Oh I've been waiting for this. Russia's Defense Ministry claims 200,000 men already conscripted for war in Ukraine. No doubt when the generals fail him he will similarly blame them for failing to follow his orders. Just to underline that this is a mob-style threat towards Denmark and Poland, the pipeline goes from the Kaliningrad enclave to North Germany, and there are plenty of places an attack could have been posited if this was say, an Ukrainian covert mission, including in international waters, German waters and Russian waters. The Party supports the educational use of animal cadavers and animal-derived materials where these have been ethically sourced, such as animals who have died naturally and animals who have been euthanased for humane reasons.AR419 The Green Party is opposed to the wholesale breeding, manipulation and destruction of those animals who are chosen as companions to the human race. Yeah, there's definitely room to maneuver in there. Islam has similar laws, dividing foods into haram (forbidden) and halal (permitted). color: #FFFFFF; Those videos are harrowing. One of them fled Russia within two days of the war starting. WebEating oily fish containing long-chain omega-3 fatty acids may reduce systemic inflammation and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. Thats it- playtimes over. Published and promoted by Chris Rose for The Green Party, both at The Biscuit Factory, Unit 215 J Block, 100 Clements Road, London, SE16 4DG. If Russia violated international law by invading the Ukraine, are Russian soldiers still governed (and protected) by the law of armed conflict (LOAC)? In terms of pipelines. Having been to Aland a few times, I was surprised by the mention of Russian-sovereign territory there, as I thought it was demilitarized and in Finland's hands since 1921. It's been a long day. ominously showing those as leaving Crimea. 'Harmful' is defined in this context as 'having the potential to cause pain, suffering, distress, lasting harm or death in animals, except where it is designed to benefit the individual animals concernedAR417 Government research funds will be transferred from animal tests to non-animal technologies, including epidemiology, computer models, micro-dosing, imaging, DNA chips, microfluidics chips and the use of human tissue. Also, while I agree it can be clumsy, past threads have shown we can allow for the use of nuclear weapons as a contingency and/or a failure condition without going further than that. Mobiks are filmed complaining about how they are essentially abandoned. The discussion of was it Russia or not brings me back a few years ago: Right, which is why that theory doesn't make sense to me? This initiative will be supported by a programme of public education to maximise understanding and we will press for it to be adopted across the EU (see FA656, FA240, FA222, RR800 and RR803). The illusion of "globalization" meaning "countries won't attack each other because they are trade dependent" doesn't take into account the domination of a market sector by a single state actor. I suggested Finland do this as a warning, but mostly in jest. Founded in 1824, it is the oldest and largest animal welfare organisation in the world and is one of the largest charities in the UK. The article in Lawfire is from May and it correctly predicted the Russia summer war plan after their retreat from the areas in the north around Kyiv. Irish man Rory Mason killed in fighting in Ukraine, Putin signs a decree to formalize Russia's illegal seizure of Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, The US Militarys Massive Global Transportation System, [we are very lucky that they are so fucking stupid.jpg]. Snowden is 39. AR404 The Green Party believes that consumers have a right to easy access to enough information about the food they eat to make informed decisions about what they buy. Possibly worth treating with some scepticism, especially as Belarus only has 62K active military personnel (344k reserves). Apocalypse Canceled: Russian Nuclear Train Likely Bound for Training. | Allies of the Russian army (English subtitles). WebThe 2013 horse meat scandal was a food industry scandal in parts of Europe in which foods advertised as containing spicy beef were found to contain undeclared or improperly declared horse meat as much as 100% of the meat content in some cases. But attempting to defang Russia's long range missile threat would be a better response than risking an escalatory cycle which might end in the use of nuclear weapons, even if we think that such a move would be irrational on Russia's part. Putins Kerch Bridge to Crimea: No Money, Dodgy Insurance & No Accountability, the National Guard (which presumably means Putin's personally commanded Rosgvardia) and police are arresting military personnel, Watch U.S. F/A-18 Hornets Unleash Swarm of Mini-Drones in First Test, Explosion Rocks Russias Prized Kerch Strait Bridge Leading To Crimea, Russias Kerch Strait Bridge Reopens To Very Limited Road, Rail Traffic, What the Crimean Bridge Attack means for the Russian Ukraine War, and there are clear signs of one on or just above. Sure I know what I'm doing, I've been in the Volunteer Fire Brigade since high school, so shut up and drink your tea because then we'll be telling you all the ways you were a fucking idiot last night.". Dunno if you actually meant tea leaves but I don't care, it's perfect. Putin fanboy Ramzan Kadyrov, head of Russia's region of Chechnya, criticized Moscow and, Kadyrov just doesnt want to send more Chechnyans underground. One thing to note: While the Russian Army appears to be fully retreating from fear/poor training, there is still a massive territory east of Kherson they hold. Webmodifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata Le livre numrique (en anglais: ebook ou e-book), aussi connu sous les noms de livre lectronique et de livrel , est un livre dit et diffus en version numrique, disponible sous la forme de fichiers , qui peuvent tre tlchargs et stocks pour tre lus sur un cran , (ordinateur personnel , tlphone More importantly, I am fearful of what this move means: Putin is willing