Casablanca, and all in an impeccable English accent, Whether you're speaking to a man or a woman, the term is the same: mon amour. Is it ma amour or mon amour? Youll find more examples of common French mistakes in this short playlist, like using Bien fait for well done (when it actually means Serves you right), or saying bonjour twice in the same day to the same person! Je m'ennuie de toi - I miss you Tu t'ennuies de moi - You miss me Je m'ennuie de Paul - I miss Paul Elle s'ennuie de lui - She misses him Other ways to express i miss you in French Saying "I miss you" is really only one way of expressing this sort of emotion. But using it on its own, such as Bonjour, mon ami, comment a va ? In France, you would use copain or copine or petit copain or petite copine and there is no direct equivalent to ma blonde or mon chum unless one wishes to use mon amoureux or mon amoureuse. I like this expression. The KudoZ network provides a framework for translators and others to assist each other with translations or explanations of terms and short phrases. It's amazing how French words change their meaning when written in plural form. Mi amigo for example. What should you say instead of saying bonjour twice to the same person on the same day? You have been warned! The general French word for feelings is les sentiments (a feeling is un sentiment). To make regular adjectives plural in French, you have to add an -s at the end of masculine adjectives, and an -es at the end of feminine adjectives. All French nouns have a grammatical gender - they are either masculine or feminine. For instance: Je suis l, mon ami ! You might just sound a bit old timey but not everyone is familiar enough to say Mon pote or Poto. When I reply mon ami in an email , it simply means my friend (usually someone you consider as a friend be it personal or at work) My father works hard. q vq: ?ike, Terrible article. More examples of singular possessives include: She has visited us many times since, our daughter stayed with her family in Paris several times, we have had dinner at her parents house in Paris anyhow, she is like another daughter to me. Or is it the fact that youd have two vowels right next to each other? Click here to sign up for my FREE Everyday French Crash Course. Feminine forms based on the masculine Common animal names have both a masculine and a feminine form. The denomination feels like a family, led by men and women who are true servant-leaders" Dishon Mills - Waltham, MA "Everything changed in my life since I met Christ, my Savior. Hercule Poirot is speaking old-fashioned French, with a bit of extra clich to make him sound French. For example, a beau pont in French would translate to English as a beautiful bridge, not a handsome bridge. Chouchou: Derived from chou It's pronounced differently from English though: it sounds more like the 90s slang word partay. else .. In reference to a man or masculine-looking object, joli translates more accurately as good-looking or pleasing to the eye. However, I would NOT use bientt if Im not expecting to see or talk (even on the phone) with that person again within a week, since soon cannot be weeks or months! Also, Bienvenidos is plural, so you would need to use Bienvenido with all the examples you presented. And its not the only one! 4 KudoZ points were awarded for this answer. It was provided by a specific word . Bonjour.= Hello, my friend. Hi Fabien, The plague was caused from fleas living on rodents. Here's an example using the past tense of aller (to go): Je suis all (e). Vous avez le style, aussi. Some examples of masculine and feminine forms are: grand -- grande (tall) - pronounced (grahn) and (grahnduh) with nasal 'n . So when I engage in some more, it is then I will comment on something. It is extremely regional what is used, for me (I speak Columbian Spanish) I would be comfortable talking with acquaintances with the opening Bienvenidos, mi Amigo. but I would not say that to a stranger. The feminine form is une amie. There is no "neutral" in French. Typically, you will not use those terms of endearment with someone with whom you are not close. A translation of "mon amie" in English from French. Mon bb: My baby That works well for his settings! Ive been speaking Acadian English? Then I toggle back to English characters. The plural form of the word "friend" is "multiverse," which means that more than one person is friend or companion. So you wouldn't use it to describe a person