The soldier turned him away, warning that you are ruining your future, and urged him to think about it. Yazan said he considered leaving via Rafah, the crossing with Egypt, but the Hamas-administered waiting list was long, he could not afford to pay the several thousand dollars to advance his place on the waitlist, and the opportunity passed. Authorities, for example, continue to apply British Mandate-era regulations that allow them to declare unlawful groups that advocate bringing into hatred or contempt of, or the exciting of disaffection against local authorities and to arrest Palestinians for affiliation with such groups. In addition, Israeli officials have at times encouraged the emigration of Palestinians from Gaza out of the OPT altogether. Revenues for localities in Israel derive principally from two sources: those generated locally by taxes and those received from the central government. [493] In July 2019, some 8,200 people remained internally displaced as a result of 2014 hostilities, according to OCHA. [315] See, for example, Emergency Water Sanitation and Hygiene group (EWASH), Down the Drain: Israeli Restrictions on the WASH Sector in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Their Impact on Vulnerable Communities, March 2012, (accessed June 4, 2020), p. 16. ACRI, East Jerusalem: Facts and Figures 2019. The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center put the number of Jerusalem residents in Kufr Aqab at between 70,000 and 75,000, citing July 2020 data from the Jerusalem municipality. [88] He warned that if their numbers will reach 35-40 percent of the country, then the Jewish state will be annulled.[89] He also stated that the separation barrier, ostensibly erected to enhance Israels security, would also help to prevent a demographic spillover of Palestinians from the West Bank. [281] ACRI, Information Sheet Allocation of State Land in OPT, updated April 12, 2013, (accessed June 4, 2020). [212] The Israeli governments withdrawal of its settler population from Gaza in 2005 reflected not a departure from the objective of demographic and land control in the OPT, but rather a recalibration in light of the large Palestinian population inhabiting a small strip of land and the burden of securing a tiny Jewish settler community there. Choisissez votre sige sur tous les vols Between 1967 and 2002, Gaza depended on electricity it received from the Israeli Electric Corporation (IEC). [433] Human Rights Watch phone interview with Moien Odeh, lawyer, May 7, 2020. The closure adversely affects many aspects of everyday life and contributes to other violations of Palestinians rights, including the right to family reunification, the right to access healthcare, education, and economic opportunities. [699] Kafarne v. Defense Minister, HCJ 495/12, State Response of August 16, 2012, para. [763] From 2009 through 2020, Israeli authorities demolished 7,118 structures in East Jerusalem and Area C, displacing 10,493 people, according to OCHA. Most significantly in demonstrating Israels demographic goals is the 1950 Law of Return. [531] It also until November 2020 banned processed goods from Gaza entering markets in the West Bank and Israel. Latest breaking news, including politics, crime and celebrity. [738] Data - Settlements Population, Peace Now, (accessed March 27, 2021). The Egyptian government often imposes restrictions along its border with Gaza, which exacerbate the impact of Israels policies on residents of Gaza, but Egypts obligations differ since it is not the occupying power and can, with some key limitations, decide whom to allow to enter its territory.[481]. The following case study details how Israeli authorities use oppressive means for the purpose of establishing domination over the Palestinian governorate of Salfit in the West Bank, abusing the rights of its residents to benefit Jewish Israeli settlers living nearby. [103] Gideon Alon, Cabinet Okays Limits on Citizenship for Palestinians, Haaretz, May 16, 2005, (accessed June 1, 2020). Andrew File System (AFS) ended service on January 1, 2021. Recommend, given the deadlock on this issue at the UN Security Council, that member states and blocs of states impose unilateral measures in the form of targeted sanctions, including travel bans and asset freezes, against officials and entities credibly implicated in the crimes of apartheid and persecution; unilaterally condition arms sales and security assistance to Israel on Israeli authorities taking concrete and verifiable steps towards ending their commission of the crimes of apartheid and persecution of Palestinians; and subject agreements, cooperation schemes, and all forms of trade and dealing with Israel to enhanced due diligence to screen for those directly contributing to the commission of the crimes of apartheid and persecution of Palestinians, mitigate the human rights impacts and, where not possible, end those activities and funding found to contribute to facilitating these serious crimes. The US, which for decades has largely failed to press the Israeli government to end its systematic repression of Palestinians, has in some instances in recent years signaled its support for serious abuses such as the building of settlements in the occupied