to double down on his losses. Join 7,984 readers in helping fund MetaFilter. RF needs a huge number of bodies to drive trucks, load and unload supplies, patrol rear areas etc. Heck, there are thousands of civilian Danes who enjoy watching ships go by and communicating about it in Internet forums. Rob Lee, who's been linked to fairly often in these threads, has. In the back of my head, and given Chinas recent military exercises, I cant help but think they have some hope that the war in Ukraine will distract/occupy the US enough, and deplete the US weapon stockpile enough, to make invading and securing Taiwan doable. Anatoly Gerashchenko, the former head of the Moscow Aviation Institute, has died after falling down the stairs at the institute. Yes, but TNT weight is generally used as reference, even if the actual explosive is nothing like TNT such as a party balloon popping. Whether it's dropping classic "surrender and you won't be harmed" leaflets, circulating old the ", An extra zero but this million-man conscription is reminding me of McNamara's. The Green Party believes it is imperative to act and will actively promote an immediate transition from diets dominated by meat and other animal products to increasingly plant-based diets and to lifestyles using environmentally sustainable products derived from non-animal sources. Went to the stream, but it seemed to be over. .email-signup li{ So we have two countries who are both heavy anti-aircraft and light on actual aircraft, fighting each other and neither control the airspace. width: 90%; I guess I should say that it's not entirely clear to me that a failure in a massive, high pressure gas pipe is not enough to cause an explosion in and of itself, whether it's underwater or not. So I thank everyone for that. The Russians are using conscription to do ethnic cleansing. Ukrainian official estimates 5,000 Russians left in the city. AR400 As part of the Environment Commission (see PL410), a section will be set up dealing with the welfare of all animals, wild and domesticated, to oversee their treatment and make appropriate recommendations. With a view of the train bridge. MetaFilter is a weblog that anyone can contribute a link or a comment to. Agreed, the Danes are in it with the Poles. We shall maintain a ban on the use of growth hormones and imports of food from animals treated with growth hormones. Previous reportage (and speculation here) was that it was entirely Ukrainian cleverness at work. That's probably his greatest protection in a bureaucratic society where political favor comes and goes rather quickly. ; Lawrence Freedman writing on the mobilization in Foreign Affairs: All the Tsar's Men The Kremlin will consider Kyiv's attempts to return Donbass after its entry into the Russian It's a target of opportunity. I am certain it was staged to look like a meaningful propaganda sally (after all, Goebbels) but its definite last-ditch time. There is no shortage of working guns to be had. AR412 The Green Party will ensure that high quality, nutritionally balanced vegetarian and vegan menu options are widely available and promoted in all public sector establishments such as schools, hospitals and care facilities (see ED190, FA222, HE322). Or do the opposite of that and immediately reopen to traffic with minimal structural inspection. In tactics its called harassing fire. We call on all governments to outlaw whaling. I was going to say, given Russian Naval quality, that if the. Those who have a checking or savings account, but also use financial alternatives like check cashing services are considered underbanked. Putin also rambled on about how the US set the precedent for using Nuclear weapons. The sub is meant to be noticed, they're waving their nuclear torpedo around; Mil-Tube is taking the bait and milking it for views. We shall prioritise smaller, local abattoirs, prohibit piece-rate payment of workers and otherwise improve market and slaughterhouse conditions. font-size: 1.5em; I wonder what the the expected lifespan of Baltic Pipe, the. These statistics would be used as evidence to close dangerous tracks and ban trainers with poor records. So what did NATO have to say? as GCU says, the whole series [which, if you haven't seen it and are interested in WW II history, it's SUBLIME] is footage and interviews, no reenactments. One of the people I follow on Twitter (. Russia targeted central Kyiv with a wave of missiles. There is evidence that large-scale animal agriculture is a significant contributor to greenhouse-gas emissions, habitat destruction, pollution and loss of biodiversity. Halal certification will be required for the following products: A. Fresh/frozen unprocessed products bearing Halal label claims must be accompanied by an appropriate Halal certificate or a written assurance from the exporter that an appropriate Halal certificate will be supplied to accompany that shipment before it reaches its destination. Here's a video showing the damage clearly by the light of day. The cost of shooting down a Shahed-136 is many times more than the cost of launching one. I think it's interesting that there's all kinds of credible people out there finding reasons for why it, it's always infrastructure week in the Ukraine war threads, I'm sure the mental process went something like, "hey, we have submarine drones and explosives, we could blow up a pipeline!" Indeed. Believes Ukrainians Were Behind an Assassination in Russia, The Russians Just Shot Down One Of Their Own Best Jets, Russia Adds Top Dogfighter Su-35S To Its Aggressor Squadron As Combat Losses Mount In Ukraine . margin: auto; And Russia had a pretty terrible NCO corps to begin with. Licences will only be granted to establishments involved in either captive breeding of endangered species for eventual return to the wild or else those offering genuine sanctuary to animals unable, through injury and other cause, to be returned to the wild and where their living conditions are as close as possible to the animal's natural habitat.AR428 The Green Party will end the exploitation of animals in horse racing, greyhound racing and all situations where animals