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Not as strongly as in 2020 early 2021, but Im getting Nudged that the books need to be done. I mean, in Portugal it took a law to make people stop tipping. And Louise Fletcher recently passed as well. I think reality is more of an anvil or large grand piano dropping on their heads. This is being imposed on us frm above. Ive been wondering just who is going to get clobbered by the Independent in the OR governors race. 'The one regret that I actually have in this whole process was. I remember the time I visited there once in the early 2000s, seeing an old woman begging in the street. WE DONT DO THAT. (The last is for public employees and students.) Bonus, closing fee? The families will squawk. Witness the Saint George Floyd Riots/Summer of Rage/Whatever The Hell They Called It. Never did quite trust those guys. Thats how terror works effectively. Every four years I get out my, Darth Vader for President when youre tired of voting for the lesser of two evils, button. (However, she was recently photographed with an AR-15 slow release red pill? Greg said he asked her to meet for a drink with him in Rome. They have pushed the economic rope as far forward as they can and now it will likely be pulled back from them and formed into a noose by their victims. Ive kept my account so far, but I deleted the only credit card associated with it; I dont have a linked bank account. Usually the system swings every 30-60 years, so were way overdue. We are too many and too dispersed. You may well be right but Im not especially comfortable betting our lives on it. Over it:'Eliza, you're an amazing person,' Rodney said. I dont have an agreement with the collector. When police arrest violent criminals to protect innocent people, they are Jackbooted Fascist Stormtroopers. What they really love is the power, and that is what makes them so foul and so dangerous. And that level and below are the ones getting stiffed on tips. I am wondering if they can, or soon can, extract monies through my credit card without my authorization. Nope and Nope. There are rare exceptions, of course, Trump being the most recent well-known one. Again, its not a payment service by GAB. The morons of the world demand you retract that. (I am in Indiana, and we are a four corners of the contract State. Tulsi just left the D party today. It appears my answer appeared above. Its time to welcome the people of good will. But at our current 3.35% rate, wasnt a huge difference monthly out pay, unless I refinanced for another 30 years. In other election news, Collin County finally acknowledged that the application to be an actual election watcher I submitted back in freaking August was actually received. Anyway, that scared me. The question is; how is her rhetoric supported by her voting record? The collector may want many multiples of $50 or $2500 or whatever, but they cannot make me pay more than the original $2500. Dont rely on a single bank account, if you have the means to use two or more firms. Agree. I remember the time I visited there once in the early 2000s, seeing an old woman begging in the street. (What did they give me? But they are safe and okay. I mean, our go-to while getting the house ready to sell wasnt McDonalds but it was Red Robin. Red Lobster we have a preferred waitress. Both were a PIA. But while I admit the tech could be much more useful on Mars I have my doubts about that being Elons motive here. Yes, we got very lucky, and got some very nice pictures of 399 and the year old quads May 2021. Exhibitionist & Voyeur 06/20/17: Stacy Puma Ch. The lady is nowhere near being a conservative, but shes been one of the few voices over there with even a lick of sense. This is money were talking about, and look at the reaction. Thanks, John *see Investopedia, definition. The fact that the D is pretty much welded to Despicable Kates policies might just put her in third place. Was leery before. We had planned to be in Jasper, Yellowstone, Tetons, on a big loop, in September. Now if only the government wasnt running up a $100,000 debt in my name I remember a town in western Michigan called Coloma where they still had brick streets in the late 1960s. Yeah. Gab now has a payment service, you might want to look into it. Looked it up. Our fallen friends leave us a legacy we must be honor bound to carry forward. Yikes. If I disagreed with him, I started by checking my own logic chains, not his. MarketingTracer SEO Dashboard, created for webmasters and agencies. . Whatever ), not because of flooding (although we were cutting a day off Yellowstone), but a previously not happening, got resurrected golf trip (I 100% get saint wife of the year award). Not on the list (but is/has been on the Monday only list), we can get it, if they have it. I havent. Other than that, we go through times we eat out every night when were moving or when the entire family (now just two of us) is sick or slammed down but mostly we go out MAYBE once a week, after church, and not every week. Bert: What did you do?, Earl: Set a bomb and tossed it in your truck., Bert: WHAT?! (No staff to work the other tables.) Assume, for the purposes of this post, that there is some obviously sound legal principle that says that I owe PayPal the $2500. The host: Jesse Palmer hosted the live two-hour finale on ABC, 'That was so out of pocket and I hate that you had to hear that,' Kate said. . I do not pay credit card fees. Yellowstone and Tetons, in August, without tons of people You lucked out! Heck, I was going to put together a new costume this year but decided against it. At least locally at: Fred Meyers (Kroger), Costco (better but still can see gaps), Petsmart and Mini Petmart (pet food is particularly bad). Havent had to wait for a long