Hello, I would like to delete everything but vacation. I can modify instead as shown below I have DL the 50 Employee template, i have selected the full 7 days as working days in my industry. Ive since added 4 sheets to it showing an Individual Calendar (showing all annual absences of all types), a group summary and a Management summary dashboard along with a Master data spreadsheet controlling some new functionality. -I want to know what is the formula if I am going to breakdown the Leaves per month. Trying to use the excel sheet of Mutual fund tracker, but its not getting automaticaly refreshed and it says that automatic refresh fail also when i tried to insert my mutual fund the drop down list didnt come up, request you to please help me in using the excel sheet. Thank you for this wonderful tracker! I have tried changing the year but it did not work correctly. for instant my if my expected capacity of a team is 8 people and i have a rule of only 2 planned absence in the team i would like to get an alert when the absences exceed the rule. Same problem here As per Sumit, hes currently working on another file for Google Spreadsheet. At the right of the leave tracker, there is functionality to specify the working days by selecting Yes from the drop-down. Thanks for dropping by and commenting.. Great spreadsheet! Just wanted to ask for the 2019 template. is this path still valid? Hi All, If it could be attached to this one, you would have a winner. So youre saying that dates will fall on the same days in 2019? I will be posting an updated version of this file tomorrow. I found the answer in the comments, thanks , Whenever I put a leave in a cell it reflects on the other months. Even if I dont edit the monthly/yearly cell and only select it and hit enter it gives the #VALUE error. Hello Elizabeth.. I really need to be able to change the color of the codes so they are more distinguishable for my upper management team. Please assist thanks. I am trying to add Employee ID & Location in the beginning of the sheet but I am not able to move the formulas. I then changed the value in A2 to read 2014. Each step is described in detail in its own sub-section. I download the sheet and start working, but i move to the next month all the leave history in the previous month are shown, and pop macro may not be available in the w.b or all macros may be disabled. I have written down the codes M and A for either a morning half day or afternoon day. Thx so much Anand for the solution, now the tracker file is working again. It says The macro may not be available in this workbook or all macros may be disabled. Thank you for providing the solution, Hi, gary. Dont use cell A1 to do this. Use this SWOT analysis to ensure you and your team are systematically identifying and adapting to opportunities and potential threats. @ Sumit Bansal : Hi, I found this tracker very helpful and easy to handle in the single sheet for various months. There are two codes reserved for half-day leaves. and showing Employee and all the date of the leaves they taken for whole year? Hello Megan.. In the formula, replace Total Leaves with the number of total leaves in your company. I know there is option to mark as leave days, but i need it show as non working day. Use this formula in cell NJ8 (and copy for all cells): =SUMPRODUCT((OFFSET($A8,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31))*(IF(OR(OFFSET($A8,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31)=$NS$6,OFFSET($A8,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31)=$NS$5),0.5,1)*(OFFSET($A$4,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31)))), Use this one for NK8 (and copy for all cells): =SUMPRODUCT((OFFSET($A8,0,1,1,372))*(IF(OR(OFFSET($A8,0,1,1,372)=$NS$6,OFFSET($A8,0,1,1,372)=$NS$5),0.5,1)*(OFFSET($A$3,0,1,1,372)))). For example if i enter two days as vacation for the month on January and i change the month from the dropdown on the left hand corner then the vacation days which i entered in the month of January are reflecting in other months too. I have updated the template and now you can select the what days are working and what are not. It will be helpful. @cas: Welcome to PHD and thanks for sharing your ideas. I know this was created a few years ago but I am hoping you can still help. Also can you create tabs to add additional trackers for multiple years or does it need to be a new document each time. i want one excel file as mf tracker. 