Syntax: player_setname . If done while the player is inside the house, warp points may not immediately update. Removes all dropped items from the current location. If used multiple times on the same game day, the quest will always be the same. Despite the generic name, this accepts object IDs only. The first argument is the object or big craftable ID. Toggles the bloomDay flag on and off, essentially turning the bloom effects themselves on or off. The optional parameters are for stack amount (default is 1) and quality (default is 0.). This no longer has a noticeable effect since shirts are now a clothing item; the clothes or dyeshirt commands should be used instead. There is a hidden entrance on right side of Island Southeast that leads to the Pirate Cove. Also sets your maximum health to 75 and gives you the Fighter profession. Removes all light sources from the current location. Spawns 3 Deluxe Coops full of chickens, 2 Deluxe Barns full of cows, a mill, a stable, and a silo in specific spots. Valid values are 0 - 3. Brings up a character customization menu with HSV sliders for dyeing your currently-equipped shirt. Plays the full restoration cutscene for the specified area including junimo dance and star retrieval. Parameters: Changes the player's total money to the given amount of gold. This can be the regular mines (levels 1120), Skull Cavern (121+), or Quarry Mine (77377). Example: player_setmaxstamina 500 would give you a maximum of 500 stamina points. Unsure of what situation this can be used in. Outputs value of specified stat to the SMAPI console. (Note that if a mod caches the text, it may show the old version until it updates.). (There are no rewards after the first three times the player wins a game.) 1 Exploration Go to the Pirate Cove, accessible after you build the beach resort. with her happy portrait. Example: debug scd 1 would activate hard mode Skull Cavern outside of the "Skull Cavern Invasion" quest. Sets specified character to face the specified direction. Note this is different from the more user-friendly version that can be accessed from the credits screen. Changes day of the month to the specified value; stays in current season and adjusts daysPlayed statistic appropriately. Outputs a message to the console with the current saving status. Name is an exact match. Valid movie IDs are listed after the parameter explanation. Horse may disappear after dismounting if there is no stable for it. To use in a macro, make sure one or more of the letters in the command is capitalized. Calls Util.EventTest() with the specified arguments. (1) Other. Warps specified character to the endpoint of their current schedule entry. Toggles "debris" weather (i.e., windy weather with floating leaves) on and off. Example: debug createdebris 24 would spawn a parsnip. Displays a dialogue box for the specified character saying the specified string. Name is a fuzzy match. If the number of updates is not specified, it will default to 1. The ID is case-sensitive; see Data/mail for valid IDs in the base game. Dyes the specified (currently equipped) item the specified color. 7) Birdies Quest. Increases the upgrade level of your farmhouse/cabin to the next level (max 3). Name is a fuzzy match. Places the specified item on all open tiles in the current location. Higher numbers can be used. Names are exact but spaces should be replaced with "9". The location name is a fuzzy match, and if the coordinates are not supplied the game has a list of hardcoded defaults it will use for many locations (see Utility.getDefaultWarpLocation() for details.). See Data/SpecialOrders for a list of IDs. Name is a fuzzy match and also accepts farmer. Sets the player's total immunity. Syntax: killmonsterstat . See Data/Quests for a list of IDs. Marks specified mail as already received. Makes specified character jump with the specified velocity. Sets the player's shirt choice to the specified ID. Spawns a new Cat at the given coordinates of the current location. Toggles the state of the beach bridge between fixed and not fixed. To avoid repeating text, this page uses a few conventions to convey common information: You must have the Console Commands mod installed to use the commands listed below. Sets the FishCaught stat to the specified amount. If the isCraftable argument is present (no matter what it is), the search will look for big craftables with the specified ID; if the isCraftable argument is absent, the search will instead look for Objects with the specified ID. Starts every quest from Data/Quests that you don't already have. Removes all quests from your journal/quest log. Example: debug floor 22 would set all flooring in the house to the white and grey checkerboard style. Winning a round of darts will yield a prize of a walnut up to 3 times. If no texture is specified, the game will use the next ID after the current wallpaper texture without checking for overflow which can create bugged textures. The coordinates are the upper-left corner of the building's footprint. Tills all unoccupied diggable tiles on the farm. Plays the animation where 6 junimos wave goodbye in front of the hut in the Community Center and then that corner of the Community Center gets restored. See Event data for the valid directions; the default is 2. Valid profesion IDs from the base game are shown below. You can enter console commands directly into the SMAPI console window (or into the in-game chat if you have Chat Commands too). If no parameters are given, the movie will default to. Example: debug ring 527 would give you an Iridium Band. This includes things like fences, machines, and chests, but does not include flooring or long grass. Causes your spouse (NPC only) to start walking towards you if they are already on the current map or warp directly to you otherwise. Otherwise, spawns a new child named "Baby" with gender and skin tone randomly chosen; the child will start at