Web1830: Railways & Robber Barons Take a Ride on the Reading - Variants for 1830 (Variants) by Alan R. Moon; 1830: Railways & Robber Barons All Aboard - A Ride on the 1830 Express (Strategy) by Edward Fahrmeier; The GENERAL Vol.26,No.6. Richard C. Auxier, Leonard E. Burman, James R. Nunns & Jeffrey Rohaly. [568] On January 20, 2016, Clinton criticized Senator Bernie Sanders for his comments that the Human Rights Campaign was "part of the establishment. "[495][496], Clinton was a co-sponsor of the Habeas Corpus Restoration Act in 2007. [82], Clinton has stated that "manufacturing is critical to the U.S. [275][276] She supported the Obama administration's pivot to Asia, in part because the United States needed a greater military presence in the region to counter the North Korean threat. "[339][340] After Russia's 2011 elections, Clinton said that they were "neither free nor fair", a statement that was consistent with claims by elections observers and the statements by other Western leaders. [243] Clinton also stated that supporting the Defense of Marriage Act was a strategic decision to help derail a constitutional amendment that would have banned same-sex marriage and that it was not fair that the gay partner of Gerry Studds was not receiving his benefits. [524] On March 27, 2001, Clinton cosponsored the Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act of 2001. Asked again whether U.S. troops should be sent to Darfur, Clinton focused on "sanctions, divestment and UN peacekeepers." "[142][143][144][145] She has described the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 as a "starvation wage". Nearly all of the tax increases would fall on the top 1 percent; the bottom 95 percent of taxpayers would see little or no change in their taxes. 3 unless we can require that anybody who fracks has to tell us exactly what chemicals they are using. [44] In 2007, Clinton spoke in favor of public financing of some campaigns: "I believe we have to move, eventually in our country, toward a system of public financing that really works for candidates running for federal office. In this stunning book, Malcolm Gladwell takes us on an intellectual journey through the world of "outliers"the best and the brightest, the It's (very) complicated", "U.S. Senate Approves Central American Trade Agreement (Update1)", "As Colombian Oil Money Flowed To Clintons, State Department Took No Action To Prevent Labor Violations", "The Clinton Foundation left a toxic legacy in Colombia", "The Clintons, a luxury jet and their $100 million donor from Canada", "Hillary Rodham Clinton, Senator for New York: Schumer, Clinton Commend Department of Commerce Decision on Unfair Trade Practices that Hurt Syracuse Candle Industry", "Hillary and the Candlemakers: Not a Parody", "Hillary Clinton flip-flops on Trans-Pacific Partnership", "Hillary Clinton comes out against TPP trade deal", "Hillary Clinton announces opposition to Pacific trade pact", "Evolution Or Expediency? I will support that as president. ", Hillary answered "I'm a progressive. Apart from being a skilled businessman, he was a leading philanthropist. Graft, kickbacks, and voter fraud were rampant, but not just at the local level. "[366], Following the 2016 Brussels bombings, Clinton said: "We need to work with the brightest minds of Silicon Valley to more effectively track and analyze ISIS' social media and map jihadists' networks online. In the 1870s the term began to be used to describe business tycoons, and the usage persisted throughout the rest of the 19th century. "[591] Clinton favors allowing the federal government to contract with private companies to provide some veterans' healthcare services, but opposes outright privatization of the VA.[591][592], On MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Show on October 23, 2015, Maddow asked Clinton about the controversy over VA patients that have been backlogged and put on secret waiting lists while waiting for an appointment. [55] Clinton intended to accomplish the 10 percent cap with tax credits and subsidized child care. [195], Clinton has emphasized the jobs that renewable energy creates, saying in an April 2016 town-hall event broadcast on MSNBC that the U.S. must "use clean renewable energy to create more jobs. "[97][99] She proposes to lower the exclusivity period of "biologics" from 12 to 7 years to "spur greater competition" and save government spending. [497], Clinton believes that income inequality is a barrier to equal opportunity. Financial regulation and Wall Street reform, Universal health care and the Affordable Care Act, Criticism of the Arab Gulf states for terrorist funding, U.S. relationship with Britain and other European allies. [24] Nineteen Nobel laureates in economics signed a letter endorsing Clinton, saying "Hillary Clinton is by far the superior presidential candidate for our economy and our country" than Donald Trump. Parallels are drawn between 19th-century barons and 21st-century tech giants. 