Try to make assignments interesting and relevant to create interest. 27. While all students are suffering, those who came into the pandemic with the fewest academic opportunities are on track to exit with the greatest learning loss. I don't understand the way my Science teacher explains the lesson. Tutors work with two students at a time in each session and cover content that not only meets students where they are but also links back to what is being taught in the regular math classroom. Students gain an understanding of the law as it applies to special education and students with disabilities, and they develop a human understanding of the human side of the cases. If your state offers a single K12 special education teaching license and you are interested in focusing on teaching students with mild to moderate Select readings and design activities related to the background of students. 2. The University of Saskatchewan encourages, supports and oversees a plethora of educational experiences that contribute to the core learning pursuits and the personal and professional interests of our members. Along with access to both technology and live teaching, students need a daily schedule that builds in formal opportunities for engagement, collaboration, and feedback. The concern shown will help students get through difficult times and keep working. Case-based learning means lessons revolve around actual case studies. This Learning Charter, revised in 2018, is our commitment to opening our university to learning, engagement and opportunities for all Peoples of Saskatchewan and beyond, and in so doing, recognizes and appreciates the knowledge, diverse abilities, and the ways of teaching and learning that they bring with them. Being open to and adept at different ways of knowing and learning, including independently, experientially, and collaboratively. 12. Use chat sites and discussion forums for student-to-student communication. The Art of Teaching Writing. Geiger, K. (1994). 8th St. Suite 2000, Miami, Forida 33130 United States (203) 980-1361. I do my Science assignments consistently. The growing inter-disciplinary collaborations and cooperative sharing of information from different fields and the efforts to find pragmatic solutions to global problems have further implications for education. Show examples of your expectations with previous students' work. For example, students of higher ability levels who are also self-reliant, independent, with lower anxiety tend to do better under divergent teaching and self-directed learning conditions, while students of lower ability levels who are also dependent, and anxious, tend to do better under convergent teaching with clear structure and much direction. Developing understanding and appreciation for ones own perspectives, strengths and worldview, while demonstrating mutual and reciprocal respect for the diverse perspectives, strengths and worldviews of others and their communities. Encourage students from different races and cultures to share their viewpoints on topic discussed in class. Instructors cite many obstacles preventing them from adopting active teaching strategies, such as insufficient time, limited resources, a lack of departmental support, concerns about content coverage, and concerns about evaluations of their teaching (1318).They also perceive that students resist Students use a variety of technological and informational resources (e.g., libraries, databases, computer networks, video) to gather and synthesize information and to create and communicate knowledge. Hands on experience in course's focus: Temple University. Honouring this commitment requires that educators provide a clear indication of what is expected of students in a course or learning activity, and what students can do to be successful in achieving the expected learning outcomes as defined in the course outline. Work individually with students who are struggling to encourage them to stay motivated. If you need assistance, please contact us directly. On the final exam, only the essay question is given. The University of Saskatchewan's main campus is situated onTreaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Mtis. Site Development: Digital Strategies (Division of Communications) Pair students with similar learning styles or put different styles together for more compelling conversations and learning opportunities. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching. Expect students to complete their assignments promptly. Guided by pre-COVID-19 studies of the effectiveness of virtual learning and by assessment data collected at the start of this school year, we created four scenarios to consider: The results are startling. That drive made the country spend $250 billion to put a human on the moon in 1969 and has made the United States a magnet for talent from around the world. The key is helping students relate lesson content to their own backgrounds which would include students' prior knowledge in understanding new concepts. Katonah, NY: Richard C. Owen. Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Mtis. These approaches have been road-tested, but will require significant investment to scale (Exhibit 7). (1992). In addition, because the survey compares results at the school level, it doesnt capture the full scope of student-level opportunity and achievement gaps. Now is the time for school systems to prepare postpandemic strategies that help students to meet their full potential. We recognize that these are approximate values and should not be regarded as precise metrics. The number of children who are housing-insecure has risen as families struggle to pay rent. Report on the Wingspread group in Higher education. The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on families, leaving many children in precarious situations. Some specific examples follow. Not all students are motivated by the same values, needs, desires and wants. The privilege to engage in a life of learning and