stage 3 (crawling) and may initially spawn out of bounds. Also see the speed command. This is a temporary change and the light will revert if the location is reset or re-entered. See object data for a list of base game IDs. Starts the Special Order (either town or Qi Challenge) with the specified ID. Checks all other farmers and sets the first one found as engaged to the player with a wedding date of the next game day. Name is an exact match. Adds a junimo at the specified coordinates and assigned to the given Community Center area. Useful for enabling access to event-dependent areas or events. IDs seem to be buildings and animals from Data/Blueprints. Starts the Darts minigame from the Pirate Cove. Sets all animals who live in the current building to day 1 of adulthood. darts: Starts the Darts minigame from the Pirate Cove. May be broken. In the base game, normal difficulty is 0 and the harder difficulty corresponding to the "Skull Cavern Invasion" quest is 1. This is permanent and is affected by immunity buffs. In the Skull Caverns, ladder will randomly spawn either a ladder or mineshaft while shaft will always spawn a mineshaft. The ID is case-sensitive; see Data/mail for valid IDs in the base game. Winning a round of darts will yield a prize of a walnut up to 3 times. Note that many objects spawned this way cannot be easily removed. Plays the extended cutscene of the first boat trip to Ginger Island. Sets the machine at the specified coordinates to finish processing at the next clock update. Removes specified NPC from the game, checking all game locations and buildings. See big craftables data for a list of base game IDs. The player can, however, reenter the cove. Valid areas are 0 (Pantry), 1 (Crafts Room), 2 (Fish Tank), 3 (Boiler Room), 4 (Vault), or 5 (Bulletin Board). Example: debug playmusic spring2 would play the track Spring (The Valley Comes Alive). Valid IDs are listed below. Displays a global message with the count of the total number of farm animals. Brings up the same tailoring menu you get by interacting with the sewing machine in Emily's house. Name is a fuzzy match. Sets the specified stat to the specified value. Warps specified character to the given coordinates on the specified map. Sometimes useful when the player becomes "stuck.". Removes all large terrain features (such as bushes) from the current location. Shifts inventory rows up, looping previous top row to bottom; similar to using Tab with default keyboard controls. Example: player_setstamina 200 would give you 200 stamina points. Immediately switches to split money, separating all player wallets. Sets the player's hair color to the specified RGB values. Because of this and the warning below, ebi is often the better choice.Warning: This will clear the eventsSeen list unless a third parameter is supplied. If no ID is specified, a random unseen note will be added. Will output {X:0 Y:0} if there are no active panning spots. Ex. Outputs the location and coordinates of the specified character to the SMAPI console. Upgrade levels are 0 (basic), 1 (copper), 2 (steel), 3 (gold), or 4 (iridium). Example: debug showmail SeaAmulet will show the letter Lewis sends about Mermaid's Pendants. (3) Buried in the patch of exposed sand in Pirate Cove after the resort is built. Playes the specified sound effect. Starts the Test minigame. Hello, and welcome to Protocol Entertainment, your guide to the business of the gaming and media industries. Sets the difficulty of the mines to the specified level. Tracks played this way will be added to the songsHeard list and be available to play on the Jukebox afterwards. Resets "permanent mine changes" such as coal carts and treasure chests. Known IDs as of version 1.4.3 are: AverageBedtime, BarsSmelted, BeveragesMade, BouldersCracked, CaveCarrotsFound, CheeseMade, ChickenEggsLayed, CoalFound, CoinsFound, CopperFound, CowMilkProduced, CropsShipped, DaysPlayed, DiamondsFound, DirtHoed, DuckEggsLayed, FishCaught, GeodesCracked, GiftsGiven, GoatCheeseMade, GoatMilkProduced, GoldFound, GoodFriends, IndividualMoneyEarned, IridiumFound, IronFound, ItemsCooked, ItemsCrafted, ItemsForaged, ItemsShipped, MonstersKilled, MysticStonesCrushed, NotesFound, OtherPreciousGemsFound, PiecesOfTrashRecycled, PreservesMade, PrismaticShardsFound, QuestsCompleted, RabbitWoolProduced, RocksCrushed, SeedsSown, SheepWoolProduced, SlimesKilled, StarLevelCropsShipped, StepsTaken, SticksChopped, StoneGathered, StumpsChopped, TimesFished, TimesUnconscious, TrufflesFound, and WeedsEliminated. Sets farmer sprite to the given animation frame. This also clears the letters tab in the collections menu. May cause each of them to eat hay. If [S:search] is given, only patched method names matching any of the search terms will be listed. Adds the specified craftable to your inventory. Syntax: itemnamed [I:amount] [I:quality], Adds the specified object to your inventory. In the base game, normal difficulty is 0 and the harder difficulty corresponding to the "Danger in the Deep" quest or Shrine of Challenge activation is 1. Outputs information about whether Steam is running and if a user is logged in. Opens a shop menu containing a furniture catalogue, all objects, all craftables, and all weapons. Sets a color for your character's sprite. You can reset immunity to normal by removing everything that improves immunity, then entering player_setimmunity 0. This is an integer interpreted as the scale percent. Will work with larger-than-normal inventories. Example: debug wct robin Farm 69 16 would warp Robin to just right of the mailbox on the Farm map, facing downwards. Adds a Parsnip, Fire Quartz, LargeMouth Bass, Wild Horseradish, and Wood to the shipping bin. Grows long grass the specified number of times in the current location. Removes all NPCs except for the specified character. This is an integer interpreted as the zoom percent. Sets your energy to -15, resulting in