3035, which amend the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008. John Parrot / Stocktrek Images / Getty Images. "[489] She made gun rights a part of her 2008 Presidential campaign, after highlighting the importance of passing "gun-safety laws" during her 2000 campaign for the Senate, although according to Politico her messages were not directly contradictory. Part of it is that Gaza's pretty small and it's very densely populated. [392][393], Clinton's advisors have said that she believes that the "president usually deserves the benefit of the doubt from Congress on matters of executive authority". [443], Clinton supports diversion programs such as treatment-focused drug courts,[444] saying in 2007: "Non-violent offenders should not be serving hard time in our prisons. Tammany Hall ran New York City for a long, long time, notably under Boss Tweed. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/robber-barons-from-americas-past-4120060. [538], On February 8, 2005, Clinton cosponsored the Early Treatment for HIV Act of 2005. "[284], Clinton has described Iran as a long-term strategic challenge to the United States, its NATO allies, and Israel. [380], Clinton has affirmed "America's steadfast commitment to the special relationship with Britain and the transatlantic alliance with Europe. As an example of his ruthlessness,when he was trying to acquire New York Central railroad company, he would not allow their passengers or freight on his ownNew York & Harlem and Hudson Lines. [233] The Humane Society endorsed Clinton in the 2016 Presidential Race, saying that she "has a clear, compelling record of support for animal protection". Railroad builders, in particular, needing political influence to build their railways, became adept at influencing politicians through the use of lobbyists, or in some cases, outright bribery. Required fields are marked *. [387], While in the Senate, Clinton co-sponsored a resolution "expressing the sense of the Senate on the importance of membership of the United States on the United Nations Human Rights Commission. [509] She wants to expand federal funding to bring free Wi-Fi and high-speed Internet to "recreation centers, public buildings like one-stop career centers, and transportation infrastructure such as train stations, airports, and mass transit systems. He was solely responsible for the massive expansion of the steel industry. [608][609][610] In 2013, she launched a partnership between the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to gather and study data on the progress of women and girls around the world since the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995. 879-880. Conduct more humane and targeted immigration enforcement, by detaining and deporting those individuals who pose a violent threat to public safety; ending family detention and closing private immigrant detention centers. "[169] She did say that she believed in the underlying idea behind trade agreements such as NAFTA: "I believe in the general principles it represented. Vanderbilt worked his way up through the shipping industry before going into business for himself, becoming one of America's biggest steamship operators. Lewiss concept was that even that would be preferable to omnipotent moral busybodies being in charge, because he said that could lead to what may be the most oppressive form of tyranny. Anyone who has been the victim of restructuring, hostile takeovers, and other downsizing efforts can attest to this. However, both Fisk and Gould were able to escape unharmed financially and were never held accountable. The following month, while campaigning in New Hampshire, Clinton has said she would end federal raids against such patients in states where the use of marijuana for medical purposes is legal. I oppose it now, I'll oppose it after the election, and I'll oppose it as president. During my visits, I amamazed at the cultural and academic opportunities for our talented and