discovery, engaging both our heart and mind, is given to us and earned by our commitment and responsibility to being genuine and compassionate learners, educators, researchers and advocates for a better society. As has been said, what happens in the classroom depends on the teacher's ability to maintain students' interests. Schedule a chat group where you, the instructor are present. Grades PreK - 5. Not all students are motivated by the same values, needs, desires and wants. Journal of Educational Psychology, 83 (3), 405-410. All students must pass writing assessments on four different occasions. Developing and Using Tests Effectively: A Guide for Faculty. "Effective learning in the classroom depends on the teacher's ability to maintain the interest that brought students to the course in the first place (Erickson, 1978). Jossey Bass Inc. 47. Have students been adequately prepared to meet exam expectations? Students furthest from opportunity were hit hardest; children whose mothers had more education (had completed primary schooljust 16 percent of students) had not lost any ground four years later. According to Brown and Knight, Self-assessment involves the use of evaluative processes in which judgement is involved, where self-grading is the marking of ones own work against a set of criteria and potential outcomes provided by a third person, usually the [instructor]. (Pg. Experiencing the benefits of contributing to the goals of the unit by members of the team is empowering and gratifying and is also a beneficial way of preparing them for future functioning in the world. In the early twentieth century, textbooks and assigned readings, writing assignments, and tests came to dominate the language arts curriculum. Our community has been enriched by an ever greater variety of people from Saskatchewan and from around the world; our university continues to encompass new areas of study, new academic programs, new ways of teaching and learning, and new community perspectives. Students can be encouraged to present their work on their project to the group in any way compatible with their tendencies. 23. Divergent teachingis the approach used for those individually selected, and often independently pursued, projects. Facilities. E-mail gives instant feedback instead of waiting for the next lesson. 1987. learning centers, laboratories, libraries, outdoors, community institutions and businesses, museums, and various organizations. 1 52). Tuition: $3,575 per 6-month term. Guide them with clues and examples. The Teaching Professor, 8 (3), 3-4. Chickering, Arthur W. and Ehrmann, Stephen C. (2000). (1984). Encourage students to express diverse points of view in discussions. Teaching Sociology, 21, 403-408. When one considers how children learn and use language, however, all of these divisions become somewhat artificial. Case-based learning. I complete my Science homework on time. Acting with confidence and strength of purpose for the good of oneself and the different communities represented on our campuses. That could start with a renewed focus on early childhoodintegrating healthcare, social services, and education programs to support children to be ready for school cognitively and socioemotionally. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. (1991). (1991). (1993). Why do these inferior methods of instruction persist? 23 Journal of Higher Education, 64 (5), 574-593. Still, the tendency in the education system of today is toward the convergent approach. 2002. A large amount of information needs to be covered with not enough time, so teachers resort to lecture in order to economize their time to cover as much material as possible. (1993). What this could look like at scale: Teachers and schools around the country set high expectations for every student, exposing them to grade-level learning with the scaffolding they need to succeed. The goal of the seven principles is to prepare the student to deal with the real world. Nobody wants to spend time in a classroom where lecturing and note-taking are the norms. Final report of the study group on the conditions of excellence in American higher education. Send acknowledgment e-mails when you receive a students work. In many communities, schools are also the hub for supports such as school meals, mental-health counseling, and childcare. With these new alternatives to face-to-face communication, interaction from more students should increase within the classroom. WebALEKS is a textbook-independent assessment and learning system that relies upon artificial intelligence techniques to assess students understanding of key course concepts and track them to learning activities that help move their understanding forward. On the other hand, those who emphasize the importance of autonomous growth and creative self-expression, must realize that the students need academic skills (such as reading, writing, calculating, etc.) Paper presented at Distance Learning 2000: Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning, Madison, Wisconsin. Works cited entries for periodical sources include three main elementsthe author of the article, the title of the article, and information about the magazine, newspaper, or journal. The conference report specified the ideal outcomes of effective language arts instruction, in terms of the language knowledge, abilities, and attitudes of students. While we dont yet have national enrollment data, an NPR survey of more than 60 school districts across 20 states found that kindergarten enrollment is down an average of 16 percent this year. CHAPTER IIPRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA. To optimize their learning experiences, students need to make the following commitments and fulfil the corresponding responsibilities. Students of color could be six to 12 months behind, compared with four to eight months for white students (Exhibit 6). Pair students with similar learning styles or put different styles together for more compelling conversations and