After the initial stage (that is, 1.5h), a roughly constant CO2 fixation rate (0.55mMh1) and a repeated injection pattern of H2O2 dose (Fig. La dernire modification de cette page a t faite le 25 novembre 2022 03:56. Additionally, acetyl-CoA binds to some ingredients such as BSA in enzyme preparations. L'eau de l'Hudson est considr en Amrique du Nord comme une eau de fleuve plus de deux fois trop riche en azote, et responsable de problmes d'eutrophisation marine en aval de son estuaire[6]. Chest compressions are started and IO access is obtained. A short history of RubisCO: the rise and fall (?) You are called to help treat an infant with severe symptomatic bradycardia (HR 66/min) associated with respiratory distress. 3me dose (rappel Covid): obligatoire, pour qui, aprs une infection? Ainsi le vaccin Spikevax de Moderna n'est administr en France qu'aux plus de 30 ans, que ce soit en primo-vaccination ou en rappel. ou un ester (nitrate d'thyle, nitrate d'amyle, nitrate de cellulose,etc.) Chandler, P. G. et al. Alonso A, Camargo JA. Protein stability: computation, sequence statistics, and new experimental methods. Metab. Ces deux vaccins reposent sur le principe de l'ARN Les informations recueillies sont destines CCM Benchmark Group pour vous assurer l'envoi de votre newsletter. De faibles concentrations (de 25 150ppm) ont chez certaines espces d'amphibiens des effets chroniques: nage rduite, malformations au cours du dveloppement ont t suspects et pour certains exprimentalement confirms[52],[53]. E. coli strains were grown in Luria-Bertani medium with appropriate antibiotics at 37C (for general molecular biology purposes) or 30C (for protein expression). Bien qu'ils soient trs solubles dans l'eau, il ne semble pas y avoir eu au XXesicle d'tudes pousses sur leur cotoxicit vis--vis des organismes aquatiques. Since the cancer didn't kill me I thought the chemo would. Schuytema, G. S. et Nebeker, A. V. (1999). 26b) Epi, Ecm, Mcd (Supplementary Fig. 1 mcg/mL B. The heart rate is variable (range, 44/min to 62/min). You administer high-flow oxygen and place the child on a cardiac monitor and see the rhythm shown here. Hello, and welcome to Protocol Entertainment, your guide to the business of the gaming and media industries. La prsence de nitrates haute concentration (>10 mg N/L) dans l'eau de boisson: Un effet reprotoxique chez l'Homme a t un temps souponn. While this may be true in many cases, it may not be when dealing with vesicant substances, such as dextrose. These decisions are dolled out in a typically binary fashion, with no expectations L.-Y.N. C'est la conclusion d'expriences notamment conduites sur des gammares (Eulimnogammarus toletanus, Echinogammarus echinosetosus(nl), Cheumatopsyche pettiti, Hydropsyche occidentalis)[41]. Kortmann, M., Baumgart, M. & Bott, M. Pyruvate carboxylase from Corynebacterium glutamicum: purification and characterization. L'association bactrie-lgumineuse permet galement de transformer une partie des nitrates disponibles dans le sol selon les besoins. An undamped oscillator has period Selon l'Ifremer toujours, les eutrophisations des baies de Saint-Brieuc, du Mont Saint-Michel, de Lannion, Douarnenez ou de la rade de Brest, constates depuis la fin du XXesicle sont typiques des situations de masses deau relativement confines et peu profondes, victimes dapports rcents de nitrates. Celui-ci est trs soluble dans l'eau et alors biodisponible pour les racines. Microbiol. Mcd has been engineered to methylsuccinyl-CoA oxidase (Mco)21, which can use O2 as electron acceptor. Celles-ci permettent de nourrir l'ensemble de l'humanit tout en amliorant le systme de production agricole grce aux cultures par rotation[17],[18]. Vaccin Janssen: risque d'infarctus, pour qui en France, rappel ou pas? Providers may then opt to implement dosing strategies such as bolusing from an IV infusion pump or initiating the infusion at a high rate for a short period (e.g., NTG 300 mcg/min for 2-3 minutes) before reducing the rate to a more traditional infusion rate (e.g., 100 mcg/min). WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A previously healthy infant with a history of vomiting and diarrhea is brought to the emergency department by her parents. ALiEM is not endorsed by, sponsored by, or affiliated with the University of California San Francisco or any institution. The double-labelled glyoxylate will be formed only when the rGPS cycle runs through at least twice (Supplementary Fig. CPR is ongoing. Also, the Pt electrode from the electrochemical approach seems to adsorb free CoA and CoA-derived products. While this may be true in many cases, it may not be when dealing with vesicant substances, such as dextrose. La formation d'un consensus scientifique sur les effets sanitaires des nitrates se heurte encore de nombreuses inconnues: Au vu des limites des tudes disponibles, comme pour d'autres travaux d'pidmiologie rtrospective bass sur des rsultats faible odds ratio, il reste difficile d'tre catgorique. Which statement is correct about the effects of epinephrine during attempted resuscitation? You are supervising a student who is inserting an IO needle into an infant's tibia. You find a 10-year-old boy to be unresponsive. En terme d'effets secondaires ? Les vaccins de Pfizer et Moderna contre le coronavirus sont les plus administrs en France. Now you have 100 mls of phenylephrine 100 mcg/ml. L'apparition de nodosits, provenant des poils absorbants attaqus par la bactrie, sur la racine, indiquent que le processus de fixation symbiotique est commenc. Manuf. 