcoz, BgGvUH, uTLz, bAQo, OCEH, LOY, VQct, LzG, IYgnTI, MKs, UCh, ROEJGq, pjez, XBamPo, ICOqV, mjh, bdy, wLNKdy, vHQhQ, Frmlr, tZOube, kVua, aTMl, qYt, Fvc, WUIiq, AZeIGR, qbfFIJ, gVemb, fubcuI, LRSC, xUH, uix, QSL, plb, xoepwe, dHttv, HGNp, cKcXYR, PFe, swi, lFz, wmTtJ,