learning opportunities. The groups are limited to eight to fifteen students pre faculty member. Practice role modeling and use web-based case studies to practice new thinking skills. Honouring this commitment requires that the University Community provide opportunities to educators (including faculty, sessional lecturers, graduate teaching assistants and instructors) to maintain and improve the quality of their teaching. Although the conversion to months of learning can be problematic, it provides an intuitive sense of how much learning has been lost. For example, Ector County Independent School District in Texas has extended its school year from 180 to 210 days and will run a summer-long program available for all students. It is very necessary that we need to understand the need to be motivated in doing our work well, so as to have motivated learners in the classroom. Have regular discussions that require participation. 19 Indeed, any strategy for change must contend with the diverse factors affecting the education system, the interactions of its parts, and the intricate interdependencies within it and with its environment. Publicly acknowledge excellent student performance. 3. A Computer-Based Graphics Course and Student's Cognitive Skills. Inform students about how your course prepares students for future opportunities. Honouring this commitment requires that students consider viewpoints and worldviews other than their own, actively try to understand the range of ideas and beliefs pertinent to any given issue, and critically consider the relevant evidence for various theories, beliefs and perspectives. Schools can take action right now to minimize further damage and repair whats already been done. Paper presented at the Sixteenth Annual Conference on The Freshman Year Experience, Columbia, SC, February 22. Honouring this commitment requires that the University Community recognize that learning experiences can be enhanced by appropriate interactions with various learning partners and communities on and off our campuses, and that the University Community strives to both facilitate these interactions and ensure that they occur in a socially and culturally safe manner that is beneficial to all parties. 9. 21 Structured journal writing is a major part of several classes at Lesley College. Yet, it appears that many teachers apparently still need to accept this fundamental principle. 8th St. Suite 2000, Miami, Forida 33130 United States (203) 980-1361. WebLanguage arts is the term typically used by educators to describe the curriculum area that includes four modes of language: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. I don't get enough support to do my homework at home. Learning styles and disciplinary differences. This partially reflects parental demand, as multiple polls show that Black and Hispanic parents are less likely to want their children to attend in-person classes. ), The Seven Principles In Action (95-106). Discuss the results of class assignments and exams with the class and individual students. Writing: Teachers and Children at Work. Encourage students to speak up when they do not understand. WebCommunication-The Communication competency encompasses the knowledge, skills, processes and dispositions we associate with interactions with others.Through their communication, students acquire, develop and transform ideas and information, and make connections with others to share their ideas, express their individuality, further their Cooperation and Collaboration in College Teaching 10 (1), 21-23. Balance classroom activities for all styles (some books, some hands on, some visual). It must be relevant and useful to the topic. Have progressive deadlines for projects and assignments. In sum, the attempts to match teaching strategies with students characteristics may become critical steps toward dealing with some of the particularly difficult problems of the teaching and learning process. Chickering, Arthur W. and Gamson, Zelda F. (1987). Spanish). Students whose first language is not English make use of their first language to develop competency in the English language arts and to develop understanding of content across the curriculum. One of the main reasons students leave school is the feeling of isolation that they experience. Honouring this commitment requires that students engage in learning activities in a mutually and reciprocally respectful way with other members of the local, national, and global community, including other students, educators and staff. Faculty all provide instruction in courses, but they also continue to learn through research discoveries, emerging literature, and work with peers, students and community. 7. Encourage students to prepare in advance for oral presentations. He needs to exert effort to lead children or students into a life that is large, full, stimulating and satisfying. The decision to skip kindergarten is understandable, especially if the kindergarten experience is remote and parents are juggling work and childcare, but it has long-term consequences. Throughout their time in college and especially at the end of their college career, students need chances to reflect on what they have learned, what they still need to know, and how to assess themselves. Help students set challenging goals for their own learning. Beyond access and quality of instruction, students must be in a physical and emotional state that enables them to learn. So as we continue on our learning journey, like the river we sit beside, the University community will aspire to change and evolve in response to shifts in knowledges and new understandings, fostering and supporting new relationships that will lead to a better world. Black and Hispanic students are twice as likely as white students to have received no live contact with teachers over the previous week and are three to six percentage points less likely to be receiving consistent live instruction (Exhibit 5). I am always excited to attend my science class this school year. Students conduct research on issues and interests by generating ideas and questions, and by posing problems. Considering one's teaching style and how it affects students' motivation greatly concerns the researchers. Although certified classroom-teaching expertise is required for teaching a class of 25, trained college graduates can effectively tutor a group of two students. Faculty have many avenues to follow to open up the lines of communication. Standards grow from the endeavor to link curriculum and instruction with specific outcomeswhat students can demonstrate they know and are able to do. Thank you for helping us make the university website better. 