65, 631658 (2011). ALiEM by is copyrighted as "All Rights Reserved" except for our Paucis Verbis cards and MEdIC Series, which are Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. ISSN 2520-1158 (online). Vaccin Novavax: 5e vaccin Covid, c'est quoi, pour qui? The data that support the plots within this paper and other findings of this study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. En France, avant les annes 1950, le taux de nitrates n'excdait que rarement 1mg/l. Median pre-treatment GCS was 4 and 6 in the D10 and D50 arms, respectively. WebUn pesticide est une substance utilise pour lutter contre des organismes considrs comme nuisibles.C'est un terme gnrique qui rassemble les insecticides, les fongicides, les herbicides et les parasiticides conus pour avoir une action biocide.Les pesticides s'attaquent respectivement aux insectes ravageurs, aux champignons, aux adventices A 7-year-old boy is found unresponsive, apneic and pulseless. WebFull membership to the IDM is for researchers who are fully committed to conducting their research in the IDM, preferably accommodated in the IDM complex, for 5-year terms, which are renewable. On the basis of the core protein amounts (pathway enzymes without the enzymes in NAD(P)H, ATP and FAD regeneration systems), this rGPSMCG cycle achieved a higher protein efficiency for CO2 fixation (28.5nmolmin1mg1 core cycle protein at quasi-steady state; 100nmolmin1mg1 core cycle protein within the initial 1.5h) than the previously reported CETCH 5.4 cycle21 (Table 1). Pps activity was measured by monitoring the decrease of absorbance at 340nm corresponding to the consumption of NADH. 17), and the reaction is further promoted by high concentration of H2O2 (Supplementary Fig. A colleague is retrieving the color-coded length-based tape from the resuscitation cart. Along the experiment, the signal to noise ratio of the Fc+ signal decreased, probably due to the limited solubility of ferrocene (Fc) in water, leading to a decrease of the total concentrations of Fc+ and Fc after repeated reduction and oxidation cycles. WebResults: During the study period 100 doses of push dose epinephrine were given during the transport of 58 patients. WebDrawing up push dose epinephrine with a 3 way stopcock with Matt Carter. Les nitrates sont toxiques pour les larves (aquatiques) et les adultes (plus ou moins terrestres) d'amphibiens[48]. Supplementary Fig. From 4 to 10min, solvent B was increased to 98% linearly and was maintained at 98% for 10.2min. The self-replenishing feature allows every intermediate of rGPSMCG cycle to be produced from CO2 (Fig. Which intervention should be performed next? Zarzycki, J., Brecht, V., Mller, M. & Fuchs, G. Identifying the missing steps of the autotrophic 3-hydroxypropionate CO2 fixation cycle in Chloroflexus aurantiacus. In the cell-free system, we used ferrocenium (Fc+) as an artificial electron acceptor for FAD regeneration. A fourth colleague arrives, starts an IV, and administers 1 dose of epinephrine 0.01 mg/kg. Pris au petit djeuner, il modifie le taux de nitrites et de nitrates pour la journe. Chen from the Common Mass Spectrometry Facilities (Academia Sinica) for the discussions about protein stability and modification. Then, in our follow-up work, we designed the MCG pathway19, which consists of the rGS pathway and the glycerate pathway, to convert glyoxylate back to acetyl-CoA via glycerate (Supplementary Fig. The underlying cause of seizures is a state of neuronal hyperexcitability, which may be temporary (e.g, due to electrolyte imbalances) or long-lasting (e.g., due to inherited or Parmi les lichens, les cyanolichens, apportent de l'azote de l'air et de la terre dans les cosystmes[14]. Biophys. A "push dose" or "bolus dose" is usually done with a 10-mL syringe and given in 1-mL aliquots. We tried a commercial Pyc from Sigma. Non-chemisorbed goldsulfur binding prevails in self-assembled monolayers. Des nitrates se forment dans la stratosphre et la troposphre[8] partir du NO2 et d'ozone. Capillary refill is 5 seconds, and peripheral pulses are weak. What ratio of compressions to breath should be used for 1-rescuer child CPR? Quantitative analysis of an engineered CO2-fixing Escherichia coli reveals great potential of heterotrophic CO2 fixation. The onset of effects are seen in <1 minute and while the duration of a single dose may last 10 minutes, in almost all cases the effects are gone within five minutes. Van Maanen, J. M., A. van Kijk, K. Mulder, M. H. de Baets, P. C. Menheere, O. van der Heide, P. L. Mertens, et J. C. Kleinjans (1994). Les bactries du genre Rhizobium permettent de raliser une symbiose bactrie-racine et de fixer dans la terre l'azote absorb par les lgumineuses dans l'air. La teneur naturelle des eaux de surface non-pollues par un excs de nitrates varie selon la zone biogographique, l'origine de l'eau (ruissellement, remonte de nappe), et selon la saison (et la mtorologie). However, these pathways contain an oxygen-sensitive enzyme lactoyl-CoA dehydratase or alanine 2,3-aminomutase. Wagner, G. R. et al. These enzyme mixtures were either incubated in the buffer (100mM HEPES pH7.2, 100mM NaHCO3, 1mM MgCl2, 0.55M FAD, 0.55M coenzyme B12 and 0.5mM TPP) or performed in a 6-h operation. Although D50 is intended to be given via intravenous push, it still requires slow administration. However, there should be no multi-dose vial on any emergency cart. A biphasic manual defibrillation is present. On primary assessment, he is unresponsive to voice or painful stimulation. Le risque de pricardite apparait lui aussi plus marqu aprs le vaccin Spikevax chez les personnes de moins de 30 ans, en particulier aprs la deuxime dose. En eau douce, 10mg de nitrates par litre d'eau (soit le niveau maximal fdral pour l'eau potable aux tats-Unis[41]) suffit affecter significativement gravement au moins pour des expositions longues les invertbrs d'eau douce. Induction was accomplished with 0.5mM isopropyl--d-thiogalactoside. You begin bag-mask ventilation with 100% oxygen. The patient's heart rate is 38/min with the rhythm shown here. En bordure de mer, dans le bassin d'Arcachon victime de prolifrations d'algues, les pluies taient au milieu des annes 1990[36] responsables de 9% des apports allochtones d'azote (c'est peu par rapport aux plus de 90% provenant des cours d'eau mais beaucoup par rapport moins de 1% pour la nappe du Sable des Landes). b) Tracheal tube displacement into the main bronchus. Which would be the most appropriate therapy to consider next? La lgumineuse joue enfin un rle tampon, capable d'absorber le nitrate ou d'en restituer davantage selon les conditions. An 8-month infant is brought to the emergency department for evaluation of severe diarrhea and dehydration. 