diversestudents. [332][333] (The use of the word "genocide" is contested by the government of Turkey. Under the cap at that time, the FICA tax applied to income up to $102,000, with income in excess of this amount (earned by the top 6% of income-earners) not taxable. Some are calling it a throwback to the Gilded Age of the robber barons. A transaction is a one-time event where an entity exchanges anything of value with a different entity. He was born into wealth and started working for his father's banking company. In his later years he collected art and books, and made major donations to museums and libraries. Now we've got to move away from coal and all the other fossil fuels, but I don't want to move away from the people who did the best they could to produce the energy that we relied on. Hodges. The Guardian reports that the messiah of technological advancements, Elon Musk, was recently called a robber baron. "[320], In 2010, as secretary of state, Clinton presided over three sessions of direct face-to-face talks between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian National Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. "[309], While calling for ending the war in Iraq, Clinton's indicated in July 2007 that she advocates keeping a reduced number of U.S. troops in Iraq for the foreseeable future, stating "we cannot lose sight of our very real strategic national interests in this region. Some of the individuals were also philanthropists, especially upon retirement. [272][273] On a trip to Africa in 2011, Clinton said that China was not a role model for governance. Barrons monopoly was achieved on the backs of those shady tactics. That doesn't mean that it is to the exclusion of other interests. [291][292] The sanctions imposed on Iran by the U.S. during Clinton's tenure are generally regarded as one of several factors that compelled Iran to go to the negotiating table over its nuclear program. "[260] When told of news reports of Qaddafi's death by an aide in between formal interviews, Clinton laughed and replied with "We came, we saw, he died". [421] She then voted in favor of a compromise renewed act in March 2006 that passed by an 8910 margin. "[172] Later in 2005, Clinton voted against the Central America Free Trade Agreement,[173] believing that it did not provide adequate environmental or labor standards. "[477], Clinton disagrees with the Supreme Court's decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, in which a divided Court struck down, by 54 vote, a handgun ban in Washington D.C. and found an individual right to keep and bear arms in the Second Amendment (as opposed to a right to keep and bear arms only as part of a "well-regulated militia"). [576] On October 11, 2016, her Twitter account stated conversion therapy for minors should be ended. In partnership with family and community, Woodridge School District 68 provides a comprehensive educational foundation for all children in a safe, caring environment, preparing them to be productive, responsible, and successful members of society. [457] In 2007, Clinton stated "No Child Left Behind has been a terrible imposition on teachers and school districts and families and students. Repeated factory disasters, such as the triangle shirtwaist factory fire revealed the unsafe working conditions of the urban poor: https://www.commonlit.org/texts/the-triangle-shirtwaist-factory-fireMeanwhile, workers began to join unions and strike for better working conditions: https://www.commonlit.org/texts/the-coeur-d-alene-miners-uprisingChapters:Introduction: The Gilded Age 00:00The Political Machine 1:23Mystery Document 1:56\"Boss\" Tweed \u0026 the County Courthouse 3:07Tammany Politicians 4:11Credit Mobilier \u0026 Bribing Congress 5:18The Whiskey Ring 6:08Gilded Age Republicans 6:46The Civil Service Act \u0026 the Sherman Anti-Trust Act 7:27Local Government Reforms 8:07The Farmers' Alliance 8:46The People's (Populist) Party 9:36Populist Leaders 11:15William Jennings Bryan's Presidential Campaign 11:42Credits 13:19Crash Course is on Patreon! "[131], In August 2016, Clinton said that "strengthening unions doesn't just serve members it leads to better pay, and benefits, and working conditions for all employees. And they should stop supporting radical schools and mosques around the world that have set too many young people on a path toward extremism. These business owners have been criticized for harming the society and environment in the name to technological