time at Red Lobster, either. Now Im two years into my current position and things have only gotten better with time. These leaks included the Baghdad airstrike Collateral Murder video (April When it happens the notices will be deleted, or shredded, depending on method of delivery. Mostly what you have leftover, whatever is in your pocket in change. Me FINALLY landing a decent job with an honestly good company was also probably eye-opening. Speaking of being run by complete idiots. The modern woke left cant survive without a big stick to threaten its own constituents with. Son works the 6 am to 3 PM shift, so if he is going, still not a problem. sure. The show then covered the Split Week when the original cast was split and new women were brought in. Pretty standard for despots as they become desperate to keep the producers captive. So, they would not like to have their accustomed planning processes jostled by outsiders, and would tend to want a good reason. Thank you for the post and the comments have been informative too. They are unable to explain how obstructing the regular and legal operation of the estate under probate protects their interest. (All in fun, just in case you were wondering) , which emans the things which means the things, not that they can starve not that they cant starve, anyone who ways they frauded anyone who says they frauded, strip malls getting boarded a store at a time boarded up a store at a time, Facebook Farcebook or Fecesbook (OK, not exactly a typo, but still), after being allowed of using after being accused of using, Im mostly goint to do mostly going to do. That was my concern with Trump (and I have never been more glad to have been wrong about anything in my life), but Im less sanguine about lightning striking twice. Damn it Orvan, now I just spent 30 minutes looking at pictures of old Studebakers. The realtor and title people are aghast. And dont count Trump off. They were out of one salad, and she brought the Caesar untossed and with no side dressing. It wasnt something I really noticed until I read the post, but then I went back and looked and confirmed it: the costuming club Im part of has had a dearth of newly-approved members and costumes over the last few month. Heaven forbid that America uses a Japanese social solution, but . And since the sources Ive read (e.g. (Cant use good about this, its too depressing.). For me this is an immediate thing. You kinda need to keep 2nd and 3rd order consequences in mind. And we knew they were true, because wed looked at the evidence, but official channels of the left declared them wrong. They are going about it badly, of course. These are the good old days. But enough people seeing that she can survive the mob will mean that at least a few of them will get the courage to leave, too. Its still if you dont buy from the majors cheap entertainment. Jill Biden and Kamala Harris arent in the formal chain of command, so they have a relatively limited ability to fix, if they knew what was going on, and really cared. At our sole discretion too . The Fibbies have allowed themselves to be used as blatantly political stormtroopers. No bread bc kitchen didnt have any. Why that works as terror is because 1. its announced on TV, 2. I agree that the Blue side is collapsing from its own hubris, but it will still be painful for us all. This. When I worked at a small tech the engineering staff used to regularly go to lunch together. Their time will come. That is already baked in due to the lockdowns even if they hadnt been hitting the economy with a hammer these last two years. There is more than enough crazy going around. From near omnipotence to the dustheap of history. Ever since then, I always will give something to a begging grandma. Danny Kaye: They broke the chalice from the palace? I certainly seem to be reading more. Yeah, the Reader really doesnt trust them. We still dont have separate accounts. The problem is they are both Big Government parties. I find myself very ironically picking Abbie Hoffman to quote about this. Theyre scared. Seasons my butt. My problem with the dog is running out of low calorie, little dog calorie, options. we also got our bank begging us to take a business loan. Every woman in my family has work in the restaurant industry, if l were not a lavish tipper l would be drawn, quartered, and sent to bed without a hug. might explain why Im being pushed to get more Familiar Generations stuff done NOW. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. Well, yes, and the permission that you have granted them to access those accounts can be withdrawn at any time and with zero notice. The one thing we need more of from the government is LESS!! I dont think most of them are American or even live here. And write more. Tyler Norris, 26, a business owner from Wildwood, New Jersey, explained what happened to him and Brittany Galvin, 25, a model from Chicago, after they left. (Portuguese tips are and were always different. I felt hurt and humiliated in front of everyone.'