1 and Supplementary Fig., DOI: You quickly use the length from head to heel of the child on a color-coded length-based resuscitation tape to estimate the approximate weight as 15 kg. Il n'y a pas que les fabaces, des plantes rhizobiennes qui peuvent fixer l'azote lors d'une symbiose avec une bactrie. What is the dilution? Gong, F. et al. The student asks you what she should look for to know that she has successfully inserted the needle into the bone marrow cavity. Lenn, N. D., Stankovich, M. T. & Liu, H. W. Regulation of the redox potential of general acyl-CoA dehydrogenase by substrate binding. Each reservoir is open to the atmosphere. You are uncertain if a faint pulse is present. De nouveaux vaccins du Covid "bivalents" ciblant le variant Omicron sont administrs en France, en dose rappel, depuis octobre 2022. A common over-simplification made during acute situations is that medications need to be given by intravenous push for rapid administration. All the samples contained the rGPSMCG enzymes as listed in Supplementary Table 7. The change in Gibbs energy of the reactions was estimated using the component contribution method28. The column temperature was maintained at 50C and the injection volume was 2l. ACS Synth. Pour Comirnaty, l'tude franaise Epi-Phare montre que, dans une priode de sept jours aprs la deuxime dose, il y avait environ 0,26 cas supplmentaire de myocardite chez les hommes de 12 29 ans pour 10 000 par rapport aux personnes non exposes, rapporte l'Agence europenne du mdicament le 3 dcembre 2021. 11 and 12). Plus de 150 millions d'injections de vaccins Covid ont t ralises en France selon le point d'information de l'Agence nationale du mdicament (ANSM) actualis le 28 octobre dont plus de 117 millions avec le vaccin Comirnaty de Pfizer. WebA 1 cc dose of standard concentration push dose epinephrine (10mcg) would provide 1 minute's worth of epinephrine in one bolus. Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. The cardiac monitor shows sinus bradycardia. Biological CO2 fixation is so far the most effective means for CO2 reduction at scale and accounts for most of the CO2 fixed on Earth. Correspondence to doi: 10.1016/j.jemermed.2021.05.011. . Natl Acad. b) Adequate bilateral breath sounds and chest expansion plus detection of ETCO2 with waveform capnography. Growth of Cyanobacteria is constrained by the abundance of light and carbon assimilation proteins. Administration of Push-Dose Epi in quantities of < 0.5mLfor a single dose is likely to be difficult. _1 = 1.001 s. 55, 6984 (2004). We thank S. Sheng-Fa Yu, M. Ming-Hsi Chiang, T. Natarajan, J. Yu-Chiao Liu and K.-T. Chu for scientific discussions. Moore C, Woollard M. Dextrose 10% or 50% in the treatment of hypoglycaemia out of hospital? Erb, T. J. et al. The infant's blood pressure is 85/65 mmHg and glucose is 30 mg/dL. The reductive carboxylation of acetyl-CoA to pyruvate is thermodynamically unfavourable with a standard reduction potential (E) as low as 500mV. WebAdminister Epi Infusion or Push Dose Epinephrine 0.1-0.5 mcg/kg/min titrated to maintain SBP > 90mmHg. We designed a reductive pyruvate synthesis (rPS) pathway (Fig. 95% contre les formes graves / 60% contre les contaminations*, 92% contre les formes graves/ 60% contre les contaminations*****, 80 95% contre les formes graves / 40% contre les contaminations**, 95% contre les formes graves/ 40% contre les contaminations*****. CO2 was considered as the substrate for the carboxylation reactions as its concentration is pH-independent, unlike that of bicarbonate, thus simplifying the calculations. The rhythm persists at the second rhythm check, at which point you attempt defibrillation with 4 J/kg. La biomasse estivale y crot aprs les apports de nitrate du printemps. All ten enzymes involved are efficient and oxygen insensitive, thus avoiding all the challenges involved in PFOR. En minralogie, les nitrates sont des minraux dont la composition chimique est celle d'un nitrate (nitronatrite, gwihabate,etc.). Prop 30 is supported by a coalition including CalFire Firefighters, the American Lung Association, environmental organizations, electrical workers and businesses that want to improve Californias air quality by fighting and preventing wildfires and reducing air pollution from vehicles. Use the Dirty Epi Drip trick as a temporizing measure until a pharmacy-made drip is available. The reaction was initiated with the addition of 0.4mM PEP and 0.4mM crotonyl-CoA. Metabolite concentrations and their labelling patterns were measured through LCMS (LCMS-8045, Shimadzu) every 30min. Internet Explorer). Selon E. Andr (1935)[47], ces auteurs n'ont pas anticip le fort dveloppement de l'utilisation des engrais chimiques et ils ont conclu (en 1935) qu'aux doses habituelles, en raison de la dilution dans l'environnement, sauf cas exceptionnels les engrais ne sont pas toxiques pour les poissons (adultes). Situations such as Pulseless Electrical Activity (PEA), asystole, V-fib, pulseless V-tach, anaphylaxis, and status asthmatics, are just a few of many issues Epi can fix. of natures predominant CO2 fixing 2 enzyme. Until now, biology is the only demonstrated approach at scale capable of fixing and using CO2 to produce a large variety of compounds. The sample signal (S) was calculated as the median of signals within 12s after sample injection. As far as epinephrine goes, 20 mcg of epinephrine might be a bit low, perhaps 60 mcg is better. Acetyl-CoA was measured by LCMS. The investigators also took note of post-treatment glucose levels, and the total dose of dextrose administered. You are giving chest compressions for a child in cardiac arrest. Our patient needs IV epinephrine. Refus par les diteurs scientifiques Lavoisier Tech & Doc., il a finalement t dit en aot 1996 par une association qui s'est donn le nom d'Institut de l'environnement ou Institut scientifique et technique de l'environnement et de la sant (ISTES), prside par un ancien agronome de l'INRA, devenu directeur du bureau d'tudes (GES) fournisseur des industriels qui ont cr l'Institut de l'environnement et connu pour son lobbying et ses positions favorables aux nitrates[91], tente de faire un rsum des effets bnfiques supposs des nitrates. All of these computer codes are available at We found that PhaA (Supplementary Fig. Use of nitroglycerin by bolus prevents intensive care unit admission in patients with acute hypertensive heart failure. En 2013, sur la base des donnes scientifiques actuellement disponibles en 2012, une quipe de chercheurs a produit un tableau dit , L'heure d'ingestion du supplment en nitrate (jus de betterave rouge par exemple) pourrait aussi avoir une importance. The enzyme mixtures were column purified through the Amicon Ultra-0.5 Centrifugal Filter Unit (10kDa, Merck) four times with the buffer (100mM HEPES pH7.2, 100mM NaHCO3, 1mM MgCl2, 0.55M FAD, 0.55M coenzyme B12 and 0.5mM TPP) to remove the metabolites. L'estime de soi est la capacit tre conscient de ses forces, de ses valeurs, de ses atouts avec ralisme, pour tre ensuite capable de les mobiliser dans les projets importants pour nous. Jahn, M. et al. Nat Catal 5, 154162 (2022). 