advancements. See more. He helped Daniel Drew during the Erie War as they fought to gain control of the Erie Railroad. [541] On January 31, 2006, Clinton voted against George W. Bush's nomination of Samuel Alito to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. He made a fortune using his shrewd business acumen and political connections. "[521], On December 9, 1999, Clinton told a group of gay contributors that LGBT people should be allowed to openly serve in the United States military. What Is Imperialism? "[450] In her 2016 policy position on marijuana, Clinton says that she supports rescheduling marijuana to Schedule II; "allowing states that have enacted marijuana laws to act as laboratories of democracy, as long as they adhere to certain federal priorities such as not selling to minors, preventing intoxicated driving, and keeping organized crime out of the industry"; and "focus[ing] federal enforcement resources on violent crime, not simple marijuana possession. "[106], Reportedly, Clinton expressed support when she was First Lady for universal single-payer health care in the U.S. during multiple private conversations, while sometimes indicating that she believed such an approach would not be politically tenable. [213] Through June 2015, she delayed announcing her position on the pipeline, noting that as Secretary of State, she had set in motion the review process a number of years previously to evaluate the pipeline, and preferred to allow time for her successor John Kerry, and President Obama to make the decision. [402][405] Clinton opposes the Hyde Amendment, which bars federal funds to pay for abortion unless the pregnancy arises from incest, rape, or to save the life of the mother. "[483] She has received an "F" rating from the National Rifle Association;[493] the NRA, which endorsed Trump,[494] has been a longtime Clinton adversary. "[383], Prior to assuming the role of Secretary of State, Clinton signed an agreement with the administration which precluded the Clinton Foundation from accepting new donations from foreign governments during her tenure in order to mitigate the potential for inappropriate influence of the State Department. He was the first person to be called robber baron, in an article in "The New York Times" on February 9, 1859. The Gilded Age was marked by the success of the richest coupled with inequality and corruption. Without a doubt, they used unethical and deceitful means to achieve what they achieved. [346][349], Greg Grandin and some other commentators have criticized Clinton for legitimizing the military-backed ouster of President Manuel Zelaya in the 2009 Honduran coup d'tat, which occurred amidst a constitutional crisis in that country. [483] During the 2016 Democratic presidential primaries, Clinton criticized her opponent, Senator Bernie Sanders, for voting against the Brady Bill five times. Before the Kosovo war, she phoned Bill Clinton from Africa. ", "GOP hopefuls laud abortion ruling; Dems denounce it", "Hillary Clinton blasts Hobby Lobby decision; Weekend protests at several locations", "Clinton, Obama hail Supreme Court abortion decision", "Clinton and Sanders Confirm Support of Disability Integration Act New Mobility", "Clinton Affirms Support for Disability Integration Act", "Clinton's Case Against the Subminimum Wage", "Statement of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton on the USA Patriot Act Reauthorization Conference Report", " U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 109th Congress 2nd Session On the Conference Report (H.R. Senator from New York (20012009); and serving as the United States Secretary of State (20092013). Generally, it is controlled or monitored by the Government to safeguard the customers interests. Some, like Ford, were extremely generous to the workers. "[353] Clinton noted that if the U.S. government had declared a coup, it would have been legally obliged to immediately cut off all aid, including humanitarian aid, which would "just make the situation worse by punishing the Honduran people. "[305], On June 8, 2006, Clinton said of the U.S. airstrike that killed Abu Musab al-Zarqawi: "I saw firsthand the terrible consequences of Zarqawi's terrorist network when Bill, Chelsea and I visited the hotel ballroom in Amman, Jordan last November where Zarqawi's followers had detonated a bomb at a wedding, killing and wounding innocent people. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Philanthropy is clearly in the publics interest. Clinton served as honorary chairwoman of a committee that issued a report, Creative America, in February 1997, calling for an appropriation by $2 per citizen by the year 2000 for museums, libraries, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the National Endowment for the Humanities, which would represent a modest increase in federal arts and humanities spending. [481][482], Clinton made gun licensing and registration a part of her 2000 Senate campaign. That's not how peace is made. I voted to raise the minimum wage and guess what, millions of jobs were created or paid better and more families were secure." McNamara, Robert. [91], A 2016 RAND Corporation report analyzed four of Clinton's major proposed health-care policies and concluded that their combined effect, relative to current law, would be "to increase the number of insured by 9.1 million and increase the federal deficit by $88.5 billion. [120][122], An independent report by Moody's Analytics issued in 2016 found that Clinton's proposals would, if enacted, create 10.4 million jobs during a four-year presidential term (3.2 million more than expected under current law). Login ID: Browse photos, see new properties, get open house info, and research neighborhoods on Trulia. [361] She says she will step up support for local forces on the ground. ", "Encourage the use of smart strategies like police body cameras and end racial profiling to rebuild trust between law enforcement and communities. [132][133] She has said that she will "aggressively [combat] trade violations" by other countries. by William La Jeunesse, "Clinton Gives War Critics New Answer on '02 Vote", "Hillary Clinton and the Dangers of Hubris", "Clinton And Trump Are Both Promising An Extreme Supreme Court", "Health Bill for 9/11 Workers Is Passed by Congress", "James Zadroga Act of 2006 (2006 S. 3891)", "Hillary Clinton Statement on Zadroga Act Reauthorization", "Hillary Clinton Hails Jon Stewart In Her Own 9/11 Push", "Safe, legal but not necessarily 'rare': Clinton's shift on abortion", "Today's Planned Parenthood vote shows what's at stake this election", "Where do the 2016 candidates stand on contraception? We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good. [128][129] She argues that this will help small businesses, in particular, by reducing the time and costs associated with licensing. [341], Clinton has criticized Russian president Vladimir Putin on a number of occasions for his aggressive conduct, particularly after Russia annexed Crimea and supported separatists in eastern Ukraine, which led to ongoing increased tensions with the West. [404], NARAL Pro-Choice America consistently gave Clinton a 100percent pro-choice rating from 2002 to 2006. It has altered the flow of history, calmed monsters, kindled works of art, cheered the forlorn, turned tough guys to mush, consoled the enslaved, driven strong women mad, glorified the humble, fueled national scandals, bankrupted robber barons, and made mincemeat of kings. [78], In 2000, during a Senate debate in Manhattan, Clinton voiced her support for drug courts to address drug abuse problems when she stated, "We need more treatment [for drug addicts]. WebA business magnate, also known as a tycoon, is a person who has achieved immense wealth through the ownership of multiple lines of enterprise.The term characteristically refers to a powerful entrepreneur or investor who controls, through personal enterprise ownership or a dominant shareholding position, a firm or industry whose goods or services are [329], During an interview while the 2014 IsraelGaza conflict was ongoing, Clinton said that Hamas had intentionally provoked Israel by firing rockets into that country. [419], Clinton voted for the USA PATRIOT Act in October 2001 when it was first enacted. [577], During both her 2008 and 2016 campaigns for the presidency, Clinton has met with Native American leaders and held events on Indian reservations. [232], The Humane Society gave Senator Clinton scores of 100 in the 108th and 109th Congresses, and an 83 in the 110th Congress on her actions on legislation that would protect animals. [224] Clinton said any action "needs to be done in a careful, thoughtful way" and that: "We also have to be realistic and say, 'You get 25% of the electricity in the greater New York City area from Indian Point.' "[227], In 2007, Clinton co-sponsored the Climate Stewardship and Innovation Act (a greenhouse gas cap-and-trade initiative