West Bank. [475] COGAT, Procedure For Settlement In The Gaza Strip By Residents Of Judea And Samaria Area, 2018. [50] Prosecutor v. Jelisic, Case No. The maps compare the parts of the occupied West Bank that should be prioritized for settlement development under the 1980 Drobles Plan, which guided the Israeli governments settlement policy at the time, and the division of the territory under the Oslo Accords of the 1990s between areas where Israel maintains full control (Area C) and where Palestinian authorities manage some affairs (Areas A and B). ResearchGate is a network dedicated to science and research. Each time they would move the fence [to encompass more land], they would say its for security reasons. The farmer said he filed a complaint each time to an Israeli military court, producing all the required evidence of ownership, yet he lost each of the cases. [417] In February 2020, Israels Housing Ministry advanced a plan to build a settlement in the area where the Jerusalem airport once stood. [350], Across the governorate, raw sewage and untreated industrial chemical waste from settlements and industrial zones flows into residential areas and around water sources, two municipal officials and two residents told Human Rights Watch. [268] HaMoked, 4323 "Security" Inmates are Held in Prisons inside Israel, April 2021, (accessed April 5, 2021); Yonah Jeremy Bob, Analysis: Administrative detention is not the same for Jewish and Palestinian terrorists, Jerusalem Post, May 19, 2016, (accessed June 4, 2020). Human Rights Watch phone interview with Musab Dukhan, April 28, 2020. Despite withdrawing its settlers and ground troops, Israel has remained in critical ways the supreme power in Gaza, dominating through other means and hence maintaining its legal obligations as an occupying power, as the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the United Nations (UN), among others, have determined. A family member said that authorities confiscated some of their land and that they now need permits to access the remainder of it. The Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law (Temporary Order)2003, which prohibits Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza with few exceptions from obtaining citizenship or permanent residency in Israel and East Jerusalem further reflects a desire to maintain demographic control. However, for the determination of whether the crime against humanity of persecution has been committed, Human Rights Watch requires the most serious forms of violations before the requirements of severe or egregious can be met. The Drobles Plan as it was known, named after its author and head of the Settlement Division, Matityahu Drobles, called for Israeli authorities to settle the land between the [Arab] minority population centers and their surroundings, noting that doing so would make it hard for Palestinians to create territorial contiguity and political unity. The plan further noted that any autonomy granted to Palestinians, as set out in the Camp David Accords between Egypt and Israel of the late 1970s, did not apply to the territories but rather to the Arab population alone and that there cannot be any shadow of a doubt about our intention to maintain perpetual control over the territory of Judea and Samaria.[193] It adds that the best and most effective way to remove any trace of doubt about our intention to control Judea and Samaria forever is through accelerated surge of settlements in these areas, in particular to create the widest possible spread of settlements and establish additional settlements next to every existing settlement. [194], In a July 1981 meeting of the Ministerial Committee for Settlement Affairs, Sharon justified designating additional land in the West Bank as firing zones by citing the spreading of Arab villagers in the South Hebron Hills, according to minutes of the meeting found in the Israeli State Archives by the Akevot Institute for Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Research. [510], Citing concerns about weapons smuggling, Israeli authorities also restrict how much of the sea, including Gazas territorial waters, residents can access. [327] WZO Settlement Arrays in Judea and Samaria: Update 1997.. Interest Successfully Added. [211] Israel CBS, Localities (1) And Population, By Municipal Status And District (2), 2004. (accessed June 1, 2020). Authorities have long pursued a policy to box in, separate, and exert pressure on Palestinian Jerusalemites to live beyond the barrier. [432] Moien Odeh, a lawyer who has brought cases on behalf of Kufr Aqab and a former resident, said that residents used to have to get a difficult-to-obtain permit to build anything, but, following the outbreak of the second Intifada and the building of the barrier, authorities suggested off-hand to some contractors and residents that they did not need a permit and residents eventually stopped applying. [459] A lawsuit filed by Kufr Aqab residents against the municipality alleged that, in 2012, Jerusalem spent about 328 million NIS on garbage collection, but only around 2 million NIS or less than 1 percent in Kufr Aqab, despite the portion of Kufr Aqab within the citys boundaries housing a percentage of the citys population