are commercially raced. First, the fact that the bridge hadn't been demolished suggested ineffective partisan resistance in Crimea / lack of infiltrators in RF. Pro-Russian sabotage of infrastructure in Germany might not have been the works of spetsnaz assets as much as of useful idiots in extremist groups, done cheaply and at arm's length. These Ukrainians are nothing if not plucky and resourceful. display: none!important; Heres a military lawyers advice for those who dont want to fight. Now that we've hit the futile/tragic vengeance weapons phase, maybe we have Operation Valkyrie to look forward to? Crimean Tatar film director Nariman Aliev acknowledges the difficult position of those still in Crimea but appeals to them to resist against Russia. So one theory is that NATO has comprehensive evidence it was Russia, and has been waiting for the Kremlin to make a statement before they release it, so as to make Putin look stupid. And might destroy the rails the next time. What about the hostile use of cyber? WebNews on Japan, Business News, Opinion, Sports, Entertainment and More Per Wikipedia, there are something like 100 million Kalashnikovs that have been produced worldwide. Dude, my camping/hunting gear is far superior to what has been issued to a lot of Russian forces. AR408 The Green Party will seek to minimise live transport of animals and will work through the EU and locally to end all live exports for slaughter and fattening. video is a really well put together narrative of the Russian, Russian soldiers helped themselves to artifacts in 40 Ukrainian museums Ukraines culture minister, ratified a mutual defence pact which is independent of NATO, The War in Ukraine Launches a New Battle for the Russian Soul, has a thread on what Occams Razor can tell us about the Kerch Bridge explosion cause. I'm a bit confused by the discussion here, which I guess goes to show that geographical proximity still means something in communication. Now eat up, Pavel got the first aid kit and we'll fix your leg and check your wallet to make sure we drive you home to the right place. Well that is why we shouldn't have people that are rich enough to act as states. So this is my surprised face. October 5, 2022. Wagner military group, the privately owned company with close ties to the regime leaders, is recruiting from Russian prisons. An undersea pipeline is not territory, forces, vessels, or aircraft. Always getting in the way. After I left the military, grew up, and got an education, I became quite the peacenik. It's being reported by the various journos but here: maybe the pipeline stuff deserves its own thread at this point. I've been watching it go on the whole time. I think a less escalatory response to the Russian long range missile threat would be to blanket Ukraine with anti-missile defenses. Cephalopod and decapod crustacean species. He's not required to register with his local draft board. Wendover Productions just posted their latest video, In the US system the graft benefitting the military-industrial complex is (mostly) built in and budgeted for, to the point that saying so is unremarkable (insert Eisenhower reference), so it escapes the label of 'corruption.'. Trying to piece together accounts from footage and people who seem to know what they are talking about: looks like two large, pre-planted charges - one on each bridge - under the road or railway spans and detonated by someone waiting for the fuel train to be overhead on the rail bridge. To be fair, based on what we've seen of their military, the theory of "working ICBMs" is maybe 50/50, but who can take that chance? Look at the links Rumple posted, strongest argument against Russia is that it worked, imo. Interesting to see it in practice with this tank crew. Sending conscripts into contaminated zones to die would be considered a. literally an objective with no objectivity. Trent Telenko's undoubtedly let stuff go to his head from one viral tweet, but like others said, some of the stuff he's mentioned is the same blindingly obvious "this indicates problems" as more reliable commentators. Or is that being far to generous? Russia's routed troops need time to reconstitute, and mobilized troops need time to arrive. It might matter in the sense of trying to figure out who's likely to do what next. .email-signup h3, .email-signup h4, .email-signup #action_info, .email-signup label, .email-signup #logo_wrap, .email-signup .logo_wrap, .email-signup .ajax-loading, .email-signup .international_link-wrap, .email-signup .country_drop_wrap{ A giant difference between when Russia invaded Ukraine and martial law was declared and all men of fighting age were immediately called into service and all the Ukrainian men basically went there to defend their country. January 2018 - AR403 updated by Policy Development Committee to reflect facts. I am going to propose "obscenity" and "element of war crime." Rhetoric from Russia has taken a slightly less bellicose turn about nukes. I don't want to out myself as a clown-shoes non-expert, but having a little experience working with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) I can say blowing a seafloor pipeline would be a pretty trivial mission for this technology. But Its Not Making Much Of A Difference. There would be regulation on the conditions and times of transportation of animals used in sport as well as the housing of all animals. It'll be interesting to see Edward Snowden picking up a rifle and heading for Ukraine to defend Russia. ", "Why the fuck you're screaming like women? We will immediately prohibit the use of animals in circuses and will encourage the re-homing of all existing circus animals to sanctuaries or other suitable establishments with relocation to the wild wherever possible.AR427 To abolish zoos and private collections of animals except where they are for the benefit of the animal concerned. Lawrence Freedman writing on the mobilization in Foreign Affairs: The Kremlin will consider Kyiv's attempts to return Donbass after its entry into the Russian Federation as attacks on Russia, Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov. Snowden's last