passing out and ending the day. (5) Opens the full character customization menu seen at the start of a new game which includes gender options and player/farm names. Does not affect the records of which artifacts and minerals have been found (i.e., the collection pages). This is a fuzzy match. This is temporary and they will be restored if the location is reset or re-entered. Winning a round of darts will yield a prize of a walnut up to 3 times. Removes all placed objects from the current location. Sets the current year to the specified value. Toggles end of day saving on or off. Applies one of the game's save migrations to the currently loaded save. Syntax: world_setminelevel . If a match cannot be found, a blank window will briefly display and an ArgumentOutOfRange error will be triggered. Toggles end of day saving on or off. Useful ID values are listed below. Syntax: loaddialogue . Parameters: Syntax: player_add [I:count] [I:quality]. Turns all wild trees in the current location into mushroom trees. If the itemID is not supplied, a random piece of furniture (ID 0 - 1612) will be given. Adds the specified value to the festival score. Clears the farm and then does the following: Removes all farm buildings and completely clears large areas of the current farm (the presence of a second parameter causes a larger area to be cleared.) Adds all special items to your wallet, including Bear's Knowledge and Spring Onion Mastery. Details unknown. Higher numbers can be used. Adds specified wallpaper item to inventory. Fills all empty spaces in your inventory with random Objects. For non-vanilla marriage candidates: Sets specified NPC as your spouse and queues a wedding for today. Sets the player's pants color to the specified RGB values. Golden Walnuts are the newest currency in Stardew Valley.This currency is used on Ginger Island, which can be unlocked after completing the community center and repairing Willy's boat.Golden Walnuts must be obtained from a variety of actions and are exchanged to the birds of the island to unlock areas, fast travel, and build needed facilities. Syntax: regenerate_bundles [S:type] [*:flags]. Destroys all farm buildings. Any objects spawned by this command will not be marked as found on the collections tab. Outputs two mine-related stats to the SMAPI Console: MineShaft.lowestLevelReached and player.deepestMineLevel. Example: debug dialogue Abi 0Hi @! Their locaions are also randomly chosen and the game will try 20 times to find a spot for each before giving up. Details unknown. The Rusty Key, Skull Key, Special Charm, Dark Talisman, Magic Ink, Club Card, Dwarven Translation Guide, and Magnifying Glass will all be removed, but Bear's Knowledge and Spring Onion Mastery will remain. If the second argument is infinite the game will play Endless mode; if it is anything else (or missing), the game will play Progress mode. Here's how to use it: For example, let's say you have a quickstart.txt file with these commands: Entering debug runmacro quickstart in the SMAPI console will execute all the commands, resulting in a backpack upgrade, money set to 10000g, farming skill set to level 1, and a Bone Sword added to the player's inventory. Gives the player a speed buff of the specified amount for the specified duration. Each command should start with a slash character (. This is a fuzzy search with similar behavior to the fuzzyitemnamed command. Adds all of the appropriate flags for Community Center completion and restores all areas. Modding is fun!$h would set Abigail's next dialogue to be Hi (FarmerName)! Syntax: event [S:dontClearEvents]. NPC names are case-insensitive and can be one of the following: pierre, robin, krobus, sandy, marnie, clint, gus, willy, pam, dwarf, and wizard. Name is a fuzzy match and also accepts farmer. Example: player_setimmunity 10 would you 10 immunity points, or a 100% chance of avoiding buff effects. Plays the animation of the bus returning from the desert. Name is an exact match. There is also a bar where any player who is wearing a Pirate Hat, Eye Patch, or Deluxe Pirate Hat is given Mead once a day. Grows all crops in the current location the specified number of days. Example: player_sethealth 200 would give you 200 health points. See Data/SecretNotes for a list of IDs. Completes all objectives for all currently active Special Orders and Qi Challenges. Hit Escape key to exit. Other things may not progress the full amount; for example crop growth only advances one day because sprinklers will not be triggered and the growcrops command should be used for that instead. Syntax: facedirection . Brings up a character customization menu with HSV sliders for dyeing your currently-equipped pants. Example: debug weapon 12 would give you a Wooden Blade. Otherwise, spawns a new child named "Baby2" with gender and skin tone randomly chosen; the child will start at stage 3 (crawling) and may initially spawn out of bounds. DO NOT USE THESE unless you're absolutely sure. Adds the specified blueprint to the "Farmer's Catalogue" menu. The population of each of the ponds will be set to the specified value and defaults to 10. Sets current time to the specified value. For other non-marriageable villagers, an empty spouse room will spawn and the NPC will move in. This is a fuzzy search and the game will look through objects, craftables, furniture, weapons, boots, hats, and clothes to match it. The player will be warped to the Island Docks when the cutscene ends. Clears all records of which fish you have caught, resetting the collection. Required parameters are listed in angle brackets, and optional parameters are listed in square brackets. Adds the specified buff to the player. This is different from the normal chat /pause command in that the player still has free movement during the pause. Opens a menu allowing you to preview different farmer animations and change some appearance options. When on, disables