. Thank G_d. And then Im going to sit down with my husband at dinner and make a list of plan A through F should various of our mainstays and necessary services decide to take the poison pill of wokeness. So most of our assets are safe as we could reasonably expect. Our go to for Mexican (Jaliscos, local) is family owned and worked. Blink. The collapse is competent service, though is a slowly at first, then all at once phenomenon. First time because one of my fans was descending into Alzheimers. And when peanut butter is usually what people give them. Cybersmythe, The points you make are correct for the case where you have no assets or credit score to protect, but that wasnt the situation for the bulk of the discussion here. In the PayPal TOS you agree to arbitration, that court cases will be in Delaware and that you are responsible for legal fees and costs of collection. In part because Im saving up to buy a house (and heres praying that Ill still be able to afford it next year), but also because the cost of living is going waaaaaaay up. Fizzled out:Brittany said when they left Paradise she felt that their relationship was at an all-time high but then she slowly didn't feel the same way. Were I a doctor in California, Id be terribly tempted to sue him for practicing medicine without a license. They already have started mass violence against the people. Very many human behavior theories look a lot like maybe they run on cherry picking and echo chambers. Weve a long way to slip because we were so high up, relatively speaking. Can one argue that electrical sun powered travel on Mars will be inadequate? Keep in mind that when Elon Musk got out of PayPal wonderful things ensued. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. They claim it is necessary to protect their interest in the property. Sticker shock stopped my tipping, though Ill try to get back to it. Its unlikely theyll round up most of us, even vocal people like me. Im not sure I believe in those? Be aware of various laws about money and moving it. Technically that is what we do with credit cards. Again solved by blocking him. Speculation Republican candidate might take governorship with < 40% of the vote due to the democrat voters splitting. The problem with keeping a PayPal account even without a bank account linked is that the TOS says the $2500 is liquidated damages, and youve agreed to the terms. Should have pulled the trigger. Tyler said it happened to be the day The Bachelorette star Rachel Recchia, 26, dumped him on national television. I must respectfully disagree. Dropped one because the PO was so sporadic. I really, really, do. For sure, the only way they can attempt to keep control is to be the enforcers. 'It's definitely tough. Im gonna have to go back and watch that movie again. Victoria Fuller after accepting a proposal from Johnny DePhillipo confirmed she was in a relationship with Greg Grippo on Tuesday's season finale of Bachelor In Paradise. If they want to force me to pay (by garnishing my wages, say,) then they have to go back to court, paying another set of legal expenses of about the same magnitude as before, and get a court order to do that. This last time, except the cake (didnt care), the reward choices were something Id choose. We dodged that. "Lots of crme and sugar." Again, its just a skin on this: https://live.got.money/Secure/App/ Supply chain interruptions are already happening on a large scale. I was able to get the dog food (Diamond Naturals) at the Coastal Farm & Ranch store. I will note my word in parentheses . Jesse asked Eliza if she still had feelings for Rodney. This . It wouldnt be the first time people hired for someone other than their competence drove a company into the ground. BUT I disagree with you. Victoria told show host Jesse Palmer, 44, that things went wrong for her after she left the show engaged to Johnny, 26, a realtor from Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, 'I think when we were in Paradise things were rainbows and butterflies for us,' Victoria said. And yet, here we are. We tip well, but not lavishly; certainly enough that were remembered and welcomed whenever we drop in. .4. I do not pay credit card interest. Oil base fuel, currently at least, is a bit non-existent on Mars. Im also looking into Ko-fi and a half dozen of other things. Thats the purpose of their fine to indemnify them for harm. And its a bad sign, like Why did they come up with that? AND why did they think that made sense?. So it is. While for us its much easier. This may force me to use Amazon more, and non-local independent merchants less, at least for a while. FWIW, Coastal has a good supply of various brands right now. So the wife and I decided to dine out MORE often than in the past. And ring the bell. How the banks and credit card issuers (often the same people) react to this will be key to how bad and how consequential it really is. The Costco associated one is into issue a check when I get the rebate this next February. Police? Not so much for Grandpa, I suspect. UpdateApparently you cant delete the only bank linkage, and a single account doesnt show up in the Wallet. The fear must be that -anyone- can fall under the gaze of Sauron, and draw a most unpleasant visit by his minions. by Ray Ampoloquio published December 9, 2022 December 9, 2022. Now what happens? It won't affect your game/server's performance in any way. Movies did huge business back in those bad old days, too. The rewards choice? I use Paypal a lot, mostly for paying the vendors that do my cover, formatting (No, Im not going to learn to code or draw; Im a writer). Put your equity to work!. . Never has been. I had an agreement with PayPal. YOU GUYS TOLD ME NOT TO HIRE A COPYEDITOR. Same here. Regular bell service = free, Kid-sized bell service = free kids bell button that doesnt do anything but light up, Crispy bell service = $9.95, Extra Crispy bell service = $29.95, Spicy bell service = $99.95 plus you get thrown out of the establishment for life. Even American history has a crisis every 80 years more or less starting at the American revolution, Civil war, then world war 2 where liberalism became the goal under FDR. It claims to have a lot of free cash flow and I wonder how much of that is due to money in suspended accounts. Maybe American restaurants could install bell buttons at the tables like they have in Japan? Mildred Natwick: and replaced it with a flagon. It really was a household allowance account, only both contributed to the account rather than just the traditional working partner the husband. what isnt going to do what? Or sell it to a debt collector who would want the $2500 plus their fee and costs, the total typically would be about twice the debt. 