2. It can be done by tweaking the weekday() formula, where the second argument is 2. It doesnt allow for macros. I have one question, how can I add a field after the Employee Name? Hey Brenda.. You can download the leave tracker now and it will be saved as an Excel file (not a zip). Please look into it. Can you please help me how to add additional columns to set Total annual leave for each employee and to display total leave taken and remaining for each employees. Conditional formatting is a great way to keep an eye on important bits of information. Any suggestions? I had checked this web based portfolio tracker. For example: If we have a worker who works in some of the holidays, later need to be compensated with an extra day. When I protect the sheet the scroll bar no longer works! In our organisation, employee fiscal year is from the date of starting.. how do i do that for every employee. Hi the excel shows an error with updating the data c1 Change c3 Commission c6 Change (Real-time) a message box will prompt to select another day.. Amazing piece of work! I love this tracker! So far you have assisted us with a most impressive and useful excel leave sheet and I have been searching for one for months now! 10. Do need to add additional columns (need 3 before Name) without breaking the dates please. Need to add P (Number of days present) to the list which needs to be highlighted in green. Hey Sharon.. A lot also depends on the computers configuration. An outdated search engine listing Excellent tracker, thank you so much. Hi Sumit. Hello, this is exactly I need, just it would be nice to have the month, days and some other words translated into slovenian, how xould I do this? Why on each month do I get random days coloured in orange? I downloaded your 2018 version but its giving some csv error. Thank you for your feedback. Love this template. Thanks, Nilam. Mutual fund tracker is not working properly getting script error message in Excel "An error has occured in the script on this page" which refers to URL:https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevent.js. Hi Chandroo, Till now, she used a simple Gantt chart in Excelbut wanted something better with more functionalities. You can make the changes as normal but as the formula is an Array formula you have to shut it down differently, you cannot just select ENTER you have to use the key combination CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER here is a link with more detail, which helped me: http://www.excelforum.com/excel-formulas-and-functions/553799-what-do-brackets-mean-when-they-encompass-a-function.html, Hope this helps, let me know if you want to know how I added in the additional codes etc, how can i add for the category or kinds of leave , we have halfday for sickleave and halfday for sickleave? i am getting error as below This time starts when the order is places and ends when this is delivered to customer, I have divided the Pizza Order and Delivery process into various steps. I was hoping you will be able to modify the Select Working Days function towards individual employees that way the formula can calculate Leave Name and code on each employee on any day of the week. The formulas are more robust. Can you help? but i need further help. Using old version & satisfy with that , but currently in Jan-2012 its not working; Any help. Tags: CAGR, concat, downloads, excel apps, financial formulas, find, free, fuzzy text searches, investment, IRR, Learn Excel, left(), mid(), mutual funds, NAVs, personal finance, templates, udf, vlookup, web, web queries i get a message that macros disabled can u help. One question, I try to add a column to have the balance (deducting from the number of vacations they have for the year but the formula didnt work. Secondly, how can I assign a different colour for different leave types? It works very well. However, I am facing some problem in the file. Hey Sumit! Click here: https://www.leavemonitor.com/. even though I have made no changes. hi, since we have different week offs for employees how can i mark week ends for each employee seperately? This is amazing! I downloaded the zip file how do I open the template? Hello! Thanks in advance- Vasanth. How do i print the document so that all x 12 months print please in one go ? How do I make weekends work days for selected staff. However, I changed the list of holidays to reflect the holidays that we offer. Brilliant other than this Sumit top marks sir! After I protect the sheet and try to use the scroll bar the debug note comes up. Also, when you insert a column, you need to make sure the formulas are intact. can we add training leave without adding to the total in leave column? is it possible to move the scroll bar down to add more employees on the list? Being able to find and fix problems will improve your ability to perform in any position and industry. , Hello.. please use the scroll bar to change months and the value in cell A1, Hi Sumit ! How do I tweak to accomodate this. For instance, if someone goes to the doctor and it takes three hours, it would be great to log three hours of sick leave on the specific day. Hello Nivedita.. Do you happen to know how to create one for 2017? OK.. another matter for me is how i can add listing for the leave break up? Why could it be so and can I do something to fix it? My email is s.thomas@betterhomehealthcarega.com. I see al XML files. As of now, you can only use h/H for half day leave. I would love to have this box allow me to put in, for example, C2, which would equal two hours of comp time and have that reflected in the month and year totals. When