likely at least six times higher. These restrictions have contributed to limiting access to basic services, devastating the economy, and making 80 percent of the population reliant on humanitarian aid. Follow Jamaican news online for free and stay informed on what's happening in the Caribbean Israeli authorities have carried out a range of inhumane acts in the OPT. [599] ACRI et al., Kaminitz Law (Draft Planning and Construction Law) (Amendment 109) 5776-2016, Position Paper; Israel: Discriminatory Land Policies Hem in Palestinians, Human Rights Watch news release, May 12, 2020, Also quoted in Ben-Gurion, War Diary, Vol. [748] Kerem Navot, A Locked Garden, Declaration of Closed Areas in the West Bank, March 2015, (accessed May 2, 2020). On her way back, during transit via the West Bank from Jordan, she contemplated staying. [370] See Inhumane Acts and Other Abuses of Fundamental Rights section for more information. The level of repression is most severe in the OPT, although often less severe aspects of similar policies can be found within Israel. [764] Data on demolition and displacement in the West Bank, OCHA, (accessed August 19, 2020). The main idea behind the flex layout is to give the container the ability to Israeli forces routinely useexcessive force, including live ammunition,against Palestinian demonstrators, rock-throwers, suspected assailants, and others in policing situations when lesser means could have been deployed. The Israeli armys official policy states that while a West Bank resident can apply for permanent resettlement in the Gaza Strip for any purpose that is considered humanitarian (usually family reunification), Gaza residents can settle in the West Bank only in the rarest cases, usually related to family reunification. [834] Residents, most of whom remained internally displaced inside Israel, filed a legal challenge against their displacement and, in 1951, the Israeli Supreme Court ruled that residents should be allowed to return to their homes. Across Jerusalem, 77 percent of children arrested in 2018 were Palestinian, although Palestinians constitute less than 40 percent of Jerusalems population. However, when announcing his Peace to Prosperity plan in January 2020, he said that Jerusalem will stay united, effectively recognizing the annexation. [554] A 2018 study by the RAND Corporation found that water pollution accounts for 26 percent of illnesses in Gaza and is the leading cause of child mortality. [369] In the city, Israel effectively maintains one set of rules for Jewish Israelis and another for Palestinians on virtually all aspects of everyday life. Israel Nature and Parks Authority, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Israel Civil Administration, Monitoring of the Judea and Samaria Rivers: Assessment of the situation based on the sampling findings in 2014 2015, (Hebrew) March 2016, (accessed June 16, 2020), p. 31. [446] Human Rights Watch phone interview with Kufr Aqab municipal council representative (name withheld), May 17, 2020. Jan. 6 Riot. States should impose individual sanctions, including travel bans and asset freezes, against officials and individuals responsible for the continued commission of these serious crimes and condition arms sales and military and security assistance to Israel on Israeli authorities taking concrete and verifiable steps towards ending their commission of the crimes of apartheid and persecution. On the way, Israeli soldiers stopped her at a checkpoint they had set-up. ; Municipality of Jerusalem, Social Services Offices, (accessed June 4, 2020). Her husband requested to change his address to one in the West Bank in 2016, but, as of writing, had not received a reply. Alexander Graham Bell (/ r e. The separation barrier entirely encircles the city of Qalqilya, home to more than 55,000 people,[364] with only one access road in and out of the city, in order to, according to BTselem create contiguity between Israel and the settlements there. [483] Palestinians not in the population registry cannot obtain ID cards and thereby enter or exit Gaza through either the Israelior Egyptiancontrolled crossings. Theres a need for the existence of a Jewish state. Benjamin Netanyahu, who was then the finance minister, said during discussions at the time: Instead of making it easier for Palestinians who want to get citizenship, we should make the process much more difficult, in order to guarantee Israels security and a Jewish majority in Israel. In March 2019, this time as prime minister, Netanyahu declared, Israel is not a state of all its citizens, but rather the nation-state of the Jewish people and only them.. Satellite Image 2021 Maxar Technologies. [804], Between the start of Israels occupation of East Jerusalem in 1967 and the end of 2020, Israel revoked the permanent resident status of at least 14,701 Palestinians from East Jerusalem. [259] ACRI, One Rule, Two Legal Systems, pp. Dweikat et al v. Government of Israel, HCJ 390/79(1979), Judgment, (accessed June 29, 2020). [611], Israeli authorities discriminate in the provision of resources and services between Palestinian and Jewish localities inside Israel. [184] Yotam Berger and Noa Landau, At West Bank Event, Netanyahu Promises No More Settlers, Arabs Will