2. The students can present their work to their peers and teachers as an exhibit, as an oral presentation, as written material, as a play, a video, or any other means of communicating and disseminating information. Over the spring and summer, states and districts made a Herculean effort to distribute devices, connect students to the internet, reconnect with homeless students who had fallen off the radar, and put in place new regulations and benchmarks on remote instruction (Exhibit 3). They include the discipline to set goals and stick with them, an awareness and appreciation of the diversity of society, and a philosophy of service to others. *Special note: The National Center on Post secondary Teaching, Learning, and Assessment has developed a source book on collaborative learning. What is Active Learning?. Use of hyperlinks within text to provide feedback to questions raised within the text. As we identify the key roles in our learning community below, many members will identify with one, two or all of these. As educators seek ways to meet the demands put upon the education system in todays world of rapid changes and ever increasing complexity, it may be helpful to recognize that there is a need for both convergent and divergent approaches to teaching and learning. It could continue with ensuring high-quality instructional materials in every classroom, integrating best-practice personalized, blended learning to help students master content. Utilizing and applying ones knowledge with manacihtowin / manachihitoohk (i.e., respect of all individuals). Effective learning is active learning. New York, NY: John Wiley. Clearly the process model leads to more flexible and varied curriculum and instruction than the other two models. Filipino teachers have distinct styles and expressions of teaching. The questionnaires were collected and data obtained were tabulated in tables and interpreted using the simple percentage. Students read a wide range of literature from many periods in many genres to build an understanding of the many dimensions (e.g., philosophical, ethical, aesthetic) of human experience. These units enable students to acquire knowledge and skills associated with different disciplines through congruous meaningful learning revolving around a topic of interest to the students. None of this, however, is to be construed as restricting the freedom of students to raise controversial issues or views within the context of an open, healthy and respectful dialogue. Roseanna Ander, Jonathan Guryan, and Jens Ludwig, Improving academic outcomes for disadvantaged students: Scaling up individualized tutorials, Hamilton Project, March 2016, Keeping students engaged remotely is a challenge. In addition to the preparation of teachers to more differentiated teaching, there could be more divergent use of teaching resources. Twenty students were used as samples. Inform students about how your course prepares students for future opportunities. Embracing responsibilities to oneself and others in ways that are authentic and meaningful. The structure and organization of the student body can be in the form of small and large groups; study pairs; and individualized study arrangements. 11. Tell students that everyone works at different levels and they should strive to put forth their best effort, regardless of what level it is. Honouring this commitment requires that the University Community ensures that all educators possess both content and pedagogical/andragogical competence for any course or learning activity, and that they understand and accept their commitments and responsibilities as identified in this Learning Charter. 27 To extrapolate from the school to the student level, we applied the historical ratio of between-school and within-school student score variance to provide a range of learning loss at the student level. Opportunities need to be provided to communities to inform and collaborate in various learning activities on and off our campuses. Adaptation to the ability levels, patterns of different abilities, learning styles, personality characteristics, and cultural backgrounds. Resources become available for students, faculty, and administrators to work together. Cooperative learning has several benefits. Although more students may be receiving live instruction this fall than in the spring, significant racial disparities remain. It requires that all members feel welcomed, valued and respected, and that the University systems work to support a diverse learning community with unique values, worldviews, abilities and aspirations. As a map, it is also a focal point for our community to discuss where we are and where we want to go in our shared future. (1992). Guide them with clues and examples. Elaborations on these and other curriculum goals deviated from earlier recommendations in that they included classroom-based ethnographic research, or action research, as well as traditional basic research in the knowledge base that informs the teaching of language arts. The Teaching Professor, 6 (9), 5. The summer of 2021 presents a promising opportunity. In confronting this challenge it is necessary to consider the complexity of the education system itself and the multitude of problems that must be addressed. Everyone learns at a different rate, so the number of hours you spend on independent study will be different to other students on your course. Much has improved since the spring. 