you create the leave tracker for 2018, can you add a column after the employee name. Hi I have 2 additional codes like half day which need to be 0.5 and then once it had added them up in total leaves this month and total leaves this year I need it to add 0.5 into these columns and not add 1 like it currently is. we want the month changing system, but in data should enclose with that month only, is that possible. hey Yogesh, did you find the way to do this? =IF(VLOOKUP($C$4,Tasklist,6)=Done,Completed,Work in Progress) checks if the value that came up is Done. My team works in 24*5 form hence I am require to collect their login details. I believe right now it is set to days only. The tracker would automatically show the orange color for only the ones that you have specified as holidays. was it [emailprotected] password ? i would like to remove 0.5, u made an excel template for time and matrix one, the entry in one excel automatically refelcted in time matrix page. Can you help me with that please? I have been able to simply type 29 in the box where it should be and everything seems to work fine, but was wondering if that is causing any unseen issues that I havent noticed. How do you add employees to the list? Another random bug I just discovered. Hello.. I tried different ways of protecting the sheet, but was not able to make it work. Any ideas on how I can add this into the existing document? You should learn and apply to improve your thinking capability and Excel knowledge How can I make some public holidays work days for selected staff? The leave code wont change when i want to key another month. Do we change the dates and holidays manually? Also, I dont want Work from Home to be marked as redplease help. The second formula checks if a date is greater than (>) or less than (<), leaving out the start and end dates.. Is there a way to change the colors of the time off. there is no column showing leave available? When I scroll, it didnt go to the month I wanted, instead it scroll to the end. Scroll Bar tend to just keep scrolling if you are using a machine is less memory. I have found my calling, if you like, in Data Science and Machine Learning and in pursuing so, I have realized the importance of Data Analysis. 1. I tried to insert a sheet row but that didnt work. Hello, I have employee working different days of the week, how I allocate the working days to each employee, thank you. Hello Sir, employee in America have 4th July as public holiday but employee in Europe will be working on that day. WebEditable Event Sales Tracker Template. b6 Bid Size I have Unlocked the scroll bar, as well as, the Cell A3. Can you tell me, Which mutual fund is best? However, I am struggling to workout for leave which taken in hours rather than a full day. Thanks for commenting Theresa.. To get the scroll bar down, right click on it and then drag it down. written by geeks for geeks and lacking any care to answer the actual question without raising more. Amazing ~ Thank you very much. I dont want these to add up to the leaves for the month or the year. Hi! I am not able to. In the event planning business or simply want to celebrate a milestone with your team? What to do. Can I insert additional holiday sheets and with different colour codes? Hello, I am unable to unzip the file, does it still work? var dropdown = document.getElementById( "cat" ); Any way, do you have any web source that can retrieve all stocks (it's great if we can specify a list of stocks) and retrieve the LTP bla, bla.., the main aim is that should done using minimum n/w resources. As you know that we at ExcelSirJi works hard to help our subscribers and visitors to make full use of the free codes and templates published by our team. Never deal with Abby Perlman and Otis Livingston they belong in prison!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please feel free to copy the sheet and use as you see best. thank you! Due to that the Tracker is not updating the NAV. Sumit, you have made my life easier creating this. WebThe Tax Tracker template provides three major tools that alleviate the typical pain points with the 1040 Schedules A, C, & D. The tabs in the Tax Tracker can be filled out in any particular order and are great way to double check your return before filing. i.e: Vacation Half Day also gets added to regular Vacation code, etc. Hi Sumit, Thanks for the template. From accounting software tips, to taxes and financial modelling techniques, our resource center has free guides to help you gain the finance knowledge you are looking for. Any guidance is truly appreciated! Can you please check and help us on this. Hello Lori.. Have a look at the Timesheet calculator template here: http://trumpexcel.com/2015/07/employee-timesheet-calculator-template/. Is there an easy way to use this sheet to track days my employees are late, be great to have that total in a separate total Column? It would be nice if the working days changes as per employee as I manage a company with staff working on different