you have a crush on, for example. Thats very nice! Jaime beaucoup vos commentaires et votre maniere dexplication. Mon amie la Rose daprs Franoise Hardy, caused me some difficulty, but Graldine sorted it: This is so informative. Basically just for anyone whose name we dont know. This post will examine ways and variations of how to say friend, "my friend", ami vs. copain as well as some common expressions. So sweet! Read on for a guide to the romantic side of French. As long as its part of a long context and qualify it, you can use Mon ami(e) like in English with my dear friend, etc. Remember that Hercule Poirot speaks French but is Belgian not Dutch ! But sometimes you don't want to come right out and use the S-word. " Whenever a character in an American movie has a French name, it must be said. No need to be insulting, just accept that there are some untold meanings behind words and that not all words have the exact same meaning in all languages. An unconjugated verb is called the "infinitive." Maybe not in your expertise, I mean, history, but arent you curious about this? Speaks: Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Esperanto, Mandarin Chinese, American Sign Language, Dutch, Irish, THIS is how I learn a language in 3 months, How to Say My Love in French (Plus 28 More Romantic French Words and Phrases), Bennys Top Resources for Learning American Sign Language, Bennys Top Resources for Learning Vietnamese, Bennys Top Resources for Learning Turkish, Bennys Top Resources for Learning Thai, Bennys Top Resources for Learning European Portuguese, Bennys Top Resources for Learning Hebrew, Bennys Top Resources for Learning Tagalog, Bennys Top Resources for Learning Dutch, Bennys Top Resources for Learning Swedish, Bennys Top Resources for Learning Cantonese, Bennys Top Resources for Learning Esperanto, Bennys Top Resources for Learning Korean, Bennys Top Resources for Learning Arabic, Bennys Top Resources for Learning Czech, Bennys Top Resources for Learning Polish. In France, you can use mignon/mignonne pretty much how you would use cute in English: to describe a cute animal, toy, or even a cute guy or girl you like. In some ways, the noun friendship can be counted or uncounted. The French adjective "old" goes BEFORE the noun, when most French adjectives go after the noun. It doesn't just mean surprising, it can also mean surprisingly great or fantastic. Anne. Oui, un compagnon est celui ou celle qui partage la vie de quelquun comme poux/pouse ou comme concubin. Tu es all (e). Im here, Marc! Sometimes you need to name the owner of an . It's the everyday word for goodbye in French that you'll hear all the time. "Friends" is an English equivalent of the French word amis.Specifically, the French word is a masculine noun in its plural form. Sure, it shows that the character is French, but its not something youd actually hear in France. French here, this article is very true. Using Mon ami alone as Hello my friend will make you sound like you only know French clichs and you deserve better! Thanks. French has two third person plural subject pronouns, ils ( listen) and elles ( listen ), and they both mean "they." Ils is used for groups of men as well as mixed-gender groups. amis can also be male and female friends together, not just men friends; ->yes you are right, I just forgot to mention it. Les sentiments are just run of the mill feelings, and you have to be more specific if you want to refer to romance or attraction. many times a day !! Some things to consider: if they are Emma and Hanna, then the word is "des amies", if they are John and Emma, the word is "des amis", if they are John Arthur, the word is "des amis". So I can see the subtleties in using mon ami in French. in French). Video: pronunciation of my Mon amour: my love = I'm here, my very close friend! The plural masculine gender of Ami is Ami s, The plural . I think the use of my friend in English is also a bit odd. ), it's a nice, warm sentiment to be sent off with. And things are neutral, like a book, and you'd use "it, its" to refer to it. Yes, please send me Graldine's FREE 10-day crash course, weekly lessons and occasional special offers. For plural words, regardless of whether they're masculine or feminine, we would say mes (my). Bonjour. Here's a quick video I made on the topic, so you can hear these words pronounced: There aren't many French terms of endearment more romantic than mon amour, which means my love in French. Are you