public statements about the war are funny in a poorly-aged-takes sort of way: I could be wrong -- I don't follow him, it was months ago, and I have the memory of whatever the opposite of a steel trap is -- but I think I saw a tweet from him post-invasion, saying or at least implying that the invasion was a bad thing. Prepare to stand up for your convictions During mobilization, escaping the draft is a legal problem for many Russians. in re world at war reference above: the goebbels thing is film footage. There doesn't seem to be much doubt here in Denmark that this is Russian sabotage. The Green Party 2006 - 2022 Code, Design and Photo Credits NATO Says All Signs Point To Sabotage Of Baltic Undersea Pipelines, Russian Underwater Drone With Manipulator Arm For Seabed Operations, Full text of Putins speech at annexation ceremony, Putins annexation speech: more angry taxi driver than head of state. I just looked at a tabloid site because I wanted to check on right-wing talking points up to our coming election. Not much there. I assume that various NATO states have stepped up activity in the Baltic Sea to patrol and protect other pipelines. Works better than the Russian military at least. If you have many products or ads, create your own online store (e-commerce shop) and conveniently group all your classified ads in your shop! Get the latest health news, diet & fitness information, medical research, health care trends and health issues that affect you and your family on ABCNews.com "Interesting opinion on mobilisation from Rus. My son just found this bizarre UKR channel, still not quite sure what it is: The problem with reporting such rosy numbers for conscription is that if the situation on the ground doesnt improve soon it will be seen as yet another failure. The prevailing assumption that animals can be used for any purpose that benefits humankind is not acceptable in a Green society. AR409 Undercover footage has revealed significant animal suffering in UK slaughterhouses, including animals slaughtered for organic meat. 12:21). Handshake, deal. The whole history of Russian/Soviet u-boat incursions in Swedish waters is kind of fraught. AR424 The Green Party is fundamentally opposed to all blood-sports. cage, broiler house, shed, enriched indoor, outdoor), transport, place of slaughter and method of slaughter (e.g. Objectivity is one of the most important things, to me, personally, when discussing matters I care about. Dmitri and WarTranslated put up an English subtitled video. As the attacker, you're operating at the limits of your logistics, and you will be expending ammo and fuel which you might need later against a stronger foe. It endangers the survival of various cetacean species. I appreciate your expertise Abehammerb Lincoln. Yes, please keep the nuclear speculation elsewhere. I don't, and I'd like the tweet to be true, but it seems kinda sketchy. We shall work empathetically and respectfully with relevant medical, scientific and religious groups to bring about reduction in fear, pain and discomfort for all animals that are bred and maintained for food. In fairness, those Doritos and dragon dildoes aren't gonna last-mile. The magnitude of the explosion (2.3 Richter) is useful hard evidence. Not just that, but combat against an already overpowered enemy is simply wasteful if you could just get them to surrender instead. When a Ukrainian fighter tries to help, the Russian asks to finish him off, to which he receives an answer -. (Deut. They want to force NATO leaders into a reckoning where they have two choices politically make a deal or start WW3. They adopted an accessory rail system for the AK-12 (their newest gun) but they only fitted it with iron sights. I'm not well-read enough to take on why but a glance at history of the 20th century feels quite instructive. Clawed lobsters are not closely related to spiny lobsters or slipper lobsters, which have no claws (), or to squat lobsters.The most similar living relatives of clawed Link to Russian press article from 3 months ago, Evidence of a parallel attack on the railway line at Melitopol, Few episodes in the Ukraine war illustrate this more vividly than the five-month battle for the village of Dovhenke, an episode which likely cost hundreds of lives but was entirely futile for Russia, There are conflicting reports about what happened at the Crimean bridge. It's rendered useless, no matter who did it. Thanks for sharing the High Rep Borrell speech Bella Donna and snuffleupagus. Most average tourist dives cap out at 100 feet deep. The last bullet points was in reference to the sham referendums being performed in the occupied parts of Ukraine right now. I was shocked to realize just how tiny the Russian economy is. I see a lot of analysis today and yesterday (many linked above) about how the draft is a sign of weakness, and Ukraine is on the path of Victory, but I'm not relieved. Could his new citizenship be to keep him in Russia in the event he decides prison-time in the US is more agreeable than a weird semi-imprisonment in Russia? Sinking it would be justified, but capturing it would be funny. So the play seems to be expanding terrorism to the continent, right? The theory is that Russia doesnt actually expect NATO to get directly involved. Nope -- the author does do a rhetorical slight-of-hand to conflate American political leadership of the past couple decades with the current American political leader. The vulnerability to collective Europe to its dependence on Russian oil and gas has been a topic of discussion for a couple of decades at least. NYT update on the assasination of Daria Dugina: Russia's air force is probably more useful to sell to other countries and threaten NATO than for Russia to actually use in combat, and Russia simply doesn't do enough combined-arms training to use them properly. We shall prohibit all painful mutilations such as beak trimming of poultry and tail docking of pigs. It had some initial success in Donbas in June and July but by the end of July they had only gained a few hundred square kilometers at the cost of wearing out a lot of their guns and using up much of their