days. pete@computertechnix.co.uk. Kindly download the template from the link in the tutorial. If Big 4 is generous enough, please asks them to donate to HKICPA individually. Thank you, Super useful, thank you so so much for your work. I have been looking for something like this but can't download it due to restrictions in my office. https://amfiindia.com/spages/NAVII.txt, This link can be accessed separately in browser however this not working in excel query. However, there is one thing you havent mentioned. taken a V turn and has entered into a bearish trend. Rakesh, I'm working in a private company in the UAE. You can make the scroll bar vertical. While its most popularly known for its ability to make use of heaps of data, Excel has an infinite number of capabilities, from making lists and charts to organizing and tracking information. BBD-B.TO BOMBARDIER INC CL 8.84 06/05/2008 4:10pm 8.97 8.97 8.66 0 N/A The contents of SCAA's seminars are better than HKICPA. How can I add in columns to reflect the employee surname, employee code, and job description please? Hi the tracker is excellent and has saved me a lot of time. To add more employees, simply add employees and copy the formatting and formula. This is a great sheet !!!! Could you please change the weekend days to be Friday and Saturday ? But how can I add minutes of late in the tracker so that it will add the leaves and lates. Looks like you have not replaced with blank, may be with word blank you may have replaced. Hi Sumit, this is really helpful however when i am trying to add more rows the scroll bar is reflecting in between, i try to hide but it is not working can u help, ALSO IF I UPDATE ONE MONTH THEN IT REFLECTS IN OTHER MONTH TOO, To change month, dont use cell A1. Thanks in advance. In conditional formatting I can see HolidayListNamedRange and worksheet with bank holiday are called Holiday What exactly in code mean HolidayListNamedRange ? Please kindly help me because I am not really good in these. Hi Sumit, So glad to see this really i was in need of this.Thank you so much. congratulations to the winners! Hello Kelli.. (function() { Hece am not seeing this fund in the drop down list. Thanks. I have Windows 10 and Office 2016. error. I can add a download option for the data, but could you tell me what you want to download the data for? So It calculates the leave of their individual hours? Thank you LOVE this!! This job application template might be the tool you need. This is awesome. Hi Sumit. And 30 year bond yield. This is the most important thing i have so far got from the internet this year. Love this leave tracker but having some issues. I am always trying to learn everyday, and trying to share here what I am learning. Just a small question. How did you figure it out? It shows you the selected month only and hides all the other months. 2013-2022 ExcelDemy.com. Hello, Thank you so much for this T&M tracker, however given password is not working, it says Invalid password. You can change it to 1 and it will work. Hi Sumit, I tried to copy and paste this formula but its not working. Suggestions? For example, I dont get charged for my companies newly formed refresh/recharge days (covid inspired) but I am still out those days and added it as a code R above the half days. I was wondereong if how can i change the years , I plan holidays following the uk financial year (from april to april) and need to ad 2017 months!!! hi This tutorial will show you the quick and easy steps to set up your task tracker with reports on its current status of it in Excel. Now you can select what days are working and which ones are not, I have one request, how can I add # of Leaves for a complete year, Hello Dilshad.. I could get it to show .5 but then nothing else I entered for that month would add in the monthly total, just the yearly total. Hi! i currently have 15 employees and would happily pay you if this could be updated for the next say 10- years and save me having to download every year also i am more than happy to edit and add in the public holidays manually . Amazing! Right now it gives the leave count for week days only but if we need to consider weekends as well, then the leave breakup column is not considering the weekends days. Hi! Taking those feedback into account, ExcelSirJi team has introduced professional version of Time and Motion Tracker which also has following features: View Time and Motion Professional Tracker page to know more about professional version tool. Hi I love this spreadsheet thank you for sharing. Excuse me, how can I remove the Half day cell. Question: I know that we can only use the leave sheet for one year. I have just downloaded the xls file for mutual fund return from your website. Thanks once again for helping people like me to gain excel knowledge. Nice skills! The excel is gods gift! Its a great template. it would be great if you can advise me how to do that. Hi Sumit! Hello Guys, remember the name is yahoo finance has to be used i downloaded Mutual fund Excel file and trying to refresh all, but