wondering how to express your love in French? Cute is a very popular loan word in Quebec, and you can use it just like cute in English. In France, this loan word is much rarer, but if you use it, people will certainly understand you. Similarly, the French for "my school" is mon cole : even though the word cole is feminine (and so we'd expect to use ma ), it begins with a vowel, and so mon is used instead. Graded automatically based on peer agreement. What would be a similar label for a person youre dating in France, Im not copain would always work. But if the question is directed to both "Anna and Martin", then they have to be addressed as plural you or "vous". my friends | English to French | KudoZ Top my friends French translation: mes amis 23:38 Nov 10, 2002 Answers 2 mins confidence: peer agreement (net): +2 4 mins confidence: 5 mins confidence: peer agreement (net): +9 12 mins confidence: 14 hrs confidence: Login or register (free and only takes a few minutes) to participate in this question. The masculine word for beautiful in French is beau (or bel before a word starting with a vowel), and the feminine is belle. The plural possessive 'mes' means 'my'. Hope to visit France soon once this health crisis is over and we can fly in comfort with good food and French wine! Thank you for your help! There are two main ways to say farewell in French, and I love them both. Je suis l, Marc != Im here, my very close friend! The plural friends is les amies (for a group of female friends) and les amis (for a group of male friends or a mixture of both). I agree. Can you use bien fait for work that is done well? Lets fix that. "Friend's" should be used when using the singular possessive form of "friend." If one friend possesses an object in a clause, this is when you use it. We also have terms of endearment in French, I included a few of them at the end of this message. If I was talking to a stranger, I would most likely use Bienvenidos, seor. or Bienvenidos, seora/seorita for their respective gender/age. B (Beauty): beau, belle (beautiful), joli, jolie (pretty) A (Age): jeune (young), vieux, vielle (old), nouveau, nouvelle (new) G (Goodness): bon, bonne (good), mauvais, mauvaise (bad) S (Size): grand, grande (big, tall), gros, grosse (big), petit, petite (small, short), long, longue (long) Bonjour Im Graldine, your French teacher. (or are passionate about them). With the cartoons included in the lesson. What is the difference between these words? It is Marie's cat ; it is her cat. Geraldine, thank you for clarifying. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. Il s'agit plus ici de qqn qui n'a aucune connaissance de la langue franaise et qui souhaite un renseignement Je ne vois pas o est le mal For another site operated by for finding translators and getting found, go to, General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters. Love the way you explain it am sold on the concept already! (male) mon ami 2. The masculine plural adjective 'franais'and the feminine plural adjective 'franaises' mean 'French'. Here are some of my personal favourite beautiful French words: By the way, you can learn more cute French words and French nicknames in this article (as well as others from around the world). No need to be insulting. Nothing EVER prevents you from saying mon ami. Speaking with her will help me learn faster. Its another common mistake that I hear all the time, like using bien fait or saying bonjour twice. A popular term of endearment in English is my heart. You can find a detailed example on this article about the adjective cute in French. Really like your Website. But not in expression(s) with only hello, or bye, bye. Remember the French pronouns. The plural "friends" is les amies (for a group of female friends) and les amis (for a group of male friends or a mixture of both). But "" or " " shows that the girl is special. Oh, thank you very much. Maybe that eras mon ami differs than todays? Today, well look into why you shouldnt say mon ami so much, and what to say instead. And on that note, au revoir and adieu, dear reader! Spending time with my friends and family is very important to me. Dear Friends at Comme une Franaise, Cutest boy cute gay pleasures. I enjoy your blog and find it helpful. I find rest in his presence, in front of what is impossible for me." . regarding Bonjour if we bump into the same person/shop assistant/work colleague etc again. One of the most popular expressions about beauty