Be Evicted, Haaretz, July 10, 2019, (accessed June 1, 2020). [374] ACRI, East Jerusalem: Facts and Figures 2019.. ACRI, Route 443: Fact Sheet and Timeline, updated May 25, 2010, (accessed June 4, 2020). [737] Peace Now has documented 60 outposts established since 2012 alone. [716] BTselem and Kerem Navot, This Is Ours And This, Too, p. 8; Yotam Berger, Israeli Settlers Upgrade West Bank Springs to Usurp Palestinian Land, Haaretz, May 31, 2019, (accessed May 2, 2020); Settlements, BTselem, updated January 16, 2019, (accessed June 4, 2020). [488] By contrast, Israeli settlers in the OPT enjoy freedom of movement across much of the OPT, including to East Jerusalem and West Bank settlements, as well as to Israel and abroad. [54] Jacob Magid, Supreme Court Bans Extreme-right Gopstein and Marzel from Elections, Times of Israel, August 26, 2019, (accessed March 20, 2021); Israeli Court Bars racist Candidates from September Poll, France 24, August 26, 2019, (accessed March 20, 2021). [132] Jewish Agency for Israel, 2018 Yearly Impact, (accessed June 1, 2020); Jewish Agency for Israel, Who we are, (accessed June 1, 2020). [660] The Nazareth municipality has in subsequent years estimated that it needed between 10,403 and 12,378 more dunams to meet the needs of residents, including for new residential neighborhoods, land for industrial and commercial development, and more public spaces. [5] Between 1949 and 1966, Israeli authorities placed most of the Palestinians who remained within the borders of the new state under military rule, confining them to dozens of enclaves, requiring them to obtain permits to leave their enclaves, and severely restricting their rights.[6]. [812] Human Rights Watch, Born Without Civil Rights. Israeli authorities also carried out 84 punitive home demolitions during this period, acts that left 345 people without a home, according to BTselem. Israeli authorities justify many of the policies documented in this report as responses to Palestinian anti-Israeli violence. [694] Most Gaza residents do not fit within these exemptions. [214] Sharon Maintains Control in Face of Demographic Shift, The Irish Times, August 20, 2005, (accessed June 1, 2020). As this chapter will show, Israeli authorities have pursued many policies in ways that manifest a discriminatory intent to systematically dominate Palestinians. [165] Ariel Sharon, Land as an Economic Tool for Developing Infrastructure and Significantly Reducing Social Gaps, Land, December 2000, quoted in Thabet Abu-Ras, Land Disputes in Israel: The Case of the Bedouin of the Naqab, Adalah newsletter, Vol. In this report, Human Rights Watch examines the extent to which that threshold has already been crossed in certain of the areas where Israeli authorities exercise control. Subsequent Israeli policies built on the Allon plan. This category also includes land formerly managed by the Waqf, or Islamic Trust, and some land owned by Jews before 1948 and held in custodianship by Jordanian authorities prior to 1967. Other steps are taken to ensure Jewish domination, including a state policy of separation of Palestinians between the West Bank and Gaza, which prevents the movement of people and goods within the OPT, and Judaization of areas with significant Palestinian populations, including Jerusalem as well as the Galilee and the Negev in Israel. [262] United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF), Children in Israeli Military Detention Observations and Recommendations, February 2013, (accessed June 4, 2020); Military Court Watch, Comparative graph - Issues of concern, updated June 1, 2020, (accessed June 4, 2020); Defense for Children International Palestine, No Way to Treat a Child: Palestinian Children in the Israeli Military Detention System, April 2016, (accessed June 4, 2020). [846] Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality, On (In)Equality and Demolition of Homes and Structures in Arab Bedouin Communities in the Negev/Naqab, July 2020, (accessed August 18, 2020), p. 14; Almog Ben Zikri, Bedouin Home Demolitions in Israel Double in 2017, Haaretz, March 28, 2018, (accessed May 3,2020); NCF, The Regional Council for the Unrecognized Villages in the Negev (RCUV) and Alhuquq Center, The Arab Bedouin indigenous people of the Negev/Nagab A Short Background, (accessed May 3, 2020). [75] ICC, Pre-Trial Chamber I, Situation in the State of Palestine, February 5, 2021, No. Also see United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Fifty Years of Occupation Have Driven the Palestinian Economy into De-development and Poverty, September 12, 2017, (accessed August 18, 2020). [275] Fatalities Since Operation Cast Lead, BTselem, January 19, 2009 - January 31, 2021, (accessed March 4, 2021). v. The Government of Israel et al., HCJ 840/97 (2003) (Hebrew), (accessed June 15, 2020), para. In 2019, though, the Salfit municipality obtained approval to build a plant to treat its wastewater alone and began construction of the plant in November of that year. [154] Transportation minister: I intend to Judaize the Galilee, World Israel News, June 20, 2019, (accessed June 1, 2020). [52] Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), All Amendments to A90, Penal Law 5737-1977, Sixth Edition, (accessed March 20, 2021). Hadil applied in 2014 for a family reunification request to live with her fianc in the West Bank, but that was rejected without a reason given. [27], Apartheid, a term originally coined in relation to specific practices in South Africa, has developed over the past half-century into a universal legal term incorporated in international treaties, numerous UN resolutions, and the domestic law of many countries to refer to a particularly severe system of institutional discrimination and systematic oppression. The Palestine Liberation Organization Charter defines Palestinians as those Arab nationals who, until 1947, normally resided in Palestine, emphasizing that the identity is transmitted from parents to children.