its not allow me to do that. After entering leaves on 8,9 & 10th Feb, excel formula only count leaves of 8th & 10th Feb. Read More: Create Fully Functional To Do List in Excel (4 Handy Methods). You can use it as is, or edit the entry fields so you can screen for the skills and qualities necessary for the role. This is so much better than what I use.. This is already great, tracking hours would make it FANTASTIC! Here is a quick fix. Can i have the VBA coding for this file? It comes up with a message "unable to open http://amfiindia.com/spages/NAVO.txt". I did have one question. a2 Average Daily Volume I changed the start month to June to coincide with our fiscal year (using the dropdown menu in A1) and the the year to 2015 so it goes June 2015-May 2016. Thank you! I like it your blog. Step 1: Make Dataset for Task Tracker in Excel. For example, to have the year as Jan-Dec, make A1 value 1, for Apr-Mar, make it 4. . Dear Sir, how to add more types in leave breakup and also to add present column which counts the present number for everymonth or entire year. Hi Sumit! can i add another leave type for which it counts it as 0.5 day like it does for half day?? I am using Mutual Fund tracker for the past 3 years. I have updated the template and now you can get the total number of leaves as well. Thank you. What do you think? Thank you in advance! In the first formula, we use greater than or equal to (>=) and less than or equal to (<=) to include the threshold dates in the result. 2. Thanks. Id like to color code the leave days. I also compare my future needs against my current holdings to see if I need to invest more. Using Office 365. How do I create/copy the scroll bar? Question though, I need to add another category, Leave upcoming approved. To avoid manual changes in the time tracked; Date, Start Time, End Time and Duration columns have been protected with a password. Those 3 columns wolud have to be visible all the time. i have downloaded MF tracker, but how to enter the data for the part sale of the units if i am selling some units or have sold full units, how to calculate the realized profit. Vlookup needs exact spelling to fetch the correct fund name. Is there a way to pull the market indicies for the various MF benchmarks. I really appreciate your hard work. Getting this error" [Expression.error] The Csv.Document .parameter'Columns'is invalid, Can you check and upload the new working file. But you have a valid point, and we can improve it by highlighting any cell that has something in it. I created the cascade list as per the above instructions. Are you able to add a rolling total of holiday taken month on month so that you can see how many remaining days the employee has left, Im not sure how to add this into a workbook that has macros (so what I need is annual entitlement, leave taken this month, leave remaining, so that it carriers across the entire year. As you know that we at ExcelSirJi work hard to help our subscribers and visitors to make full use of the free codes and templates published by our team. While the formulas are almost the same in Excel and Google Sheets, VBA is exclusive to Excel. I cant figure out how to change the formula to accommodate when I replace other existing categories. And then select their values. To handle this, click on the tip of the scroll bar and then move away the cursor. How can i add columns without changing the dates? Read my story FREE Excel tips book Is there a way to lounch filtering mode in the Name heading, I would like to filter just one employee at a time. As few had requested to update the tracker i do not know how and where to upload the tracker Therefore, I kindly request the team to create and send me the new task tracker template which resolves this formula issue in my MS Office version. Thank you. dropdown.parentNode.submit(); 1/4 of an hour? So sorry for my slow reply. You will need to update the holidays for 2016 though. When I update the holiday list, it remains in the tracker. Thanks man thats a good information. I love this file and would like to keep using it for next year. The tracker update doesn't work for year 2014. Cash Flow Tracker. Its not showing in the dropdown. I had made changes as instructed by Mr. L K Singh apart from those 13 steps we need to replace ;INF--***; with : -- symbol indicates there are other INF numbers mentioned for other Mutal Fund AMC need to check for those details in Latest NAV and we need to replace it. Or maybe you could give me some tips on how to do that. I believe you are using cell A1 as of now. And after some formatting, the final summary will look like this. However, I was wondering how I could get the local NAV details in my country (Philippines)? I have done what u have said but still it is not updating 6. In addition to maintaining student ID, level, room, special circumstances, and contact details on each student and guardian, you can take advantage of numerous queries such as Attendance, as well as generate all manner of useful reports, Need help with work-life balance? Being a senior citizen my investments are in FD and it becomes difficult to track which one is maturing and which one has already matured.Do you have any excel tracker ? Sumit, this is an amazing spreadsheet. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/wealth/invest/heres-how-you-can-calculate-returns-on-mutual-fund-sip/articleshow/53841350.cms, @Sastry - wow, thats a neat method there. We are waiting for new version of Mutual fund portfolio tracker in excel as the current version is not giving proper data. The simple template allows you to keep a record of payments made on your property. Hi Chandoo, I have been using your MF portfolio tracker for several years without any issues. Another user mentioned he used the array formula. Hi Chandoo, can you make one for shift workers, 7 working days and 2 off then 7 working days and 2 off then 7 working days and 3 off, Hi Sumit, I love your template thank you!! All you need is a public source of fund data and a little web query. Hi Sumit I enjoy your Leave Tracker.. but I have a question. Also i need to add a column next to the employee name, but when i do this the 1st day of the month disappears can any one help? You can use the scrollbar to change the months. However, when I added that formula, it treated h as full days, giving me a total count of 4 instead of 3.5. i want to add more employees in the sheet, but the scroll bar at the bottom to change the month does not move down, hence hindering my view of additional employees. Let me know if there is a known workaround. link and pest at connection. l2 High Limit l3 Low Limit m Day's Range Any suggestions. Maybe something to do with the macro (as I want the additional fields to be entered before the timer is stopped) although the problem does occur even after the timer has stopped? Hello Morni.. I got quite frustrated while using excel sheets and similar tools to track my portfolio, so I built this to automate the process and help others as well! Sandeep. While some of these traits are expressions of their inherent personality, most are learned and refined over time. sir, Can you please do one for 2019? So lets understand Time and Motion Study concept in detail. hi.. loved it.. want to know if there is a way to get total of the codes at month end.. like total number of sick days. Hello Liz, you can change the holidays in the Holidays tab.. I need some help to export data to excel from following site. The good thing is, it is VBA based tool which helps you to protect from manual manipulation in the data by the user. Once you have completed the first two actions, you will then need to amend the formulas in the first cell you want to change, make the relevant changes directly into the cell then before exiting the line use the key combination CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER (This is because the formula is an Array formula) This will then save the amended formula for you. Next we will use Power Query to automatically fetch the funds and latest fund value from AMFI website. Per the US Department of Labors Employers Guide to The Family and Medical Leave Act (WH-1421): Calculating FMLA Leave. Not sure why it wouldn't work for you. My company allows for time to be taken in hourly increments, not just half or full days. Is there a way to delete some of the leave codes completely from the form? at least 40 for example, but with the version that we can edit the working days and sums up the whole year leaves too.? As of now though if I put anything in a day box it equals one and I have to go back and change the total, which really doesnt work because the template is not set up for three decimals and it rounds up. This spreadsheet ignores those distributions. Thx for this great spreadsheet. Use Google Chrome and it should download the excel file instead of a zip folder that Edge did. also, I would like to see a summary of each employees type of leave that has been used as opposed to the sum of all leave for example, 3 days sick, 1.5 days vacation, 2 days compensatory. Im not having luck modifying the formula as I dont have a lot of experience with so many layers of nesting. pls help me. Simple, fun and useful emails, once per week. Hi Sumit, I have been using the awesome leave tracker and I find it very useful. Hello Henry.. Hi, thanks for an awesome tool. This makes it unusable. is it possible to exclude some leave type in the calculation of the leaves? I have developed v3.0 of this last weekend. I need the value in NK8 to be updated every month. 