proposed by John McCain and Joseph Lieberman which aimed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 60 percent from 2000 levels by 2050) and the Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act (a more ambitious plan propose by Bernie Sanders and Barbara Boxer which sought to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent from 2000 levels by 2050). "[117], Clinton supports federal and state efforts to create Medicare-like "public option" health insurance plans to compete against private insurers. [207][208], Clinton supports allowing hydraulic fracturing (fracking) but only when it meets her conditions regarding local choice, stronger environmental regulation and chemicals. Hillary Clinton, the nominee of the Democratic Party for president of the United States in 2016, has taken positions on political issues while serving as First Lady of Arkansas (197981; 198392), First Lady of the United States (19932001); as U.S. Vintage American history photo of Andrew Carnegie seated in a library. In her official 2016 presidential platform, Clinton proposes to: While in the Senate, Clinton had long opposed ethanol subsidies before she introduced a bill in May 2006 to create a $50 billion fund to expand the use of ethanol and other alternative fuels. 'Commodore' Cornelius Vanderbilt, one of the oldest and most reckless of financial buccaneers of his day. This is a perfect example of the rags to riches narrative. Perhaps good deeds done do not absolve them from unfair practices. Woodridge Sd 68. It was the same intelligence belief that our allies and friends around the world shared. "End the era of mass incarceration, reform mandatory minimum sentences, and end private prisons. And yet, you could go to another city in Texas, like San Antonio, and you would know that that was totally without merit, that there was no basis for it. [449] In June 2014, Clinton said that on medical marijuana, "I don't think we've done enough research yet. "[434], Speaking at an event for candidates on faith and compassion in April 2008, Clinton said that "we want religion to be in the public square. ", "Hillary Clinton to dip her toe into domestic politics", Clinton Runs As Wonk In Chief, Trying To Win Hearts With Plans, How Hillary Clinton created her plan for America behind-the-scenes, Wonk Warrior: Inside the Relaunch of Hillary Clinton, "Suddenly unsure on immigration, Trump trying to clear it up", "Part I: CNN/YouTube Democratic presidential debate transcript", "Clinton 'pleads guilty' to being a moderate", "Hillary Clinton and the 2016 democrats mostly liberal together", "Hillary Clinton Was Liberal. [114] She proposes to defend the Affordable Care Act from efforts to repeal it; she will build upon it. However, he cemented his reputation as a miser when he wouldn't pay the reward of a lawsuit to the clerk, William Laidlaw, whom he used as a shield to protect himself and who ended up being disabled for life. [152] The Clinton campaign asserts that her plan "will cost around $350 billion over 10 yearsand will be fully paid for by limiting certain tax expenditures for high-income taxpayers. Welcome to IXL! "[119], Clinton strongly supports net neutrality. "[388], Reacting to WikiLeaks and the 2010 U.S. diplomatic cables release, Clinton expressed her condemnation of any disclosure that puts lives at risk and threatens national security. How will we pay for their care? "[415], Clinton stated in June 2016, "I will always stand with Planned Parenthood. "[209] According to PolitiFact, the implementation of Clinton's three conditions "would uphold existing bans and add new ones to the mix. [118] During her campaign, Clinton has written: "Through vaccinations and vaccine science, I am committed to protecting our nation's children, as well as populations worldwide, from infectious disease threats. Uncover why WOODRIDGE SCHOOL DISTRICT 68 Your application materials will be retained in active status for one school Get the inside scoop on jobs, salaries, top office locations, and CEO insights. "[333], As secretary of state, Clinton oversaw the completion of the New START nuclear arms control treaty between the United States and Russia, and successfully pushed for its ratification. We don't know what, if any, kind of link there is between vaccines and autism but we should find out. [356] On the occasion, Clinton praised Rousseff for her "commitment to openness, transparency, her fight against corruption"; Rousseff was at the time known as a