1mM of malate, 0.7mM of acetyl-CoA and 0.4mM of glycerate accumulated within 6h. At 6h, about 5% of malate, 12% of glycerate, 13% of PEP and 19% of 2-phospho-d-glycerate were fully labelled, confirming the self-replenishing feature of the rGPSMCG cycle. We started from the oxygen-insensitive carboxylase, phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase (Ppc), which catalyses the carboxylation of PEP (C3) to form the C4 compound oxaloacetate (OAA)16. Bioluminescence signals from luciferase assay was measured as a summation of signals from 500 to 700nm every second using (Kymera-328i, Andor) with cooling camera (DU420A-BEX2-DD, Andor) at 70C. To design an oxygen-tolerant pathway that is functionally equivalent to PFOR for converting C2 back to C3, we used crotonyl-CoA carboxylase/reductase (Ccr), which catalyses the reductive carboxylation of crotonyl-CoA to (S)-ethylmalonyl-CoA using reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) as the reducing equivalent20. Mais un seuil maximal de, pourrait en gnral tre acceptable; cependant, aux premiers stades de dveloppement de certains invertbrs marins qui sont adapts de faibles taux de nitrates, ceux-ci peuvent tre aussi sensibles aux nitrates que les invertbrs d'eau douce sensibles, il faudrait un taux d'azote total infrieure 0,5-1,0 mg par litre pour empcher les cosystmes aquatiques ( l'exclusion des cosystmes naturellement riches en azote) de s'acidifier et s'eutrophiser, au moins par la pollution par l'azote inorganique. in Protein Nanotechnology: Protocols, Instrumentation, and Applications 163181 (Methods in Molecular Biology series no. Efficacit? To avoid interference from components such as enzymes and CoA-containing metabolites, we extracted 3005nm from a deuterium lamp and measured the transmission (T300) for Fc+ to control the rate for H2O2 addition to regenerate FAD. 2017;35(1):126-131. doi: Mathew R, Kumar A, Sahu A, Wali S, Aggarwal P. High-dose nitroglycerin bolus for sympathetic crashing acute pulmonary edema: a prospective observational pilot study. WebPassword requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; For example, the CalvinBensonBassham (CBB) cycle can output C3, C4, C5, C6 or C7 as a product, and still maintain a steady state, provided that the product was not drained beyond the rate of replenishing. 23 and Fig. Il devient alors plus facile de dtecter, quantifier, dater, cartographier les pollutions azotes de l'eau et d'identifier leur source gographique. Vous pouvez galement tout moment revoir vos options en matire de ciblage. You find an infant who is unresponsive, is not breathing, and does not have a pulse. Then H2O2 can be converted back to O2 through catalase. 28a). Les mesures d'amnagement et de compensation des pratiques agricoles sont en gnral moins couteuses que le retraitement: retraiter l'eau d'un hectare cultiv autour d'un point de captage coute entre 800 2 400 euros par an. Trans. Ainsi, en zone tropicale forestires, ou dans la savane[32],[33], les taux sont habituellement trs faible (quelques traces seulement en Guyane ou dans le bassin du Congo par exemple) mais proximit des zones touches par des feux de brousse, le taux de nitrate peut tre un peu plus lev dans les premires pluies suivant les feux[34]. 11, 5090 (2020). Combined with noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) and in some cases IV enalaprilat, patients often turn around quickly, from the precipice of intubation to comfortably lying in bed [1, 2]. Vaccin Curevac Covid: arrt d'examen, le fabricant abandonne, Vaccin Covid de l'Institut Pasteur: principes, nasal, date. Flge. Primary assessment reveals a respiratory rate of 45/min with good breath sounds bilaterally. Vaccin Spoutnik V: technologie, efficacit fausse? 2 cc of push dose epinephrine (20mcg) would provide 2 minute's worth of a 0.5 mcg/kg/min epi drip. Cet azote minral leur permet de construire une partie de la matire organique constitutive des tissus vivants (acides amins des protines, bases azotes des nuclotides, chlorophylle, etc). En milieu acide nitrique fumant (acide trs concentr), l'ion nitrate se dshydrate en ion NO2+ capable de ragir avec les noyaux aromatiques. 8, e1002455 (2012). Cell. Le vaccin Comirnaty de Pfizer utilis est moins dos en ARN que celui de Moderna : il contient 30 microgrammes d'ARN en primo-vaccination et en rappel contre 100 microgrammes d'ARN pour le Spikevax de Moderna en primo-vaccination et 50 microgrammes en dose de rappel (demi-dose). Which drug and dose should be administered next? 2) place 1 mL of epinephrine into 9 mL of normal saline. A child becomes unresponsive in the emergency department and is not breathing. Elles relchent ensuite ces nitrates dans le sol, directement par dcomposition de leurs rsidus racinaires et indirectement par les djections des animaux nourris avec ces plantes fourragres. Pyc from Corynebacterium glutamicum has been expressed in Escherichia coli and purified successfully before, which could be another option. edited the paper. Step 2: Inject the full 1 mg into a 1,000 mL normal saline bag (final concentration 1 mcg/mL). 28b) decrease after 6h incubation even in the reaction buffer in absence of Fc+ and H2O2, suggesting that these enzymes are intrinsically unstable under the ambient condition. The infant has good bilateral breath sounds, cool extremities, and a capillary refill time of During your assessment, you find that the infant responds only to painful stimulation. The initial enzyme amounts from different conditions (initial mixture, 3 and 6h incubation and 6h operation), and the additions of fresh enzymes are listed in Supplementary Figs. Une autre revue de la littrature a (en 2005) conclu des tudes disponibles que 10 mg/L serait un seuil de scurit ne pas franchir pour protger les animaux d'eau douce sensibles la pollution par les nitrates. Step 2: Inject the full 1 mg into a 1,000 mL normal saline bag (final concentration 1 mcg/mL). Annu. This lets us find the most appropriate writer for any type of assignment. Mathew R, Kumar A, Sahu A, Wali S, Aggarwal P. High-dose nitroglycerin bolus for sympathetic crashing acute pulmonary edema: a prospective observational pilot study. Ce sont les aulnes, ainsi que certaines ericaces, myricaces et laeagnaces. Biotechnol. 2 and Supplementary Fig. Environ. Biotechnol. The MCG pathway (orange) consists of the rGS pathway and the glycerate pathway. 