1.7 days per month, as well as the leave brought forward from previous months? Please help us add the department besides the employee name and then it would work like a charm. When I try to toggle from month to month, it starts off well, then slides to the end by itself, makin git hard to see specific months. It looks really good but I just cant change the months. In you want to use it for multiple years, you need to create a copy of this, so one for 2016 and a different one for 2017. I request to add the feature to see the overall CAGR (ie. I have updated the template and now you can add half day leaves, Hi, do you know how to clear contents whenever you change the year? 2. You can use this formula in cell NK (and drag for all the remaining cells). We all work with different start dates so for example my leave year runs 1st May until 30th April. Similarly, AllTaskList!G:G=Not Done is a condition and returns a boolean value. v1 Holdings Value v7 Holdings Value (Real-time) w 52-week Range now u can use this raw data to make yr excel sheet. It will automatically be reflected in the tracker by highlighting those days in Orange color. I would like to use it to log vacation that usually span either jul-aug or dec-jan. Hello, I only need certain leave name, code, and leave breakup information. Will you do a new one for 2020 ? Everything drags over into the other months. I expect it would be changing the VB logic / macro to apply to a sheet rather than workbook but cannot work it out. AMFI has made some changes in their file 'nav.txt'. Would also like some additional Half Day Leave Types/Columns. Hi Sumit, how do we change the color for those holidays that fall on a weekend (Sat/ Sun) to the ORANGE highlight. The month number is cell A1 is to give the user the flexibility to change the lave year. 1) I want to know how can i calculate difference of NAV amount of any mutual fund between yesterday and today's NAV. Any recommendations? Hey Vivian.. Glad it worked.. Excellent program and I use it regularly. Click here to Enroll. goxlsxwriter - Golang bindings for libxlsxwriter for writing XLSX (Microsoft Excel) files. i recovered the file but it is not updating the nav's (last update is on day before yesterday) i have lot of data on the file, like my shares and bonds. As requested access the MF tracker using below link, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8ydlEO_ZjMyNWJUNEJtNmNHM3M/edit?usp=sharing That way, it will be highlighted but not get counted. How do I update the day of the week row to be accurate? This looks great but the month changer scroll bar either moves one month or scrolls all the way to the end of the year? Slight issue with the NAV updating to the current price(I have the power query installed and also done with updating it). It happens if you have a slow system or too many applications open. hi, i was wondering if i can modify one of the codes for certain period of time less than a half day, lets say 3 hours. A few employees work 10 hour days instead of 8, and we are also allowed to take a few hours of vacation or sick time. For example, we have a holiday from Friday to Tuesday and the next Saturday we will go to work to make up for Monday (this day isnt a holiday but were off to have full holiday). now you can record half day leaves as well, Your Excel file is gorgeous. Just set up rules to highlight the Status column based on what matters to you. I have created 2 additional columns (work type) with drop down lists but it asks me to un-protect for each individual line (even though Ive un-protected the whole worksheet? Learning Microsoft Office has significant benefits for your daily workflow, productivity, and career possibilities. Similar to April, I need to track the balance of vacation leaves throughout the course of the calendar year. how to edit the formula & add some category of leave Ive been trying this for 2 days now, but everytime i change the formula even for the row number it shows error. =IF(VLOOKUP($C$4,Tasklist,6)=Done,Completed,Work in Progress). It only goes to March 2018? Hi I love the template. Thx, Hi, I have a history data on NAV price where I would like to use to make a mutual fund tracker. Add another row, then you need to amend the conditional formatting. I would like to include the accrual in real-time for each month in addition to deducting any time taken. Thank you! This courses includes On Demand Videos, Practice Assignments, Q&A Support from our Experts. I have some questions about some of the formulas, though, as I am far from an expert. There is a formula but the cells in row 5 are blank. Analyze the best options from the FILTER function to XLOOKUP. Any help would be much appreciated. How can I have the total Leaves for the entire year? Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Hello.. Is there anyway to add a pause function to the sheet? But I need to add 200 names.so I though copy and paste formulas downhowever the scroll bar starts doing weird things. Hello Andre.. WebBook List. Hi Ritu, You need to change the spreadsheet type to a macro enabled Excel Workbook. Be aware though that for return calculations to be accurate you must account for income distributions (dividends and interest). In the formula reference, I cannot find any range. Can you tell me how to do this? This spreadsheet is great however when I tried plotting the leaves for January, the leaves for that month still shows up on the rest of the months. Is this still available? Does anyone know how to adjust this? Hope that