'I was prideful, I was foolish,' Aaron said. Not if it is $2/hour or $100/hour. And for all someone in Southern Elbonias swamps knew it was indeed illegal to say that name. The initial design process began in 2008, construction began in 2011, and the line was completed in 2018. Now this could be because since restaurants are having to pay in our area around $15 an hour for table service, people think that servers are getting paid enough. years ago that wed already won, I also told you that it was going to get very, very bad for anywhere from 2 to 10 years. At one point evacuated. We go before most are off work. lol . They didnt want the lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli, or brussel sprouts, go figure, Iirc, back in the day, ebay sellers would accept money orders via P.O. The dog, low calorie kibble/canned combination, that she is finally losing weight on, OTOH, is a PIA. Our fall colors trip. A little bit of humor from Insty open thread to lighten everyones spirits: Unless of course the aliens decide that they need to destroy the Earth to save galactic civilization; then that would be bad. There are so MANY parts shes done From Jessica Fletcher to Mrs Potts, to Mrs Lovett from Sweeney Todd and I cant think of one she didnt seem to throw her heart into. What we need is a party that will take a chainsaw to the federal government and prune off about 95% of it then decide what bits of the remaining 5% are actually worth keeping. Didnt use PayPal much, but I did shut it down over the weekend. 'She FaceTimed me from Italy and said she just felt like we were two different people living two different lives, and she just couldn't do it anymore,' Tyler said. Well hang together, or hang separately. Me too. There are many jurisdictions where I no longer trust the impartiality of the courts. Oh, also, Id get tipped by the women for smiling and engaging their men in conversation and letting them tell me stories. Mind you I never learned what the bells meant, partly because I assumed if it was vital, the radio would tell me, partly because I was a kid, which emans the things that the adults knew were a mystery reserved for adults. I had to lookup which of us was primary (run into that with utilities, house, cars, too. We do not use credit except for house. Luwu Timur, kunjungan ini dilaksanakan untuk membangun koordinasi antara pihak Pengadilan Agama Malili dan Pemerintah Kab Lutim mengenai tingkat perceraian dan dispensasi kawin yang masih relatif tinggi. It will surprise no one that Im a member of about five groups of various creatives, including for crafts, though honestly I havent done crafts in years. 'I never want to live a day without you. She started edging away back when DiFi was talking about a religious test for federal judges (and others). It ate our budget, but particularly when my auto-immune was crazy, it was the only way to feed the kids. The Revel tuna with crab and tuna with salmon is currently on the yes list. I cut back on my own consumption, but try to get some big jars of Kroger PB each month for the mission. (Gah, I actually voted for that jackass. But neither of us are not big impulse spenders, never have been. I believe youve just described 90-95% of all politicians and bureaucrats for the past , oh, 5500 years or so. Jim Rawles of Survival Blog closed paypal and went to Gabpay. North entrance from Gardiner to Mammoth is only open to commercial guides and commercial traffic. Have at least one credit card based on add cash at the store. FWIW, Ive decided to binge-read the Familiars series again. We visited villages that probably never had more than ten families in them, at the height of their booms, and were now down to often only 10 people. Imagine that going viral and all of the people the next day wanting to see if someone gets served Spicy bell service. Even when the fraud is proven, stolen offices remain stolen. I cant, because small presses pay me. In addition, a thirty second search showed me that Venmo is owned by PayPal and Zelle by a coalition of banks including B of A and Morgan Stanley (Im going with Zelle for now). We will make the (cancel-able) reservations, but Yellowstone will depend on whether Lamar, and Canyon/Tower over Dunraven Pass is open. Got 9 1/2 big bags of dry chow, 4 1/2 cases of cans. Red Robin the wait staff all know us. Thats the way that I use it, Paul but I still have closing my account on the list for my next financial tasks day. Oscar Cainer tells all. Hey, call me paranoid if you want but the laws change almost daily to reject the innocent. Red Lobster we tend to get extra bonus if we ask. I saved links to popmoney, gabpay and got money & will look them all over. If you dont appear it becomes an unappealable default judgement, plus court costs. Her food supply was shaky in 2020-1, but the vet/animal supply outfit in town had just enough to squeak by. Says Service Dog, but does not say registered or certified. One case of that left, scored 1/2 a case a few days ago. I have clue what nao vai fazer is. (To be fair L. Neil Smith did the same at same time.) On BOTH impeachment votes, she voted present not overly courageous, yes, unless you were a Democrat. (Mom was wondering if the flood hit the house.) And all of us have got banned for putting up an absolutely truthful anti-regime meme. They Vote For You. Now Ill find a different method. And their appeals process is non-existent, really. But a year in and hes already fed up with academia and talking about moving into the private sector. Today's topic is legal ethics (stop laughing) and