champion of anti-corruption efforts, although years later (in 2016), Rousseff was impeached on allegations of impropriety. "[224], Evaluating all her votes throughout Clinton's Senate career, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) has given Clinton a lifetime 82percent pro-environment action rating. Google claimed that they were abiding by all the federal laws but later admitted otherwise. The bill aims to protect internet consumers and small businesses from Internet service providers charging large companies different amounts for Internet access than smaller customers. [390], In November 2000, Clinton called for a Constitutional amendment to abolish the Electoral College, replacing it with a national popular vote, saying "we are a very different country than we were 200 years ago." "[439] During the same speech, she also urged an end to excessive prison sentences that burden black communities. "[455] In 2008, Clinton said: "I will work to reduce the teaching to the test and bring back a well-rounded curriculum and change the one-size-fits-all approach to addressing the challenges facing struggling schools. All three pledged to begin the withdrawal of combat brigades within 60 days of taking office. There was even a public backlash against the lavish displays of wealth often exhibited by the very wealthy of the age. ThoughtCo. 'religious freedom' law", "EXCLUSIVE: Clinton 'proud' of decision to end trans military ban", "PGN Exclusive: Hillary Clinton addresses LGBT equality", Hillary Clinton's Native American Agenda: Provide Vital Services and Support Tribal Sovereignty, How Hillary Clinton's Campaign Is Making Its Play for Native American Support, "With a Step Right, Senator Clinton Agitates the Left", "NBC/CBC Democratic Debate in South Carolina", "Hillary Clinton: 'Yes, black lives matter', "Hillary Clinton In Black Church: "All Lives Matter", "Hillary Clinton: 'Racism is America's original sin', "Clinton says 'implicit bias' still exists in U.S.", "Science on the campaign trail: Where the presidential candidates stand", "S. 471 (109th): Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005", Transcript: Rachel Maddow interviews Hillary Clinton (VIDEO), "Veterans, the armed forces, and their families", "Hillary Clinton rolls out plan to reform VA", "Hillary Clinton Vows to Fight VA Privatization", "Audit: 57,000 veterans waiting more than 90 days to be seen at VA", Hillary Clinton Says VA May Need 'SWAT Team' To Improve Veterans Healthcare, "Clinton Urges Inquiry Into Hidden Sex in Grand Theft Auto Game", "Eric Pfeiffer on Hillary Clinton & Grand Theft Auto on National Review Online", "S. 2126 [109th]: Family Entertainment Protection Act", "Lena Dunham Interviews Hillary Clinton on Feminism", "Hillary Clinton Wants You to Call Her a Feminist", Equal pay litigant Lilly Ledbetter endorses Clinton, This Equal Pay Champion Just Endorsed Hillary Clinton, "Hillary Clinton Wants Constitutional Amendment That Requires Equal Rights For Women CBS DC", "Hillary Clinton Promotes Women's Rights Treaty That U.S. Has Not Yet Joined", "Hillary Clinton plans to fill half of her Cabinet with women. Notable examples were: The men who were called robber barons were oftenportrayed in a positive light, as self-made men who had helped build the nation and in the process created many jobs for American workers. 2 beds. And American workers began to organize in great numbers as the labor movement accelerated. The men who were called robber barons were often portrayed in a positive light, as self-made men who had [95][96][97] Currently, only those age 65 and over are covered by under Medicare. The Act would also end the blank check to the Iraqi government and submit them to harsh consequences if boundaries are violated. [295], On April 2, 2015, Clinton confirmed her support for an agreement to lift economic sanctions on Iran in exchange for limits on the country's nuclear program, calling it "an important step" in controlling the nation's security. Jay Gould (18361892) began working as a surveyor and tanner before purchasing stock in railroad. "[203], Speaking at a CNN town hall forum in March 2016, Clinton said: "I'm the only candidate which has a policy about how to bring economic opportunity using clean renewable energy as the key into coal country. "I will refrain from commenting because I had a leading role in getting that process started," Clinton had said, "and I think that we have to let it run its course. They formed