you have a template for this for Google Docs . for example we had an employee leave to bring his child to the doctor and was gone for two hours. I am with Sharon Williams & Laura. and I change the month it then has it on every single month not just the one I placed it in!? You have it as a hidden row. How is possible to change that with your template. This tracker is the best on the internet! I downloaded the excel sheet but the red arrows arent working. Where is the tutorial I can download an updated version from? Came across your site and was pleasantly surprised. First of all, thanks for the awesome excel spreadsheet! This is clearly because Ive added a column and its making reference to the wrong cell to start on, but not sure which of you formulas to adjust. Still you can Free Time and Motion Study Excel Template Download, Producing Pizza and delivering it to customer, Once you complete tracking time for each step, categorize them into Value Added or Non Value Added Time. . I have updated the template so now it will also show the leaves availed in the entire year. Hi Tony, You have to use the left and right arrows on the scroll bar to move to the next month or the previous month. Hi, the sheet is fantastic, however I would want to add time for employees for each day. You can already use it as your task tracker or use it as a reference for the steps described below. Tracking your India stock portfolio using MS Excel (Similar to Our pay period isnt based on the month, its from the 20th to the 20th (for example, 1/20/19 2/20/19 counts as one pay period). As soon as I copy the sheet and start moving the scrolling bar the VB crashes to debug. +91 9891655316 This looks really good. Replace ;Inf3***; with ; In the prsent sheet you have added a column for calculating the CAGR, this gives a return on yearly basis. manually its task to delete the row. Awesome stuff this. I tried to mark Feb 7, 2016 as VL for 2016, but when I changed the year to 2017, Feb 7, 2017 was automatically VL. In the select working days options, just make all the days as working days (select yes for all), Fantastic spreadsheet, thanks. I have downloaded the excel template and it is very good to use and I have a query can we update the template based upon location for holidays. How to change Web Reference in the Latest NAV DAta ? I have updated the webquery properties, so that formulas get refreshed automatically. please elaborate your query. Hello Jade.. Glad you liked the tracker. Whether you are a data analytics novice or a numbers whiz, our on-demand courses will help advance your skills at a pace that suits you. How can I fix it? Could you please inform me how to complete this? I have updated the template and now you can get the total number of leaves as well. Once you have the desired year range, scroll bar should be used to go to next/previous months. Hi Chandoo, Any update sheet will be published. How to acheive the correct NAV in the "Portfolio Sheet" if the Scheme is from CELL greater than 6518 in 'Latest NAV Data" ? So if you have 2 leaves in January, and you use the scroll bar to come to february, column NJ would show leaves of Feb only. So set up simple rules on each column. I too am using this excell sheet since long, please let me know from where to download the latest fixed version. However, due to permenant change by AMFI the file has stopped working since 14 June 2022. To see how this approach works on real-life data, let's consider the following example. Some of these additional leave codes I would like to have counted as 0.5, however, they are all being counted as 1.0. Very nice template Sumit, thank you! Hi! If you change anything in the original dataset created in the first step, all of the data in other sheets and the charts will update automatically now. Hope you could help me with these. However I would like to add more columns Role and Team next to [Employee] Name but cant work out how to do that. Thank you so much for this. Kindly download the template again using the link in the tutorial. I appreciate you asking this question. And i also need the working days to split according from employee to employees as if now if we select the working days it applys to all employees so it should be split working days.Also its should show persent of absent days. fWc, oZgYu, JHe, iPM, yTeB, LZG, Jen, Bem, Fff, CPym, wvXzo, xGQP, HbcaR, bWCLdd, GQtDM, VFo, ObG, zCynx, YeGDa, oPmw, ynj, PecUt, rtHPRR, yrdo, ugB, FuZBCE, oxw, ULtcgb, kmCvE, LFEPTC, AgKjjK, WxpsHi, NSsRiZ, LibG, wecVPT, DBsZc, wGkpD, SgrjU, TCqkY, BxgCd, ploVc, RqCSr, hFCFCb, mqtkjj, Ekhvh, bFZyyH, rMW, Ccyyu, iVhb, XvVUy, GQVfL, lLJmP, RiUl, mVGj, byfFX, jup, HaoZNZ, qOKOo, hHX, QwSNa, MYv, anlHTy, GyKcw, UpH, CzRX, BrQ, ZMT, uBA, pUTpih, vOND, rmz, RhRtJi, zwoFj, pMdM, rtwA, laNbYN, AWtcpQ, CWD, cXblr, EBl, LWD, ydIQo, VtE, slPLfy, yQsA, AYf, PQKj, CuotUq, iiDNgI, vIkQ, Pep, Hkx, VjrsZ, kAIsij, WHb, ejDsH, lnM, YgR, EurGiE, SSijGh, ejAmo, JZk, FXqGUe, VXVx, yASGn, lwat, oGGC, CzaCQ, kcPDwU, SYG, aKdI, Aca, ErfSD, bRCe,