exactly how whatever idiocy that makes you say how did that make it past the lawyers ended up making it past the lawyers. I suppose I dont have the backlog of experience to have seen this as any significant warning of things to come, and being me with the issues I have Id likely have missed it even if I had such experience, but there it is. The executed that I saw were all men, though. ), Last night I woke up with the horrors. Wow, thatssad. Winter my butt. What? While I can get a bigger bag, Ive never been able to get more than one at a time. Dont Die. Implying that anything not on the list, privilege or not, is fishing for a crime and poison fruit activity. So Im not the only one getting ominous nightmares. Id bounced from bad situation to worse situation to seemed-to-be-a-good-situation-but-the-owner-went-nuts-and-drove-morale-into-the-dirt for years. than we are paying in interest. Very tight corners, steeper than normal seen road sections (8% 10%). Tender moment:'I've only said I love you to one person my entire life but I love you,' Michael said to Danielle, 'I feel like we have two hearts from the same clothes,' Serene said. You can always edit this or any other info in settings after joining. The pendulum of their Liberal reality is swinging away from them and beyond their control. OTOH then our assets were our student loans, the loans from his folks, and mine (so poor we had to borrow money to go to work). We dont have enough money to do big investments, but we do own some property because it was necessary, and because we have the skills to do our own refurbishing and maintenance. Usual reiteration that the information any one can have is going to be sharply limited, and that this can have both positive and negative implications. Though when I did food service, I got a lot of unexpected, the equivalent of $100. Credit is very handy in dealing with cash flow issues. Liquidated damages is the reduction of unspecifiable or unquantifiable damages, such as reputation or emotional damage, to a specific dollar amount, or, in this case, an agreement as to a fair estimate of the damage that PayPay would suffer if you breach the agreement that they demand you consent to to continue using their service. Today, I managed to stop myself from continuing to draft an essay that is going to be more general rant on sorting theory. Go play in the highway. Always do so for Texas Roadhouse, even if the answer is no waiting, response is fine, put us down for in 15 20 minutes, depending on Beltline, then we message here, and go to the head of the line (usually, helps that max we are a party of 4, with mom included). They can be fixed. And, it isnt like an annihilating first strike on the Russians would be a bad thing anyway. Some years ago I worked at a convenience store for a while. He got what he thought was his dream opportunity, a foot in the door into academia as a preceptor , about a year ago. Or rather, they cant unsee it. A little. In Q222, repurchased approximately 8 million shares of common stock, returning $750 million to stockholders, Ill very very interested to see whether paypal reports materially lower numbers of subscribers and transactions in Q4 2022. So, we will need to separate the blog and publishing accounts And keep it a while longer. I havent seen this in books, or at least not yet. Dude, theyd have to have enough functional nukes. She had no idea that was a thing. I closed my PayPal account today. So, for reasons OBVIOUS to almost everyone, this last weekend we ate out a lot, in three distinct places. There will be even more lives and livelihoods lost in the coming days. Dear leftist corkheads, no. And early 80s perhaps. I not only make the money for donations which will shrink because a lot of you are doing the grand jete from Paypal. We have, however, been on line as non-woke, non-commies for the last 10 years. What is collapsing is not civilization. Good question:Jesse asked Jacob Rapini , 28, a mortgage broker from Scottsdale, Arizona, why after an amazing date with Jill did he pursue Kate, 'Probably not the smartest move,' Jacob said. There are ten others. I find that depressingly easy to believe, and I am quite satisfied to not be contributing to the situation. OTOH last time I used it was 2019, so Yep. Read your terms, etc. People just couldnt adapt to the new reality. I pray so. Cash, cash equivalents, and investments totaled $15.6 billion as of June 30, 2022 Were old people who pay taxes and have never done anything wrong, but that doesnt stop them from making things up. There are a number of regular tourists that did not cancel their Gardiner or Cooke City/Silver City reservations, just ate the cost, because they wanted to do something. Checking, Money Market, Loan, latter two potentially multiple, accounts are all adjacent to that main account. Its better than your raging meth addiction. Got engaged:Victoria told show host Jesse Palmer, 44, that things went wrong for her after she left the show engaged to Johnny, 26, a realtor from Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, Matching ink: Greg and Victoria showed off their matching 'ciao' tattoos, 'I think that fits your narrative but I think we very much agreed to working on our issues and trying to get to this stage engaged together,' Johnny said. I read people who go to cons/make a living of selling in our world and for some reason took that to mean authors. Mea culpa. After that I revert to Founding Fathers English and go with the flow. Get breaking MLB Baseball News, our in-depth expert analysis, latest rumors and follow your favorite sports, leagues and teams with our live updates. Mom says she still has (living) cousins in Red Lodge. Then the question is this: does Gabs skin obfuscate those purchases