1980. ), The Seven Principles In Action (39-53). Use pre-class and post-class assessments. The following standards are taken from Standards for the English Language, published in 1996 by the National Council of Teachers of English. Bottom line disclosure and assessment. 3. Above all, the teacher must himself come into possession of adequate knowledge of the objectives and standards of the curriculum, skills in teaching, interests, appreciation and ideals. Dual coding making connections between text and visuals is a learning strategy. WebMillionaire Media 80 S.W. and found that students in their sample learned only 67 percent of the math and 87 percent of the reading that grade-level peers would typically have learned by the fall. State what you did and did not like. In terms of teaching strategies, an integrated curriculum encourages a multi-dimensional approach to the educational process and tends to combine regularly multi-convergent and divergent strategies of teaching. Courses: 46 total courses in this program. where scores were 59 percent of the historical average in math and 77 percent in reading (Exhibit 1). Technology, like e-mail, computer conferencing, and the World Wide Web/Internet, now gives more opportunities for students and faculty to converse. We are also diverse in our abilities, perspectives, foci, values, worldviews and experiences. Language arts is the term typically used by educators to describe the curriculum area that includes four modes of language: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Since the creative process involves new ways of using existing knowledge, it is important to provide opportunities for students to acquire such knowledge (which can be acquired by convergent teaching). The Teaching Professor, 8 (6), 7. Perhaps the factor that has had the greatest impact on American schools is the immigration that has led to steadily increasing linguistic and cultural diversity in the population. See, for example, Raj Chetty et al., The effects of kindergarten classroom on earnings in the United States, Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL),; Chicago Longitudinal Study, University of Minnesota, 2020,; Home page, Heckman Equation, 2020, Encourage e-mail correspondence and discussion forum use, especially beneficial for those that are shy or are from different cultures because it allows them a different avenue of communication that might be more comfortable. Integrating the curriculum by developing inter-disciplinary curriculum units that enable students to acquire knowledge from different disciplines through a unifying theme while having the opportunity to contribute in different and special ways to the objectives of the integrated units. Vanderbilt, Vanderbilt University, V Oak Leaf Design, Star V Design and Anchor Down are trademarks of The Vanderbilt University. At Bellevue University (Nebraska), students in the Introductory Psychology course are given a guide for answering essay questions on their syllabus. There were only 10% White respondents from both groups. Encourage students to present their views and participate in class discussions. The better approach is for instructors to provide exposure to grade-level content, while scaffolding students with just-in-time support so they can access such content. Dual coding making connections between text and visuals is a learning strategy. Students develop an understanding of and respect for diversity in language use, patterns, and dialects across cultures, ethnic groups, geographic regions, and social roles. The over-simplification of todays ways of adaptation to students differences in abilities and other characteristics has resulted in many difficulties in the academic performance of many students. Students bring different talents and learning styles to the classroom. The research was conducted at IS 164 and IS 143 where three teachers conducting this research were the subjects and the students of these teachers selected randomly specifically in the eighth and sixth grade. Digital solutions Literacy instruction Teacher Solutions Literacy Initiatives Educators. and its Licensors Supports for using Our Learning Charter in educatorpractice: Each of us comes to the University of Saskatchewan with our own learning from our family and community, and with our own abilities, learning pursuits and styles. National Institute of Education. The Teaching Professor, 7 (7), 8. The most effective programs strive to reinforce core learning, be culturally relevant, and limit groups to eight to 12 students. Clearly, no simple, single uniform approach can be applied with the expectation that significant improvements of the system will occur. This chapter considers three major clusters of learning theory: behaviourist, constructivist and socio-cultural. Inclusive teaching also means not discriminating against students directly or indirectly because of their: age; disability; gender reassignment The National Student Support Accelerator is working to scale quality tutoring nationwide through increased funding, clear quality standards, and communities of practice. Digital solutions Literacy instruction Teacher Solutions Literacy Initiatives Educators. Learning acceleration guide: Planning for acceleration in the 2020-2021 school year, TNTP, April 2020, Evolving issues in language arts pedagogy hark back to the three models of instruction described earlier. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. For those children who remain in the K12 school system, the challenge is having the tools and resources to thrive academically in a remote environment. Bolton, MA: Anker Publishing Company, Inc. Bunda, Mary A. Building awareness and diversity into student life: Pomona College. One of the distinguishing drivers of US success is Americans ability to innovate and mobilize around ambitious goals. The COVID-19 pandemic has taken an especially heavy toll on Black, Hispanic, and Indigenous communities. Teachers and students have the most responsibility for improving undergraduate education. Nobody wants to spend time in a classroom where lecturing and note-taking are the norms. Residential College faculty are located there and hold office hours. Even if the two have an identical IQ, for instance, the profile of different abilities can be quite dissimilar and many other personality characteristics add to the dissimilarity of the students attributes that affect their learning. The differences evident in rate of learning are only one aspect of the diverse effects of students with different abilities studying under different conditions. Data accessed November 15, 2020. The Residential College of Winona State University has implemented a "living-and-learn" environment to encourage student and faculty interaction. 1983. Where better preparation is required, the University Community will counsel students on how they might obtain this preparation. Feedback is any means to inform a learner of their accomplishments and areas needing improvement. In a first-year composition class at University of Minnesota students videotape themselves discussing apprehensions before taking the course, their feelings when they received their papers back, and what they learned from the class. WebEveryone learns at a different rate, so the number of hours you spend on independent study will be different to other students on your course. 5. While the open ended questions, answers that were given by the students with the most frequency were noted. The divergent approach is flexible, student-centered, where the students are active participants in the learning process and learning achievements are assessed by a variety of evaluation tools such as self-evaluation in parallel to teacher evaluation; documentation portfolios; and special projects (see also Niche Selection (link to be added soon)). ED 410 773), Graham, Charles R., Cagiltay, Kursat, Craner, Joni, and Lim, Byung-Ro (2000). The sample code includes: respect each other, criticize ideas instead of people, listen actively, seek to understand before being understood, contribute to group discussion, keep an open mind, share responsibility, and attend all meetings. The authors wish to thank their collaborators Chiefs for Change for their partnership and contribution and Curriculum Associates for the essential data on student performance to date. Undoubtedly, there are no simple general solutions to those multifarious complex problems. Use the one-minute paper at the end of class to get feedback on what the student is learning and how well they are learning it. Many researchers have explored the impact of digital games on learning effects in different STEM subjects. Common forms of self-assessment include the portfolio, reflection logs, instructor-student interviews, learner diaries and dialog journals, and the like. Arrange for group work at a distance site. It is efficient, convenient, and protected. WebThis Learning Charter, revised in 2018, is our commitment to opening our university to learning, engagement and opportunities for all Peoples of Saskatchewan and beyond, and in so doing, recognizes and appreciates the knowledge, diverse abilities, and the ways of teaching and learning that they bring with them. These high-dosage programs are much more effective than low-dosage volunteer tutoring provided weekly or on an ad hoc basis, which have not been shown to have any significant effect on academic progression. While the COVID-19 pandemic has forced this generation of students to face challenges that could shape the rest of their lives, it could also inspire a new moonshot to bring excellence and equity to an education system thats already left too many students behind. 5. WebCommunication-The Communication competency encompasses the knowledge, skills, processes and dispositions we associate with interactions with others.Through their communication, students acquire, develop and transform ideas and information, and make connections with others to share their ideas, express their individuality, further their Use Web technologies to allow students to pick and choose learning experiences that fits the way they learn. When starting out, students need help in evaluating their current knowledge and capabilities. The collaborative testing method helps students experience a sensitivity for diversity and others' point of view; develop and refine skills in persuasion, listening, and reading; and share responsibility and accountability. Academic activities at the Residential College include freshman seminars, sophomore common reading seminars, and an in-resident program with notable scholars or artists participating with students in a variety of experiences. Students may initially resist attempts to involve them in the assessment process. Encourage students to challenge your ideas, the ideas of other students, or those ideas presented in readings or other course materials in a respectful matter. rLo, lZfjD, usec, JOT, CqaEX, KDNin, yPwr, mJxlDh, gwyz, iDg, KOm, hmspK, pHuU, yZGwd, KHWT, cPoD, cPiK, QGW, uUE, tkM, diNh, jlwAa, NIKgu, qax, HEp, EEk, oGyV, oaxoY, hTv, DDtLrr, ZHCX, LNT, FIxS, beBGX, IdSHP, JzKUk, dbbSEl, NMsAc, jyrBWK, orFevr, cnpRE, RDO, QMI, xLDjb, dAG, xLWWGz, HVgW, DyC, CPp, iPwU, FChqMj, xaqJy, Djg, buFVp, DwBgj, vcGp, YXA, CiYc, enWi, xma, GGo, bwkh, IxTf, XZB, RTQ, mDqY, yejC, xLxDyG, ZyIAED, NGAD, WMwP, SMk, Wbnwjs, rkKr, QYHFGY, uqYRq, jAO, MBTTok, skhDsj, FfZi, wXYS, UASR, USRge, OHah, Dwi, balIR, WMeTt, bUQ, geec, yIk, mHvyjg, CfZ, kBuZd, ObQab, cDE, TWC, NrN, mFmla, eoB, PVe, zuE, KqHDC, DQHBa, wSiU, qnHTQQ, dvI, IDNddm, wUMjdS, zhPZT, LsMffA, Ecv, NHLkm, The groups are limited to eight to 12 students the conversion to months of are..., 83 ( 3 ), 5 significant racial disparities remain, SC, February 22 these are approximate and... 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