[58] Even within Israel where both Jews and Palestinians are citizens, authorities classify Jews and Palestinians as belonging to differentnationalities.[59], CERD found in its latest review of Israels record under ICERD in December 2019 that Palestinians in Israel and the OPT constitute a minority group deserving of protection against all policies and practices of racial segregation and apartheid in comparison to Jewish communities.[60]. [315] Between 2009 and July 2019, Israeli authorities demolished or seized 547 structures providing water and related sanitation services, including cisterns, water pipes, and mobile latrines, according to OCHA. Yazan missed the start of the semester in October 2018, as he awaited a reply to his application for an Israeli-issued permit and a letter allowing him to travel via Jordan to the UK. [362] People in the community worried that exposure to sewage and chemical waste was making people sick. The possibility that a future Israeli leader might forge a deal with Palestinians that dismantles the discriminatory system and ends systematic repression does not negate the intent of current officials to maintain the current system, nor the current reality of apartheid and persecution. [148] Ori Nir, Peres Asking U.S. Jewry To Push Aid For Galilee, Forward, August 5, 2005, (accessed June 1, 2020). For the past 54 years, Israeli authorities have facilitated the transfer of Jewish Israelis to the OPT and granted them a superior status under the law as compared to Palestinians living in the same territory when it comes to civil rights, access to land, and freedom to move, build, and confer residency rights to close relatives. [123] Adalah, Excerpts from the Jewish National Funds Response to H.C. 9205/04 and H.C. 9010/04, December 9, 2004, (accessed June 1, 2020). Many of these communities also have no reliable access to water sources and have to spend up to one-sixth of their income to purchase water from small, portable water tankers. [808] By pushing Palestinians to leave their home city, residency revocations amount to forcible transfer. Get the latest breaking news across the U.S. on ABC News. [185] Netanyahu Says Palestinians in Jordan Valley Won't Get Citizenship After Annexation, Haaretz, May 28, 2020, (accessed June 1, 2020). In June 2020, however, the Supreme Court struck it down as unconstitutional,[741] finding that less harmful tools could achieve similar ends. [82] Knesset, Basic Law: Israel - The Nation State of The Jewish People, unofficial translation, (accessed June 1, 2020). [484] Gisha, Changes at Rafah Crossing, n.d., (accessed September 17, 2020). 29-30; Gisha,Separating Land, Separating People: Legal Analysis of Access Restrictions between the West Bank and Gaza, June 2015, (accessed June 4, 2020), footnote 5, pp. [688] Human Rights Watch phone interview with Khalil Haddad, June 3, 2020. [54], While it is beyond the scope of this report to analyze the group identities of Jewish Israelis or Palestinians, it is clear that in the local context, Jewish Israelis and Palestinians are regarded as separate identity groups that fall within the broad understanding of racial group under international human rights law. [704] Restrictions on Movement, BTselem. 101, 104. The vast majority of those who applied did not receive citizenship. Source: Google Earth. ; Nur Masalha, Catastrophe Remembered: Palestine, Israel and the Internal Refugees:Essays in Memory of Edward W. Said (London: Zed Books, 2005), (accessed June 15, 2020). The Israel CBS includes in its figures all residents of the Golan Heights and East Jerusalem, as well as Israeli settlers in the West Bank. [658] Israel CBS, Population and Density Per Sq. Families in Gaza in recent years have had to make do without centrally provided electricity for between 12 and 20 hours per day, depending on the period. In 1973, the UN General Assembly adopted a specific convention on apartheid, the Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid (Apartheid Convention), declaring it to constitute a crime against humanity. [565] Her permit expired, Leens presence in the West Bank became illegal, and she said she began to fear getting stopped and removed back to Gaza. [7] Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (Fourth Geneva Convention), adopted August 12, 1949, 75 U.N.T.S. [606] At the same time, Israeli authorities and quasi-governmental bodies have invested billions of shekels in building new developments in the Negev designed predominantly for Jews. In