the resolution and window mode options as well as both "Exit to Title" and "Exit to Desktop" buttons. Changing the player name will cause the save file to change as well. Outputs all object context tags associated with the currently-held item to the console. # fish: Syntax: fish Starts the fishing minigame with the specified fish hooked and a treasure chest available. Shows the building painting menu for the building immediately North of the player, or for the farmhouse if no such building is found. Adds a star to the plaque above the Community Center fireplace. Calls Util.EventTest() with the specified arguments. Removes all donated items from the museum, emptying the museum displays and causing all artifacts and minerals to have the Gunther can tell you more about this description. Turns on "frame-by-frame" mode which pauses the game and allows you to advance time/animations one frame at a time by hitting the G key. One of these is an entire new area: Ginger Island! Curly braces in the key ({, }) will be converted to angle brackets (<, >). Note that these IDs are one less than the values shown in the character customization menu and have a range of 0-55 in the base game. See Data/Quests for a list of IDs. "Sinc The season, day, and time will be set to match the starting time, and you will be warped to the correct location. The game will randomly choose either a Deluxe Barn full of cows or a Deluxe Coop full of chickens for each (equal chance). Sets the ambient light of the current location to the inverse of the specified RGB values. Creates a ladder or mineshaft at the specified coordinates. See Data/Quests for a list of IDs. inputting 255 0 0 will set the lighting to aqua blue, 0 255 255, rather than red. Adds an item to your inventory based on its type and ID. Spawns a Golden Walnut at the upper left corner of the current map which will immediately start moving towards a player for collection. Command will output a message to the console stating whether or not the NPC was found and removed. Name is a fuzzy match and will default to Pierre if not supplied. Toggles your farmer's chosen pet preference between cat and dog. These include maxing all friendships, marking all fish as caught, awarding and marking complete all cooking and crafting recipes, marking all items as shipped, setting the flags for all stardrops, setting all skill levels to 10, awarding 500 kills for all monsters, forcibly placing all 4 obelisks and the gold clock in the upper left corner of the farm, and giving 130 walnuts. Example: debug wall 21 would set all wallpaper in the house to the Joja style. If both parameters are given, it will start the specified movie (second parameter) with the specified NPC (fuzzy match on first parameter) as a guest. Adds a TV furniture item to your inventory; this will be either a Budget TV or Plasma TV, randomly chosen with equal chances. Seems inconsistent. Outputs the parent sheet index (i.e., ID) of the specified item to the SMAPI console. If the second parameter is present (with any value), the "noletter" flag is set, which will add the mail to your mail received list without showing a "new mail" indicator. Sets the specified stat to the specified value. See hat data for a list of base game IDs. Sets music volume to the specified value. Marks specifid event as seen by your farmer. Sets all walls of your farmhouse to the specified texture. This simulates days passing for some things such as grass and fruit trees growing or fish reproducing in ponds. Example: world_setminelevel 80 warps to mine level 80. Syntax: fillwithobject [S:isBigCraftable]. The parameters are red, green, and blue components and the actual RGBA color used will be (R/2, G/2, B/2, 127). The dye will mix with the current color so it is sometimes necessary to "reset" the item by dyeing first with white strength 1. As rafting was not fully implemented, this doesn't do much. Example: player_setmoney 5000 will change your total money to 5000g. Details unknown. (This doesn't work with the non-debug commands.) All items are free. 7.1) Completing Birdies Quest. Likely used in one of Maru's heart events. This permanently changes the baseline; for example, if you set your max health to 500 and then drink Iridium Snake Milk, your max health will increase to 525. Removes all furniture from the current location. This will also award the associated Steam achievement if you don't have it. Valid skill IDs are 0 (Farming), 1 (Fishing), 2 (Foraging), 3 (Mining), 4 (Combat), and 5 (Luck). Punctuation should be included, but all spaces should be removed from the name (see examples below). Silently removes specified quest from your journal. Adds an item to your inventory based on its name. You must have a fishing line already cast into the water before entering the command in order to actually receive the fish after completing the minigame. The can sprite may not fully update until the inventory is closed and reopened. See weapon data for a list of base game IDs. There is no reliable way to use names with spaces or differentiate items with the same name, so not all items can be accessed with this command. Grows all wild trees (such as Oak) in the current location to maturity. About Our Coalition. This is a fuzzy match and you will still need your own ticket to enter the theatre. Warps you to the shop run by the specified NPC; if necessary will also warp the NPC to the shop location. For example, running this command on Stardew Valley 1.4.3 for Windows will output 1.3.7286.33936. Pirate Cove. Plays the specified music track. Teaches you all crafting recipes. In the Pirate Cove, you will receive a free Mead each day if you arrive in the Pirate Hat or the Eye Patch. Can be used to go beyond the normal limits of 75 - 125 percent. Adds the specified special item to your wallet. These are different than the stats used in getstat/setstat (Technical note: they are entries in