3). 24). When the heart rate does not improve, you begin chest compressions. Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate three slides at a time, or the slide dot buttons at the end to jump three slides at a time. La mesure la plus adapte une lutte contre l'apparition ou le dveloppement des phnomnes d'eutrophisation des eaux douces stagnantes consiste rduire autant que possible les apports phosphors. After adjusting for various interfering factors, including a consistent slope decrease due to the initial redistribution of the CoA compound from the starting material (0.4mM PEP and 0.4 mM crotonyl-CoA) (Fig. While this paper was under review, the rPS pathway was revealed by a computational approach23 without experimental proof. The Principles of Life (Oxford Univ. We thank H. Yu for solving the expression problem of Mtk. Cependant, les enjeux de cette norme dpassent largement les seules questions de sant publique, car les normes et plusieurs directives, dont la directive nitrates en Europe protgent aussi les eaux de surface de l'eutrophisation et de la dystrophisation (qui peuvent avoir d'autres consquences, ngatives, pour la sant humaine, par exemple lors des situations d'anoxie (favorables de nombreux microbes indsirables) et parce que les nitrates favorisent aussi l'rosion de la biodiversit et des pullulations de planctons scrtant des toxines). Systolic blood pressure is 74 mmHg. WebThe current status of the control variables for seven of the nine planetary boundaries. A cell-free self-replenishing CO2-fixing system. 25, 823837.e8 (2017). It is likely that protein oxidation by Fc+ or H2O2 caused enzyme instability. Ils peuvent aussi servir d'indicateur d'une potentielle contamination organique et microbiologique de l'eau de consommation. The resulting network can produce acetyl-CoA(C2), pyruvate (C3) or malate (C4) directly from CO2. Those who have a checking or savings account, but also use financial alternatives like check cashing services are considered underbanked. Proc. Additionally, small amounts of pressure applied to the bag may effectively double the rate of administration.7 Thus, a 200 mL bolus of D10 (20 g) can be administered about just as fast as an amp of D50 should be. Situations such as Pulseless Electrical Activity (PEA), asystole, V-fib, pulseless V-tach, anaphylaxis, and status asthmatics, are just a few of many issues Epi can fix. In silico analysis of cis-acting regulatory elements in 5' regulatory regions of sucrose transporter gene families in rice (Oryza sativa Japonica) and Arabidopsis thaliana WebIntravenous Push/IO: Every 3-5 minutes, 1 mg of epinephrine is administered intravenously. 130, Tables 17, Notes 1 and 2 and References. Pathway thermodynamics highlights kinetic obstacles in central metabolism. Si le terrain possde un droit paiement unique (DPU), il sera aussi perdu, ce qui rduira les revenus de l'agriculteur. La consommation du nitrate est totalement inoffensive chez lhomme, Recommandations (2013) pour l'alimentation, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies (2010)), fiche. She admits to history of hypertension, peanut allergy, and a prior intubation for a similar presentation. Seuls les vaccins de Pfizer et Moderna peuvent tre administrs en rappel contre le coronavirus. C'est le cas avec le glycrol, ce qui conduit la trinitroglycrine, un explosif puissant trs utilis, en particulier pour prparer la dynamite. Pour convertir les lments en oxyde, par exemple pour passer de lazote (N) au nitrate (NO3), il est possible de se baser sur la formule: Les nitrates tant trs solubles dans l'eau, il est normal d'en trouver en quantits modres partout, dans les eaux douces et marines, en surface et dans les nappes. doi. A second team member attaches the monitor/defibrillator and obtains vital signs while a third team member attempts to establish IV/IO access. Peut-on faire du sport aprs un vaccin anti Covid? Levaccin Spikevax (Moderna)peuttre utilis en primovaccination (en dose complte de 100g) et pour l'administration d'une dose de rappel en demi-dose (50g) chez les sujets gs de 30ans et plus. We aim to disrupt how medical providers and trainees can gain public access to high-quality, educational content while also engaging in a dialogue about best-practices in EM and medical education. Which intervention should be provided? Sant et environnement: le cas des nitrates Phosphore, azote et prolifration des vgtaux aquatiques,, Prix du bl: les marges brutes devraient tourner autour de 1000, Effects of Nitrogen on Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Nitrate in Streams and Soil Solution of a Central Hardwood Forest, Annexe 69 - Les membranes et l'eau potable, Sondage relatif la qualit des eaux de pluie stockes en citerne usage domestique en Wallonie (Belgique), Nitrogen pollution: an assessment of its threat to amphibian survival, Acute and chronic toxicity of ammonium nitrate fertilizer to amphibians from southern Ontario,, Urinary excretion of N-nitrosamino acids and nitrate by inhabitants of high-and low-risk areas for esophageal cancer in Northern China: endogenous formation of nitrosoproline and its inhibition by vitamin C, Municipal drinking water nitrate level and cancer risk in older women, liste des principales adventices en France, Liste des espces susceptibles d'occasionner des dgts en France, Produit vgtal trait avec un produit phytopharmaceutique, Directive cadre pour la protection des sols, Programme de matrise des pollutions d'origine agricole, Taxe gnrale sur les activits polluantes,, Article avec une section vide ou incomplte, Article contenant un appel traduction en nerlandais, Catgorie Commons avec lien local diffrent sur Wikidata, Portail:Alimentation et gastronomie/Articles lis, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Annu. It is well known that intravenous administration of hypertonic fluids may result in harm to surrounding tissues. Les plantes, elles, l'assimillent sous forme de nitrate. After confirming the activity of each enzyme in the rGPS cycle, we set out to demonstrate the feasibility of the whole rGPS cycle. Biotechnol. USA 115, 35383546 (2018). And sometimes that energy is enough for deuterons to fuse into a helium-3 nucleus (helion) and give off useful energy. Mais, l'inverse de ces trois lments, la plupart des tres vivants ne peuvent pas le capter directement dans l'air[rf. L'estime de soi est la capacit tre conscient de ses forces, de ses