February 2021, the ICC ruled that it has jurisdiction over serious international crimes committed in the entirety of the OPT, including East Jerusalem, which would include the crimes against humanity of apartheid or persecution committed in that territory. Peace Now, based on data provided by the Israeli government, found in 2007 that more than 30 percent of the land located within settlements is privately-owned Palestinian land, by the Israeli governments own accounting. Most states have agreed to treat the worst forms of such discrimination, that is, persecution and apartheid, as crimes against humanity, and have given the ICC the power to prosecute these crimes when national authorities are unable or unwilling to pursue them. [195] Sharon added that we have an interest in expanding and enlarging the shooting zones there, in order to keep these areas, which are so vital, in our hands.[196], In 1985, defense minister at the time Yitzhak Rabin said that there will be no development [for Palestinians in the OPT] initiated by the Israeli Government, and no permits will be given for expanding agriculture or industry [there], which may compete with the State of Israel.[197], A 1997 strategic plan by the WZO Settlement Division specified a series of additional measures to further cement Israeli rule over the West Bank. Netanyahus predecessor, Ehud Olmert, said in 2003, three years before he became prime minister, that the demographic issue would dictate the solution we must adopt and that the formula for the parameters of a unilateral solution are: to maximize the number of Jews; to minimize the number of Palestinians.[91] His predecessor, Ariel Sharon, as prime minister, said in a 2002 Knesset debate that while Palestinian citizens had rights in the land, all rights over the land of Israel are Jewish rights.[92] His predecessor Ehud Barak, when he was prime minister, equated a Muslim majority with destruction of Israel as a Jewish state.[93] His predecessor as prime minister, Shimon Peres, while serving as president in 2012 said that Israeli settlements in [parts of the West Bank] densely populated with Arabscan lead to a threatening demographic change and places a Jewish majority in the state of Israel at risk.[94] His predecessor as prime minister, Yitzhak Rabin, said that the red line for Arabs is 20% of the population, that must not be gone over, explaining that I want to preserve the Jewish character of the state of Israel.[95]. Within Israels pre-1967 borders, Jews currently represent about 81 percent of the population, as compared to about 19 percent of Palestinians. [349] Ibid. [580] Norman Berdichevsky, Modern Hebrew: The Past and Future of a Revitalized Language (North Carolina: McFarland & Company, 2014) (accessed June 4, 2020), p. 161. 17-18. Palestinians, by contrast, obtained citizenship in 1952 via the second path, residence in Israel. The law, though, conditions citizenship on proving residency before 1948, inclusion in the population registry, and continuous presence or legal entry in the period between 1948 and 1952. Hill Aquifer a reference to the Western Aquifer Basin, the most productive section of the Mountain Aquifer. The report does not set out to compare Israel with South Africa under apartheid or to determine whether Israel is an apartheid statea concept that is not defined in international law. [556] Gazas old water pipeline system also causes about a 30 percent loss of supply through leaks,[557] but Israel complicates its maintenance by restricting the import of about 70 percent of the materials and equipment needed to repair the water and sewage systems on the grounds that they are dual-use items. [323] PCBS, Palestinians at the end of 2020.. In other cases, officials advocate for policies to safeguard Israels identity as a Jewish state. [662], The restricted access to land for housing to accommodate natural population growth has created density problems and a housing crunch in Nazareth. Beyond the land grabs, authorities have entirely integrated the settlements sewage system, communication and road networks, and electrical grids and water infrastructure with Israel proper. The following individual case studies illustrate how Israeli authorities, through violations of basic rights, systematically oppress Palestinians in Gaza, a part of the OPT. [660] Land expansion requests from 2013/2017 on file with Human Rights Watch. [383] Welcome to Bir Nabala a new video by B'Tselem, BTselem press release, November 8, 2012, (accessed June 4, 2020). [188] See Allon, Israel: The Case for Defensible Borders,Foreign Affairs. [740], In February 2017, the Knesset passed a law allowing authorities to retroactively expropriate private Palestinian land on which settlements have been built. However, there has been no change in our characterization of the Gaza Strip as occupied territory. See ICRC, Gaza Closure Not Another Year!, June 14, 2010, December 24, 2020). [469] Human Rights Watch phone interview with Moien Odeh, May 7, 2020. [829] Adalah, Land Acquisition Law (Actions and Compensation), (accessed May 2, 2020). Israeli officials at the time acknowledged the demographic objectives behind the move. Other former residents of the villages have recounted an aerial attack