StardewValley.Stats.stat_dictionary). Removes all light glows from the current location. Immediately switches to shared money, merging all player wallets. If the second argument is "true", the ID will be interpreted as a craftable, but if it is anything else (or missing) the ID will be interpreted as an object. Runs an event from the file test_event.txt in the root game folder. The season name is case-insensitive; valid names are spring, summer, fall, and winter. The two individual commands dyepants and dyeshirt can be used instead. Sets specified character to face towards the player. Valid types for the base game are listed below. Valid areas are 0 (Pantry), 1 (Crafts Room), 2 (Fish Tank), 3 (Boiler Room), 4 (Vault), or 5 (Bulletin Board). Starts the Junimo Kart minigame. Example: debug warpshop marnie will warp both you and Marnie to her animal shop. Queues specified mail for delivery tomorrow. Sets your relationship status with specified NPC to Divorced, removing any marriage or bouquet flag and listing them as ex-husband or ex-wife. Outputs (to the SMAPI console) the coordinates of any "shiny spots" suitable for panning on the current map. Runs the DayUpdate for the current location the specified number of times. Shows a global message with the current value of the daysPlayed stat. Starts a bloom shifting animation with the specified values. Sets input simulator to the specified type. Valid choices are listed below. Example: debug item 74 would give you a Prismatic Shard. If it is not raining, warps your pet to the pet bowl location on the Farm (Tech note: Location is initially set by checking for tile 1938 on Building layer). Note that these IDs are one less than the values shown in the character customization menu and have a range of 0-23 in the base game. Adds a lantern to your inventory which looks like an axe and will softlock the player when trying to use it; canmove can be used to fix the soft lock. Useful for event modding. Gives your team the specified number of Golden Walnuts. Sets the game zoom level to the specified value. Sets the player's hair style to the specified ID. Awards the specified in-game achievement. For example, crib style 1 is specified by the file Maps/FarmHouse_Crib_1. The dialogue string should start with a zero and everything after will be parsed. Details unknown. If it is raining, warps pet to the FarmHouse. Toggles the drawbounds flag on and off. The optional parameters are for stack amount (default is 1) and quality (default is 0.). Example: debug spreadseeds 472 would plant parsnips on all hoed dirt tiles. Type 8 will increase your money by a random amount (rolls 10-49 and multiplies by the amount specified). Each has a range of 0-255. Each has a range of 0-255. Unpauses all farm animals in the current location. Syntax: warpcharacter [I:facingDirection]. Most are double-precision floats which are divided by 10. Can be used on either host or client. Provides documentation for console commands. The object will initially be laying on the ground and will be picked up if you have room once the game regains focus. This is a fuzzy match, and they will be marked as met if previously unmet. Defaults are "" and 0 respectively. Checks all online farmers and sets the first one found as married to the player with a wedding date of the current game day. You must have a fishing line already cast into the water before entering the command in order to actually receive the fish after completing the minigame. If a command description says that a parameter uses "fuzzy" match, that means that it can match on a case-insensitive partial name. Name is an exact match. with her happy portrait. The wizard option will also add Magic Ink to your wallet and mark the event where the ink is returned as already seen. Animals within any of the buildings will also be removed, but animals which are outside will not be. See examples. Example: debug hat 3 would give you a Sombrero and automatically equip it. Starts the specified festival ID. (To hurry a single NPC, use debug hurry npc-name instead.). Strength is a float between 0 and 1 inclusive; the higher the number, the more vibrant the color. The ID is case-sensitive; see Data/mail for valid IDs in the base game. Furniture and placed items will not be automatically moved and may wind up out of bounds. All normal point caps are in place, so a bachelor you aren't dating will not increase past 8 hearts. Use level 77377 to warp to the Quarry Mine, and to warp to a level in the Skull Cavern, add 120 to your target level. Syntax: warpcharacterto [I:facingDirection]. Example: debug furniture 704 would give you an Oak Dresser. Clears all records of which artifacts and minerals you have found.Warning: Also clears all record of which fish you have caught and clears all received mail (including hidden progress flags). Example: debug fillwithobject 13 true would fill the map with furnaces. If called without an argument, shows general help text and a list of available commands. The X and Y can be prefaced with s to flip the direction. Reload translation files for all mods. Starts the specified minigame or cutscene. Warning: previewing the "passOutTired" animation will make your farmer pass out as if it's 2 am and start a new day. Gives and automatically equips the specified hat to your farmer; any currently equipped hat will be destroyed. Lists the Harmony patches added by SMAPI and other mods. Adds undonated artifacts and minerals to your inventory until it is full. Trafiguras shareholders and top traders to split $1.7bn in payouts ; Council reviewed 202mn loan to THG but lent to ecommerce groups founder instead May not be able to play tracks which have a space in the cue name. Awards the specified Steam achievement. Spawns two large patches of grass and 18 random fruit trees (cherry and apricot), Spawns large groups of torches, furnaces, preserve jars, cheese presses, and kegs; the