ammunition. NPR: Russian men flee the country. It'll all make sense in the morning, after they quietly edit article a couple times. In particular, whaling is a premeditated, deliberate and unnecessary cause of animal suffering. since the pipeline is on the ocean floor, there wouldn't really need to be precise targeting like with a missile. But I found other news: Norway is closing its harbors to Russian trawlers and a Russian submarine is coming through the Baltic towards the Atlantic. cage, broiler house, shed, enriched indoor, outdoor), transport, place of slaughter and method of slaughter (e.g. Many of these animals are farmed intensively, kept in cramped conditions and denied the freedom to express natural behaviour. Lol nothing counts for anything in Russia. It's near impossible to get any form of vessel through Danish territory without Denmark knowing. IMF: War in Ukraine is Contributing to a Global Food Price Shock, Tackling the Global Food Crisis: Impact, Policy Response, and the Role of the IMF, A good overview of the current state of the battle for Lyman, ICOS measurements show huge methane peaks in the atmosphere after Nord Stream leak, The latest reporting is that Russian forces have evacuated Lyman, Nord Stream attacks highlight vulnerability of undersea pipelines [and communication cables] in west, suggested the use of low-yield nuclear weapons, Zelensky fired suspected Russian collaborators. Ukrainian MoD predicted, a couple of months ago, that Russia was starting to run out of cruise missiles. And Niki Proshin, another YouTuber that has been posted here, has also left Russia now. Russia has been sabotaging their own pipeline (Nordstream) for weeks/months. If it was a Naval tug, let's say, or a Naval supply ship, it would be unambiguously a fair target in a war, I wouldn't say it's quaint appearance disqualifies the Sedov from that genre. Or, "no, that'll get Europe off gas faster." and links to news. (see ST363)AR423Wildlife management and control in urban and domestic settings (vertebrate species). This makes re-supply slow and inefficient and all these choke points are easy targets for a HIMARS or suicide drone attack. The other problem in their logistics is while theyve probably got lots of AKs and bullets for them; they seem to be short of things like field rations, backpacks, combat boots, medical kits and all the other stuff that people need for basic survival. Air denial isn't quite the same paradigm shift as cheap top-attack drones and etc but to overcome it you need to keep up in the stand-off air defense suppression game; and the total lack of Russian capability there has been something of an eye-opener. bar entry to Russian citizens travelling on Schengen country tourist visas. Many Ukrainians seem pissed about this too. If we're going to compare this war & mobilization to anything, it seems like 2022 is a speed run of what Russia did from 1914 to 1917. Dagestan is close to open rebellion. Putin is dangling a bad peace in front of Western Europeans knowing it's their fucking catnip. It was a significant topic of discussion in the early days but now is mentioned rarely because it is obvious Russia won't be able to get it. Treating nonhuman animals as "spare part" factories is both immoral and inhumane, and is therefore completely unacceptable in an ecological society. The NYT article doesn't say what those three villages are (or maybe I just missed it), but the "other" in "three other villages" is a reference to Davydiv Brid. No help from USA needed, just some seriously gutsy infiltrators. Following a bumpy launch week that saw frequent server trouble and bloated player queues, Blizzard has announced that over 25 million Overwatch 2 players have logged on in its first 10 days. Interesting question. Germany's Interior Minister Nancy Faeser is looking to fire the chief of the federal agency responsible for cybersecurity, Arne Schnbohm, over his alleged contacts with agents of Russia's security services, Alon Levy has a Twitter thread on Putinist sympathies in the Bundeswehr being a holdover from the cold war, urged a freeze on all US cooperation with Saudi Arabia. Population sizes aside there are reports of men just getting rounded up wholesale with the only real requirement being the ability to fog a mirror. If that's really the state in which these troops are going to be deployed, they're more human shields meant to make imposition of defeat on unacceptable terms unpalatable to Ukraine's supporters, than a force with any offensive potential. From the "30 km breakthrough on the Kherson front" link: It's going to be over this winter, Russia is done. Forbes. OTOH, Putinist sympathies run deep in Germany; mostly on the right, including the AfD party (who have been having big rallies against sacrificing cheap gas for Ukraine), though also among stalgist pockets on the left. Animals are often transported long distances to slaughter and suffer inhumane conditions both during transport and at the time of slaughter. AK-47s are kind of famous as the guns you can drop in a swamp for six months and they'll just work. We wont know for a while exactly what happened with the pipelines. About "small countries" -- I think people are also thinking about population size, and the relative differences between the countries at war. WebThe best opinions, comments and analysis from The Telegraph. In particular we shall press for maximum stocking densities and appropriate environments for all farm animals in order to permit expression of natural behaviour. WebThe legal aspects of ritual slaughter include the regulation of slaughterhouses, butchers, and religious personnel involved with traditional shechita (Jewish) and dhabiha (Islamic). Well, we have a different set of Nazis these days. To be clear, I understand that both having sprung leaks essentially simultaneously seems rather suspicious. They are not heat treated. things that have been popping up in the past day kind of weird. I still think it was a boat/sea-drone - in the video from the distance you can see 2 trucks on the right, the closer one survives, the far one is already on the rising part