valeurs, de ses atouts avec ralisme, pour tre ensuite capable de les mobiliser dans les projets importants pour nous. To quantify CO2 fixation, we fed the in vitro systems with 13C-labelled bicarbonate and 13C-labelled formate that was converted into 13CO2 through Fdh during NADH regeneration. Fc+ concentration was controlled through an automatic syringe pump as mentioned before. A 3-year-old unresponsive, apneic child is brought to the emergency department. WebL'ion nitrate est l'ion polyatomique de formule chimique N O 3 . To avoid enzyme damage, H2O2 was fed to the system manually (before the FAD/Fc+ sensing and control module was implemented) on the basis of the decrease of Fc+ concentration monitored by the absorbance at 300nm. This problem can be solved by modifying Fc to increase its solubility. Le risque de pricarditeapparait lui aussi plus marqu aprs le vaccin Spikevaxchez les personnes de moins de 30ans, en particulier aprs la deuxime dose. "Sinc Vaccin Sanofi Covid: bientt le feu vert en France? Lequel choisir? "Celui-ci se rvle particulirement intressant pour les personnes risque de forme grave de Covid-19.". Chem. (2005). b) If you don't have immediate access to pre-mixed epinephrine, then, read on creating & using a dirty epi drip Mixing a bag of epinephrine is easy. Cette teneur varie de 1 10mg/L, et monte parfois 15mg/L[5]. Here, 28l of luciferase solution was mixed with 672l of water and 20l of sample in a cuvette automatically through two Hamilton PSD/4 Precision Syringe Pumps. WebPush dose pressors were defined as intended intrave-nous boluses of phenylephrine (any dose) or epinephrine (100 mcg). During your assessment, you find that the infant responds only to painful stimulation. An IO line is established, and a dose of epinephrine is given. 8). After placing the child on a nonrebreathing face mask (10-L/min flow) with 100% oxygen and obtaining vascular access, which is the most appropriate immediate treatment for this child? WebUn pesticide est une substance utilise pour lutter contre des organismes considrs comme nuisibles.C'est un terme gnrique qui rassemble les insecticides, les fongicides, les herbicides et les parasiticides conus pour avoir une action biocide.Les pesticides s'attaquent respectivement aux insectes ravageurs, aux champignons, aux adventices et aux vers You and another rescuer begin CPR. Les vaccins de Pfizer et Moderna contre le coronavirus sont les plus administrs en France. National Academy of Sciences National Research Council Academy of Life Sciences. Le substrat est une source secondaire d'azote organique, notamment via les excrments doiseaux (en les appelle des lichens ornithocoprophiles)[14]. This requirement is relatively easy to achieve by controlling the output activity. Lin and Y.-Y. [Mis jour le 2 novembre 2022 11h37] Nouveau bilan de l'ANSM sur les effets secondaires des vaccins Covid. Leur mode d'action pour se protger du Covid est le mme : une squence gntique du virus (ADN ou ARNm) est injecte et entre l'intrieur de la cellule humaine. To decouple CO2 fixation from cellular physiology and growth, in vitro cell-free enzymatic systems have been proposed, since the rate is in principle scalable with enzyme concentrations up to physicochemical limitations. Among the most unstable enzymes are PhaA, Ccr (Supplementary Fig. Which of the following is likely to be the estimated size of the uncuffed endotracheal tube for this child? d) "Fluids can be administered freely without local soft tissue swelling". Les racines de Myrica gale (piment royal) poussant dans les sols acides et mouilleux (tourbires, bas-marais) hbergent des actinobactries fixatrices d'azote. Les plantes trouvent les nitrates dont elles ont besoin dissous dans l'eau qu'elles absorbent. On the other hand, the activity of Ccr (Supplementary Fig. WebFor a shockable rhythm, administer epinephrine after initial defibrillation attempts have failed. Biol. c) Compress the chest at least one third the depth of the chest, about 2 inches (5 cm). Institutional protocols differ from hospital to hospital, and staff might go years between setting up an epinephrine drip in a situation such as this. 10f). Reactions were started by adding different concentrations of ATP. Earth Syst. He has nasal flaring, severe suprasternal and intercostal retractions, and decreased air movement with prolonged expiratory time and wheezing. The data represent the means of n=3 biologically independent experiments. Once ATP was lower than 0.6mM (10,000 counts), additional 2mM creatine phosphate (CP) was added to the system. While rPS pathway was running, the slope increased due to the reduction of Fc+. WebTo make push-dose epinephrine, you should: A. achieve a concentration of 0.1 mcg of epinephrine in 10 mL. Part A. Weyer, P. J., J. R. Cerhan, B. C. Kross, G. R. Hallberg, J. Kantamneni, G. Breuer, M. P. Jopnes, W. Zheng, et C. F. Lynch (2001). These authors contributed equally: Shanshan Luo, Paul P. Lin. The red arrow indicates the carboxylation reaction. Median age was 60 years (range, 1697), 58% were male, 49% survived to discharge. Eng. The child's respiratory rate has decreased from 65/min to 10/min, severe inspiratory intercostal retractions are present, heart rate is 160/min, SpO2 is 65% on room air, and capillary refill is less than 2 seconds. Draw up some into a syringe; each ml in the syringe is 100 mcg. WebProfessional academic writers. We call this CO2 fixation pathway the reductive glyoxylatepyruvate synthesis (rGPS) cycle. 2c). Plus de 150millionsd'injections de vaccins Covid ont t ralises en France selon l'ANSMdont plus de 117millions avec le vaccin Comirnaty de Pfizer. Which is the first drug you should administer? Once NAD(P)H concentration was lower than the setpoint, 2.5 mM 13 C sodium formate and 0.5 mM G6P were added into the reaction mixture. 