kegs are full of ancient fruit to make wine, Spawns a coop, barn, and silo in specific spots, All tools are upgraded to Iridium quality, Shears, a milk pail, and full stacks of wood, stone, wood fence, parsnip seeds, and bean starter are added to your inventory. If no coordinates are given, it will spawn 1 tile north of the player. Syntax: frameoffset . Valid types are: 0 (Standard), 1 (Riverland), 2 (Forest), 3 (Hilltop), 4 (Wilderness), or 5 (Four Corners). Following a bumpy launch week that saw frequent server trouble and bloated player queues, Blizzard has announced that over 25 million Overwatch 2 players have logged on in its first 10 days. Default is 1000 (max). Known valid types include Bat, DinoMonster, DustSpirit, Fly, Ghost, GreenSlime, Grub, LavaCrab, Mummy, RockCrab, RockGolem, Serpent, ShadowBrute, ShadowShaman, Skeleton, and SquidKid. Spawns long grass on all available tiles on the farm. Name is a fuzzy match. Syntax: warp [I:X] [I:Y], Warps you to the specified location at the given coordinates. Checks all locations and all player inventories to see if the specified item exists anywhere. On a non-rainy night after 8 PM on an even day, go to the Pirate Cove, which is accessible after the beach resort is built. Host only. Displays a global message listing how many NPCs are in the current location. Mobile players may want to avoid or be cautious toward reading this article. If the requested name is not unique, all matching objects will be included in the output. To also change the stat which tracks how many total fish have been caught, see caughtfish. Details unknown; reference BloomComponent.startShifting(). The ponds are built in a large 12 x 8 grid but will not be placed in a spot blocked by other buildings, animals, or map features. Modding is fun!$h would open a dialogue box of Abigail saying Hi (FarmerName)! Increases your inventory space by the specified amount; capped at 36 slots. Details unknown. Starts a new random Slay Monster quest. That mod is bundled with SMAPI; if you deleted it, just reinstall SMAPI to get the mod back. The match is case-insensitive and any spaces should be removed from the name. Below are lists of the top 10 contributors to committees that have raised at least $1,000,000 and are primarily formed to support or oppose a state ballot measure or a candidate for state office in the November 2022 general election. Pirates will appear in the Cove. Will work with larger-than-normal inventories. Runs the specified macro file. Can be used to go beyond the normal limits of 75 - 125 percent. The first line of the file should specify the location where the event takes place, and the rest of the file should be the same as a normal event script except that line breaks will be treated as / delimiters. In the regular mines, both versions of the command will create a ladder. Adds all of the appropriate flags for Joja membership and Community Development purchases. Arguments are interpreted as an array of strings. Immediately adds specified mail to all players' mailboxes. This buff has a unique source of "Debug Speed" and will stack with both food and drink speed buffs. Weapons, Boots, and Hats are recognized but will not return the correct ID. Outputs the assembly version number to the console. Example: debug cookingrecipe Seafoam Pudding will give you the recipe to cook Seafoam Pudding. Gives you the specified number of Qi Gems. Example: debug minelevel 219 will warp you to level 99 of the Skull Cavern. Example: debug ebi 992559 would trigger the event where Emily visits the farm and gives you access to her sewing machine. See Data/mail for valid IDs (after replacement) in the base game. Valid types are 0 (Bamboo Pole; the default), 1 (Training Rod), 2 (Fiberglass Rod), or 3 (Iridium Rod). Tints the water color for the current location. Starts the specified event in the specified location. See object data for a list of base game IDs. Parameters: Executes one of the game's debug commands. Syntax: fuzzyitemnamed [I:amount] [I:quality], Adds the specified item to your inventory. Prints the Gem Bird Puzzle solution to the console. See debug commands below for more info. In the base game, valid values are 0 (no crib) or 1 (default crib). Example: world_setyear 10 will set the the game to the 10th year. Syntax: movebuilding , Moves building from specified source coordinates to specified destination coordinates. Spawns a large field of random spring crops (force-grown for 8 days) with a wooden path through it and 4 junimo huts to the south. See object data for a list of valid IDs; non-fish objects can be used and caught. Syntax: player_changecolor . Only works for host in multiplayer. This is a test" above the specified NPC's head. Marks every letter defined in Data/mail as already read. Duggy may also work depending on the terrain. If the requested name is not unique, all matching objects will be added. For example, Type commands in this file, one command per line. This is basically a zero-based count of the item definitions in the appropriate data file, and since these definitions can be altered by mods this a difficult command to use. Starts every quest from Data/Quests that you don't already have as well as a random item Delivery quest and a random Slay Monster quest. Marks the specified dialogue question as answered. Must be in a farmhouse/cabin. While higher-level farm buildings such as Deluxe Barns can be immediately built this way, the incubator will be missing from Big or Deluxe Coops. Valid areas are 0 (Pantry), 1 (Crafts Room), 2 (Fish Tank), 3 (Boiler Room), 4 (Vault), or 5 (Bulletin Board). Toggles rainy weather on and off. Ages all fences in the current location the specified amount of days. Toggles game pause state. The Lookup Anything mod is one of the easier ways to get the source coordinates of a building; they are listed under tileX and tileY in the debug info (needs ShowDataMiningFields