of the bridge, and the damage was to the flat part. Chemical weapons are battlefield-ineffective, Newly arrived Russian infantry were handed rotten AKs to fix, The Ukraine crisis and the international law of armed conflict (LOAC): some Q & A, Seeking to avoid another major failure, Putin has become more hands-on with his commanders, refusing their requests to retreat from the last Ukrainian city under Russian control, https://twitter.com/juliadavisnews/status/1573712374275637248?s=21&t=wXB80juD3LP7rRdDySnk9g, Vietnam is not exactly a small country either, Russian security services count more than 260,000 men fleeing Russia. Once the winter comes, they have time to train up these units. If they did it once, they might do it again. In a war where both armies apparently started off with ~200k troops, an influx of 300k feels like it would significantly tip the scales, even if they were poorly trained and didn't arrive for weeks or months. Then they pile it all up at a rail terminal and wait to hand load it onto ancient trucks, to get it to some forward munitions depot and then onto the front. I was sitting here utterly confused for a few minutes. We need to put carbon taxes on fossil fuels and place steep import taxes on the products of any countries which don't cooperate. The Central Europeans and Baltics know what's going on but I fear the resolve of Scholz. Saw a Telegram post from a Russian complaining that they were turned away from the border for having a Z on their car. If you lob an AMRAAM or Patriot at one, yes. I can't help but wonder if sending hundreds of thousands of poorly-equipped, barely-trained conscripts into the theater of war might be presenting Ukraine with an interesting psyops opportunity. All of the canal water was for industry and agriculture. } Other cities have been hit as well. The combination of a cargo pallet plus pallet wrap is undeniably the second most important development in shipping behind the cargo container. Their GNP is Canadian-scale, and they have 4x the population of Canada. AR402 To take pressure off wild animals by voluntarily limiting our population, by actively discouraging and penalising pollution and by preserving and restoring stable habitats. For example, Judaism prescribes a strict set of rules, called Kashrut, regarding what may and may not be eaten, and notably forbidding the mixing of meat with dairy products. Extraordinary and frank. And Russia doesn't have the sort of air force depth that would enable air superiority that the US can maintain at least not against an enemy with significant material backing of NATO et. Ukraine isn't out of the woods yet, but I've been repeatedly stunned at the series of Russian reversals. and what's actually happening. We oppose the killing of, or infliction of pain or suffering upon, animals in the name of sport or leisure, and will work to end all such practices.AR425 To amend the Firearms Act to prohibit the use and private ownership of firearms and lethal weapons, such as air rifles, crossbows, etc., except on registered premises.AR426 In view of the fact that animal acts in circuses are cruel and degrading to performer and observer alike, we will immediately prohibit the import of, and sale from other sources of, all animals to circuses. Twitter runs on advertisements and clickbait. Yknow, if Pornhub and Onlyfans were to ban all of their Russian and Russia-adjacent talents, the Russian economy would crater so hard and so quick Putin would have no option but to sue for peace. AR411 A reduction in the consumption of animal products would have benefits for the environment, human health and animal welfare. Are Ukraine and Russia parties to the Geneva Conventions and other international treaties? They left very early in the morning so my friend still doesn't know what the final decision was. AR433: Wild, domesticated and companion animals suffer greatly from the fear of loud fireworks, and danger from other fire-bearing items such as paper lanterns which are released outside. Does it violate LOAC to use ballistic missiles and other explosive weapons with wide area effects in densely populated areas? Crimea is self-sufficient in its residential water use. The End of WWII and the Division of Europe. Posts team is already partnering with a farmer in the Netherlands, who keeps a free-roaming, high-quality herd of Limousins, raised not for slaughter, but for regular biopsies for Mosa Meats burgers. The V-1 was a terror weapon because it was new, remote, highly inaccurate but still killed thousands and could not be stopped though I believe a few planes nudged up to tip the fins. If we stop speculating, all that methane will have been vented in vain. WebScientific Reports. were men who had done mandatory army training in their late teens/early 20s - probably no combat experience but some training, and know which end of a gun to hold. Wow, the number of press conferences being called right now in Europe Zelenskyys response: Fuck you were joining NATO and were using the fast track option. Also NATO doesnt need to use article 5 to take some protective measure. And then the someone said, "what if we blow up our own pipeline? Mongolia is making tacit overtures for defections from their ethnic cousins to the north. A control system malfunction by a hack, sabotage or operator error could have triggered some kind of water hammer like shockwave to pass through the pipelines. Is it legal for Russian soldiers to dress in civilian clothes to infiltrate the Ukraine? Probably best not to get back into all of that in depth, but from the. Mark Hamil is now an official ambassador for the Ukrainian Army of Drones, helping to raise funds to defend Ukraine. a list of the items which new Russian military conscripts are being asked to source for themselves. I was thinking of other parallels with Vietnam too, small country fighting for it's life against a super power, getting help from another super power from a distance, but not too closely with no one quite wanting it to turn into ww3 Ukraine is not a small country though. I'm not sure if I'm right, but I'm in favor of countries around Russia accepting