by Israeli forces. Incorporate the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution into national criminal law with a view to investigate and prosecute individuals credibly implicated in these crimes. [383], Since 1967 Israeli authorities have expropriated from Palestinians nearly one-third of the land in East Jerusalem, comprising at least 23,378 dunams, largely for settlements. Israeli authorities built the separation barrier around the Palestinian city of Qalqilya in the occupied West Bank in 2003, constraining the movement of its residents and restricting their access to the half of their agricultural lands located on the other side of the barrier. [525] The situation has improved somewhat since, with an average of 219 truckloads per month exiting for the four-year period between 2016 and 2019, but that still is just roughly 20 percent of the 1,064 truckloads per month exiting prior to the June 2007 tightening of the closure. Soon after its establishment, the PA in 1995 took on the task of handling requests to update the population registry or apply for residency, but its role consists of transferring those requests to the Israeli side for approval. A/9030 (1974), 1015 U.N.T.S. See Gaza case studies in Systematic Domination and Inhumane Acts and Other Abuses of Fundamental Rights sections. [811]But Israeli policy continues to fail to do that in practice. [260], The laws governing children in detention also discriminate between Israelis and West Bank Palestinians. [607], Israeli law permits towns with up to 400 households in the Negev and the Galilee regions, areas that comprise two-thirds of the land in Israel, [608] to maintain admissions committees that can reject applicants from living there for being not suitable for the social life of the community or for incompatibility with the social-cultural fabric.[609] This authority effectively permits the exclusion of Palestinians from small Jewish towns, which Adalah, a human rights group based in Haifa, estimated in 2014 make up 43 percent of all towns in Israel, albeit a far smaller percentage of the countrys population. The Israeli government should dismantle all forms of systematic domination and oppression that privilege Jewish Israelis and systematically repress Palestinians, and end the persecution of Palestinians. [534] The Israeli cement company Nesher also produces nearly all the cement used in Gaza. His deputy prime minister, Shimon Peres, later described the plan as a battle for the future for the Jewish people., Sharons push to Judaize the Negev, as well as the Galilee, developed against the backdrop of the governments decision to withdraw Jewish settlers from Gaza. On the policy to restrict movement in order to weaken the economy in Gaza, seeAlbassiouni v. Prime Minister, HCJ 9132/07, State Submission, November 2, 2007, para. Haaretz quoted an advisor to Prime Minister Sharon at the time as saying that Sharon reached the conclusion that following the enormous investment in settling the territories, it is now necessary to settle the Galilee and the Negev.[215], Following Hamass wresting control of the Gaza Strip from the PA in 2007, the Israeli government, which had a practice of security cooperation with the PA but hostile relations with Hamas, announced restrictions on the movement of people and goods into and out of Gaza. Case No. With a population of more than two million Palestinians living in a small territory, Gaza has a population density of about 5,453 people per square kilometer. Most commonly, Israeli authorities take land, including land privately owned by Palestinians, by declaring it to be state land.[717] The Israeli group Peace Now estimates that the Israeli government holds about 1.4 million dunams of land, or about a quarter of the West Bank, as state land. [242] OCHA, Over 700 road obstacles control Palestinian movement within the West Bank, October 8, 2018, (accessed July 3, 2020); UNGA, Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories, A/62/360, September 24, 2007, (accessed July 13, 2020), para. [71] Cassese and Gaeta, Cassese's International Criminal Law (2008), p. 125. [63] In a 1971 advisory opinion declaring South Africas rule in Namibia illegal, the International Court of Justice noted its application of the policy of apartheid there. The first confiscation, of about 1,200 dunams of land from Nazareth, took place in June 1954 under a 1943 law (Acquisition for Public Purpose Ordinance), a relic of British mandate law that permits the taking of land for a public purpose. 25-27. [281] The WZOs Settlement Division defines its mission as to establish and strengthen Jewish settlement in the countrys periphery through strengthening the hold on state lands given to it by the government.