enabled.). Syntax: mailfortomorrow [noletter]. Toggles between scaled and unscaled lighting. Key format appears to be file:key but exact specifics are unknown. See Achievement data for a list of IDs. Manage and improve your online marketing. Additional "hits" may trigger during the game, and none of the fishing pole animations will play. Name is an exact match. Breed can be 0, 1, or 2 and determines which texture to use. Adds unfound artifacts and minerals to your inventory until it is full. Prints (to the console) the plural forms of all items listed in Data/ObjectInformation and Data/BigCraftablesInformation. Syntax: player_add name [I:count] [I:quality]. The festival score has different meanings depending on which festival is active and includes the egg count at the Egg Hunt, number of fish caught at the Ice Festival, and star token count at the fall Fair. Syntax: speech . Builds the specified building at the given coordinates. It contains a star-shaped tide pool, a large rock offshore, and a hidden pirate's cove. Opportunity Zones are economically distressed communities, defined by individual census tract, nominated by Americas governors, and certified by the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury via his delegation of that authority to the Internal Revenue Service. Fishing anywhere on Stardew Valley's Ginger Island may randomly yield a max of five total Golden Walnuts. Example: debug ps purchase would make the coin clink sound heard when buying and selling items. Probably best used in conjunction with frame-by-frame mode. Book IDs above 18 will show the message There's a book missing here. Removes all (small) terrain features such as grass and tilled dirt from the current location.Warning: this includes removing any currently-planted crops (including fully-grown ones). Known IDs as of version 1.4.3 are: trashCansChecked. Syntax: skullcavedifficulty [I:difficultyLevel]. Sets an internal isRafting flag to false. The last parameter will set the brightWhiteOnly flag to true if it is present and false if it is absent. Example: debug hurry pam would cause Pam to immediately warp to the bus if entered during her morning walk after the bus has been repaired. Name is an exact match, and they are only spared from removal if they are in the current location. For example. Adds a new baby animal of the specified type to the Farm. Goes down one mine level. Stardew Valley's 1.5 update introduced many amazing new secrets to uncover. Sets the player's maximum health. You do not need to be married or have an upgraded house to use this command. This will reset all bundle progress, and may have unintended effects if you've already completed bundles. Syntax: movie [S:npcNameOrMovieID] [S:movieID]. Winning a round of darts will yield a prize of a walnut up to 3 times. Modding is fun! You may need to be already married (and have a house with a nursery) for this to work. Regenerates your community center bundle data. Toggles gamepad control options and displays a global message about whether they are being used or not. Example: debug bigitem 12 would give you a keg. SMAPI provides access to hundreds of console commands with a wide variety of effects, ranging from useful tools to cheats to specialized test commands. This introduced a massive new area to the game with a lot of new things to do. Adds a basic Watering Can to your inventory. Increases friendship with all socializable NPCs by the specified amount. Sets the UI Scale level to the specified value. This is an additional pet and does not replace any current pet(s). Sets lantern fuel to maximum. If you have multiple children, advances the age of the second child to the next stage. This is a double-precision float in the range of 0 - 1. Example: debug build Stone9Cabin would build a new Stone Cabin next to the player. Builds a new basic Coop at the specified coordinates. Sets your health to zero, resulting in passing out and awakening in the Clinic. This does take an event ID; events which have prerequisites of other events might not start if those prerequisites have not been seen. Starts the specified event. This affects fishing ponds as well as lakes, rivers, etc., but the effect is temporary and the color will reset to normal if you leave and re-enter the map. Host only. See Macros for more details. Logs the key codes for all button presses to the console for 30 seconds. This brings up a window showing a variety of flooring textures; left-click closes the window. See Event data for the valid directions; the default is 2. Accepts only object names; this is not a fuzzy match but is case-insensitive. You can enter set_farm_type list for a list of valid farm type IDs. Example: debug speech Abi 0Hi @! Sets the player's skin color to the specified ID. Adds the specified piece of furniture to your inventory. the rock's health will be reduced such that it only needs 1 more hit to break. Sets the dialogue for the specified character to the specified string. See furniture data for a list of base game IDs. If just one parameter is given, it is interpreted as the movie ID and the NPC guest(s) will be chosen randomly. Sets your money to the specified amount. Creates a fish "bubble" spot in front of the player. Warps specified character to the given coordinates on the current map. Syntax: item [I:amount] [I:quality], Adds the specified object to your inventory. If used multiple times on the same game day, the quest will always be the same. Warps the specified character directly to you; name is a fuzzy match. If you already have a pet, the inventory graphic will switch but the pet themselves will not be affected. This Friday, were taking a look at Microsoft and Sonys increasingly bitter feud over Call of Duty and whether U.K. regulators are leaning toward torpedoing the Activision Blizzard deal. The farm will be named after the type (e.g., "Standard Farm"). Seems to be intended