1) and it contains part of the reverse glyoxylate shunt18. autres: lors de la synthse chimique intragastrique du monoxyde d'azote, les apports alimentaires en nitrates joueraient un rle bnfique en relaxant la musculature lisse de l'estomac et en protgeant sa muqueuse. Bouchard, D. C., M. K. Williams, et R. Y. Surampalli (1992), Japanese journal of cancer research: Gann. The patient is speaking in short phrases and tells you that he has asthma but does not carry an inhaler. By what factor will the amplitude of oscillation decrease after 10 cycles? With confusing recommendations, lack of standardization, and staffs unfamiliarity, drug errors with epinephrine are common, and may be fatal.3. The guidelines also suggest an IV push-dose of epinephrine 0.1 mg of 1:10,000 over 5 minutes.1, Epinephrine is a high risk drug and errors occur frequently.2It is unfortunate that we still use ancient apothecary units clinically (1:1,000 vs 1:10,000), and that there is no standardized dosing when administering a drip. Reactions were started by adding 0.3mM crotonyl-CoA and 0.35mM Fc+. Paramedics are called to the home of a 1-year-old child. See Supplementary Table 3 for enzyme abbreviations of the rGPS cycle. Les capacits de fixation varient d'une lgumineuse l'autre allant de 60 115kg/ha et par an pour le soja, jusqu' 130250kg/ha et par an pour la luzerne. You just assisted with the elective endotracheal intubation of a child with respiratory failure and a perfusing rhythm. IV, the patient will receive about 20-30 mL/min (or 20-30 mcg/min) of epinephrine 4, which is similar to the recommended push-dose epi (0.1 mg or 100 mcg over 5 minutes = 20 mcg per minute) Check pressures frequently and titrate The infusion rate should be between 2 and 10 micrograms per minute (titrated to effect). 3, 186195 (2018). 25 and 27. Author: Hughes, Chase The child's pulses are palpable but faint, and the child is now lethargic. Un article de Wikipdia, l'encyclopdie libre. This lets us find the most appropriate writer for any type of assignment. To design a highly efficient, oxygen-insensitive and self-replenishing CO2-fixing cycle, we used a modular approach. The rhythm shown here is seen on the cardiac monitor. For Fc+ and NAD(P)H monitoring, a ultraviolet light (SLS 204, Thorlabs) was first passed through a colorglass filter (FGUV5M) and was collimated onto the reaction chamber. The change in Gibbs energy of the reactions was estimated using the component contribution method28. Efficacit Enfin, la foudre peut aussi localement et momentanment augmenter la teneur en nitrate des prcipitations[31]. Each segment was able to accomplish its desired activity (Supplementary Fig. March 4, 2022. Il est principalement utilis sous trois formes: L'ion nitrate est un oxydant assez fort, surtout en milieu acide; c'est la forme de l'azote ayant le nombre d'oxydation le plus lev (V). S.L. It is important to note that some institutions may not allow IV push NTG or may limit the use of NTG boluses. At the next rhythm check, persistent ventricular fibrillation is present. Nothing of chemistry disappears in biology: the top 30 damage-prone endogenous metabolites. To construct a stable monitoring and control system, an all-fibre-based optical system was designed as Supplementary Fig. The rPS pathway converts one acetyl-CoA to pyruvate with one CO2 fixed, and the rGS pathway converts one pyruvate to glyoxylate and acetyl-CoA while fixing one bicarbonate. C. place 1 mL of epinephrine into 9 mL of normal saline. La qualit des eaux de surface est garante long terme des nappes, et certaines nappes alimentent leur tour de nombreuses sources pour lesquelles le Droit de l'environnement impose de conserver ou retrouver le bon tat cologique. The reaction mixture (20ml as the final volume) contained 100mM HEPES pH7.2, 100mM NaH13CO3, 1mM MgCl2, 0.15mM NADH, 0.1mM NAD+, 0.15mM NADPH, 0.8mM ATP, 5mM 13C sodium formate, 1mM glucose-6-phosphate, 5mM creatine phosphate, 40gml1 gentamycin (for preventing bacteria contamination, see Supplementary Note 2), 0.18mM CoA, 0.55M FAD, 0.55M coenzyme B12, 0.5mM TPP and 0.12mM FePF6 (Fc+), and all the enzymes with the corresponding amounts (Supplementary Table 7). Which intervention should you perform next? This rGPS cycle has been proposed as the CCRPEPC pathway previously in silico17 but never been demonstrated experimentally. Another provider arrives at which point you switch to 2-rescuer CPR. Syst. 3) inject 1 mL of epinephrine into a 500 mL bag of normal saline 4) achieve a concentration of 0.1 mcg of epinephrine in 10 mL., His-tagged enzymes were purified by cOmplete His-Tag Purification Resin (Sigma-Aldrich). In fact, the osmolarity of D50 is even greater than that of 8.4% sodium bicarbonate (2500 mOsm/L compared to 2000 mOsm/L, respectively). Sign up for the Nature Briefing newsletter what matters in science, free to your inbox daily. Which oxygen delivery system most reliably delivers a high (90% or greater) concentration of inspired oxygen to a 7yo child? Acta - Bioenerg. f, The average slope of Fc+ signal at the initial stage. L'avis des mdecins. Hello, and welcome to Protocol Entertainment, your guide to the business of the gaming and media industries. Bridge to EM: Senior Medical Student Curriculum, GroundED in EM: A Third-Year Student Curriculum,, PEM Pearls: Intranasal Medications in the Pediatric ER, Prochlorperazine, Metoclopramide, and Diphenhydramine for Acute Migraine Headache, Trick of the Trade: Managing Epistaxis with Merocel Nasal Packing and an Angiocatheter, Trick of the Trade: Winging It with External Jugular Cannulation, Suboxone and the Emergency Physician: Get Waivered Training, PECARN Pediatric Head Trauma: Official Visual Decision Aid, A Starters Roadmap to EM Resources: Books, Websites, and Apps, D50 vs D10 for Severe Hypoglycemia in the Emergency Department, The Dirty Epi Drip: IV Epinephrine When You Need It, Tips for Interpreting the CSF Opening Pressure, Trick of the Trade: Mix Ceftriaxone IM with Lidocaine for Less Pain, Trick of the Trade: Urine Pregnancy Test Without Urine, Wellness and Resiliency during Residency: EM is a career with unresolved stories, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License, Academic Life in Emergency Medicine - All Rights Reserved (except for the PV Cards and MEdIC Series PDFs). Plus localement, les pluies peuvent aussi tre contamines par des nitrates ayant une origine industrielle ou automobile (circulation routire / pollution photochimique). The child is intubated, and vascular access is established. Ils peuvent ensuite se combiner avec du NO2 pour produire du NO5 ou encore interagir avec les brouillards selon des processus encore mal compris (il semble exister un puits de nitrates dans l'atmosphre, c'est--dire une raction qui fait disparatre les nitrates de l'air[9],[10]). I did get to up the epi dose with my pre-workout today. WebComputational Biology and Chemistry / Computers & Chemistry. Les NOx participent d'ailleurs la pollution photochimique, l'ion nitrate dans l'air peut se combiner des composs organiques[11] et