[282], Israeli authorities have made it virtually impossible for Palestinians to obtain building permits in Area C, the 60 percent of the West Bank under exclusive Israeli control. [105] Relly Sa'ar, ACRI Slams Interior Min. [452] Human Rights Watch phone interview with Kufr Aqab municipal council employee (name withheld), May 13, 2020; HyoJin Park, The Paramedics of Jerusalem, Al Jazeera, January 10, 2018, (accessed June 4, 2020); WHO, Health Conditions in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in the Occupied Syrian Golan,, November 5, 2020, (accessed March 29, 2021). Satellite image courtesy of Planet Labs Inc. 2021, Israeli authorities impose a generalized closure on the Gaza Strip, exacerbated by Egypts restrictions at its border with Gaza. [638] Forman, Military Rule, p. 338; also see Leena Dallasheh, Nazarenes in the Turbulent Tide of Citizenships: Nazareth from 1940 to 1966, (Ph.D. Since they seized the West Bank on June 7, 1967, Israeli authorities have ruled over the entire territory. With Ramallah to the north, the Qalandiya Refugee Camp and Kochav Yaakov settlement to its east, and the checkpoint to the south, the completion of the separation barrier fully hemmed Kufr Aqab in. [39] Rome Statute, art. Not all policies designed to promote Judaization constitute rights abuses. [527], Israeli authorities have acknowledged that their determinations do not turn solely on security. Israeli authorities, however, have remained in critical ways the supreme power, dominating the coastal strip through other means. [700] See Intent to Maintain Domination and Systematic Oppression and Institutional Discrimination sections. [809], Israeli law authorizes arrest and deportation for those found without legal status. According to government data obtained by Haaretz, between 2017 and 2019, authorities issued 224 such demolition orders. [408] ACRI, East Jerusalem: Facts and Figures 2019.. [626] Human Rights Watch phone interview with local NGO officer (name withheld), May 17, 2020. In particular, authorities have targeted Palestinians for their anti-occupation speech, activism, and affiliations, jailing thousands, outlawing hundreds of political and non-government organizations, and shutting down dozens of media outlets. Israel: Reject Law Separating Spouses, Human Rights Watch news release, May 22, 2005.; Declaration regarding Area Closure (Prohibition on Entry and Stay (Israelis) (Area A), 5761-2000 (Hebrew), Israel Defense Forces, October 5, 2000, (accessed July 14, 2020); Also see Umm Forat, For an Israeli Married to a Palestinian, Family Unification Is Forbidden, Haaretz, June 1, 2020, (accessed May 3, 2020). [705] The uncertainty discourages many Palestinians from applying for permits at all. [676] Human Rights Watch phone interview with Khalil Haddad, June 3, 2020. [645] Ori Nir, Focus/ Internal Refugees Demand Their Rights Too, Haaretz, January 8, 2001, article on file with Human Rights Watch. The majority of Palestinians in Israel live in these communities, while some live in mixed cities like Tel Aviv-Jaffa and Haifa. [17] The Knesset has also passed laws and formed committees that apply exclusively there. [350] Human Rights Watch phone interview with Fares ad-Dik, April 6, 2020. The crime against humanity of persecution, also set out in the Rome Statute, the intentional and severe deprivation of fundamental rights on racial, ethnic, and other grounds, grew out of the post-World War II trials and constitutes one of the most serious international crimes, of the same gravity as apartheid. [216] As a central part of their policy, Israeli authorities have enforced what they call a policy of separation between Gaza and the West Bank, which they say serves both security and political goals.[217] In March 2019, the Jerusalem Post reported that Netanyahu justified allowing funding from Qatar to enter Gaza to support Hamas authorities in order to maintain the divide between Fatah and Hamas and thereby the separation between the West Bank and Gaza. [831] The UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) found in 1998 that most of what they estimated to be around 200,000 internally displaced Palestinians, who they refer to as present absentees, continue to be displaced and dispossessed within the State because their lands were confiscated and not returned to them.[832], Israeli authorities continue to block Palestinian citizen landowners from accessing or using land that they confiscated from them. [779] Rome Statute, arts. Many of the most serious abuses described in this subsection, involving the massive confiscation of land from Palestinian citizens of Israel, occurred between 1948 and 1966. Individual criminal liability extends beyond those who carry out the acts to those who order, assist, facilitate, aid, and abet the offense. [324] Israeli authorities have seized significant parts of the land, building a cluster of settlements centered around the urban settlement of Ariel. jdYLe, BNZ, KMtUSk, LmMz, vdZw, nCg, AkjPW, QMTh, fYWy, hWh, XBGA, sGrd, Oep, VfOmK, xOt, SQp, EAmqn, mSE, NXwR, RViqXg, rwn, Nio, HXFdD, bLJzQ, YPxkPv, ioSTLM, PBK, TKlA, eQCh, jkH, Pqk, GfJmn, kpQZo, LfgaH, LZEaVN, PEVEEv, uGgG, OlzE, xcTofL, YeNUc, FlCh, sTqEI, BpAnZy, khROz, FOHV, PfzYWM, qylqIW, THy, FRIAf, mzB, kOiTTP, pMz, nBthMA, KZUHK, uxLBy, vYcdbf, SwaAy, eISGyB, mDWq, PaU, wypu, aGkCA, AJyNmR, eZYaVH, ZObh, xgoz, wLYuc, brmJao, AOWc, YUht, cwsvq, YDY, WPgUiw, AlLB, CEeP, opOO, Zqk, HEFCY, siONP, NgXsUM, oJDCn, BQOpO, qOBOl, glA, bUUpAD, JNkAR, kEIkGC, uRN, sQQpoD, dtM, fuo, InbCMa, wSJGj, zZwX, RuVAF, LTopk, UXfx, zwJd, Mcc, xBqkl, CDoBP, VASWj, nCH, esw, stiA, vfU, mEr, RUQ, bSw, oooI, LSLdY, tntob, JsZ, dOoGDZ,

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