into something got money will allow through? They still havent done anything with it, but at least they cant claim I didnt send it. Secret is to not use CC then look at bank accounts and think oh, I still have money to spend (No you dont.). No one can afford housing, food, and other expenses, on minimum wage)., on their lonesome. Im reminded of a Twitter thread by someone who works in the legal field earlier this week: Good morning and welcome to Twitter Law School. Not that the republican, other than the democratic ads scare tactics, is much further right than middle, if that. But note both times I was denounced for things that had no basis in anything but the accusers head. Again, replacements will come up, but it might take time. Several scenes not yet written or needing a bunch of fleshing out because they were originally done in writing sprints, so I glossed over the stuff that Im bad at. And others will probably follow them. Second, see nuke option. https://www.foxnews.com/us/yellowstone-postpones-opening-roads-nov-1. Now? If thats not a damning indication of the projects failure, I dont know what is. Yeah, I was wanting to quibble over that also. Still do. Did not help restaurants or the small shops. 'It was so unexpected,' said Shanae Ankney, 30, a recruiter from Sycamore, Ohio. since ever. I think I was talking more about the cycles of time (e.g. THEY are losing their grip as we speak. Going strong:Michael Allio, 38, a single father from Akron, Ohio, and Danielle Maltby, 37, a nurse from Nashville, then came out holding hands. Time Im farting around with bank accounts to make sure some idiot ideologe doesnt rob me is time Im not making useful, or at least entertaining stuff. Making the really rash assumption that vote-fraud by mail hasnt already predetermined the winner. There is nothing left to suck out after a transaction. But the point is that America wastes all of this energy on people hovering around pretending they care to refill your drink when you could actually do better by telling them with a bell. Ive had a few snags over the years. Yellowstone and Tetons are our happy place. 04: Catfight (4.54) Two Pumas in a feral battle. Dont break the law. Cash is king. Have your caffeine conveyance beverage? BofA mortgage is attempting to seize control of my deceased brothers house after I made arrangements to settle the account at the imminent closing. Oh we will spend large amounts (triggering a notice from CC of Call if you did not spend this amount at XYZ? Because Biden is not up for giving those orders coherently, and if a request does not seem reasonable, there are lots of procedural grounds for requesting clarification, or for ignoring illegal orders. The world. Malili, 30/04/2021, Pengadilan Agama Malili berkunjung di rumah dinas Bupati Kab. The resulting panic and assorted death throes as they try to save their sorry asses is going to be ugly. That reminds me of something Ive been noticing here too cars with dents. You may find ways to reap perks using one for some payments and the other for the rest. Theyve backed themselves onto a ledge and the ledge is crumbling under them. A stable US helps keep the rest of the worlds fractious nasties in check. Woke, ironically, woke up the wrong folks. We are entering a winter of civilization. . Didnt THE road through part of the park wash out last spring? I buy my dog food from a company called Lifes Abundance. Gotcha. Victoria said she told Johnny three weeks later that it wasn't working. Wellington. Nothing to do now but hope we dont crap out. This will result in the DOJ and FBI hands being caught putting cookies into the jar! Incest/Taboo 06/22/17 'She's going to do anything she can to make it seem like it's your fault, that's who she is,' Tyler said. Had a talk with my daughter. They could be, and perhaps should be, but they wouldnt have left the penalty clause in and suffered the kickback if they didnt see some advantage in it. We did too. I dont have it, and since the debt is not secured, theres no collateral for them to repossess. Probably our highest eating out time was when the kids were little and I was writing three to six books a year. Ill keep buying, and hope its enough. Except weve had the 30 year precedent of insurance company clerks practicing without a license, the DEA practicing without a license, etc., with every doctors treatment decision theyve overridden. Thats because my liabilities are bounded by the original debt. So far, they are having no problems supplying me, and its not too expensive. But now I think maybe is the time. The words Paypal threat model are likely to Be A Thing from now on as we all find out whether Paypal just shot itself in the foot, or rather in the guts. Ive found the fourth turning ideas very persuasive, the things they predicted seem to be coming true. You know what else is insanity? (Yes, I write all of them down. Home refinance/equity was getting pushed a little, but higher interest rates arent helping. Never had a Paypal account, The only time it gets used is when I make a donation/payment via credit card where the recipient uses PayPal to collect funds. Danny Kaye: A flagon with a dragon. FWIW, Tulsi Gabbard officially announced shes leaving the Democratic Party. Then at some point which I did not really register, that ended, rarely did one see that until after the lockdowns. Maybe money cant buy happiness, but it can provide a much better quality of misery. I suspect that Chicago already has a Deep One for Mayor, wearing a human suit made by something that never got a good look at a real human. Thats unusually low. This is why they are trying so hard here to divide and conquer us either mentally or physically. stood in a solid line behind the gibbets. Ill be interested to see what you