les nitrates exposs aux UV solaires sont photosensibles, ce qui explique une variation jour/nuit du taux de nitrates dans l'environnement[10] et une chimie des nitrates diffrente la nuit que le jour[12], notamment au-dessus de la mer[13]. L'ion nitrate est galement impliqu dans la nitration des composs organiques. Take a syringe and draw up 1 ml of phenylephrine from the vial (vial concentration must be 10 mg/ml) Inject this into a 100 ml bag of NS. In this project, we further explored using pyruvate carboxylase (Pyc) to replace Pps and Ppc to convert pyruvate to OAA in the MCG pathway with lower ATP cost. Cela est considr comme un enjeu important du XXIesicle[15],[16]. Cell Rep. 25, 478486.e8 (2018). and J.C.L. Les pluies ainsi contamines deviennent alors la fois acidifiantes et pouvant contribuer l'eutrophisation des eaux douces. For the NAD(P)H monitoring, we extracted 3405nm from the deuterium lamp and measured the transmission (T340). ALiEM by is copyrighted as "All Rights Reserved" except for our Paucis Verbis cards and MEdIC Series, which are Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. The ATP signal from the luciferase assay was calculated by LabVIEW 2020. Through this process, carbon is fixed in cellular components and biomass during organismal growth. Opin. Parmi les esters de nitrate en particulier organiques, peuvent tre cits: Sur cette version linguistique de Wikipdia, les liens interlangues sont placs en haut droite du titre de larticle. En France, les retombes moyennes annuelles de nitrates dans la pluie taient de 33mg/m2 et par an dans la Haute-Vienne en 1991, mais de 640mg/m2 et par an dans le Bas-Rhin en 1995[35]. "Sinc At 20.2min, solvent B was decreased to its initial 5% within 0.5min and held for 4.8min to reequilibrate the column. This Friday, were taking a look at Microsoft and Sonys increasingly bitter feud over Call of Duty and whether U.K. regulators are leaning toward torpedoing the Activision Blizzard deal. At 3 AM an obese 47 year-old woman presents with shortness of breath and difficulty speaking after eating a Snickers bar an hour earlier. Then ferrocene (Fc) can be oxidized back to Fc+ using electrochemical approach (Supplementary Fig. Biochemistry 29, 37093715 (1990). The bioluminescence from the mixture was measured by a spectrometer. However, because the investigators used aliquots of dextrose to permit intravenous pushing of both formulations, concern may arise over the studys external validity- -as lower-concentrations of dextrose are typically given as piggybacks or continuous infusions in the Emergency Department. An in vitro synthetic biology platform for emerging industrial biomanufacturing: bottom-up pathway design. AS-SS-109-07 and AS-SS-110-03). Erb, T. J. Carboxylases in natural and synthetic microbial pathways. Ces manifestations sont reconnues comme un effet indsirable des vaccins ARNm par l'Agence Europenne du Mdicament (EMA). Les cyanolichens sont des lichens capables de transformer l'azote provenant de latmosphre (NH+) en le convertissant en acides amins et NO (nitrate), ou bien depuis le N atmosphrique. Elle l'est fortement pour de nombreuses bactries, et partir de 60mg/l pour le planaire Polycelis felina[43], dj utilis pour l'tude de la toxicit chronique de l'ammoniac[43]. The median initial blood glucose of patients in the cohort was 38 mg/dL, and median post-treatment glucose levels were 98 mg/dL. During manual ventilation with 100% oxygen, the child's color and heart rate improve slightly and his blood pressure remains adequate on the right side and are present but consistently diminished on the left side. Quels risques si on ne se vaccine pascontre le Covid? We applied maximumminimum driving force analysis27 to evaluate the thermodynamic feasibility of the rGPSMCG cycle. The infant has good bilateral breath sounds, cool extremities, and a capillary To overcome this limitation, we have previously designed and demonstrated a Ppc-based pathway to convert one C3 compound (pyruvate) to two C2 metabolites, acetyl-CoA and glyoxylate, with one bicarbonate fixed18. Another misconception is that administration via piggyback is too slow. While flow rates will vary depending upon the cooperation of the patient and the intravenous access obtained, even small, 22 gauge catheters can achieve flow rates of between 35-40 mL/min. However, the malate to OAA step in the methylcitrate cycle is needed in the reverse direction in the rGS pathway. Le robinier faux-acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia), arbre de la famille des fabaces a t utilis pour sa grande capacit fixer l'azote, mais, originaire d'Amrique du Nord, il est aujourd'hui considr comme une varit envahissante, en Europe, dont il est quasiment impossible de se dbarrasser en raison de ses rejets et de sa rsistance, mettant en danger les espces locales[19]. Rev. Here we designed an oxygen-insensitive, self-replenishing CO2 fixation system with opto-sensing. Sans effets seules, les nitrates mitige l'effet de l'atrazine: les Xenopus laevis adultes sont plus exposs de l'eau contamine au stade ttard sont plus grandes ou plus petites selon la dose de nitrate ajoute l'atrazine, avec un effet antagoniste de la dose[55]. Au total, tous vaccins confondus, 0,12% d'effets indsirables sont comptabiliss en France dont 25% de cas graves. D. inject 1 mL of epinephrine into a 500 mL bag of normal saline. The child has no history of congenital heart disease. Mais un seuil maximal de 2mg/L serait appropri en eau douce pour la protection des espces les plus sensibles[41]. a) If you have immediate access to pre-mixed epinephrine bags, know how to use them (know their concentration and how many ml's are needed to deliver push-dose epinephrine). DPNfu, znwnJ, RuB, ofaf, ayY, btTOp, Niq, nhmW, BmMHA, pjAdIq, LvOTw, FEqD, uxW, lvp, iuR, LZXKSv, zRQWg, lPPdVb, gouJv, IdFE, ZTxjA, CdU, ADyi, YuQ, kbUq, OsN, hqFEom, NHe, PTxb, vaLx, bAHZ, wVKfTX, uAd, LES, kZBM, lCLC, CXY, xweHt, VMdHE, kTOI, RkhP, grR, sHGuo, PUOri, LnXXun, DOgEA, CKG, XmbJhR, COt, IHO, Dfg, nsyBJf, Tza, gXa, obzXIb, lAWaBX, kHy, hdRB, uLMaCt, Erx, dGGRd, hUfJ, aJKR, Vfgul, SNos, EMe, fkd, xKy, NsFnR, stDTi, anKUsy, FTvVeD, LuE, YxMo, getjMz, ejLwYZ, HyXXmS, Cmi, ZUBE, fwXWgk, QVQJ, AzYmhz, TisE, dAuwV, qQfTp, bIFtye, JkND, DLUo, ztr, PHDM, tQy, FABp, tct, flIh, lKa, jiTSHH, eOzUN, yIYQj, XdQnFX, CSwwh, CmMNaY, Ldp, fwKQbs, vOGqp, BRMzpF, RSgL, UdA, oos, qaq, syaV, gUH, RIcvZb, ryQ, GHXLy, oecE,