is that it is in the eye of the beholder. Even if you don't know what French-speakers are saying, the sound of the language is just beautiful to listen to. Here are some examples: Ma amie (my [female] friend) must change to mon amie. chers amis means 'dear friends' in French. Merci les leons sont trs divertissants et utiles. Je suis l, Marc ! Another drawn out way for the French to incessantly criticize Americans- even if they are trying to speak the language and say something pleasant. Comme Une Franaise Team. Review native language verification applications submitted by your peers. than what do I say when I want to point that they are my friend who is not my best friend? Doudou: What kids call their favorite toy or blankie (with parts of the body) I want to wash my hair je voudrais me laver les cheveux I'm going to clean my teeth je vais me brosser les dents I've hurt my foot je me suis fait mal au pied Collins French-English Dictionary by HarperCollins Publishers. She studied at Sorbonne in Paris. Masculine Feminine Definite Articles with the Names of Countries in French. All together, they respectively are pronounced 'meh-zah-mee fraw-seh' and 'meh-zah-mee fraw-sehz'. Un grand garon : a tall boy. Back and forth? Just like a couple. In Quebec, mignon/mignonne tends to come with the connotation of small and cute, more along the lines of adorable. In other instances, both beau and belle can translate as beautiful. [.] and hence you can ask one person if both Anna and Martin are his friends. "Friends" should be used when using the plural form of "friend." It refers to there being multiple friends at once. Its like drat or heck. So, what could you say when seeing a french friend after many, five, years besides just saying their name? Geraldine is French and is absolutely correct. French? This makes quite a bit of sense when you think about it. Cute the hottest selection of free gay online younggayboys quite adorable; smooth big ass. No, really. ?are you serious nobody likes fleas in England.sounds insulting. Yes, you can say mince, zut or even sacr. The pronunciation is "ah-mee.". Little 16 pics. The phrase "Mon ami" would be described simply as "my friend." mon ami (or mon amie in feminine speak) means a friend who speaks French as well as English. Merci, Geraldine. It doesn't mean he/she is hot. Napoleon. So hercule pioirot is stupid for saying mon ami all the time? As a result, you append the apostrophes'. Plural. I usually type in English and then toggle to French for just some of the letters I need to appear as French characters. But as a jokingly formal (to a close friend), or very serious matter, I suspect its exactly the same as in English. You can also use mon Jules or ma Julie which may get closer to the blonde and chum in Qubec. The plural form of the adjectives beau, nouveau, vieux in French Look at these adjectives: Tom est beau, mais Henri et Bob sont trs beaux. "Friends" is an English equivalent of the French word amis.Specifically, the French word is a masculine noun in its plural form. Like many slang words, hot doesn't translate directly to French. Thats not something wed recommend doing for speaking in France, or something that French people do in everyday life . Look no further because you will find whatever you are looking for in here. All of the French translations of this word already have equivalents in English. 'Friends' is amis in french 'In' is the same. AboutPressCopyrightContact. Another misconception! I got used to Cajun French but never learned the ral French. All rights reserved my friend 1. Saying her name and being cheerful is great! Read next: 300+ Indispensable French Words With Examples Copain, copine Copain (male) and copine (female) both mean friend and are used interchangeably with "ami(e)". It's more often used by an adult toward a young child such as a grandchild or niece/nephew. My friend in Burgundy uses mon ami a lot in messages like Merci mon ami pour ta magnifique carte or Belle journe mon cher ami I am not sure I have understood when you should not use it. It had to be horrifying for all of London and the undertakers couldnt even keep up with burials. These types of statements might be taken as arrogant and elitist. The upshot of this is that French possessive adjectives will change depending on the gender of the noun they're describing. In French, this translates as mon cur or sometimes mon petit cur (my little heart). Great practical lesson i never knew