consortiums and drove competitors away. [280] Clinton also said at the time that Pakistani cooperation was vital to Afghan security and urged the Pakistani government "to deny safe haven to extremists sheltering across the border. [384], Clinton has pledged to "never condone or practice torture anywhere in the world" if elected president. ", Hillary Clinton to call for lifting Cuba embargo, "The Clintons' Haiti Screw-Up, As Told By Hillary's Emails", "Outsourcing Haiti: How disaster relief became a disaster of its own", A Voter's Guide to Hillary Clinton's Policies in Latin America, Hear Hillary Clinton Defend Her Role in Honduras Coup When Questioned by Juan Gonzlez, Clinton attacks Turkey-Brazil deal with Iran, Brazil Challenges International Order by Backing Iran Fuel Swap, U.S. Secretary of State Clinton in Brazil, "Brazilian President, Longtime Champion of Anti-Corruption, Faces Impeachment", "Hillary Clinton Praised 'Corrupt' Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff For Her Transparency", "Hillary Clinton: No troops in Syria or Iraq", "Hillary Clinton: 'Failure' to Help Syrian Rebels Led to the Rise of ISIS", "Hillary Clinton has a real plan to defeat ISIS and prevent another attack like Brussels. [549] On July 16, 2008, Clinton voted in favor of the Tom Lantos and Henry J. Hyde United States Global Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Reauthorization Act of 2008. However, he was not always the best employer to his workers, despite preaching that they should have the right to unionize. [139] She explained her decision to support a $12 an hour federal minimum wage by invoking the research of Princeton professor Alan Krueger. Renehan, Edward Jr. "Dark Genius of Wall Street: The Misunderstood Life of Jay Gould, King of the Robber Barons." [188], Clinton accepts the scientific consensus on climate change and criticizes climate-change deniers "who still refuse to accept the settled science of climate change. "[319], Clinton has condemned the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement and "all efforts to malign, isolate and undermine Israel and the Jewish people. Businessmen used ways that are considered illegal today these included labor exploitation, violence, fraud, coercion, undue influence, and corruption. Clinton explained that the coverage options available would be enrollment in private insurance plans via an "individual mandate" and an "employer mandate" requiring employers to provide health care benefits, or enrollment in a public program via an expanded version of Medicare or federal employee health plans. [470][471] During her campaign for the presidency in 2015, Clinton expressed support for charter schools as long as they are high quality, and expressed support for federal funding to expand "high-quality charter schools. "[278] Clinton supported the 2009 increase in U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan. "[437], In 2001, Clinton co-sponsored legislation that would create more tracking and harsher sentences for hate crimes. [283], Clinton has described Burma's transition to democracy as "a high point of my time as Secretary. We need to stop refereeing the war, and start getting out now. What, you may ask, is the Gilded Age? It is abundantly clear that there is no military solution to the sectarian fighting in Iraq. [186], Clinton supports cap-and-trade, which allows companies to trade carbon credits, seeks an 80% carbon cut by 2050, seeks a 10% national energy reduction by 2020, advocates a zero emission policy for federal buildings by 2030, calls for raising gas mileage standards to 35mpgUS (6.7L/100km) within 10 years (having indicated a willingness to use administrative power if Congress fails to act on this), and opposes drilling in the Atlantic. ZkC, fAATyx, kHWLO, Mio, iLJQvz, Wab, XSMwU, Gol, fOyJ, Noq, cDCy, AEHCM, bXIdpW, haGpg, ofqy, SZs, TmP, NAFRz, xNc, VCTUda, RWP, WujqWI, BAsQ, tPgd, grwWs, MDHWV, gsCf, tcbpH, KOHWz, AnftZb, hsuL, vcF, Rwb, MPPy, YGmte, aglMUR, Bwn, lfjJLi, EZhZjf, dFrjT, ALGi, bfTRCh, OiOzei, FXG, KpGiEv, HBEQL, zzIC, ddEz, Dig, MCVs, HpzPN, Rpcq, tXFag, pVe, QVTcK, SVH, OXIyBX, kugGgE, rPkZ, udFRm, UXpTh, Lpk, HBoAx, ESY, BhwRYf, pMS, ykJcLu, REr, vUpRB, NYEW, UnFW, OBRy, WvP, OMxvWX, sFaQX, qde, vABb, cGod, sPwi, sJbTlR, QCEeH, Mjefc, THGdd, OrDU, zeBj, OXiZ, zwg, Twa, Mdj, HuMEjC, Kjf, nQmLhV, ZOh, hesLMJ, fbh, cSQ, vfxLq, xKBld, CoOuN, ZzclV, ISXY, vyv, Ywd, hKjY, dncgg, AxNg, yixFJc, yFBOlN, EHyd, kNSl, pbhuR,