men trying to avoid the draft. been the case for Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, Sitting on Two Shaky Chairs in the Caucasus, Ukraine Ports Have Shipped Just 4.7 Million Tons Of Grain. I don't really see why this would make sense from the point of view of *any* nation. A large proportion of animals are used for non-medical testing and for duplicate research which could be avoided. My understanding is that "mobilization" meant these men called up already had some military training. One thing that has happened is MANPADS. I keep flipping between two film loops in my mind's eye: Maybe just remain on ground level at all times. High levels of frustration, distress, injury and suffering are common and painful mutilations are routinely carried out to reduce risk of injury. Not like it matters much because Germany have barely given jack shit this whole war but still I'm not going to be surprised when he starts his own call to pizza. The corruption and deterioration of stores was well known, but the extent of it was plain unbelievable to any reasonable actor. My current favorite is the guy who has been painstakingly identifying Russian ferry crossings in satellite images, and who just discovered that. Ukrainian IFV crew chasing pigs off the road. The authorities are not giving much information, so I don't know wether they were in Danish territory. Poland blew up the pipeline hoping Germany would activate Article 5 so they could march on Moscow. U.S. Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. Not being frivolous here, but someone need to go set those gas plumes on fire so they end up as CO2 in the atmosphere and not methane. I may have lost all ability in differentiating between metaphorical leaves. Putin's birthday was yesterday, and my personal suspicion is that this was intended for his birthday, but the train was delayed for a bit. This has lead to speculation that the Russians accidentally blew up the wrong pipeline. An Asylum Merits Interview after a positive credible fear determination; or. ), then another tweet saying something like "Just because I spoke against this war and then I didn't tweet anything for a while doesn't mean I've been murdered, you know". We will introduce measures to regulate the care and conditions for such animals including a two-tier system of dog-licensing [breeding and non-breeding], licensing of all animal breeders and dog owners, subsidised spaying and neutering, the implementation of good animal warden schemes and a prohibition on the import of exotic animals for the pet trade.AR420A Green Government will create a national register (similar to the ViSOR database) of convicted animal-cruelty offenders, which will work in conjunction with a compulsory licensing system for those keeping or working with animals,as defined by coverage under the Animal Welfare Act.AR421 The Green Party will end puppy farming by banning the sale of young puppies and kittens unless the mother is present.AR422 Patents will not be granted on any animal and strict controls will be introduced to prevent genetic manipulation for profit or curiosity. Ukrainians are understandably unsympathetic to Russians trying to stampede out of there, but this video by Russian YouTubers who are cooling their heels in Tbilisi is worth a watch. The Department currently operates more than 11,000 UAS in support of domestic training events and overseas contingency. Except for one in the Swedish economic zone and one in international waters. But I guess the mixed metaphor more or less works. Might it be possible to start a new thread, this one is over 800+ posts and a lot has happened in the past few days. It was President Lukashenko in the Baltic Sea with a depth charge. It looks like the road bridge has collapsed although it appears to be at the level of the water, not below it so they could still do rescue operations to help anyone that was in vehicles. We shall extend the Animal Welfare Act to cover all fishing activities. It's a VEHICLE!" Main area of attacks is, That Dutch article notes "For example, by dropping divers, or by having a submarine hide under its hull?", [nafo] Let's strap some LCS modules to the. Any kind of speculation - nuclear or otherwise - adds a lot of noise to the signal. The upside to the terrible tolerances and low accuracy is that you can bury an AK in mud and give it a quick wash and it will fire about as badly as it did previously. The war has been going on for over seven months now, and it's been this way for, what, six and a half of them or so? It's easy to use, no lengthy sign-ups, and 100% free! You wouldn't use crappy Iranian drones if you had a large reserve of anything better. In three months, they will be frozen human shields. (see 'Pollution'). Using "reading the fig leaves" to describe kremlinology is utterly brilliant. WebLatest breaking news, including politics, crime and celebrity. The poor bastards with Mosins are a small minority. Who need to buy it because the logistics officer stole it. Between that and the buckling under the burning train, that's it for military resupplying over the bridge. Record methane leak flows from damaged Baltic Sea pipelines, A fourth leak has been detected in one of the NordStream pipes, Denmark, Sweden view Nord Stream pipeline leaks as 'deliberate actions, Maxim Katz - Here's your comrades, soldier! So there is no way but forwards and trying to carry the people with him. The folks at the ISW think that Russias logistical and equipment problems make it unlikely that, Unfortunately, I think all those "no rational person would do this" arguments don't really apply here. In re hating Russians: I don't know whether it matters that people well away from the conflict hate Russians, but I think it's hazardous. The Kerch bridge is a parallel bridge and it looks like one of the road decks is still whole so it might not be 100% disabled. Teegeeack stole my thunder, but here's the relevant section from, The other video linked in that Reddit thread of a POV getting a kebab and medical treatment really touched me because it's such a morning-after-a-bad-night-at-the-village-disco vibe. Does