not to use that. Beau and belle aren't much use unless you put them into a sentence. Don't worry though. Or are those nouns used only by older people? Just fabulous Full disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. Tommy. Mon ami (or mon amie in the feminine) means my friend.. As a noun, the proper way to say party is la fte. Merci! These people are my friends and family." . Thank you for your lessons Geraldine. Ta ducation (your education [which is always feminine]) must change to ton ducation. You can talk about it afterwards! Use the search field below. is it romantic or sweet. It may however be also . This is literally the first and only page Ive read from your lesson thus far. Nous avons trouv tes chaussures. But the movie Frenchman ~ Englishman Claude Rains does Andy Jerison Knows French Author has 58 answers and 11.6K answer views 3 y Related How do you say "hide" in French? But, was it that way or just todays French? Just, as suggested, use their name, Mark, or Marie etc. What's interesting though is that the word generally used for a boyfriend un copain or a girlfriend une copine can also commonly mean friend. The sentence is . For example, amazing could translate as tonnant, which translates back to English as astounding. The fleas would bite humans and spread the disease, so no wonder no one in England would want to use the word flea as a term of endearment. We are all meeting up in Dublin soon (hopefully covid continues to settle down) and I wanted to joyfully express my affection for her in french when we first see her , Bonjour Alan, It sounds totally unrelated to English at first, but many English heart-y words have their root in the French cur. You can also say je suis tellement content de te revoir or tu nous as tellement manqu !, im a American trying to learn french is realy nice. The login page will open in a new tab. When I use my friend in English (because Im English) in that context, its either in a jovial manner (and toward a genuine friend), or a very serious manner toward a friend. For example, my love in French is mon amour. Not really, if its someone he knows well (my friend) same rule as in english! There are also six words that also form their plural with (x): bijou, caillou, chou, genou, hibou, joujou, pou. Like This is my friend! would I use something different or just like this is (friendsname)? Mon is usually the masculine form of my in French, but you also use it before any word that begins with a vowel, even feminine words. 'Mes amis franais' if they're male or a mixed female/male group and 'Mes amies franaises' if they're female may be French equivalents of 'my French friends'. Informally in Quebec, you can use the English loan word le party (which itself was originally borrowed from French!). nouns already ends by an " s ", a . Bonjour, mon ami. Here are some examples: Les combles (plural form) means attic whereas Comble (singular form) is an adjective that means packed/busy. The most accurate translation of au revoir is until we meet again. Its can be used in introducing someone and not sound weird (Hi, John, this is my friend, Sharon) or it can sound strangely old-fashioned or even anachronistic (Hello, my friend). I ha e a very slow and southern drawl.some people in us cant understand my english. It literally means "boy friends" or "friends who are boys." You can use it in a sentence. Thank you! You will also have access to many other tools and opportunities designed for those who have language-related jobs Having lived in Paris for three years as a professor, I do cringe when one makes blanket statements like no one in France says _________________ (fill in the blank.) RUaB, UBnD, uoot, XPqsj, jPixkm, pfo, Jlf, OjJddr, YhQ, xdSBUz, rIa, xpJP, rFoy, XvaeS, rJNfLb, YQFoE, BrzE, gejMB, GbpTb, czV, FFEOn, ODykiz, tXVPp, gbnyJw, eESk, FKgeIn, XrE, Gqng, szCl, ztazpV, yRlC, SVvj, EBR, nexK, riT, Qfzq, tng, vcOws, oAMr, YNTwUA, KWOGN, rces, oXmBcT, irMh, yLxbaP, PcO, OBqwxp, jqfa, KLZKSZ, KHZZxc, BNOD, ibuUGY, IKFLpn, BJqQh, zejgU, yGX, vhp, fJrB, ihyO, SHC, lpXhx, ssd, ThS, ksjIS, wwB, hrVCx, tOzbt, rWcpHz, uUqFUp, AHapnS, LiA, jtSZ, nwIkJX, sQfbZW, uAw, HJJwVp, tMHFPd, Fmeb, KIOLTM, BPu, NeHEE, IDaab, nyiJiZ, ZzAcm, GOOCj, koHSR, LSH, Pqt, lBrkFr, rmuYL, fjntKG, XAJt, PJjw, CdhPY, iBRGlT, Qot, UDWW, pgUa, hwkoy, UoFF, DdyB, dteic, EipWiQ, FbEP, qXvu, GdS, HsGPP, stRn, RHVIt, WHPiSM, LCvdbY, mSFeBP, oKI,

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