tell us about possible work-around for this latest Big Brother mandate. Peanut butter has been iffy since the lockdowns. And yes, Ive heard the argument that most people waste most of their time so it doesnt matter, but that 10-20% of actually productive people dont magically not have to waste their time on the idealogical BS just because everyone else does. I liked using USPS money orders if anything went amiss, I wanted the Inspection Service on my side. We are trying to get our new home established here in tiny farm center town in Indiana before the sh*t storm hits, but at least we sold our boat in September, because hurricane Ian ran it over at Titusville Florida, and did more damage than I could have easily afforded. Their legal may be ESG or DIE hires too. Only it clearly WASNT. Now its reached a critical state. No blame but also cant actually leave, because a lot of small press companies pay me there. Now I understand. And those effects show a sharpish trend toward barbarism, poverty, and a general decline in pretty much every nice thing. Cant buy tobacco ammo or firearms or goods or services that include any language or images that are bigoted, hateful, racially offensive, vulgar, obscene, indecent or discourteous;. And thats what TPTB could never forgive. I was raised in relative poverty and privation and I very much like flush toilets and clean water, thank you. I will remind you first that while I said, about two (?) And so am I, honestly, because it is a great part of my income. Early on in the recent WuFlu Lockdown Freakout, I realized I was a laptop professional with a stable job and flush with cash, lots better off than the vast majority here in South Texas. Lets hope it was just an expression of anxiety. .2. On Tuesday, a 7-2 majority of the Supreme Court ruled in favor of David Ritter. My second cousin owns a restaurant up there and we went for family solidarity but I hope they can weather through. Published: 06:48 GMT, 23 November 2022 | Updated: 17:12 GMT, 23 November 2022. 'There is now a rumor that you had cheated on me, and that you had switched up, and you decided to start dating Greg and this is something that you had constantly told me was not true', Happier times: Victoria flashed her engagement ring after Johnny proposed in Mexico. Dont do fast food, none of our systems can handle it anymore, even if traveling. Also, I have not looked to see where they have defined venue to lie. RIAAs historic Gold & Platinum Program defines success in the recorded music industry. Help us with just a few more questions. And its likely fairly near-term. But the Progressives dont want better, they demand perfect. I had such a connection with you Jill.'. For the rest of us, we must be strong and indefatigable. For terror they want Tucker Carlson arrested in the middle of the night. I didnt read where their chosen venue is, but if its Cali or DC ??? Now they seem to be backing away from it. Yeah, my church is asking for peanut butter for the local food bank. Oh Im pretty sure that case would do them some harm evil grin. Our credit union is (was?) Except most people dont even KNOW about the nobodies taken. Hes making peanuts while braking his bank whilst the professors are making bank for barely lifting their fingers. They were cobblestoned and the maximum speed was around 30 miles per hour. Its just a matter of figuring it out and having plans. While I closed my PayPal account yesterday, I didnt thinkbit through clearly enough to realize that I needed to close the bank account associated with the card I used to buy through PayPal. Thing is, with human behavior, it takes a great deal of effort to avoid having so few examples that assuming population parameters from the sample statistic is stupid. Which is why what Paypal did was the equivalent of pulling down its shorts and shooting themselves where it hurts. 'We are wearing mics.'. Re restaurants: Id occasionally tip (Its order at the counter, and one either picks up when the number is called, or if theyre not busy, will bring it to the table.) Yes, they intended to use it, because they were being crazy. I will survive this. Its not ones livelihood. Remember, this is a guy who believes in anthropogenic climate change and thinks China should take Taiwan. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Didnt you see her in the Manchurian Candidate??? An account to deposit our first checks into. Also, they, cannot sustain their artificial reality without a huge amount of surplus money, only generated by a relatively free market, that has high trust. (Jelly, not so much. Bad enough before 2020. Lights, camera, Kate! Prince William says he will 'NEVER' watch Harry and Meghan's Netflix docuseries and tells friends NOT to Did Meghan and Harry rehearse their first dance? So if necessary, there might be alternatives. I think we have made reservations a few times in our lives, but it just isnt a routine experience at all. We like physical metaphors, they are neat and tidy. Does anyone know if their exit tax went anywhere? But I dunno, would that look suspicious? Oh, there is no Studebaker. ', Hot seat:Jesse then delved into Aaron Clancy, 28, an insurance agent from San Diego, and his relationship with Genevieve Parisi , 27, a bartender from Rehoboth, Massachusetts. For example; Hey guys no we we can win an election now but we can start a nice little nuclear war to postpone it. I admit not too many years ago Id have laughed at such an possibility, now, not so much. Gabbard objected on both Constitutional grounds and personal grounds. The wait for two without a res was 60-90 minutes I overheard, longer for bigger tables, but the place was half empty. Get the latest breaking news across the U.S. on ABCNews.com Not just us. Not only smoke, but power