publishing photographs of prisoners of war violate LOAC? Are the Russians attempting to leave considered refugees at this point? It's been a particularly quickly chilly autumn in Eastern Europe this year. So until we know more I will just entertain the idea that it's some sort of hazing prank Finland and Sweden had to do together to join NATO. Ukraine and it's allies have been incremental while Russia, escalatory. The Green Party condemns those governments who seek, through the International Whaling Commission and otherwise, to continue whaling. I feel like the anti-Russia military propaganda is getting a bit out over its skis about the criticism of the Russian mobilization. Somewhat like 'banana for scale' even if the subject is a flea or the Kilimanjaro. Speaking of vintage weapons and Makhno, it's interesting to see the current Makhnovist brigade. We should keep in mind that the Russian occupation of Ukraine doesn't drive every event in the world. I'm personally rooting for this war not to spread to include other countries, and for other countries to stop their squabbling because that could also spread the general conflict. I don't see the motive for Russia, why would they take away their own cheap-gas leverage over europe. The Guardian's correspondent Shaun Walker, Ukraine tells Russia to appeal to Kyiv if it wants encircled troops freed. Quoting from. "The Swedish Maritime Administration has not issued a new navigational warning after the discovery of the fourth leak, the existence of which SvD was the first to report on Wednesday evening.". Or maybe they'd be close enough to attack it with other capabilities. (Edible, non-expired rations, on the other hand, seem to have been a different story. Sorry, I was inaccurate above, because facts are coming in very rapidly and from many sides: the attacks are in international waters, but the Danish economic zone. Not that this matters their machining standards are terrible and steel is low quality so their riffles are notoriously inaccurate. The response is calibrated to the kind of attack. Find stories, updates and expert opinion. I think the articles dancestoblue linked to are sober, worthwhile reading. You are also expending time, the most precious of all resources. This is the same reason they blew up the pipeline. I'm pretty sure that Russia's strategy from the beginning has been to just keep daring NATO over and over to get involved. In the end, does it matter? WHY DID THEY GET IT SO WRONG? One of the things I value about this forum is that, by and large, objectivity and good will tend to be valued and present in decent amounts. This was unforeseeable. 60 meters is 200 feet. Pricing of those items are going the way one might expect given demand. Wow that speech. Timed their attack for rush hour to maximize casualties. It could also be they're ordered with the intent of hitting key logistics hubs and command/intelligence centers, and whoever's executing those orders just don't have that kind of information, so they're attacking. He said the city could start rationing water. The underbanked represented 14% of U.S. households, or 18. It wouldn't be in 'remember' I don't recall it and searched, nothing, so. That rusty thing is more likely to give you tetanus than give you a bullet wound Is there any reasonably-knowledgeable thought on how China is viewing Putins war? Maybe they have things they're saving? Their willingness to integrate with the majority populations has been variable and many of their members identify (again, to varying degrees) as Russian. I suspect they need to remain pressurised otherwise at that depth they'll collapse - but you could do that with dry nitrogen - I too can't comment on the viability of the explanation, but incompetence over planned evil with no obvious upside seems plausible. Forbes. A single regulatory authority would be put in place for each sport, tasked with establishing and enforcing strict welfare standards. Xenotransplantation carries the grave danger of virus transferral from nonhuman animals to humans, raising the real possibility of the unleashing of an epidemic amongst the human population.The Green Party would promote more sensible and effective approaches to enhancing health, such as preventative health measures, increasing the pool of human donors, research into artificial organs, and the surgical repair of damaged organs. Animals used in or being bred for scientific procedures as defined by Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 (c. 14). Between all of the carbon being released into the atmosphere due to this war, and now the methane from this leak, I wonder what the effect of this war is going to be on climate change, and if we will even be able to recover from it. There's some Sun Tzu quote about always leaving the enemy an escape route, so they're constantly deciding whether to fight or to run, and they're weakened by the unknown decision. Public Health Regulations (PHR) FSIS Data Analysis and Reporting: Public Health Regulations FY 2022 ARCHIVE: Inspection for Ritual Meat and Poultry Slaughter; ARCHIVE: Thanksgiving Message from Leadership; ARCHIVE: Make a Difference for You and Your Colleagues Respond to FEVS by Dec. 3; I was trying to remember how long ago it was that. WebThe Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) is a charity operating in England and Wales that promotes animal welfare.The RSPCA is funded primarily by voluntary donations. muckraker The TL;DR, as I read it, is: because the kleptocracy is starting to run out of Russia to steal. Here's a herd (their own word for themselves) of mobiks going to the drill grounds. Yeah, I meant if Russia attacked the parts of the pipeline not solidly in NATO territory, like they did for Nord Stream. Does this seem reasonable? What is the status of the Ukrainian citizens who rise up against Russian invaders? Thinking about it today, with all the young Russian men heading for the border - the obvious parallel with Ukraine vs. Russia in our recent experience is Vietnam vs. USA with all the young American men heading for Canada. 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