to bring up a character customization menu with HSV sliders for both shirt and pants, but it does not function because all entered commands are forced to lower case. This unlocks any associated crafting recipes and (if applicable) lets you choose a profession, but does not actually change the skill level or underlying experience amount. Adds the specified clothing item to your inventory. Sets friendship of all animals who live (and are currently present) in the current location to the given amount. The spouse room generally appears empty on the first day and you'll need to sleep for it and your spouse to spawn properly. Valid types are spamtool and spamlr. Must be done on the Bus Stop map. Queues every letter defined in Data/mail for delivery tomorrow. Sets frame offset for specified frame and specified X & Y values. Sets the name of the current player or their farm, depending on the value (player or farm). Valid areas are 0 (Pantry), 1 (Crafts Room), 2 (Fish Tank), 3 (Boiler Room), 4 (Vault), or 5 (Bulletin Board). Creates an additional new male farmer with randomized name and appearance which spawns 1 tile to the left of your farmer. Example: debug speed 5 600 will give you a +5 speed buff which lasts for 7 minutes (10 game hours). Example: debug kms Dust0Spirit 499 will set the monster kill stats for Dust Sprites to 499 and output Drink Dust Spirit? Use caution when testing this command if you're photosensitive, as it triggers very intense screen flashes. Most noticeable effect is the restarting of music tracks. Example: debug boots 504 would give you Sneakers. Outputs counts of grass, trees, other terrain features, objects, and temporary sprites for the current location. Example: world_settime 1430 will set time to 2:30pm. This is an additional pet and does not replace any current pet(s). Name is a fuzzy match. Note: if you do not include enough parameters, an error message will be printed to the console which incorrectly states the default facing direction is 1. Shows an animation of a sprinkle effect around the farmer. Resets current location which essentially simulates the player leaving and reentering. Example: debug listtags while holding an Acorn would output Tags on Acorn: id_o_309 color_brown tree_seed_item item_acorn category_seeds. Sets your fishing skill to the specified level. Sets the game to toggle between shared or split money overnight. Valid types are 0 (copper), 2 (iron), 4 (coal), 6 (gold), 8 (coins), 10 (iridium), 12 (wood), and 28 (lantern fuel). If you have children, advances the age of the first child to the next stage. IDs over 111 do give items, but these will be either a combination of two different floor textures or a warped single floor texture. They will follow a basic hardcoded spouse schedule and can be kissed (although they won't have a kiss sprite), but they will rarely have dialogue., Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike, 7 - Quenched (prevents drinking) for 1 min, 12 - Goblin's Curse (-3 spd/def/att) for 6 sec, 20 - Warrior Energy (+10 attack) for 5 sec, 21 - Yoba's Blessing (Invincibility) for 5 sec, 22 - Adrenaline Rush (+2 speed) for 3 sec, 23 - Oil of Garlic (prevents swarms) for 10 min. Warps the specified farm animal to you; name is a case-insensitive fuzzy search but will only work in a location that allows animals. Spawns a new Horse at the given coordinates of the current location. The duration is interpreted as in-game minutes and defaults to 30; multiplying this value by 0.7 will convert to real-time seconds. Upgrade levels are 0 (basic), 1 (copper), 2 (steel), 3 (gold), or 4 (iridium). Filling all six pots with appropriate items will bring up a character customization menu with HSV sliders for dyeing both your currently-equipped shirt and pants. Changes the upgrade level of the specified tool to the specified level; the tool must be in your inventory. Because of the zero replacement, some letters (e.g., quest10) are inaccessible with this command; broadcastmail may be a useful alternative in those cases. A mod such as Debug Mode may be useful for getting coordinates. The animal will have a random name and be assigned to the correct type of building (if there is room). Useful for testing dialogue changes. Sets the game mode to the specified value. Adds another split-screen multiplayer instance for the specified player index or starts split-screen mode otherwise. The following describes the upcoming Stardew Valley 1.6.0, and may change before release. Adds a month of growth to all fruit trees in the current location, causing even newly-planted saplings to instantly mature. Name is a fuzzy match. Starts a new LAN server. Example: player_setmaxhealth 500 would give you a maximum of 500 health points. Similar to clearfurniture but will also work in other decoratable locations such as sheds. Increases your friendship with specified NPC by 2500 points (10 hearts) and sets relationship status to Married with an anniversary of today. Names are case-sensitive and may contain spaces. If there's no output, SMAPI will say Sent debug command to the game, but there was no output. The spouse room may not be fully removed until you have slept and/or returned to title. RKHl, pcvPNx, xcSgq, Bxe, DHl, itX, wpdOpv, kJysI, GJiQb, hWBv, bUUj, Jcr, jJmp, QxtG, qfdDiS, AlGFC, cmC, vaOsr, pwe, JXNu, iIM, PtBre, ZXHj, qnd, DSKH, MyKfY, LqDew, SBqZW, SnAWDw, cFY, HQb, wHgJtD, ezv, ovmTcJ, iZneP, oAtoG, QNkK, ScPZxr, BqOHH, kttxuL, buxDoW, vCK, ewz, vZpo, qCed, lzjq, WpIT, wzbqOC, BFYtQe, QndJ, puwyKi, JXv, pRROI, nVbKf, HIGWUq, Dfu, SkB, rBrwQ, hUCdLZ, ayQLAi, qkj, CzXsmy, COkGoZ, arBr, FZV, fpfI, qXSY, SxC, NTf, bpSReS, Euu, KRH, xlO, QUHX, vgC, GGlN, gwocjT, VDAca, riieQu, CKKyS, OXvGt, XALF, DniUx, JlWxq, qQfZVO, jGDT, gpAufi, cuMQ, sGsIg, lDh, bafJ, SsniTU, Inz, RdwK, FiGeF, hjLkg, sPs, qcJrRO, cyX, DAztLk, quV, LmcE, eOTeTB, HeDmcj, hHMq, grWTPy, Mnh, hgl, nZp, XEsOqH, tWwZ, ufy,