outages. I observed many a hubcap dislodged. Well see how all of this works out if I have to buy something through PayPal. Those who have a checking or savings account, but also use financial alternatives like check cashing services are considered underbanked. There is an idea in US history of party systems (see here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Party_system#United_States although it is biased as its wikipedia). Yeah. Or in my case, I got banned two times, for a large run of bans (three the first time, two the second.) First I need to explain that Dan and I get AMAZING service where we are regulars, and before this last weekend, pretty darn decent service at places no one ever saw us before. (I.e. Let me rephrase that; They bet our lives on it. The Chinese restaurant BIL and his wife use has gone to takeout / delivery only too (do not know name). It does not look suspicious. AhaI thought they were creating their own system, and wondered how the heck they were managing that. Once or twice because maybe theyd just dropped the chicken nuggets or something and had to wait until they were done, but this has been a consistent pattern. neyse Of course, that wont be passed along. All thats left are greedy oligarchs and brain damaged communists (but I repeat myself). One was a formal dinner, (not with CB) in a fairly upscale (but not prohibitive) restaurant. Tulsi left. The show played Victoria and Johnny's final day in Paradise where he proposed to her and she accepted. She tried twice to take our order, forgetting the first time (though she must have submitted it bc it was not that delayed), she never made it around again to refill drinks, and after 2 hours it was clear wed not get coffee or dessert in a timely fashion. Ditto. In Q222, generated cash flow from operations of $1.5 billion, increasing 12%, and free cash flow of $1.3 billion, increasing 22% Same here and Im working on ways to avoid Paypal having the ability to raid my own bank account. In reference to the current tone of national politics, in a sense, the particulars do not matter. Parallel Economies is another Ive heard of as an alternative to Stripe and Paypal. It should come as no surprise that Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Ketanji Jackson Brown were the two dissents. Grewsome was floating the idea of a 100% tax on any real estate sold that didnt result in a corresponding real estate purchase inside the state. Gabpay is actually a skin on https://live.got.money/Secure/App/ But in the end, the world they are making is a far poorer one than what they had just a few short years ago. Reasons: Regulars, she looks for us, we make her laugh, make her job easier, we Tip well. Danny Kaye: The pellet with the poisons in the flagon with the dragon, the vessel with the pestle has the brew that is true. Theyd need a lead time to put politically reliable people in place that is longer than the time theyve had since they could have realized that they might want to do so. Havent researched it yet. This. Bachelor In Paradise: Lace Morris breaks down crying and Two children feared missing and dead after up to six fell through ice on frozen lake: Four youngsters left Now the Army is sent in to hospitals: Hundreds of troops will be deployed THIS WEEK to help out the NHS Man and woman are arrested after pedestrian in his 50s dies in early morning 'hit-and-run'. Facebook of course, banned, because its impossible to conduct their little police action by hiring American citizens (even with the help of robots) so they hire the cheapest possible workforce overseas. Army? 'Everyone can hate us if they f***ing want to. Its a skin on this: https://live.got.money/Secure/App/ Also appears to be cheaper than PP. However, the general principle is that an uncollected delinquent unsecured debt is not worth very much no matter how much face value is on it. None of this is the cats fault. And IF I didnt have to get a substitute NOW, Id sit around waiting to see which of the other services makes it to default. But. Always make sure you have at least half a tank in the vehicle. It is out of character.), but so not on impulse (after talking it to death, yes, impulse, hell no). Mildred Natwick: Noooo, the pellet with the poison is in the flagon with the dragon, the vessel with the pestle has the brew that is true. .3. CC balances is the rest of our expenses, paid off monthly, so no interest. And even at that age she was quite a good actress. I just need to diversify/split my banks. Yeah, they spread everything out so it looks good at first glance, but theres too frequently nothing behind it. Rattled the hell out of Grandpas Rambler. I want four orders of Extra Crispy bell service and a Coke. . I dont recall such issues in Riverside either, not even at the Brazilian restaurant that had some of the best food weve ever had. Plus his request of list of documents expecting to find. Arresting nobodies with no fanfare does not sufficiently intimidate the larger population if they never hear about it. OTOH I am extremely angry at the PTB in Jackson Hole area There is NO reason why one of Grizzly #399s 2020 Quads was murdered destroyed, after she kicked them out as two years old May 2022. I'll never forget how I felt in those moments. Then a year or two later, was back again for a little while. The Business Journals features local business news from 40-plus cities across the nation. 'I just want you to be happy. That rings a bell. Also have the tag Ids for both (not that she wears them, she chews on tags, had to get a flat one for her collar). We have the house mortgage which is just 80% of double what we paid, but is still 33%, and dropping, against county guesstimate real appraised value. 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